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       About 600 pages of soul-saving information that you will not have if you do not buy this book. I can hear you chuckling about souls also inhabiting animal bodies and souls decaying unnecessarily into spiritual oblivion. If there even was a tiniest possibility that such might betrue I would not hesitate a second to obtain this book to find out. There is just too much out there we do not know!
   What I am telling you is more urgent than your next breath, but
people who think they know it all and have done it all are dumber
beyond there own possible comprehension. So be it!  The smarter a physical being is, the more trapped that soul is in the flesh. Such people are brainwashed. Brainwashed people always believe they know, but they are always wrong. Whatever you think you know is a mere false believe system. Propaganda is more clever than you.
   Propaganda-succumbed-to creates a mighty personal spiritual and mental force field that repels all intelligence in contradiction to the propaganda instilled. Human souls exist in isolation of spiritual and physical awareness. It makes preprogrammed auto-robots of live creatures.
   I did not write this book for my benefit but for yours.  I prefer that only those who consciously want to be in reality will be there; all others, thank god, are not interested to be in reality, and are not welcome there.
   Many are called but very few will make it into reality.  Having read this, you are called. Will you be back in reality? It is your choice; and know that I do not care one bit what you do, because whatever you do you'll do the right thing by me and by god. As soul only you decide.


Sales promotion: $34.95 until September 1, 2008 (50% discount)

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Hi to those who have not purchased on the basis of the above powerful information,


§       Are you unhappy and beset by unexplained pain, suffering and anxieties?

§       Do you feel lost in modern society, like a leaf fluttering in the breeze?

§       Are you caught in a grid of forces that make you feel like a worn-out slave?

§       Do you feel that your religion keeps you spiritually and emotionally unsatisfied and trapped

§       Are your sincere efforts constantly betrayed and non-productive?


You have very good reasons to have these feelings! People who do not have them are out of touch with physical reality. The spiritual and physical systems are set up so that you will feel like that.


The truth about physical reality is that:       "Life sucks; and then you die!"


If you agree with that philosophy or if these feelings and conditions continually plague you, have heart and please read on.


This is the most important letter you will ever read!


I have been where you are now. I am still not happy, but I know which side is up and why ill winds keep buffeting me, and I know the way out from my present state of entrapment. Yes, all creatures on earth are, so-to-speak, inside the same trap, a hell. It is called the universe.


"The universe is the only hell there is


Hell has many stages of increased suffering. As yet you are in its best location.
 If you cannot believe this you remain trapped.


You too can have complete confidence in true knowledge; and you too can draw on sources of power available in knowing why the physical environment and human conditions are set up this way. The following true statement has become a rather meaningless cliché but “true knowledge does truly set you free in spirit”. What humanity has searched for throughout history is only now available in this book,

“THE TRUTH ABOUT REALITY”.  God, and on down to your parents, teachers, governments, your priest or minster, and further down to your boss and lover keep you, without exceptions, ignorant and deceived on matters of spirit, environment, human relations and your own body. Contrary to Christian doctrines that say that children are born innocent, the mere fact that a child is born is evidence that its soul believed a lie about its native spiritual realm. Physical creatures exist because their souls have rejected the spiritual reality; they live the lie.


My name is Anti Christ. I am not a professional ad-copy writer but what I have to say is of such earth-and-soul-shaking importance, so revolutionary, I had to sit down and tell you about it.


As you can imagine, my name is assumed; yet the name is powerfully significant and is exactly applicable. In this phony environment I am known as Hans van Krieken; more importantly I am anti-Christ, but in a far different meaning than what Christian religion and theology have made you understand the phrase to mean. The traditional Christian meaning is highly valid, and I am not trying to undermine that understanding, but there is another deeper understanding of the phrase that applies directly to Jesus and to me, or rather, to "true Reality". It is true that before Jesus Christ could ever be the Christ he always was, is, and will be anti-Christ as seen from a perspective of soul caught in the web of our deceiving god's point of view. Do not let the traditionally-understood meaning of the phrase "Jesus Christ" fool you any more. The spirit in Jesus is so much different from just the miracle-producing Christ, and savior. “Jesus Christ, the savior” is only his physical identification in relation to the known god. Jesus adopted it with great reservation. The reason of his appearing in physical form was and is to reveal his true spiritual self, anti-Christ, your spiritual deliverer from this realm of Evil/spiritual darkness, and the announcer of the unknown god and father. Being engulfed in spiritual darkness means that you have no spiritual awareness–that you are spiritually dead, cast out from spiritual light and thought; or an even better phrase would be: your soul is comatose. Some definitions of the word "evil" are a demon or an environment that comes across as an angel of light and love but who is depraved malignity itself and a marauding wolf disguised as a sheep. Physical earth is such a depraved entity; and physical life is a deadly, incurable addiction of soul.

