Attention Deficit Disorder Sufferers!
"Control Your ADHD,
Control Your Life!
Airline Pilot With ADD Reveals How He
and His Two ADHD Children Took Control
of Their Lives by Using ADD/ADHD
to Their Advantage!"
Want proof?...
His 24 year old son is ADD/ADHD, is a professional tennis instructor and has set up business dealings to bring together multi-million dollar companies in the U.S. with financial backing in Dubai, U.A.E....all on his own!
His 22 year daughter is ADD/ADHD and is finishing up her senior year in Bio-Medical and Mechanical engineering at a major university on the Dean's List with an "A" average!"
From: Ron Rougeaux
Subject:(ADD ADHD)
Dear Friend,
People with ADD/ADHD have ALWAYS been among the top leaders in business, science and industry through out history.
I'm thoroughly convinced you and your children could be too!
But, let me ask you. Where are you and your children right now?
Are you at the ADD/ADHD stage where you think you'll just keep going as you always have been? Status quo... "I'm sure things will get better"?
Or, maybe, you're a little farther along. Maybe you've seen a few "ADHD specialists" and still nothing has gotten better?
...or, maybe you're at the last stage...the point where you just can't take it anymore?
Actually, you don't have to tell me about any of those stages. In fact, I could probably quote you title and verse.
Why? ...because I've been there.
So, maybe it will help if I tell you a little about my family and myself.
I'm a retired airline captain for a major airline flying 757 and 767 aircraft.
I have two children. My son, now 24 years old is an Eagle Scout and a professional tennis instructor at a 5 Star Resort in California. He was teaching at a world renowned vacation area in an overseas country at the age of 19 and was the youngest in his company of over 100 tennis professionals teaching at 5 star resorts around the world., he's setting up business connections with U.S. businessmen (tennis students of his) to money sources in Dubai, U.A.E... the sources he met while teaching tennis in there at the young age of 20.
My daughter, now 22 years old, is on the Dean's List with an A average majoring in Bio-mechanical and Mechanical Engineering at a Major University
So what?...
The thing is, my children and I all have one thing in common...we all have ADD/ADHD!
How I Went From a "D" Student in high school witheADD/ADHD
to being a Commercial Airline Pilot...
In high school I got mostly C and D grades. It's not that I wasn't somewhat intelligent. It's just that I could never sit still long enough for any length of time to concentrate and read and study unless the subject was REALLY interesting to me. I had to be REALLY interesting!
Here's how bad it was. I always wanted to learn how to fly. I really enjoyed the flying. The problem was: I couldn't study.
No matter how hard I tried, I was never able to sit still for maybe more than 15 to 20 minutes and read the material. (Remember, this was about something I was dying to learn!).
Somehow, I managed to get my private pilot's license at the age of 17 and somehow managed to graduate from high school.
My son, now 24 years old just barely graduated from high school.
He had a temper (when someone with ADD/ADHD has a temper it's usually because of the frustration they feel caused by the ADD/ADHD), was getting into some trouble at school. Nothing really serious, but enough to have my wife and I getting worried.
Well, as you've read above. He still instructs tennis at a top quality tennis club but also is starting his own business.
You know what's not surprising about that? Many CEO's of major corporations and businessmen are ADD/ADHD. What I'm trying to say is there is hope.
Know what?
Being a tennis Pro/Instructor is one of many perfect jobs
for someone with ADD/ADHD!
As I've said, my son is a tennis pro/instructor. Being a tennis pro/instructor is one of many perfect jobs for someone with ADD/ADHD. Just like being a pilot, salesman, CEO, etc.
Why are are these types of jobs perfect for someone with ADD/ADHD? Because these jobs are dynamic and change enough every day, every week, every month to keep an ADD ADHD interested in it after more than maybe a few days, a few weeks or months.
The best employment for someone with ADD/ADHD is an ever changing job or interest. Without it, most likely the person with ADD/ADHD won't be there very long.
My daughter is 22 years old and is in college. She also has ADD/ADHD. However, she's learned to adapt in a different being able to focus on what needs to be done.
Focusing is a skill that's fairly common in people with ADD/ADHD. That's the reason she's able to do so well in Engineering at a major University and the reason I was able to concentrate enough for my flight training skills and college.
Don't Get Me Wrong...There is a downside...
If you have a spouse or significant other, maybe you get complaints saying how you don't listen to them when they're talking to you. It's very important they understand you're not purposely ignoring them when focusing. It's just a symptom someone with ADD ADHD might have.
