Tap Into Power Hidden All Around You
This Simple Everyday Approach To Feng Shui Puts The Power Of "The Force"
At Your Disposal...
Dear Friend,
"Success, Happiness and Fulfillment"
"I highly recommend this e-book for anyone wanting changes in their home, for more success, fullfilment and happiness."
John Y.
"Too Good to be True!"
"I am a real person. And my testimonial does sound too good to be true. But it is TRUE. I have used Feng Shui to achieve amazing results in my life. My dreams have come true. I can't recommend this enough"
Julie-Anne M.
"More Productive in my Personal and Professional Life"
"I live in a small condo, which includes a home office. So it is very important that my space flow and that I feel centered. Since implementing the suggested changes I am now more organized and productive in my personal and professional life." Lorraine B.
"Chi has found me!"
"I am building a new house, and since reading feng shui for everyday I have had much better communication with my builder. Friends have rung me to offer their help. My stress has been removed. I really feel like Chi has found me"
Maria G.
"Double my income this year!"
"Working through feng shui for everyday I have done a complete makeover of my home and my office. I am on target to double my income this year, and my personal relationship has been rejuvenated. Thank you so much!"
Justine Alexander
"I now expect abundance (and have it)"
"After applying the principles in feng shui for everyday my 5 unrented investment properties were rented one after another. I feel much more positive and spiritual. I now expect abundance, miricles and blessings."
Frank H.
"Sold my house the next day."
"I read feng shui for everyday and went shopping that night. I applyed the ideas that night - next day I had 8 offers. 2 of them well above my asking price. My husband and I were astonished how quickly we are able to sell our house. Thank you feng shui for everyday!"
Susanne A.
"Transform your life"
"This will work if you have the guts to follow through. You have to give it 100% and your life will be transformed."
Bill S.
"Revenues greatly increased!"
"After applying these principals to my practice, my patients got better faster, my waiting room was noticeably calmer and revenues greatly increased."
Cynthia T.
"Fast Sale"
"We already had a contract on a new house when I read feng shui for everyday. We implemented the ideas straight away, and a wonderful family bought it within a week of viewing it for the first time. We are now applying the ideas to our new home."
Kim F.
"Converted Skeptic"
"When my wife suggested reading feng shui for everyday I put it in the same category as horoscopes and UFO sightings. But after reading the book, a lot of it seemed quite sensible and almost common sense. We made the suggested changes to our home and the calming affect in our home was immediate."
Bruce K.
"Have you repainted?"
"The biggest impact of the changes we made after reading feng shui for everyday was the amount of light in our rooms. One friend asked if I had repainted the interior of our house. Of course we hadn't, but following the book had made our whole house fresh and bright."
Martin M.
"I am a changed person!"
"I do feel a changed person since reading feng shui for everyday. I systematically worked through every room, decluttering and rearranging the space. My family has just bloomed. Thank YOU."
Kristine H.
If you're looking for a way to increase your peace of mind... decrease your level of stress... and effortlessly get into that "zone" where everything just seems to "go your way"... then you’ve found the right website!
There is an ancient way of tapping into hidden forces in the universe that can make your life infinitely easier. And it is not hard to use, not toug to undertsand. In fact, you can learn all you need to know in about an hour or so.
Here’s the story…
The Ancient Chinese Secret ... That Works Wonders Today!
People work harder and have more stress today than they have in decades.
The demands of difficult jobs, long commutes, and family combined with the need for adequate sleep, nutrition, exercise and relaxation can wear out even the most energetic people.
Alternative practitioners and gurus say that most people live their lives out of balance and that the lack of balance can lead to all kinds of health problems.
The ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui is working wonders for people today.
And it's not weird or spooky.
But hang in there... I'll explain more about what is "is" in a few minutes.
First, we need to get clear on why you need a different answer to handling stress in your life.
It's actually quite simple...
Stress Is Killing You
It’s true that stress can cause serious problems.
Doctors have found a correlation between excessive stress and problems like heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure and other chronic problems like fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome.
Doctors often recommend to patients suffering from these problems that they take steps to reduce the amount of stress in their lives by exercising, eating more nutritious foods and meditating or pursuing hobbies that help them relax.
But there's one "secret" that is getting lots of attention these days.
The "New" Secret To Stress Reduction
One method of dealing with stress and restoring balance that has become much more popular in the last decade is the Chinese art of Feng Shui.
And while it's not "new" (just newly discovered by Westerners) and not really a "secret" (at least not to those who are familiar with it)... it is causing a revolution the lives of people who try it.
Feng Shui can help improve your health by creating balance in your home, your office, or just about anywhere.
Practitioners of Feng Shui say that Feng Shui can be applied to every aspect of your life including the style and décor of your home, where you put your furniture, what jewelry you wear, what color clothing you wear, what type of car you drive, where you live, even what burial plot that you choose.