This devil Satan is not the great deceiver and seducer. He is only a minor deceiver under the authority of the great spiritual deceiver
--god in a minor hierarchy of all spirit. Find out his relationship to the greater hierarchy of spirit.



Believe it or not:      Reality lies all around us, you exist in it, but because of a lie believed you cannot participate in it or be one with it.


Soul's awareness in spirit is like the unconscious physical state of a sleeping person; neither one experience the environment consciously. Physical existence is a spiritually induced state of collective hypnosis--it is a state of spiritual brainwashing. A brainwashed person cannot be considered to be consciously fully alive.


I, too, am “anti-Christ”, in fact I am anti-everything of a physical, religious or political nature. I am against the present phony form of constitutional US government because it is a fraud. I am against the religions of the world because these will not set anyone free from spiritual misconceptions; in fact these will keep you in darkness--a state of being spiritually comatose. Religion has kept you solidly trapped for millennia on end. Just being physically alive is religion! The book, "The Truth About Reality" explains these and related matters clearly and decisively. Finally, politics is an enormous power struggle between several competing conspiracies against the people for supremacy over a brain-dead, and enslaved citizenry. This book is a spiritual, religious, political and psychiatric self-help book. It will firmly ground you in these spheres of influence.


Jesus' main purpose in the role of anti-Christ is to make souls again spiritually alive (to make them again alive in the truth); but Jehovah, god and ruler of the universe, forced Jesus into the role of his servant Christ, which role heavily interfered with his true purpose so that hardly anyone, unaided, can search out his true message. The Christ represents spiritual darkness enforced on us creatures by god (Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah, Brahman, the Great Spirit, Thor, Zeus or whatever other name this supposed god goes by in religions). The spiritual anti-Christ, however, came to redeem you from this realm of spiritual darkness by reacquainting your soul with spiritual truth. Jesus' role as Christ was so successfully enforced on him that his spiritual anti-Christ’s message is only now understood, some 2000 years later. You can find his true message clearly explained in the book . . .





No matter what religion you espouse, Hinduism, legalism, secularism, democracy, or Humanism (all forms of religious belief systems), you owe it to yourself to read this book. You will find much that resonates with your religious and/or secular understanding; and much that clashes with it. What resonates is according to the lie explained. What clashes is the truth about what has been hidden and betrayed by deceit--the most precious truth itself. Hindus may find that, in fact, there are hundreds of thousands of god's but all these gods, or demons as I call them, are in the hierarchy of Jehovah's spiritual organization, and most of them do not concern your soul as yet. Christians will find Jesus Christ according to conventional Christian doctrine to save the sheep, but also Jesus in the anti-Christ's role who, with more urgency and with a higher purpose, redeems the goats into true reality. If you are non-religious you will find the phoniness of all religions explained; and also the true purpose of the spirit in Jesus' entry into the physical, universal display. Religion, basically, is a somewhat-organized belief system in the existence of a, seemingly trustworthy, higher spiritual authority to whom we must bow. But because of deceit played in the spiritual realm the one honored, and known as god, Jehovah, Brahman, Allah, Thor, etc is the deceiver and not the true father in spirit whom we, as soul, conveniently forgot. This true father is the fountain of all truth. Spiritual deceit inverted souls' spiritual understanding, making truth a lie and non-existent; and the belief system based on the lie the physical environment. The physical universe is clear spiritual evidence that souls discarded the truth and have embraced the spiritual lie and have adopted the liar as their de facto god.