You could be getting similar or even better results
than my family and I have.
ADD/ADHD parents are under more stress than normal parents because their children tend to be harder to handle and more active at home and school. The stress of living with their own ADD/ADHD and with other ADD/ADHD family members can be overwhelming. (What's the answer? Imagine discovering how to manage a happy and stable home atmosphere. Get the tips and ideas to help you do just THAT!)
ADD/ADHD is passed down from parent to child. If one parent has ADD/ADHD, their child has a 50% chance of inheriting it. If both parents have it, a child is almost 90% likely to have ADD/ADHD.
Negative thinking and ADD/ADHD. Did you know there's a physical reason why ADD/ADHD people think negatively? It's true. It's been proven in studies. (You'll discover why).
Do you have problems controlling money? (Note: See our free bonus book on Fixing Credit). Many ADD/ADHD's are in debt with poor credit rating's or have filed bankruptcy. (Discover how to take control of your finances and stop digging a money hole you can't get out of).
Achieve "awesome" success at work!
Tips to help you achieve awesome success at work or go to the same place all day? (Get tips to help you "not only survive", but excel and go to the "KING of the Mountain" at your workplace!) As someone with ADD/ADHD, you need to know these "facts". Do yourself a favor, and improve your chances of making more money and being more successful at your job.
Get organized at work. (Note: see our free bonus: "Let's Get Organized" included in this package). Get the skills you NEED to be more efficient and organized where it counts! At work and home!
The Scourge of ADHD's...
Video games and TV. Amazing hard facts. Why can your child "zone out" in front of the TV or do video games for hours on end, but not be able to sit still in the classroom or do homework or read for even a short time? (Discover the reason's and what to do about it! You might be surprised at the answers).
How to find the BEST ADD/ADHD coach and therapist! (An ADD/ADHD coach and therapist can help you deal with your ADD/ADHD on a daily basis and provide daily practical ideas to help you improve faster and easier).
Stop procrastination! (Note: See our free bonus book on Stopping Procrastination). Break large assignments or jobs into small, simple tasks. (Set a deadline for each and reward yourself as you complete each one).
Choose a career you can excel in because of YOUR ADD/ADHD! (In a recent Harvard study, it was found ADD/ADHD individuals with the same amount of education earned less than people without ADD/ADHD. Discover the types of careers best suited for your ADD/ADHD!).
Why ADD/ADHD's often have trouble
making friends and staying married
Marriage and Friends...ADD/ADHD's often have trouble making friends and staying married. One of the reasons is they don't always get social cues about other people the way someone WITHOUT ADD/ADHD can. The result?...other people often get the idea the ADD/ADHD person is bored or not interested in them.
Also, because of the constant criticism they've received in their lives, ADD/ADHD people often have low self-esteem. So, they often end up marrying a very critical, uptight spouse. Not good for a long-lasting relationship.
(Discover how to improve your "getting it right" with social cues and body language. Maybe have more friends and find a person in a relationship who really respects you. And maybe get more respect from other people also.
ADD/ADHD's are noted for their inconsistencies
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ADD/ADHD's are noted for their inconsistencies. One day they "can do it" and the next day "they can't". Discover what these inconsistencies are. Knowing these, you'll be better able to understand and "cope" with your ADD/ADHD loved one. You'll be happier because you've taken the time to understand "what's going on with them".
The best ways to find a QUALIFIED ADD/ADHD specialist quickly and easily. (Saves you the time and frustration of not having to search the yellow pages or calling doctors who'll probably never return your calls. Plus you'll have the piece of mind knowing you're getting references to the absolute finest, top-quality ADD/ADHD specialist's available).
ADD/ADHD people often have problems falling asleep and because they can't fall asleep, have problems getting up in the morning. (It's thought there's a physical reason that causes this you'll find out about). You'll discover specific tips on how to go to sleep faster and easier. (Get the deep-sound sleep you need and want, to feel refreshed, alive and ready to "tackle the day ahead").
Diet tips for the ADD/ADHD. (Discover what foods to eat and which foods to stay away from.) It's been proven. An ADD/ADHD will better be able to control their day and will be more "even keeled" during the day by eating the correct foods.
Get the scoop on 3 critical questions (myths?) about stimulant medications you MUST have answered! Knowing these answers can help you make crucial decisions on the type of ADD/ADHD therapy that's best for you and your child. Why take medications if you don't have to?