Even though Feng Shui has only been popular in the West for a decade or so it’s actually an ancient art and science that was created thousands of years ago in China.
So Why Does Feng Shui "Work"?
I'll leave it to you to decide... but here are the basics...
The most basic principle of Feng Shui embodies the Asian idea of perfect duality, the yin and the yang.
Feng Shui is built upon the Taoist idea of balance and the principles of Astronomy, which represents the Yin aspect and Geography which represents the Yang aspect.
In Chinese the characters for the name of Feng Shui translated literally mean the Tao of Heaven and Earth.
The principles of Feng Shui are also believed to effect personal relationships, the gathering of wealth, and other areas in which people usually have imbalances that can cause negativity, depression, illness, and failure.
To Feng Shui believers the practice of Feng Shui as an everyday science is crucial to finding success in life whether it’s in business or in relationships with friends and family.
Whether you believe the more "spiritual" explanation of Feng Shui, or you simply believe it works for reasons we may not yet undertsand... doesn't matter.
Feng Shui doesn't require that you believe any one particular thing.
My advice: try it.
Once you see that it works, you won't care why.
Simple & Easy Feng Shui For Everyday
I've taken all I know about Feng Shui and put it into this book - Feng Shui for Everyday.
I've broken to down into a small, simple guide.
No need to learn esoteric theories.
I'll give you just enough information so that you can start putting the power of Feng Shui to work in your own home... business... and life.
Right away.
In fact, here's just a sampling of what you will learn...
How to Experience Increased balance – Even when your life seems crazy and chaotic and you feel like you can’t catch your breath your home will be a peaceful sanctuary where you feel relaxed and balanced.
Secrets of Laser Sharp Focus - you will find that you will be able to concentrate more on your work, or on your creative passions at home. These Feng Shui techniques can help you focus more on your life and getting your life in order the way you want it to be.
Redecorate Without Spending a Fortune – you'll learn to rearrange the furniture in a room or to move objects from one room to another in order to create better flow ... completely change the look and feel of a room without spending a lot of money.
Finally Conquer Clutter – quickly and easilkt get rid of all the clutter that is taking up space in your home and interfering with the energy flow of your home or office.
Experience a "Health Renewal" – When your home (or office, or car) is a sanctuary of balance, harmony and positivity you will start to notice that your stress level goes down. And then you can say goodbye to health problems like headaches, backaches, fatigue, high blood pressure and other problems.
Sell Your Home Faster (Even In Today's Market) – If you’ve been trying to sell your home in today’s market you might be having a tough time appealing to buyers. But if you use Feng Shui techniques to stage your home then the energy in the home will be positive and cheerful which will make people feel better about the property the minute they walk in.
Attract Better People – change the energy in your life from being negative and depressing to being positive and happy, which will help you attract positive and happy people.
Grow Your Business – create a very happy, positive environment that will help your employees be more creative and work harder and will also make your clients and customers feel more at ease and happy.
Eliminate Work Stress – Using Feng Shui items in your cubicle or your office can really help you feel more positive and fight off all the negativity from the people around you. You will be more productive and you will feel better.
Gain Wealth and Prosperity - One of the areas of your life that Feng Shui can really help with is prosperity. According to the principles of Feng Shui when you clear out energy blockages you become more prosperous.
Plus much, MUCH MORE!
This just scratches the surface of what's in the book.
I give you everything you need to know about Feng Shui.
I'm sure that right about now, you're wondering...
How Much Does The Book Cost?
The real question is: how much is it worth to finally know all the stuff about Feng Shui that you've always wanted to know?
I suppose you could do what most people do -- just "make it up as you go", and use the "trial and error" method.
But why not take advantage of the experience and knowledge I've put into this simple book?
And I boil it all down for you in very simple, easy to understand terms. Less than 100 pages -- no fluff, all information you can put to work right now.
[Order your copy](http://1.fengshuied.pay.clickbank.net/) of the book for just $25.95 .
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Doesn't $24.95 seem reasonable?
And just in case you missed what I was saying, let me be clear...
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](http://www.everyday-feng-shui.info/fengshui_sample.pdf) Downloadable Audio book. I'll also deliver you the Audio book version in MP3 format. You can listen to it on your iPod or other MP3 device, burn it to a CD, or just listen to it right on your computer. The choice is yours
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Plus, if you [order now](http://1.fengshuied.pay.clickbank.net//) I'll include the following free bonus gifts:
FREE BONUS GIFT #1 (Value $15)
Feng Shui for your Business E-book Your bonus delivers you the information you need to know about how to not only improve your business relations and cash flow but also practice Feng Shui that acts as a defensive measure against negative events that can harm your business.
FREE BONUS GIFT #2 (Value $19)
Declutter Your Life Clutter is a major cause of blockages in your life. It can stop success, happiness and fulfilment. Follow these simple steps in all areas of your home, and get back in control of your home and life.
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