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How to Gain Huge Heaping Slabs of Muscle and Impress All Your Friends

written by [Aaron](/boxing/users/admin) - [0 Comments](/boxing/content/how-gain-huge-heaping-slabs-muscle-and-impress-all-your-friends#commenthere) -

You Want To Put on Muscle, You've Tried Everything and Nothing Seems to Work, You Don't Want to Wait Anymore...

Price - $9.95
[Buy Now](http://1.howtobox.pay.clickbank.net)

Any of those things look familiar?

It's at this point where I'm supposed to say "Dear Friend" and write a long sales letter to convince you to buy this ebook/training plan, telling you how great it is and how it is going to solve all your muscle gaining problems.

Well, and these are harsh words but, I don't really care if you decide to buy this ebook or not, although you can [get it free](/boxing/programs/new-12-week-boxing-training-program) if you want. Let me tell you why - reality is that I've put this here because people who have come to How to Box looking for boxing advice have also asked about gaining muscle - whether it is to get into a higher weight class or just to add some power to their punches.

And, of course, nobody wants to wait years for it - they all want it now.  Well, I can't give you instant muscles without selling you a blow up muscle suit, and I don't have any steroids to hand out, but I can give you the shortest route possible that I know of and that has worked for me and a lot of other people I've trained.

I know what it's like to want to add some muscle, but couldn't no matter what I tried.  Feeling like I was doomed to poor genetics, I was a 135lb skinny kid right up to about the time I joined the Army.  About 3 months later I was significantly heavier and today I weigh in at 180lbs with 10% bodyfat.

I suddenly discovered "The Secret" to adding slabs of muscle quickly -- which I'm sorry to say -- isn't much of a secret at all.  Anyone can do it, it's simple math and a little committment and a little rest thrown in for good measure.

Want Some Proof?

Just to be sure, the training plan works as I say it does, I spent the last 6 weeks using it.  The pictures are below and yes, I know my head is cutoff.  Too bad.  You can either take my word for it that it's actually me in both the before and after picture or not - again not my problem. You are either going to take a chance or not, but for what it's worth - I promise it's me.

During those 6 weeks (which for all you bright people out there, means I followed the 3 week program twice in a row), I decreased my bodyfat by 5% (a little more actually) and increased my lean body mass by about 12lbs - (Notice I didn't say 30lbs or 50lbs - 12lbs is actually realistic muscle growth)

So What Is It?

As you can see, it made quite a difference and what is for sale is the the exact program that I used to do it and you can use too, as many times as you want, to reach whatever weight you want to achieve.

Now, like I said, I'm not going to go into all the fluff, either here or in the ebook, about how all this works.  It simply does.  If you want the how - go buy a bodybuilding book and read up on it.  This ebook is a whopping 22 pages and it includes a 3 week free weight training plan and a 3 week meal plan.  It only covers what is absolutely necessary for you to succeed on this program - I've cut out ALL of the fluff.

What Kind of Equipment Do You Need?

Like I said, it is a weight training/resistance training program - therefore you're going to need access to either a gym or a home gym capable of giving you the resistance you need.  That could mean free weights, a Bowflex, or whatever, but if you don't have the resistance, you're not getting the results, so don't waste your money buying this plan if you don't have access to the equipment.

How About a Meal Plan

The meal plan is simple and comprehensive and doesn't require you to go out and buy a bunch of exotic foods.  You will want to consider purchasing a protein powder and maybe some creatine, but it does not push a bunch of supplements.  In fact, I think all supplements except the two I just mentioned are complete garbage - and yes, you can quote me on that.  Everything in here is easily available at your local grocer.


Don't Waste Your Money

And that's about all I have to say about the ebook/training plan.  Last thing I'll add is that I don't like wasting my money any more than you do.  So, if you do decide to buy it, go ahead and use it and if you aren't seeing the results you're expecting or simply aren't happy with it for whatever reason, ask for a refund within 60 days of purchase and you'll get it - no questions asked. You can get a hold of me at [webmaster@how-to-box.com](mailto:webmaster@how-to-box.com) I'm just that confident it will produce the results you want.

So there you go, nothing to lose and potentially everything you've ever wanted in terms of muscle gain.  And once again, consider [getting it for free](/boxing/programs/new-12-week-boxing-training-program) instead and learning a thing or two about boxing at the same time.

Cost: One time Cost of $9.95
Delivered: After Payment you are instantly directed to the download page where you download a .pdf document that can be read by the free Adobe Reader.

Buy The Instant Download Now and Start Training Today](http://1.howtobox.pay.clickbank.net)

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