The A-B-C formula for your child's education. Children with ADD/ADHD have a variety of educational needs and wants. (Discover how you as a parent can play an vital role in the ADD/ADHD learning process and insure your child receives the maximum benefit's an ADHD child is entitled to at school.
When to suspect your child might have ADD/ADHD
When to suspect your child might have ADD/ADHD. ALL children are sometimes restless, sometimes act without thinking, or daydream their time away. Maybe your child has ADHD, maybe he or she doesn't. (Discover the facts to help you decide if you should take action to have your child tested for ADD/ADHD. It could save you a lot of time.)
Outdoors in the wilderness. University findings have proven that spending time in nature will improve ADD/ADHD symptoms. The findings are concise. The more natural and open your surroundings, the more ADD/ADHD symptoms will improve. (Result? You'll benefit more by exercising outdoors in the city park, rather than working out in an indoor gym).
Nail down with a sledge hammer your poor organizational skills and procrastination. (Note: See our free bonus book on Getting Organized) (Result: you'll find yourself getting to those appointments and work when you should, and maybe even get organized like non-ADD/ADHD people.)
How To Find a Top-Quality ADD/ADHD "Expert"
Find an ADD/ADHD "expert" who understands your problems as a result of your ADD/ADHD. You'll know you're getting sound and practical advice.
Did you know where you live can have a HUGE difference on your ADD/ADHD? (Get rid of stress and be happier by living in the "RIGHT" place...The correct place to "match" your ADD/ADHD!
Discover the different TYPES and appearances of ADD/ADHD? Some are obvious... other's are not. The impulsive child who acts before thinking may be considered just a "discipline problem". While the child who's passive or sluggish may be viewed as "unmotivated". Yet both may have different types of ADD/ADHD. (Find out!)
Did you know "ONE SPECIAL" type of ADD/ADHD
is very difficult to diagnose?
Did you know ONE SPECIAL type of ADD/ADHD is VERY difficult to diagnose? (This type of ADD/ADHD can "slip thru" the cracks if you aren't aware of it. Maybe you have a loved one with this type of ADD/ADHD. Find out! Don't take the chance!).
What to do if you can't afford testing for ADD/ADHD and don't have health insurance or you don't qualify for government assistance. (Get the treatment your or your loved one's deserve).
It's a given, we all know exercise is good for us. But did you know that for someone with ADD/ADHD the benefits are even greater and more important? (Find out the best type of exercise to "specifically help ADD/ADHD's"). Who knows. By using these exercises (no guarantee) you might prevent the need for ADHD drugs!
The "secrets" of the IEP (Individualized Education Plan). Discover how to put into practice the "IEP" into your child's everyday life at school. You'll discover how to take full advantage of the "rights" you have as a parent so your ADD/ADHD child's education can be the best it can be. (Your child will learn better so he or she gets better grades in every subject - regardless of their ADD/ADHD handicap).
Herbal remedies...Do they work?
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Herbal remedies...Do they work? Find out if herbal remedies really work. (Get the facts on the active ingredients in most of these supplements and what they do and don't do).
I'm sure you've heard of Ritalin. But, have you also heard the term "the Ritalin Honeymoon"? (Discover a weakness that's been found in one of the most popular ADD/ADHD drugs used. You NEED to know this!)
What exactly is ADD/ADHD? Knowledge is power. By knowing what's causing a problem or problems, you can better cope with, and live a more effective, meaningful, happier life. (Discover WHY your ADD/ADHD spouse or child is doing that!).
Drugs that can help an ADD/ADHD. Getting prescribed the correct ADD/ADHD drug can make a difference of "night and day" in the behavior of some people with ADD/ADHD. But! you need to KNOW the drug selection process. (Be prepared! Do not depend on your ADHD doctor! Get the facts!)
Do you know the side-effects of ADD/ADHD drugs! (Be prepared to make a wise decision when it comes to using ADD/ADHD drugs.) The more you know when working with your ADHD specialist, the safer you AND your ADHD loved one's are.
Meditation, yoga, breathing techniques, biofeedback,
neurofeedback. Do they work to help an ADD/ADHD?
Meditation, yoga, breathing techniques, biofeedback, neurofeedback. Do they work? (Find out if there's any scientific evidence to show these techniques really help an ADD/ADHD).
Imagine taking a family vacation that could be the most fun your ADD/ADHD family has ever had? Not only has this type of vacation worked for our family, but there's "actual" scientific research showing "this type of vacation IS A: PERFECT ADD/ADHD GET AWAY!".
