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This message is about resurrecting something in your life that you may not even realize has been lost. If you are anything less than completely fulfilled and full of hope, then this message is for you.

All of us are born with some level of innate creativity.

As children, we embrace creativity as a way of life.

Unfortunately, the pressures of adult life can too often push creativity to the side.

Have you lost touch with your creativity?

Do you miss the simple and utter joy of creation that you once knew as a child?

Would you welcome a way to get it back? And with it, the passion, purpose and fulfillment that’s been missing from your life?

Well, you absolutely can!

Because the seeds of creativity you once knew as a child are still alive within you. The challenge is to allow them to emerge into your conscious mind amidst all the pressures and diversions of modern adult life.

It is a challenge undertaken in an exciting new book that promises to change your life:

“Unleashing the Creative Child Within You”

This material is like nothing ever written on the subject of adult creativity. Because it’s not strictly about creativity, it’s about how to bring it back into your life.

And in doing so, re-energize your passion and your hope.

A personal message from Avital Gertner-Samet, author of “Unleashing the Creative Child Within You” --

Dear Reader –

When was the last time you did something that was truly creative? The last time you brought forth an idea and saw it through to fruition? The last time you rendered beauty and wonder from nothing other than your imagination and wherewithal?

Makes you think, doesn’t it. For some, the last truly creative thing they’ve done in their lives was when they were a child. I think these questions are so provocative and important, I want to drill deeper into them with you. Because in order to get excited about the recovery of something you’ve lost, you must first miss the joy and reward that it once brought to you.

When was the last time you wrote a poem or a story, or recorded your thoughts in a journal or a letter… that you drew a picture, or took one with a camera just because of the way it looked… that you molded something from clay or carved something from a piece of wood… that you decorated a room, or even painted colors onto a wall or an object… that you sang a song or danced a dance or played an instrument… that you dreamed a dream and found yourself creating a plan to make it real? When was the last time you broke the rules, made your own way… that you felt like a kid again?

How did it feel? Why don’t you feel that way more often? What are you doing that is more important than living creatively? Is the act of creation really at odds with your life and how you choose to live it? Or have you simply forgotten how?

If any of these questions make you stop and think, then I have a book for you.

The loss of creativity is the most tragic of human sacrifices to the demands of our modern culture. Our world is full of pressure… pressure to perform, to make money, to live up to expectations, to meet obligations, to fit in, to conform to social norms, to be liked, to gain and keep material possessions… to succeed.

These are the things that have stolen our innate creativity. Because creativity, in its purest form, is about none of the above. True creativity is about nothing other than personal expression and passion, and the rewards are far in excess of material. We have only to look at our children – and indeed, to look back at our own childhood – to see that the solitary pleasures of creative play have nothing at all to do with any of these very adult pressures, and that this creative play once came naturally and abundantly.

When was the last time you simply played? When you embraced your creativity with the same abandon and carefree passion of the child you once were?

Wouldn’t it feel wonderful to experience that sense of creative freedom again? And to feel it on a regular basis? But how can this happen when those adult pressures aren’t going away, when indeed they are increasing with each passing year?

The search for an answer to that question possessed me. I began a quest to understand the true nature of creativity, and to seek out ways to bring it back into the consciousness of even the busiest and most complicated of adult lives. It took me years, but finally I’d gathered enough wisdom and practical solutions, all of which I put into practice in my own life, to write it all down. Because once I understood how to restore and unleash the innate creative expression that all children are born with, I knew I had to share it with the world.

The result of my search for renewed adult creativity is my new book, “Unleashing the Creative Child Within You.”

Creativity is available to anyone, no matter who they are or what they do. Because that spark of creativity you knew as a child continues to smolder within you, awaiting your summons.

In other words, that creative child within you still wants to come out and play.

My book isn’t as much about how to discover a new sense of creativity – no book can realistically aspire to that – as it is about restoring your innate creative drive and freedom, which has been suppressed and pushed aside by the pressures of modern life.

Most adults who have lost touch with their creativity aren’t sure how it happened or how to bring it back. This breaks my heart, because there are specific and highly effective methodologies and exercises that can bring it back, for anyone. Including you.

