Excerpt from product page

Sound Energy Healing





"Thanks for all your Sound Energy Healing Frequencies. They are
amazing! I haven't felt this much peace since I was little girl! I
especially like the Energy Clearing Frequency, I play it all the time!
I LOVE your idea about putting the Energy Clearing Frequency on my
cell phone! Thanks!"



From : Healing, Wisdom, Love font-weight: 700">.

Ok... I've been a Spiritual Seeker for as long as I can
remember. I have studied the Bible, the Book of Mormon, Buddhism,
Paganism, Shamanism, and Metaphysical/New Age. I am a Reiki
Master/Teacher of Usui although the 'frustration' only lasted for the
first few years while I was desperately trying to discover how the
whole Universal game worked!

Eventually, and after a lot of hard work, _ I did_ work it out and
ever since then I haven't looked back... and in the next few moments,
I can hopefully advise you on how to do the same!


See, nowadays, trying to raise your consciousness is _even more_
difficult and confusing than it used to be. There are so many teachers
on the market to choose from and unless you have the time and money to
test them out, you're basically going to go round in circles.. and _
potentially_ lose a lot of money.

And this is the exact reason why I decided to make these !


The truth is, there are many paths that will get you there,
through a lot of study and strict discipline. In fact, I learned a lot
from all my teachers, but these two programs (the '' and '') worked SO
font-weight: 700">

...and you can see my conclusions below...

Chakras are intimately connected with the power of sound. We live
in a sea of sound. We utilize sound almost exclusively for its
entertainment value and have forgotten the other more ancient
dimensions of

consciousness. Sound is a

vibration and vibration creates form. Hans Jenny demonstrated this
with great clarity when he showed that waveforms acting on liquids and
powders produced geometric patterns. He built a tonoscope which
rendered sound uttered into a microphone into their visual
representation. He discovered that the sounded mantra OM actually
produced its own yantra, the now famous geometric shape of diminishing
triangles within a circular form.

Valerie Hunt, a professor of kinesiology, has measured human
electromagnetic under different conditions. Using an electomyograph,
which records the electrical activity of the muscles. Hunt recorded
radiations emanating from the body at the sites traditionally
associated with the chakras. Through her research she made the
startling discovery that certain types of consciousness were related
to certain frequencies.

She found that when the focus of a person's consciousness was
anchored in the physical world, their energy field registered the
frequencies in the range of 250 cps (cycles per second). This is close
to the body's own biological frequency. Active psychics and healers,
however, registered in the band between 400 and 800 cps, but 900 cps
onwards Hunt correlated what she termed 'mystical personalities' who
had a firm sense of the cosmic interconnections between everything.
They were anchored in reality, possessed psychic and healing
abilities, were able to enter deep trance states, yet had transcended
and unified the separate experiences through a mystic, holistic,
metaphysical philosophy.

The Chakra Attunement Frequencies will unlock and activate the full
Chakra spectrum. The files are quite large because I have made each
file to fill a whole CD, but each frequency is Very Powerful, they
work and you will have 12 full length healing CD's!

One thing is for sure, sooner or later you will get tired of hearing
the same frequency, the same background music or the same nature
sounds over and over and over. It could drive you nuts!!! Wouldn't it
be nice to get the messages into your Body, Mind and Spirit without
hearing a sound? Well now you can and this really works and is way
more powerful then your ordinary sound recording!

As you can see, this program is _HUGE_! Here's what you'll get...

do work but I'd advise you to read my conclusion below before
taking action.


If you want to raise your consciousness Quickly, Easily "
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This product is also listed in

Health & Fitness Spiritual Health Alternative


lower = better; 1 = best

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In database since 2009-02-17 and last updated on 2009-08-30
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