Excerpt from product page

The Top Secret
"Psychological Triggers"
That Can Turn You Into
A Health Addict -Today.

Master Hypnotist exposes the "Persuasion Technologies"
that Professional Manipulators have used on you for
years so that you can take control of your health.
by [Jim Katsoulis](file:///C|/Documents and Settings/HP_Administrator/My Documents/Internet Marketing/Website/PYT/sales/mywin.htm), creator of the Addictive Health Plan  

Dear Fellow Health Seeker,
Why does it seem so hard to make choices that we know will make us feel better? It doesn't make sense.

How many times have you tried to get into better shape and commit to being healthier, only to find your old habits creeping back into your life.

If you could read just one article about how to turn yourself into a genuine Health Addict, this is it.
I dare you to read this entire article and not change the way you think about your health forever.

“Amazing. 35 pounds in 3 months. The most success I’ve had ever, and the best part is that it was so easy. I’ve lost weight before, but it was always so stressful because I knew in the back of my mind that I wouldn’t be able to keep up the diet and that it wouldn't last.This time it feels completely natural and automatic .I am literally a new person. I really do think, act, and respond like a thin person, which is amazing because I had been overweight since before I was a teenager. Your program made it so clear for me and I want you to know that it has changed my life." Anne H.

"I'll Start Eating Better Next Week"

How many times have you said this to yourself in your life? And out of all those times you said it, how many times did it actually happen? Have you ever wondered why being healthy can seem so difficult even though you want it so badly?

What if it wasn't your fault. What if it had nothing to do with a lack of will power or commitment? What if I told you that the number one reason that people struggle to experience the health they want is because of something that has been out of their control ...until now.
Important Fact #1:

Imagine a Magic Genie appeared in front of you and offered to grant you one of the following wishes:

a) you could wake up tomorrow morning at your
natural weight, feeling strong, flexible, and energized.
b) you could have the most delicious meal
that you've ever tasted.

Which would you choose?

If you chose A, it's probably because you believe it would feel better and be more enjoyable. And you'd be right!

You see the first thing you need to remember is that you've got the truth on your side. No matter how good the advertising gets at trying to trick us into thinking the food is more enjoyable than our health, we can always rely on the truth:

That nothing tastes as
good as a vibrant healthy body
Before you continue reading this article, let me warn you about what you are going to experience. You will find yourself learning things that are so obvious and common sense that you will wonder

“How come I never realized that before?”

Relax. This is normal!

You are about to learn the most overlooked truth of how to create the health you want, and it is probably not what you are thinking.

You can enjoy a level of control over yourself, that you never dreamed possible.

But you must do one thing. You’ll only have to do it for the next few minutes, but  this one thing could be the difference between a life of physical pleasure or emotional pain.

You need to stop and take everything you know about health, all your beliefs and ideas, and put them to the side as you continue to read this article (you’ll see why in a moment).

You could spend the rest of your life struggling and fighting to stick to different health plans. Jumping from diet to diet, always searching for the next miracle pill, but you know that you won’t have the vibrant health you deserve until you can control your mind.

Listen closely. In the next 5 minutes I’m going to show you how to easily Program your mind, Re-set your internal “energy thermostat”, and Unleash motivation that you never knew you had.

So, Relax. Get yourself comfortable and take a deep breath because here are just a few things you will learn as you read this article:

How to Become Addicted to Health
What Controls Your Behaviors
Which of your 2 Brains Runs Your Habits
One Question that Will Change Your Life
The Absolute Certainty of Vibrant Health

"The Conspiracy Against Your Health"

Before I go on I need to expose the biggest challenge you face in your quest to experience true health. It isn't your genetics, willpower, or what's happened to you in the past.

It is something that we rarely notice anymore because it's everywhere, hiding right out in the open. It is so subtle, but it influences every decision that we make.

It is our modern culture.

Some of the sabotaging messages
that we are constantly bombarded with:

Perfection is the goal
Listen, as humans perfection isn't a choice. No one has or ever will be perfect. So, let's stop focusing on being perfect and instead put our energy into feeling as alive and healthy as we can. • Deal with the symptoms, not the source of problems
We need to begin solving the core reasons for the problems we have rather than trying to cover them up. • How we look is more important than how we feel
From Movies, to television, to magazines we're constantly conditioned to focus on superficial things. But everyone knows that true happiness flows from within. • Use food and other distractions to feel better
If you want to experience genuine health you have to find real solutions to your problems, rather than trying to avoid them.

Now I'm not saying people are out there to intentionally hurt us, but in the constant pursuit of efficiency, profits, and quick fixes we've created a society that has forgotten what health truly is...

What is Health?