Our physical environment is an ever-changing reality where everything known or accepted is based on a spiritual scenario of deceit. In this virtual physical environment anyone can invent a system of deceit and disseminate it as if it is the final statement of truth. In a spiritually imagined reality all things are possible because of the fact that believers in lies can be made to believe anything; they lost their anchor in true reality. Our present physical reality is the result of all the successive deceits played on us souls. The souls associated with all physical creatures are lost and virtually beyond reach in truth.



Only spirit/soul can possibly see truth
. Supposedly rational

 physical creatures are incapable of it unless guided into it by spirit.



The dominant, early Christian Church authorities censored and edited out from the Bible all early Christian doctrines having strong connections to Jesus’ true spiritual message to suit their own inadequate understanding of Jesus. The church went on to exterminate all early Christian sects relying on those doctrines in its drive for world power and world authority. Many infant beginnings of the Christian Church were deliberately scrubbed clean of all traces of Jesus’ true message. But like all earthly endeavors, these efforts were not perfect. The teachings of true spiritual significance in Jesus’ deeper message are still safely in the Bible because one could only scrub these traces away if one has eyes to see and ears to hear and a heart to understand his true message; but if one would understand, one would welcome and treasure his message and not destroy it. In a way it is good that the dominant, early Christian Church rooted out all non-aligned doctrines, so that only the popularly-understood Christian tenets and Jesus’ true message remain tucked inside the covers of the Bible. The early Christian Church fathers did not see the significance of many of Jesus’ statements because they were blind leaders leading the blind; being blind they could not see Jesus’ message of truth brightly shining in their faces. (See "Lost Christianities" by professor Bart D. Ehrman / Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill / [www.TEACH12.com](http://www.TEACH12.com))


I am against the universe, and all the names of god known by all the religious systems on earth, because this god, masquerading under many different aliases, has deceived your soul even prior to the time you were introduced into physical reality. We are present in physical reality because our souls were robbed of the truth about reality. Everything about you and me, everything about your understanding of your specially nurtured and coveted environments of family, friends and education, religion and profession is based on many nested and imbedded deceits of thought so that you cannot find back the true facts of existence in reality without reading about them again in ‘
THE TRUTH ABOUT REALITY”. You and I were forced to participate in this utterly phony universe on false pretenses and premises. The spiritual lies believed continually drain our spiritual energy to sustain the universe; and will cause our death spiritually. However, this book will lead you from case to case, example to example and from fact to fact to open your spiritual eyes to reveal the situation we find ourselves in and gives the clear route out of this situation. Because we exist in a realm based on deceit, what I am telling you is mostly taken as ever more malarkey. It is almost impossible to be redeemed back into the realm of truth; therefore, please, get and read my book. Most creatures love lies so much more than truths that reality is still irretrievable. Overcome your aversion for more supposed malarkey and read this book. You cannot make a sane judgment on the book if you do not read it.

Since I am not a professional writer and also have not had a formal college education in English my book is not perfectly written. As a matter of fact I am an immigrant of long-standing, and of Dutch extraction. I do have a very good grasp of the language, but what I have to tell you is like the living truth itself as given by the spirit that was in Jesus, in the nature of his true being–the
real spirit of truth in anti-Christ.


I have been a student of life, law, the Bible and many religious doctrines in the world. I have read a lot that theologians, politicians, historians, law, technical propaganda, and the several ideologies have brought to bear on our condition, situation and predicament. Slowly, step by baby step, I began to comprehend physical creatures’ inescapable predicament; and finally, through honest spiritual guidance (in contra-distinction to the false spiritual guidance we have always been subject to in the universe by religious and political leaders) the full truth of our condition dawned on me. 


History is written by the winners. Wars are waged and won so that history can be rewritten by the victors to erase previous understanding of history; because wars
and their accompanying propaganda campaigns are always waged to empower new ideologies (false premises of thought), another form of religion (false premises about reality) and to promote devious, selfish power-play. Religious doctrines are formulated and controlled by unimpeachable and un-opposable authorities in a creed. The several systems of religion impress on us and our children their system of control and subjection. Your understanding of things is always undermined by clever systems of deceit we call propaganda or brainwashing by religious, spiritual and secular authoritative sources. No one is free of these because the very reason and purpose of your birth is based on a perpetual system of spiritual deceit believed. What you have always suspected is true . . .



