Haven't You Ever Wondered Why Your Forex Account Is Not Growing?
(I Learned Why and Now I'm DOING Something About It.)
Hello, my name is Tony Manso. You might recognize me from my interview in the [Automated Trading Championship 2008](http://championship.mql4.com/2008/news/401). In the first week of the competition, I turned $10,000 into over $61,000, placing me first in the competition. Unfortunately, my Expert Advisor activated a failsafe that caused it to stop trading. For the next two weeks I remained in first or second place, but it wouldn't last long because it wasn't placing trades anymore.
I have been trading forex since 2004 but just recently I have perfected a system of trading that can be easily taught to anyone with a basic knowledge of forex. With this system you can grow a $500 account to $1 MILLION in as little as 3 years. I have written an eBook that spells out my strategy in great detail. In it you will learn all about my method of trading, along with a wide variety of valuable information pertaining to forex.
Is this book for you?
I must admit this book is not for everyone. Read this exerpt from the book and you will know right away if you should have this book in your collection.
If you are like me, you have had much success trading, and just as much failure or more. You have drained several demo and live accounts after experimenting with an idea and thinking "I've figured it out, now I'm going to make some real money!". You have determined which is your favorite currency pair, and have learned most or all of its secrets. And yet, your live account does not grow. Or even worse, it doubles or triples and then in a single trade is drained completely. Now you have to wait, maybe even for several months, until you have enough money saved up to try again.
If you can identify with the things in the above paragraph, then this book is written specifically for you. Click on the book cover below to place your order now.
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"); } showTestimonial( "Thank you for the book. It was a great read. The section on the mistakes will prove to be invaluable and the advice has been taken to heart. The money management was also very enlightening and will be put into place in the strategy.", "James", "Cape Town, South Africa"); showTestimonial( "Both new and experienced traders will benefit from the money management insights and trading strategies in this excellent book.", "John", "Colorado, USA");
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