Not only was writing this book an exercise in creativity for me personally, one that allowed me to reunite with my creative inner child (so to speak), it became my gift to the world, an act of passion and joy and hope that I wish to make available to everyone.

Because our need to connect, to share our knowledge, our joy, our truth and our love, is also something that separates us from other forms of life. And I, for one, am all about embracing life to the fullest.

I wrote this book so that you might do the same.

[](http://1.creativech.pay.clickbank.net)Consider the possibility that the real reason you’re feeling down, uninspired, or drained of energy and purpose in your life, is that you’ve lost touch with your creative self. That some need in you to express yourself creatively has no outlet and no hope of release.

Now consider the opportunity to change all this. To reinvigorate your creative energy, to connect with the world in a way that is uniquely and creatively yours. To tap back onto your creative potential and set it free to commune with the world.

Feels good, doesn’t it. I know, because I’ve been there, too. And believe me, nothing, and I do mean nothing, is as gratifying as the release of creative energy. Everything that is good and worthwhile about life has a creative component to it, and none of it can be completely yours until you engage your creative self in the process of living your life to the fullest.

So let’s get started on that journey.

How and why has our creativity been shut down?

It’s been said that some people are too busy making a living to get rich. Interestingly, this little piece of rhetorical wisdom speaks to the need for creativity in one’s strategy for wealth building. But that’s not all it speaks to.

As interesting and true as this is, that’s not why I quote if for you here. Because the same can be said about living your life creatively. Too many people are too busy foraging for food, shelter, fortune and companionship to make time in their lives for creative pursuits. All of the pressures of modern life are inherently creative blocks that cut us off from our creative selves.

The good news is that there are ways around these creative blocks. Or better put, ways to pulverize these blocks into sand, over which you can walk toward whatever creative endeavor makes your heart beat a little faster.

In “Unleashing the Creative Child Within You,” I’ll show you how to…
restore your creative self, rather than mold and shape your creativity to the standards of others… recognize the blocks and diversions in your life and take away their power over your creativity… stop listening to the marketing prompts that invade our consciousness daily and rob us of true creativity… think outside the box and discover the joy of making your own creative way in the world… create a direct and immediate link to your creative inner child, who is waiting to come out and play… design and implement your own creativity prompts that will allow you to respond to life your way… regain the creative enthusiasm you had as a child… use carefully designed exercises to help you reinvigorate your creativity and recognize the joy and reward that comes from creative expression.
Rest assured, this book is more than a white-paper on creativity. Much more.

“Unleashing the Creative Child Within You”

…is nothing short of a training program, delivering a detailed methodology designed to unlock your ability to express yourself creatively.

There is no fluff here, no rhetoric and no shallow new age promises. This book is a concise roadmap toward enabling renewed creative expression.

Creativity, by definition, cannot be compelled. Which means, unlike other types of training, the results will be different for every reader. Like our personalities, our creativity is unique, and once you understand how to bring it back into your life it will be completely and uniquely yours.

Once the door to your creativity has been re-opened, what happens then is completely up to you. That outcome, by definition, is part of the creative journey and process you will discover in this book.

But rest assured, the door to your creativity will be opened. Perhaps for the first time in years. Perhaps for the first time since you were a child.

The exercises in this book have been specifically designed and tested to allow you to experience the creative joy you once knew when you were young. In feeling that joy, you will once again connect to the freedom and reward of creative expression, and will be empowered to live your life accordingly from that point forward.

No longer will the diversions and pressures of modern life separate you from your creative self.

Because after reading this book, you will understand precisely what those diversions are, and how to conquer them in favor of living creatively, with abundant passion, joy and hope.

This book isn’t about me, or how I rediscovered my own creativity. It’s about how you will rediscover yours.

You can return to the exercises in the book time and time again. And you’ll want to, because the pressures of modern life won’t go away. With this book, you’ll have a tool to steadfastly remain on the road to creative expression, and to grow with each step along the way.

Once you begin this journey, there is no looking back. Because when you live creatively, the only place you’ll want to look is to the future, where the next creative reward awaits.

I wish you a long and healthy life full of creative passion and reward.

Avital Gertner-Samet

Author, “Unleashing the Creative Child Within You”

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