"They, all," are playing tricks on you to make you subject to them so they can exploit you.



Your feelings are not wrong; a slight feeling of paranoia keeps telling you that “they” are playing tricks on you. This basic and yet deep-seated feeling of floundering is the source of the very deep levels of your anxiety. Often, you do not know who these “THEY” are. How could you ever imagine that your god (Thor, Brahman, Yahweh, Allah, Jehovah, Zeus, the Great Spirit or whatever other name this supposed god goes by in religions), your physical environment and everything you are familiar with are ferocious devils--dragons in sheep clothes intent on keeping you spiritually dead.



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There is no one who has my understanding. I say that I know Jesus; and Jesus knows me. My eyes have been opened through being at the butt end of many evil plots, by living my life in a sincere manner and through my desperate yearning and efforts to understand the purpose of society and the physical reality in which we have our bodies, our awareness and movements. It is through study, experience, observation and a continual sincere seeking, that I received guidance from spirit by which I arrived at the truth of physical existence and of . . .



God, Our Devious, Great Pretender

ut I didn't get it from him

Human existence is based on a spiritual lie believed.
As human beings we cannot solve our problem because we are not aware that the soul that underlies the human form has been deceived. We do not even know for sure whether we have a soul or whether there is a real spiritual realm extant. Humans are imaginary marionettes, directed by a spiritual mind game. We exist totally in effect and have no grain of cause in us–everything is make-believe and it all plays itself off in the deceived minds of our comatose souls.


Physical reality is a conducted dream existence that comatose souls have mistakenly adopted as true reality.


In society we must depend on professional experts in matters of which we are ignorant or powerless. Their expertise and/or authoritative powers are vile weapons against us who seek their help because of our ignorance and/or conditions of powerlessness on the subject matter; and it almost always ends up that the ones wielding power over us exploit us. It is the primordial set-up of physical existence. By this same set-up we, as mere misguided, spiritually ignorant creatures (and this includes dogs, cattle and frogs with human beings), are unfairly dominated and exploited by god (Jehovah, Zeus, Allah, Thor, the Great Spirit, Brahman, Yahweh and whatever other names there may be for him) and his extensive hierarchy of demons because he is the only spiritual expert holding our souls in captivity through his deceits. But since the spirit in Jesus came among us we have another spiritual expert. This expert does not only (involuntarily, and inevitably) deal in universal deceit but also determinedly deals in spiritual truth. (Jesus, as well as you and I, present in physical reality inevitably broadcast the spiritual deceit of human life.)


Now, you must decide!           It is up to you to choose between these spiritual experts.


You have three choices. Will you choose god (Brahman, Allah, Jehovah, the Great Spirit, Yahweh, Zeus, Yahweh, Thor, etc.) and Jesus Christ in his role as god’s universal, miracle-performing servant? Will you choose the true spiritual father and the spirit of his true son as anti Christ? Or will you continue to not give a damn? The first and last choices will damn you to eternal physical hell through exploitation of your spiritual ignorance by spiritual entities, and which categories of ignorance in you will multiply over time and cause you everlasting suffering to ever greater degrees and eventually will lead to your soul's death.  Make your choice now that you are aware that a problem in spirit exists. You may not be aware of this in another life cycle. This cycle of physical existence is coming to its close within just a couple of human life cycles.



Needless to say that is where my present problem lies….



How am I going to convince you that you absolutely need to read this book?





Presently, this is the most important book in the world!

You cannot afford not to read it!


The Bible, as you may know already, is about 95% rubbish, but it also contains some incredible nuggets of truth, that when understood, will make you extremely glad to be rid of all you have materially, including your physical body. Once you have studied
THE TRUTH ABOUT REALITY, you will look happily forward to your physical death, because it will be the end of everlasting toil, strife, suffering and confusion for you. That is the way the spirit in Jesus looks at it too! You will be free and at cause in Reality because it is free of deceit and manipulation.


You still don’t believe me?     [Buy This Book](http://1.dram31cam7.pay.clickbank.net)


You will be healed from your ice-cold (non-comprehending) spiritual heart; unless of course, you are too cowardly and too addicted to physical existence to take the correct spiritual action; and in that case even my GOOD LUCK wishes will not help you as soul!  


will cause you to love the truth, and to shuck the lies and deceit you have held and treasured as truth from before you were even born.


