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Visioform Personal Growth Resources offers the ebook Beyond Suffering

var DatumsString;

Jetzt = new Date();

//aktuelles Datum
Tag = Jetzt.getDate();
Monat = Jetzt.getMonth();
Jahr = Jetzt.getYear();

if (Jahr < 1900) Jahr += 1900;

var Monatneu = new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");

DatumsString = " " + Tag+".";
DatumsString += Monatneu[Monat];
DatumsString += " " + Jahr;

Visioform Personal Growth Resources and Creative Living supports you through books, articles, life coaching, workshops and distance courses to live a self-empowered, healthy, meaningful and fulfilled life.

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Dr. Ulla Sebastian
Beyond Suffering

How to live a self empowered, joyful and fulfilled life

Click here to order the book

A personal message from Dr. Ulla Sebastian:

document.write(+Tag+". " + Monatneu [Monat]+ " "+Jahr+"");

Dear friend,

Tired of Suffering? Joy is a choice.

I won't promise you that it will be done in seconds or minutes. If it were so easy I am sure you would have done it by now with all the books and instructions around.

Forty years of research, work with thousands of people from all over the world and a lifelong experience of Selfgrowth and transformation have taught me that many people resist doing what would be good for them.

This resistance has many reasons. There are three major reasons that I have come across

1. Christian values program you for suffering.
They are so deeply rooted that they are hard to see and even harder to overcome.

The book gives you deep insights why we are so stuck on suffering

2. Our consumer society trains you for 'quickies'. The faster, the better.

In my experience, changing deep-rooted beliefs and habits cannot be done in minutes. It takes a focused and continuous effort.

The book provides the tools how to build your physical and inner strength so that you develop the necessary stamina to move beyond suffering.

3. Our medical and psychotherapeutic system are based on Newtonian principles.

Have you ever wondered why all your work on the physical, emotional and mental level hasn't really changed basic patterns in your life?

The reason is that energetic patterns hold physical symptoms, emotional disturbances and negative belief systems in place.

For basic shifts to happen your body-mind-system needs rewiring so that all your work gets integrated and synthesised on a higher level of frequency.

The book provides the understanding and the tools how to shift the resonance with life-depleting energy patterns and create a higher level of coherence that we experience as well-being, joy and fulfilment

Christian values, consumer values and Newtonian principles for our health are the bad news. The good news is: We got other choices.

1. Eastern traditions have taught us for thousands of years that we are the creators of our life.

We can take control of our thoughts and use the power of the mind to create the reality that we want.

The book provides the understanding of those principles and gives you step-by-step instructions how to apply them to your life

2. Quantum physics helps us to see any disease, emotional disturbance, conflict or mental problem as a disruption or distortion within the informational energy field.

Using work with inner images and resonance patterns, we can correct the dissonance within the information field of the body and create a higher level of coherence. You experience this higher level of coherence as a state of well-being and contentment.

Besides addressing health problems, we can also use these new holographic models for prevention by detecting problems in the energetic field before they materialise physically. Problems that easily manifest as bodily symptoms are negative thought forms, conflicts or emotional disorders.

If you are looking for in-depth background information AND practical hands-on tools how to shift life-depleting energy patterns, strengthen your positive Self and seize your direction in life - this book is for YOU

What is the benefit of this book for YOU?

Consciousness heals. Consciousness is a tool that allows you to see through the illusions and confusions that make you prone for suffering.

To expand your consciousness, you will discover

The four pillars of how to grow joy in your life
The difference it makes when you say YES: YES to life, to the Self, to the other person, to your community, to human values and to the union with life and the challenges that you have to face in making these choices
How the creation of your own story keeps you in bondage and how you can change it
How self-forgiveness can set you free
The difference between guilt feelings and responsibility
The difference between a victim and a victim attitude
The illusion of romantic love, how it makes you unhappy and how you can move beyond it
The secret of true sharing
The power of counting your blessings
The balance of giving and receiving and how you can attain it
The spiral nature of the process of life
How you can use love as a growth process
How you can use your life patterns as signposts for a fulfilled life

You also need hand-on tools such as exercises and instructions. The book provides you with a manual of transformation providing you with tools on the mental, emotional and physical level.

To move beyond suffering, learn to

breathe and pulse in your natural way to build up your energy level
connect with your Higher Self
remove blockages to your fulfilment
let go of the past and live in the here and now
stop being a victim
get clear on your vision and goals in life
understand the higher meaning of painful life experiences and to use them to build your inner strength
stop hurting yourself
broaden your consciousness and increase your practical intelligence
set clear boundaries for your protection
let go of painful childhood experiences
know your limitations and how to expand them
improve your physical health and energy level
release tensions and relax deeply
see through your own games and the games others play
use the power of your mind to create the reality that you want
use the power of your inner guide for direction
make powerful choices that magically draw into your life the resources you need
change the monsters of your life (fears, terror, anger, inner criticism) into allies

Click here to order the book

Are you still wondering if this powerful life enhancing resource is for you? Then download a free copy of the content and examples from different parts of the book

Click here for a free copy as a pdf.file
Click here to read your free copy on screen

May the book support you to move beyond suffering into a self empowered, joyful and fulfilled life

Dr. Ulla Sebastian

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