How to "best" handle after-school activities. Outside activities like little league, scouts, church, soccer, etc. can complicate your life more than for non-ADD/ADHD parents. See, you have things like extra teacher and doctor appointments a non-ADD/ADHD parent doesn't have to do. (Find out what YOU can do to make your life easier).
The Feingold Diet. Hype of proven winner? (Discover the "real" facts behind this controversial ADD/ADHD diet plan.)
Imagine your home being the ultimate soothing, relaxing "place to be". (Discover how to design a "Calm Home ADD/ADHD Friendly Atmosphere" allowing an ADHD to concentrate better, be less hyperactive and focus better in their own safe-haven home).
Know your legal rights on the job with your ADD/ADHD!
Know your legal rights on the job! ADD/ADHD is considered a disability under the American's With Disabilities Act. (Find out what this means to you and what special accommodations your employer may be required to provide you).
When an ADD/ADHD child has to go to school and deal with sitting most of the day in a classroom, trouble can begin. That's why most ADD/ADHD is discovered when a child starts going to school. These problems are noticed by a teacher or counselor at school. (Find out what you need to know to help your ADD/ADHD child in school.
How to discipline the ADD/ADHD child! Get the "facts" that really work!
If you have "Real Mother Killer Children"...
You need this information!
If you have "real mother killer children" at home...You NEED the information in here. Get the tips for managing and surviving your kids.
Vacations and holidays can be stressful for all families but especially for ADD/ADHD families. (What you need to know to cope with these stressful events so your family can get by with "minimum disruption" plus have lots of fun besides.
ADD/ADHD children and their pets! (Find out what NOT to do!).
Stop going round and round like a hamster in a cage... Trying to find
your way out. The success you've always wanted CAN be yours!
Well, that give's you a good idea of this valuable ebook. There's actually much more that I haven't covered, but I think you get the idea.
Imagine this: You now have an easy to use book to help you get the most out of your life because of your ADD/ADHD, not in spite of it!
The Conquer ADD/ADHD techniques work equally well for ADD/ADHD adults, children, married or single people. Whether you're sure you have ADD/ADHD or have already been tested for ADHD, "or" just THINK you have ADD/'ll benefit from all these materials.
My suggestion is to not wait another minute but "do it now"!
I can almost guarantee that once you start taking control
of your life, many fine things can happen to you just
like they did to me and my family.
If my son and daughter and I could take control of our lives because of the type of information in this book, then anyone in the world should be able to just as easily.
I warn you though. This book is not a cure-all that will magically take away all of life's problems. But, it will give you some of the tools you need to improve your ADD/ADHD life from where you currently are, and maybe it will even improve your life in ways you never thought possible before.
Even though the price of this book is extremely reasonable,
look how much you could spend to get information
like this somewhere else!
This book covers many different aspects that can effect a person with ADD/ADHD.
How many private consultations would it take to discover some of the practical, everyday skills you can learn in this book? How many? At $125.00 for one 45 minute session?...
2 Consultations? (2 x $125.00 = $250.00) or
3 Consultations? (3 x $125.00 = $375.00) or
4 Consultations? (4 x $125.00 = $500.00) or even
5 Consultations? (5 x $125.00 = $625.00) or more?
But, did you know that many therapists charge upwards of $175.00 for one 45 minute session? So, if you went to one of the many $175.00 for 45 minute therapists, here's what you'd expect to pay:
2 Consultations? (2 x $175.00 for one 45 minute session = $350.00 or
3 Consultations? (3 x $175.00 for one 45 minute session = $525.00) or
4 Consultations? (4 x $175.00 for one 45 minute session = $700.00) or
5 Consultations? (5 x $175.00 for one 45 minute session = $875.00) or more?
So, with your order you get the "Conquer ADD/ADHD Blueprint" Ebook...
But, you also get so much more!
You'll get these FREE bonuses:
Bonus #1: Let's Get Organized!
This 60 page downloadable ebook has easy and simple strategies for getting AND staying organized.
Say goodbye to clutter! With its time saving tips and 12 simple ways to organize... you'll be on your way to taking control of your ADD/ADHD organization problems!
Here are few chapters from the ebook: The Emotional Toll Of Clutter, Take Control Of Your Chronic Disorganization, An Orderly Life, and many other chapters.
Bonus #2: Your Guide To Setting Goals Successfully!