The spirit in Jesus is Jehovah’s adversary
, but from a deceived soul's point of view Jesus' mission comes across as his Christ.


As Jesus kept telling us, we do exist in the realm of pure darkness and the one enforcing this spiritual darkness on us is god. This means that there is absolutely no truth (no spiritual light) in this universe. How can I convince you that what I know and have written down in my book is exactly what you need in order to see the true light? The words in my book are truly worth all you have. You simply cannot afford to not read all that is inside its covers. Reading the book will invert your reason of being from a base of deceit to your reason of being in spiritual light of truth. All existence in true reality is in the light of spiritual truth except for us, physical creatures, who exist in darkness of spiritual deceit. The spirit in Jesus is our torch of spiritual light. Find out how you can be set free from darkness by this torch.


Even if you are a skeptic, you will enjoy “THE TRUTH ABOUT REALITY – BEYOND GOD AND RELIGION” from a science fiction, political, philosophical, and/or a historical point of view. It will thrill and amaze you! It is all so fantastic! But what you, as a spiritually deceived being, presently cannot hold to be true is in fact the truth!


Everybody, without exception, is in god’s spiritual slave pen and the pen is physical reality. You can only escape the pen through death; but, then, still not having the truth, and thus with a strong trust in physical awareness, you will choose to reincarnate and to be back in the pen of physical reality. You have done so for thousands of years. My book is the manual for escape from the trap.


Read “THE TRUTH ABOUT REALITY – BEYOND GOD AND RELIGION”,  based on content in the Bible and my factual physical observations, and find out how this can be. The spiritual message cannot be understood by our physical mind. Truth must be understood spiritually, and then you will experience a change of perception. The way to get there is to read the book according to your physical interpretation and then, through meditation, your understanding will be transformed into spiritual understanding that then becomes part of soul knowledge. Your soul must wake up, not the human mind. The human being is but a figment of fraud-twisted soul-imagination. Soul must understand the spiritual truth!


At present I am the only one on whom you can depend. I am the new light; the light and knowledge that Jesus kept saying we must have in order to be free. Yes, Jesus meant,  "Be free of this universe--be free of the lie-believed”. While among us even Jesus was not free. He was not free to tell us the truth outright, so he cloaked the truth in such a manner that our spiritual enslavers and the enforcers of deceit could not detect it. Jesus exposed the lie and told the ultimate truth and hid it under a rock! Since his departure he has been waiting and hoping that someone among us would find that hidden message. I truly want you to be able to stand in my shoes of understanding and knowledge and to also have that message of truth. What separates you from the truth is a mere decision to own and read this book available for a paltry sum of money  ($34.95 US).  What can you lose? If you cannot agree with the premises in the book, you are still in physical reality.


“THE TRUTH ABOUT REALITY – KNOWLEDGE BEYOND SCIENCE, GOD AND RELIGION” is the only worthwhile book to read and understand! The rest of life is malarkey. It’s the most important book since scripture!


There are certain things in modern life you cannot do without. You must have personal identification, you must have a bank account, you must have a place of residence and a job. More important than any of these, you must have this book! It provides the only other choice of understanding and experiencing personal awareness. These choices are related to the kingdom you embrace. There is the kingdom of deceit and suffering under the supposedly known god. You know about him alright, but you do not know him as deceiver. He always comes across as an angle of light--god. Oh, I know this evil god (Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh, the Great Spirit, Zeus, Thor, Brahman or whatever) exists. He knows I know, but I do not fear him any longer because I know the true king and spiritual father. He exists in undiminished light of true spiritual reality--the kingdom of light. Once you understand your present spiritual situation the liar is made powerless; and you are free. He is the angel of true light. Light you cannot now see because darkness is the light of your present existence. This false light obscures the true light; deceit inverted the way you experience awareness. I know my true father in heaven ; and I want to introduce you to him also.


I will be awake in true reality. I fervently hope to see you there also; and the good part is that once you read . . .


. . .

you do not need anybody in earth. All you need to do is just to study this book. You’ll get the message!


