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You've just discovered a life saver!


You can sign up to have a weekly menu, recipes, and directions sent to you each week!



No more planning -

No more searching cookbooks -

No more last minute shopping trips -


Everyone tells you that having a list helps you save money at the grocery store. But who has time to make lists? Who has time to look for recipes? Who has time to cook? What if you could get all that done for you? Ok, not the cooking, but what if you had a plan that enabled you to cook once, then eat all week?


Cook once and eat all week!


It's true, you will learn how to shop, organize, and get it all done during one day of the week.


You will receive a weekly shopping list, weekly recipes, and of course the menu to go with it. You will receive detailed instructions, and ideas for substitutions.


All of this will be delievered to you every 7 days, without fail. You will not have to think about it, it will be done.


For example on Saturday you could do your shopping in the morning, then come home and prepare the meals for the week, including a nice "Sunday" Dinner.


Then next week, you'll get a brand new menu. Over the course of a year you will receive 52 weeks of weekly menus, with specials arriving during popular holidays.

Nothing to think about, nothing to do, just receive the menu, instructions, and shopping list each week.



[JOIN TODAY](http://1.barrypub.pay.clickbank.net)

By clicking Join today your initial charge will be $10.00. You will then be charged $10.00 each month for 11 months after your initial charge has been made. You may cancel anytime. If after a full 60 days you are not satisfied you may ask for a refund, no questions asked.

Copy Right 2009 Barry Publishing



lower = better; 1 = best

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In database since 2009-03-26 and last updated on 2009-09-08
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