"Hey Internet Network Marketers...
Now You Never Have To Be Stuck For Article Ideas Ever Again!"
We Have Solved
The Biggest Issue Facing Internet Networkers Today
...Lack Of Content!
Dear Friend,
If you would like to never suffer from writer's block again..., never have to pay expensive fees for article writing services again and be able to post content to your site at the "drop of a hat", then this might be the most important letter you'll ever read.
Here's why:
The main problem for internet network marketers coming to terms with attraction marketing today is coming up with content ideas. Let's face it, writing content is not everyone's "cup of tea" and it's a skill most struggle with.
Firstly you need to come up with content ideas for your blog, Web 2 properties or article directories. You sit there staring at a blank computer screen wondering what the heck you're going to write about. Secondly you wonder whether your article, when it's eventually written, will make sense and if it will be worth publishing?
Well, what if you didn't have to worry about coming up with content ideas every day. What if you could take an article delivered to you, read it, get a mind full of ideas and then bang out a 400 word article in 10-15 minutes which not only makes sense, but will become a prospect magnet machine for your business. Or, what if you didn't want to spend time writing an entire article? You simply take a pre-written piece, re-write 30-50% of it and you've got fresh new content for your blog or Web 2 site. Or, you simply write a 100-200 word introduction commenting on the article's main points and posting it on your own web properties. And what if you could tap into a service that delivered an article a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year straight to your email inbox that you could use on your website, blog or Web 2 property for less than 50 cents an article?
Don't you think you would suddenly have an advantage over other inter network marketers out there struggling to produce and write even one article a month?
Don't you think that an article a day would create massive exposure for you and your business and quickly start branding you as an expert in your field?
And wouldn't an article a day scream out to potential prospects that you are someone intent on providing massive value to them which is the best way to break down those anti-trust barriers that exist the moment they enter your business funnel?
Now, I know you may be a little skeptical. That's normal and healthy.
Let me give you three good reasons why you should be listening to me:
Reason one: I write for a living and have been earning a full time income online from article marketing with thousands of articles published. I know what it takes to get results with articles. Just do a Google search for Dean Caporella.
Reason two: Writing in the internet network marketing niche is one of my passions. If you have been following Ann Sieg's Renegade system then you may know who I am. I have been one of Ann's top affiliates since The Renegade Network Marketer launched in 2007 and one of the major reasons for my success has been article marketing. Want proof? Here's what Ann has to say:
"As one of the top affiliates of The Renegade System Dean Caporella has positioned himself as the top "go-to" article marketer. His articles are on topic, timely and deliver top notch quality content. One quick training tutorial with Dean made it clear to me he's got the in depth knowledge to take article marketing to a whole new level."
Ann Sieg
The Renegade Network Marketer
Reason three: I am a firm believer that content is still king whether it's for article directory submissions, blogs, websites or Web 2 properties. Without good, quality content it's almost impossible to give your prospects the type of value or education they seek in the world of internet network marketing. Here are a couple of examples:
Check out one of my online properties here:
Or click here:
to check out one of my blogs.
"I've worked with Dean for over a year and a half now, and he has consistently been a top affiliate with a program we are involved in exclusively because of his talent for writing and producing attractive & effective articles!
Honestly, I have never seen anyone more effective at generating leads through articles as Dean does. He knows what to write about, and how to use niche keywords in the most effective way to attract truly qualified leads."
Scott Rogers
http://www.TheNetworkMarketingConsultant.com /
Here is a summary of the benefits you receive:
1 Network Marketing Article A Day will...
Eliminate writers block! Free up your time because you won't be spending hours trying to figure out what to write about. Help you give your current prospects what they want - training and education to help move them closer to their goals. Help brand you as someone who knows what they are talking about and impress potential prospects. Help you kick start the attraction marketing process drawing prospects to you as they lap up and absorb your information. Give you the content to bundle up into short reports to give away to prospects thus breaking down the resistance barrier between you and your prospect. Help you target a hungry internet network marketing audience ready to receive your message and follow your links to your websites.
"Dean really knows how to pull an article together, from finding a catchy title, to targeting the right keywords, even layout and resource boxes get thorough coverage when Dean is creating his "24/7 sales force."
Owen Walcher
Let me summarize the full benefits of what you receive with 1 network marketing article a day...
That's one pre-written article a day on a topic related to the internet network marketing or home business niche by my team of writers and I. So by the end of the year, you will have received 365 articles which you will either:
re-purpose for article directory submissions, change up slightly for blog or website content, submit to your Web 2 properties, or bundle together to produce short reports for your prospects to gain credibility as someone who knows what they are talking about.
Let's do the math:
365 articles written for you by a professional ghostwriter would set you back a minimum of $2190.00.
With our service, you pay a monthly membership fee of just $14.95 which means over the course of a year, your total outlay will be just $179.40.
That's a saving of over $2000!! Less than 50