Are you sick of stress, anxiety and worry?
Do you feel out of control - or at the mercy of your emotions?
Discover How You Can Easily Get on Top of Stress,
Anxiety, and Negative Beliefs...
Without Drugs, Supplements or Therapy!
Dear Guest,
I'd like to share with you a secret I discovered some years ago during a period of extensive research into natural healing methods. I found out that we all have the ability to reduce anxiety, stress, worry and so much more literally at our fingertips.
My discovery began when I learned that in China, thousands of patients undergo heart surgery every year using nothing more than acupuncture for anaesthesia. When I first heard that, I was convinced that acupuncture must have a profound effect on the human body and I wanted to know what else it could do. When I learned that acupuncture can have a profound effect on our emotions too, I set off on a search to find out how to use it for reducing unwanted emotional experiences like sadness, anger, anxiety, stress and more.
Imagine my delight when I found that one person, Gary Craig, had already done the donkey work and put together a highly effective acupuncture sequence called Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) - a form of self-help acupuncture that we can all benefit from for deep and lasting emotional relief and without the use of needles!
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is the easy to use self-help tool that’s got the health press taking notice. Nicknamed "acupuncture for the emotions" EFT is providing rapid relief from anxiety and negative emotions for thousands of people the world over, every day.
Once I had tried EFT for myself, I was convinced and set about learning everything I could about how EFT worked and how to apply it for maximum effect. I presented EFT workshops at health shows around the UK and saw hundreds of people shrug of emotional upsets in minutes. I ran professional training events and saw experienced therapists jaws drop when they realised what EFT could add to their practice.
EFT is so effective for dealing with negative emotions I'd like to see it taught in schools, hospitals and homes the world over and that's why I wrote my book - the Art & Science of Emotional Freedom - a step-by-step guide to getting emotional relief with EFT.
Now, with my quick start EFT eBook & MP3s, you can get started with EFT today. Why not sit back and relax with the Step-by-Step EFT MP3? By following along with the super simple instructions and EFT tapping points sequence, you can learn how to use EFT to banish stress, anxiety and more in the next 10 minutes!
with my best wishes,
Ananga Sivyer
Licensed Trainer of EFT & Meridian Energy Therapies
Discover How To:
Stop stress before it stops you
Stop panic attacks in their tracks
Get anxiety relief in minutes
Control addictive cravings
Reduce Fears and phobias
Cool anger and frustration
Gain control of your life & enjoy emotional freedom
imagine being able to get relief from anxiety in under 5 minutes! imagine the triumph of learning how to dissolve fear or phobias! imagine being able to reduce stress & tension anywhere & anytime you choose! imagine feeling confident & in control...
EFT is easy to learn and easy to use - there's no looking up different routines for different problems, EFT is a one size fits all solution. Once you've learned EFT, you can use the same sequence of potent healing points for any emotional issue you choose.
These are just some of the things readers of the Art & Science of EFT eBook have achieved...
"EFT stopped my baby crying at 2am when nothing else was working"
"Thanks to EFT I'm not scared of bugs anymore! Now my family can relax on holiday"
"Thanks to your book, and to EFT, I got over my fear of traveling away from home."
"I tapped away my nerves and passed my driving test!"
"I was able to use EFT with my son to tap away his upset after a nightmare."
"I got rid of my craving for chocolate! Thanks Ananga and thank you EFT. This is great!"
"EFT helped me get on a plane and I'm no longer scared of flying."
EFT & Relief From Physical Pain
Formerly frozen shoulder...
This gentleman could only lift his arm a few inches away from the side of his body on the morning of this workshop. Here he is after learning basic EFT and applying it for just a couple of minutes.
Hands Up Who Got Some Relief Here
Ananga reports on the group EFT workshop at the Brighton Mind, Body & Soul Healing Festival, October 5, 2002:
"As part of our workshop we decided invited participants to learn EFT for relief from physical pain. I asked everyone with any discomfort or pain in their body to come up and join me for a demo... and up came about 20 people!! Did they get relief? You bet they did!"
you can learn to use EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques to reduce physical pain too... and it's so easy to do it's almost shocking!
Buddhist Monks Praises EFT
Here's an excerpt from a letter written by a Buddhist monk who was recently introduced to EFT:
"This [EFT] is very likely a tool I'll be using for the rest of my life. In all my years of learning various meditation techniques, studying healing systems, self-development methods, plus the wide array of methodologies I've been exposed to during my training in Psychology and Human Resources Management ... I've never come across anything as potent as EFT for rapidly diffusing complex emotional problems and associated physical issues. In fact for dealing with specific emotional issues (e.g. phobias, addictions, grief etc.) it's probably a more appropriate tool than meditation.
