[Fat Loss Quickie Blog](http://www.FatLossQuickie.com/Quickie-Blog.php) [Featured Followers](http://www.FatLossQuickie.com/Featured.php) [Fat Loss Quickie Program](http://www.FatLossQuickie.com/home-workout.php) [Affiliates](http://www.FatLossQuickie.com/Affiliates.php)
"Busy Work At Home Mom Achieves Six Pack Abs Even After Having a C-Section and She Did It Without Having To Starve Herself Or Spend Hours In The Gym!"
"At Last... Burn Fat In The Comfort Of Your Home Office With The Revolutionary Fitness Program That Combines The Power Of Live Streaming Video and Social Media"
From: The Home Office of Scott Tousignant
aka "The 10 Minute Man"
Your time is precious and valuable and I'm here to help you make the most out of it.
10 minute home workouts have been the cornerstone of developing 6 pack abs for both Angie and I. We are incredibly busy between our home business and raising our two young children, Shayne and Noelle.
Spending hours in th gym and sacrificing quality family time in order to develop lean and healthy physiques is simply not an option for us.
The Fat Loss Quickie Experience was created out of neccessity. Having a lean and healthy physique is a priority for me, but so is my family and business.
I needed to come up with a solution that allowed me to burn fat in the quickest time possible so I could get on with my work day and spend more time with my family. The solution that I came up with is the Fat Loss Quickie Experience.
Trust me, this is so much more than just a workout program. It truly is an experience. To be honest it's like having me as your personal trainer with you all day long.
What Is Included In The Fat Loss Quickie Experience
I will be broadcasting four live 10 minute training sessions every weekday. These sessions include... 10 minute live home office cardio workout every weekday.10 minute live home office resistance training workout every weekday10 minute live nutrition advice every weekday.10 minute live motivation tips every weekday.
If you can't make it to any of the live training sessions they will be recorded and made available in the Fat Loss Quickie Support Community.
That's right! Also included in the Fat Loss Quickie Experience is a kick butt social support community where you can share your goals, challenges, successes, and gain some personal attention to help make your workouts as effective as they could possibly be.
Accountability groups - To ensure that you stay on track and for extra encouragement to make it to the live training sessions, we will form smaller accountability groups where you can support each other by tweeting or IMing each other to get your but over to the site for a Fat Loss Quickie session.
Access to me on Twitter all day long. This is the ultimate accountability. I'll be scanning your tweets all day long to see if you are thinking about giving into temptations or to provide you with that boost of encouragement when your motivation is low.
You will have access to me all day on Twitter to ask me any diet, exercise, motivation, or health questions that you may have. Like I said, the Fat Loss Quickie Experience is like having me as your personal trainer all day long. By harnessing the power of social media, absolutely nothing will get in the way of you and your goals.
Incentive to reach your goals - I will be holding monthly contests to help encourage you to set a goal and take action on it. Each of us will have our own unique goals with the Fat Loss Quickie Experience. Some may want to get six pack abs, others will simply want to improve their health, while others will be looking forward to the increased energy, focus, and productivity.
Each month I will choose one person who went after their goal with passion and succeeded. The prizes will vary and will often be $100 gift certificates to stores like Victoria Secrets or Nike Town to show off the sexy new body that you are creating.
Long term Motivation ($1000 cash prize being given away at Blogher July '09) - Many of you have been asking me to help you get in shape for Blogher '09. Well I'm here to provide you with that extra incentive with the Fat Loss Quickie Blogher '09 Transformation Contest.
The work at home woman who undergoes the best transformation prior to Blogher '09 will receive $1000 cash. I will announce the winner live at the event in Chicago.
How will you benefit from the Fat Loss Quickie Experience?
Boost Your Metabolism - The 10 Minute Fat Loss Quickie Cardio and 10 minute resistance training sessions are designed to crank up your metabolism all day long. You will be burning more calories throughout the day while you are working at your desk as well as while you sleep.
Skyrocket Your Motivation - The 10 minute motivation training session, the support community, the accountability groups, and the constant attention from me all day long on Twitter will raise your motivation to an all time high.
Increase You Energy - Start your day off right and increase your energy with a 10 minute Quickie cardio session. Then mid day when you typically experience a lull, the 10 minute resistance training workout will provide you with the boost to carry you through the rest of the day.
Just think of what that increased energy will do for your business as well as your family life. You'll have the energy to be more active with your kids and enjoy many other activities that you have been avoiding because of fatigue.
Improve Your Focus - After 60-90 minutes in front of the computer you must experience some lack in focus. A 10 minute Fat Loss Quickie break is exactly what you need to clear your mind, get the blood pumping through your veins and oxygen flowing to your brain.
Increase Your Productivity Throughout The Day - By allowing yourself to take this 10 minute break for yourself and your health you will become much more productive throughout the day with your business as well as around the house.