Let’s start with the definition of health, which has commonly come to be known as a state free from disease. But health is so much more.

It's feeling alive when you wake up, it’s breathing in a relaxed and calming way, being able to move comfortably and with ease, feeling light and alive.

You see somewhere along the way we began to define being healthy as what we didn’t have. We go for checkups 40 lbs overweight, unable to
touch our knees, fatigued and stressed, and we’re told that we’re healthy if the tests don't show any problems.

But we know this isn’t health. The first thing we need to do is to increase our standards of what health is. We need to demand more than just not having a diagnosable illness.

When all the different chemicals and additives for our foods are tested for safety, all the focus is on making sure that they aren't harmful. But what if we flip that and judge them by asking if they're helping us.

We've gotten so used to focusing on how to deal with the symptoms that we've forgotten to notice the causes. Our life spans are increasing but the very foundations of true health have been ignored.

We have learned to feel better about ourselves by lowering the bar by which we measure our health, but that is about to change.

The New Definition of Health

The first thing we need to do is to create a more powerful and accurate definition for the type of health we're striving for. Now obviously it's going to be a little different for each person, but here are some basics:

- physical and emotional well being
- automatic calm and relaxed breathing patterns
- abundant and vibrant energy levels
- a relaxed and peaceful mind and body
- comfortable and graceful movement

It may not be what you think you to something that Until you make this decision you will struggle or fail to be truly healthy. Sorry to be so harsh, but I owe it to you to be honest. I have never seen a single person succeed without first making a decision to succeed.

Now, if you have decided to be healthy and are struggling to make it happen, there is only one reason….

You don’t “know how” to be healthy

That’s right. You don’t know how to be healthy. Relax.
It’s not your fault, did anyone ever teach you how to create vibrant health? You see, our habits have more to do with what we learn than any genetics. And that is good news for you.

To truly transform how you look and feel, you need to know HOW to think, act, and respond like a healthy person does. Let me repeat, it is easy to know what to do, but you get results when you know HOW to do it.

Don’t take my word for it, see for
yourself by answering these questions:

When you’re stressed, sad, or lonely do you have a way to feel better other than food? • As you’re eating, do you recognize when you’ve had enough food and then stop? • Do you have exercises that you look forward to that feel good as you're doing them? • Could you make 5 fast, easy, and healthy meals that taste really good off the top of your head?
If you could answer yes to these questions, don’t
you think your body would look different?

How Did Peter Drop Over 70 Pounds
without Dieting?


“I’ve tried every diet program out there. The few times I got good results it didn’t last and I would be right back to my original weight. After working with Jim I have dropped over 70 pounds, but the amazing thing was how easy it was. It’s like it just happened automatically…. Peter Putnam

How Health Seekers Use Their Brain Wrong

Let me share with you one of the biggest secrets of change.
I will explain with an experiment. Ready?

I want you right now to not think of the color blue. Don’t think of the color blue now, one more time don’t think of the color blue.

What happened?
If you’re like the rest of us you immediately thought of the color blue. The reason for this is that the unconscious mind had to think of the color blue first so that it could not think about it.

Now how does this apply to the process of getting healthy?
Very simply when most people want to get serious about their health, they focus on the things that make them feel bad rather than the things that make them feel good. “I have to stop eating ice cream, I can’t have any more carbs, I don’t want to be so lazy, etc.”

So, in all these examples you are thinking and focusing on the things you want to avoid, this creates a feeling of deprivation, and that is why the majority of people can’t stay healthy. Simply  because they don’t know how to use their minds correctly.
What are you doing? it says not to read this (it’s even in red). But then again if you’re like 99% of us humans then your curiosity is raised about things you aren’t supposed to do, it is just a natural response. This is one of the reasons diets don’t work because as soon as you “ban” something it immediately becomes MORE tempting.
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.”

Do yourself a favor. Take a moment and answer these questions.

*Have you or anyone you know been successful at permanently 
maintaining a high level of health?
*How many times will you try losing weight by dieting?
*How many times would it take to finally realize that it doesn’t work?
*Are you convinced that it might be time to try another way?

Listen, I understand because I was there. I thought the only way to become healthy was by dieting and working out in a gym, and I could never figure out why it didn’t work.

Top 5 Reasons Diets Don’t Work

 #5: Diets Make You Feel Deprived.
Diets focus on what you can’t eat, and that naturally increases the feelings of missing out on something.
#4: Your Mind Thinks of Diets as Temporary.
Usually diets are seen as a change in behavior until a
certain amount of weight is lost. But what happens then?
# 3: Diets Are Really Easy to Fail At.
Most diets require you follow the plan to the letter all
the time, and when you slip it is really hard to start again.
#2: You Need Constant Willpower and Discipline
It is impossible to stay focused and motivated all the
time, and that causes “slipping” or “falling off the wagon”.

and the number one reason diets don’t work...
#1: Diets are Boring.