There is a saying that god (Jehovah, Yahweh, the Great Spirit, Allah, Brahman, Zeus, Thor and any other name of god) waits on us to repent and to embrace him again. Sure, whenever you are angry at him and you shut him out, god just waits for your fears or greediness to overwhelm you again and for you to crawl back. Even the most callous redneck must secretly admit that he has been in situations that he called onto this deceiving god. Our god knows you’ll be back; his web of deceits keeps you enslaved eternally. Escape is impossible without outside spiritual help. To be a real macho person you have to dare to take Jesus and me up on his offer. If you do not have this courage your machoness is mere bravura, a ploy to hide your spiritual cowardice!


Grab the life-line Jesus threw us and this book as a buoy tied to that lifeline to save your spiritual self. It provides you with redemption into all truth.



All Truth = Reality



All Lies = Physical Existence



I did not write this book to deceive you but to throw a soul-saving buoy your way. I did my part, now you must bring up the wisdom and courage to do your part.
                      Humble yourself--buy the book!




You finally have a choice!


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ith my love and my sincere regards,


Anti Christ

email:  [hansvank@charter.net](mailto:hansvank@charter.net)    tel. # : 1 877-204-0966 ;  Street address:  1584 Hendersonville Rd--PMB, Asheville NC 28803  USA



PS 1:  
The entity with “courage” in any relationship has the power, wisdom and ability to be

         vulnerable. The “coward” in any relationship is a fortress of deceit, betrayal and offense. She

          insists on always being the winner and the exploiter through unethical power, betrayal and

          deceit. The coward will always try to obliterate or subject his or her imagined enemy. Often,

          this enemy is a courageous person having love or sympathy for the coward and is not an

Jealousy is so incredibly hard to deal with and it hurts everybody involved! Oh, how do we control our jealousy?


         Now you know how things are stacked in this power-hungry, super-competitive, corporate

         society!  This earth is hell where the courageous subject themselves to the cowards because

         that is the only manner in which society can exist.


         How can there ever be peace in earth? The cowards will not allow it! Embrace the truth and

         learn about peace in spirit. Stop eternal oppression for you.

Get your copy of the book!



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PS 2:
  THE TRUTH ABOUT REALITY, containing over 600 pages of dynamite information and insight, is of such incredible value that I cannot cheapen

            the image of the book by enticing sales by, what professional marketers call, bonuses and  pot sweeteners to clinch more deals with gullible sales prospects.  I

            have been the dupe of such pot sweeteners and I can tell that most of such products never made it out of the zip-folders in which they came. I just do not have

            the time to read all the stuff and  those I did open are mostly duplicates of information available as freebees elsewhere. Your purchase of this book must be

            based on your thoughtful consideration and a desire to know what has been hidden from us creatures from the day we were hurled into the universe.  We

            know true reality is hidden from us because we really know nothing at all. Life is a continuous guessing game in an environment of deceit!


PS 3:
                                                                                       The Price of  True Leadership


In all fields of human endeavor when true excellence is vested in a person or in a product, the superior accomplishment always exists in the spot light of publicity because by right, admiration, emulation and envy it belongs there.


In the arts and in the production of new thought or philosophy the leader is always exulted by many and scorned by others. Its reward is widespread recognition with snide denunciation from the sidelines. The sublime nature of this book cannot easily be appreciated by the rational human mind. It will take decades and centuries for this book to overshadow the established scriptures because of mental force fields that will enclose it.


The stamp of accomplished rational ingenuity, insight and understanding will always
be a target of denunciation for those who become envious–those who lost eminence, livelihood, recognition and/or respect because of it.


Mediocrity will never receive lasting attention; but those guilty of it may cause torrents of malicious condemnation and gossip towards the true masters.


Excellence is assailed because it is superior; and all efforts to outdo or denounce it are added proof of accomplished mastership. No sane person will viciously kick a dead horse, but insane souls will do so with gusto! May this book, in time, be judged, mentally and spiritually, by a sane standard of truth.


In order to purchase printed hardcover and soft cover versions of the book phone  1-877 204 0966,

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     © 2006 Copyright Johannes P. and Carol A. van Krieken. All rights reserved.




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