Look and feel sexier - Personally, vanity is a big driving force for me. I like to look great and I love to feel sexy. When I feel atractive I carry myself different, I speak with heart and passion, and to be honest, the better I look, the more opportunities present themselves in all areas of life.
Boost your confidence - There is no doubt that with increased energy, productivity, along with developing a more desireable body, will provide you with a major boost in confidence. This confidence will carry over in all areas of your life. I guarantee that it will change the way you do business in a very positive way.
What Does The Fat Loss Quickie Experience Cost?
You will not find another program like Fat Loss Quickie anywhere. This program was designed specifically for you, the busy work at home woman and your internet lifestyle. It's like having me as your personal trainer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. But you won't have to pay my personal trainer rates. Not even close! To put this into perspective my personal training rates are $300/hour. The
The Fat Loss Quickie Experience is available for you at the affordable rate of $39.95 per month.
That's the price of a typical gym membership which doesn't even come close to offering the level of service and personal attention that you receive with your Fat Loss Quickie membership. The best way for you to truly see just how effective the Fat Loss Quickie Experience will be for you is to put it to the test. That's why I'm providing you with a 7 day trial offer for ONLY $9.95.
Join Today!
7 day trial offer... ONLY $9.95
Give me just 7 days to prove to you that the Fat Loss Quickie Experience is exactly what you've been looking for to help you burn fat during your hectic schedule. When you complete the 7 day trial and decide that it's exactly what you were hoping for and would like to continue with the experience, you will be charged $39.95 each month for as long as you wish to participate in the program. You may cancel your membership at any time.
Once you join the Fat Loss Quickie Experience you will be taken directly to the members only web page which includes your private invitation to the support comminuty where you have access to all previous videos. You will also receive an email within minutes of joining the membership program containing up to date information to help you make the most out of the Fat Loss Quickie Experience.
Take a minute to think about how your life will change when you are experiencing increased energy, focus, and productivity. How will your family benefit from your increased energy? How will your business improve as a result of your increased productivity? How will it feel knowing that you have created a healthy and desirable body?
This will be your reality when you join the Fat Loss Quickie Experience Today. This truly is a wise investment in your health, business, and family.
Special Introductory Bonus $97 Real World Value
Join The Fat Loss Quickie Experience 7 day trial offer for just $9.95 before Saturday December 8th and you will receive my motivational audio program Unstoppable Fat Loss which includes 42 audios and an incredible support community. Unstoppable Fat Loss sells for $97 and it's yours FREE when you join before Saturday December 8th. Don't miss out on this incredible deal!
Yes Scott! Please accept my enrollment into the Fat Loss Quickie Experience today so I can immediately begin to burn fat in the comfort of my home office. I understand that the Fat Loss Quickie Experience is a digitally delivered program that gives me instant access to the following...
10 minute live streaming videos on your computer four times every weekday.
These videos include 10 minute cardio sessions, 10 minute resistance training sessions, 10 minute nutrition sessions, and 10 minute motivation sessions.
The Fat Loss Quickie Support Community
All the live streaming videos will be uploaded to the support community. This is a place for us to share in our goals and hold yourself accountable.
Access to me all day on Twitter
I'll be checking up on you throughout the day and you can set hourly and daily goals that I can hold you accountable to on Twitter.
Fat Loss Quickie Transformation Contest
When you become a member of the Fat Loss Quickie Experience you are automatically entered into the monthly transformation contest for your chance to win prizes such as Victoria Secrets and Nike Town gift certificates.
This is one of the best way to ensure that you get the absolute most out of our guaranteed system. The Fat Loss Quickie Transformation Contest provides you with the incentive to take immediate and continuous action toward your health and fitness goals.
Take advantage of the 7 day trial today for ONLY...
If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to contact me on Twitter at www.Twitter.com/FatLossQuickie or email me at fatlossquickie @gmail.com
It is my ultimate purpose to not only help you achieve fat loss success, but to share and enjoy the journey with you.
I would be honored to start that journey with you today!
~ Scott Tousignant
PS You will not find another fat loss program like Fat Loss Quickie anywhere. You will finally receive the personal attention that you deserve when it comes to improving your health, energy, and productivity.
PPS When you enroll in the Fat Loss Quickie Experience you are automatically entered for the chance to win your choice of a Victoria Secrets or Nike Town gift certificate every month. Plus you will have the chance to win the $1000 cash prize being announced at Blogher '09
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From The Archives:
[ Satisfy Your Chocolate Cravings ](http://fatlossquickie.com/blog/satisfy-your-chocolate-cravings/) [ The Cost Of Eating Junk vs Eating Healthy ](http://fatlossquickie.com/blog/the-cost-of-eating-junk-vs-eating-healthy/) [ Motivation To Start and Stick To Your Weight Loss Program ](http://fatlossquickie.com/blog/motivation-to-start-and-stick-to-your-weight-loss-program/) [ Create A Firm Butt And Tight Thighs With These Exercises ](http://fatlossquickie.com/blog/create-a-firm-butt-and-tight-thighs-with-these-exercises/)
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