It's Time for A New Way

Let me propose a new solution to an old problem. Rather than struggling and fighting to try and change your behaviors. Why not get addicted to your desired behaviors.

Some people who are addicted to smoking, can smoke exactly 20 cigarettes every single day. They don't plan it, it just happens. Think about how amazing that is. Imagine doing something 20 times a day that you don't even need to think about because it just automatically happens.

This is an incredible thing that our brains can do.

In order to create the health we want, we need to make our good habits just as automatic and addictive, and we can.
Important Fact #2:
Try this experiment to see how our behaviors
are controlled by how things feel.

The True Secret to Permanent Vibrant Health

Everyone knows that in order to truly feel healthy you need to change your habits. But how do you do that? This is the most important and for some reason overlooked  part of most health programs.

Wouldn’t you agree that it is easy to know what to do, but is harder to actually do it? You know what foods you should and shouldn’t eat. You know you should exercise more, but you don’t do it.

If you had the ability to program your mind so that you craved fruit and salads, automatically ate slower, and exercised everyday, would your body look different?

Of course it would, you see so many people try to lose weight by fighting against there “favorite” foods. But what would happen if you could program yourself to feel complete and total indifference for those foods instead.

When you do that, the weight loss process becomes automatic and enjoyable because instead of fighting against cravings, you’re unplugging them. This is one ability alone will transform your body.

Stop for a moment, and think about what YOU would change:
a: Would you eliminate snacking? b: Would you eat more fruit? c: Would you stop eating once you were satisfied? d: All of the above.
If this became the natural way that you acted around food, do you think you would look different?

"I recently completed your Program Yourself Thin system, and I must say, I have had wonderful results so far. I have lost almost 40 lbs, and now walk more or less regularly 2X a day; walking about 8 miles a day in two sessions (on top of taking Jujitsu 2X/week, yoga and a strength and stretch class). Had you told me 3 months ago I would be doing all this on a regular basis (or even once in awhile), I would have told you you were NUTS. I have about 90 pounds to go to my goal weight, and can actually visualize myself finishing this .I have never been able to get all my ducks in a row for serious weight loss before this, and I am very pleased."
-Tammy M

Do you know what the worst
way to create change is?

It probably isn’t what you think. I’ll give you a clue, it begins with W.
Give up?

Okay I’ll tell you, it‘s by relying on Willpower.

I know this may sound crazy, but indulge me for a minute, pretend this may be true and I’ll show you why...

Important Fact #3:
You Have Two Brains  
You see everyone has two brains:

the Conscious Brain
the Unconscious Brain

Now the difference between them is huge.
The Conscious Brain is the part of you that is logical and rational, it is where your willpower lives,  it is the part that knows you shouldn’t eat that cookie.

The Unconscious Brain is the part of you that carries out automatic functions, such as breathing, but it also stores all your habits.
Let me give you an example of the difference.

When you first learned to read you had to practice continually this was conscious learning.
You practiced reading and writing the letters over and over, you slowly sounded out each word, learned what it meant, and eventually it became automatic for you.

You see even right now as you read this you do not have to think about how to read. You just do it. As a matter of fact you couldn’t look at these words and not understand them.
I’ll prove it to you, go ahead and try, I dare you.
Look at the following word and try not to understand it: 


Can you do it? I bet you can’t.
Let me make it easier for you.
Try not to understand the following...

Yuor mnid is
aimazngly perofwul!

Wloceme to a wrold of hddien potential. Brtheae, realx, and konw that cahnge is esay when you use the peowr of your unconscouis mn id, the mae part tat antisocially understands thee rods.

What??? You still understood? The reason for this is because the unconscious mind is so much quicker and powerful than the conscious mind. Think about it, your unconscious mind knows how to read, write, tie your shoes, drive a car, use a computer, cook, walk, and a million other things you never think about, but do automatically everyday.
So if you want to automatically be thin you must program your unconscious mind. Rather than fighting cravings and bad habits you can program in new cravings and habits that will make you thin. Remember:

chagne is esay wehn you konw how 

 Secrets of a Previously
Overweight Master Hypnotist

My name is Jim Katsoulis and it gives me great pleasure to offer you a better way to be healthy.

You see there was a time, before I knew these things when I was fat and completely unhealthy. It may be hard to believe looking at me now, but it is true. I was 50 pounds heavier than I should have been, 50 pounds heavier than I wanted to be. I dieted, worked out obsessively, stopped eating, only to end up where I started.