This 68 page downloadable ebook has everything an ADD/ADHD will need to set and achieve goals.
How to get more money, a fantastic love life, a fantastic body, or any other kind of change you'd like to make.
Here are just a few of the chapters in this fantastic ebook: Key Points To Goal Setting, 4 Strategies to developing an action plan, Setting Financial Goals, Goal Setting Do's and Don't's, How To Choose The Right Goals To Focus On and more!
Bonus #3: 101 Tips For Avoiding Procrastination!
This 54 page downloadable ebook has 101 tips to help the ADD/ADHD get things started and completed!
It shows you how to solve procrastination at home, in school and at the workplace.
Plus, this ebook has many helpful bonus tips including procrastination and relationships and self-improvment - a sense of well-being.
Bonus #4: Powerful Tips for Legally Improving Your Credit Score!
This 61 page downloadable ebook shows everything you need to do to not only legally improve your credit score, but actually repair it!
A common ADD/ADHD problem is not being able to control and use money properly. Consequently, many ADD/ADHD's file bankruptcy or have poor credit.
Here are some of the chapters in this excellent ebook: The Best Ways to Boost Your Credit Score, Avoiding Common Credit Score Mistakes, Make Credit Repair Easier On Yourself and many other excellent chapters.
Bonus #5: Change Your Mind...Change Your Lift!
This downloadable ebook asks the question: When did you begin to choose the life you are leading now?
When did you decide on the job you have and not the job you really want? When did you decide that the money you make now is all you can make? Did you decide?
Change Your Mind, Change Your Life is a book about your future and the decisions you are making today, which will create that future.
Bonus #6: The "What" of Character Building! UNCONSCIOUSLY we are forming habits every moment of our lives. Some (hopefully most) are good and some are not so good.
Although most are not so bad in themselves, added up together, they can cause us alot of pain and problems.
This book that gets right to the point about how we shape our own lives... and ideas of what to do about it in this downloadable ebook.
Plus, you'll receive these 7 Special ADD/ADHD Reports.
Worth the price of the ebook alone!
Here are the 7 FREE valuable reports you'll receive:
Report #1: Getting Projects Finished for the Adult ADD/ADHD...
Meeting Deadlines and Completing Projects
Report #2: Suggestions for Parents with an ADD/ADHD Child...
15 straight-to-the-point suggestions ANY parent can use to help raise their ADD/ADHD child with love and discipline.
Report #3: ADD/ADHD Diet...
A Proper ADD/ADHD Diet Can Make a Huge Difference in the way they feel, act and think!
Report #4: Coping Strategies...
Coping Strategies for Teens and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder. Nine straight-to-the-point helpful ideas you can use everyday of the week. Strategies that will work for children and adults with ADD/ADHD.
Report #5: ADD/ADHD Test and Testing...
Simple tests and guidelines to help determine if someone has ADD/ADHD. (Note: The true determination can only be done by a qualified specialist)
Report #6: Brain Testing...
Is brain scan testing reliable? Results on SPECT and QEEG testing and if these tests can really be used to help determine if an individual has ADD/ADHD.
Report #7: Adult ADD/ADHD...
Sometimes it is difficult for someone with adult ADD/ADHD to make a good first impression. Specific recommendations on how an adult with ADD/ADHD can make a "great" first impression!
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The ebook and all the bonuses and reports are completely downloadable and your could be improving your life in just a few minutes from now.
• "Ron has put together the most comprehensive resource on this subject that I have found.
• I especially love the flexible format.
• He has provided both written information - guaranteed to reach any style of learner.
• His information is thorough and up-to-date. If you suspect that you or a loved one has ADD or ADHD, get a copy of this book.
• It will get you on the fastest track to successful treatment for the rest of your life!"
Jenny Dunham
Ron Rougeaux
In reality, you've got three options:
OPTION #1: You can continue to float along as you have always done. Hoping things get better but knowing they probably won't. If that's what you want, I wish all the best to you and your children.
OPTION #2: You can continue to waste your time finding free and many times useless information.
OPTION #3: ...or you can finally start improving your life by picking up a copy of ConquerADD/ADHD. You can take advantage of the hard knocks and experiences my children and I discovered to get your life on track.
You've got nothing to lose. Either it helps you or you get every penny of you money back.
In fact, there's a fantastic life out there just waiting for you and your children to mould to your needs and desires.
But it won't be around forever. So [get your copy of Conquer ADD/ADHD]( today.
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