PS: It's somewhat unusual for a Buddhist monk to be recommending a transformational tool that wasn't explicitly taught by the Buddha. I venture to do so only because I've found that EFT has the potential to significantly reduce psychological and physical suffering. It does not promise Nirvana or Enlightenment (at least I don't think so!). It does promise freedom from debilitating negative tendencies ... and delivers fast! And to that extent perhaps it is congruent with the Buddha's teachings that aim at the complete ending of all suffering."
Nyanasanti Bhikkhu
Acclaim for The Art & Science of Emotional Freedom EFT eBook
The Art & Science of Emotional Freedom is easy and rewarding to read with clear illustrations to aid understanding and add interest. The author has been practicing Complementary Medicine for over ten years and her knowledge and enthusiasm is apparent in her writing. She is an Executive Director of the Association for Meridian Therapies and a Licensed Trainer of EFT. She runs regular workshops demonstrating these techniques, and the experience she has gained is evident throughout this book.
The Art & Science of Emotional Freedom is a book I would unreservedly recommend to therapists and lay practitioners alike. It is both a good read and an informative reference.
Dr. Tam Llewellyn-Edwards, PhD, FRSA, MHMA
Ananga's eBook got me into EFT at a deeper level, it taught me how to use EFT before going on to do my practical training and it gave me a good understanding of the meridian system.
- Deborah Evans, Cambridge, UK
S.A.C. Dip (Meridian Psychotherapy)
Ananga Sivyer has helped me overcome my panic attacks. Her EFT e-book has been a real support to me in times of need. Now with the Quick Anxiety Stopper on my MP3 player, I feel like I have emergency back-up with me wherever I go. I can listen anytime I feel the need to and it only takes 5 minutes, no-one need even know I was feeling anxious!
- Victoria Adams, Perth, AU
I bought Ananga's Emotional Freedom EFT ebook and followed the step-by-step guide to reducing tension. Within minutes I could feel the tension draining away.
A couple of days later I decided to try EFT for my fear of spiders. I was amazed by the results! I followed the guidelines and set to work and know I’m free of my fear - it was so easy and it didn’t take long at all!
- Susan Davis, UK
Your book is very good. I am a Hypnotherapist and Reiki Master, much travelled In India and totally in love with the discovery of EFT. I have been using it for some time as a 'homework' and maintenance technique for my Smoking Cessation Clients to use If they feel any craving after their therapy. It is only recently that i decided to do the training. Now, I am in awe of its effectiveness. I tap regularly now, and all I can say is that I feel much more alive.
- Rita Marshall Hypnotherapist & Reiki Master
It's so easy to learn Emotional Freedom Techniques with the Art & Science of EFT eBook and included step-by-step EFT MP3s.
Just sit back and listen and you'll be on your way to emotional freedom in minutes.
EFT is the ultimate self-help tool for anyone who wants to reduce stress and anxiety
- no matter how busy they are!
these techniques are effective for over 85% of people who use them
& EFT is so simple that a child can learn it
I’m surprised at how easy and how effective EFT is. It’s been a great help to all the family. I even used it with my son to get him calm for his exams.
- David Stuart, Scotland, UK
1000's of people are benefitting from using EFT every day
now you can join the ranks of those who know this amazing art of energy healing
what will you do with EFT?
The Art & Science of Emotional Freedom
EFT ebook & MP3s
Awaken the healer within...
Package includes
The Art & Science of Emotional Freedom EFT ebook
120 page A4 e-book with:
EFT reference chart
Learn EFT Step-by-Step Guide
Tension Tamer Exercise
Guide to Reducing Addictive Cravings
EFT & Weightloss
Dissolving Stress & Tension
Stopping Anxiety
Walkthrough on relieving Physical Pain
Instructions on Reducing Fears & Phobias
Changing Negative Beliefs
Stories & Examples of EFT in Action
Charts of the healing channels of the human body
FAQs about EFT
Guide to how your emotions affect your health
Bonus Audio: The step-by-step EFT MP3
Don’t worry if you don’t feel like reading a book to get started. Just sit back and listen. As you follow the easy step-by-step instructions you will be able to experience EFT working for you within minutes!
The step-by-step EFT MP3 is an introductory EFT workshop that you can listen to again and again. Just sit back and listen and you will learn how to use EFT in no time.
Bonus Audio: The Quick Anxiety Stopper MP3
When you’re anxious, there’s no way you feel like flicking through a book to find out what to do. With the Quick Anxiety Stopper, all you need to do is listen and join in with the easy instructions that will have you feeling calm and in control again in no time.
Bonus Audio: The Tension Release MP3
To busy or too stressed to be bothered reading what to do? No problem. Just sit back and listen as we talk you through using EFT to get rapid relief from tension. Do read your e-book once you’re feeling relaxed though - there’s way more EFT can do for you than just keeping stress at bay!
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EFT ebook & MP3s Easy Start Resource Kit
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