Thankfully, I was exposed to information that taught me how to literally “re-program” my mind so that I would automatically remain within 5 pounds of my natural weight from that point forward. No dieting, no deprivation, no depression, and no will power necessary.

I was so excited about the results I was got, that I dedicated myself to helping people achieve the same thing, and I have.

I studied every philosophy of mental programming I could find. I studied and became certified in yoga. Then I committed to learning everything I could about Hypnosis, after getting certified, I discovered NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). This was the missing piece that allowed me to go from helping most of my clients to helping ALL of them.

Why I Decided to Reveal This Information
to the Public for the Very First Time

Before this, the only way that you could get access to this information was to enroll in one of my private health programs for $997.

As a matter of fact I created this program so that I could continue to expose people to the exact system that has worked for so many.

You see I was becoming so successful helping private clients create the health they wanted that the demand forced me to have a 2-3 month waiting list for private clients, which began excluding people that were desperate to feel better

After doing over 2,000 private weight loss and health sessions I figured out exactly what it takes to create true permanent change, and have personally developed this powerful Addictive Health system that has been proven to work to get you results.

I knew I had to create a system that was both effective and affordable because I want everyone to experience the excitement that comes from feeling energetic and having a calm peaceful mind.

And that is how this course came to be...

This course originally began as a four session program and the results were incredible. But as I learned how to use more internet technology, the program began to expand to what it is now.

The Complete Addictive Health Course

It has been said that it takes 21 days to create a new habit, so I decided to make this course is 28 days. At the end of  those 28 days you are going to be addicted to the feeling of energy, calm, and lightness. You'll have complete control over your mind, to program your body at level of health you choose.

 Included in this course is the following:

You will receive one Training Module every week that includes audio (MP3) and class notes (pdf) and one Addictive Health Programming Session a day to ensure that you become Addicted to Health:

Week One
Training Module:
The Psychology of Addictive Health
Learn how your mind really works. In this class you'll discover how to program your mind and make your new habits automatic. The feeling of hope you'll experience from knowing how to truly influence yourself is priceless.
Week Two
Training Module:
The Foundation of True Health
A house is only as strong as its foundation and the same is true of your health. In this class you're going to create your own foundation of health.

Week Three
Training Module:
The Twin Pillars of Energy
You're going to have complete control of your energy levels when you discover how to master the two most overlooked secrets of radiant health.
Week Four
Training Module:
Eating Alive
Never count calories again! When you discover this new approach to food, you'll never be able to think about what you eat the same way again.

Week Five
Training Module:
The Joy of Flex
Imagine how nice it would feel to move with complete comfort. When you understand some basic techniques and use them with everything else that you'll learn, you'll feel younger than you have in years.
you also get...

28 Days of Mind-Programming SessionsEvery day you will get an email with an inspirational message bringing you to a page where you will listen to a 5 minute Addictive Health Practice session reinforcing your new thoughts and beliefs, and mastering the habits that are going to make you healthy. Such as:
Eating Slowly
Feeling Motivation
Role Modeling
Letting Go of Stress
Using Food for Fuel
Deep Relaxing Breathing
Craving Fruits and Salads
Transformational Language
Enjoy Drinking more Water
Feeling Accomplishment
New Habit Reinforcement
Failure into Feedback
Accelerated Learning
...plus 15 more

but that's not all...
you're also going to receive...

2 Complete Self Hypnosis Sessions

Sit back and change while you listen to these powerful self hypnosis sessions. You'll find your thoughts and behaviors automatically transforming just by listening to these sessions. They are designed specifically to induce a state in you where you are receptive to the suggestions given. It is the easiest and most effective way to create change.

“65 Pounds gone. This is how everyone is going to create the body they want. It makes so much sense. Just a few of the things I learned changed my entire life. Everyone should learn this stuff. It is amazing how much happier I am living the way I do now. I was at a point where I didn't know what to do, I had tried all the diets and nothing was working. I feel like I'm free, I had never realized how much food was controlling my life. I am grateful to have found this course and taken action. Being thin is one of the most exciting adventures I’ve ever been on.”
Marie P

Here are just some of the Life Changing Skills you'll Master with the Addictive Health Course:

♦ How to create the perfect balance in your life between health and living, so that you don’t mistakenly sabotage your success by making an unsustainable plan.

♦ The 2 Factors that dictate your emotions and how to use them to control how you feel

♦ How to Program your unconscious mind to Propel you towards success

♦ How to learn invaluable lessons from previous diets and health plans that you’ve used in the past, whether you were successful or not.

♦ The Fool-Proof Antidote to short circuit negative cravings.

♦ How to use the Theatre of the Mind to Let Go of painful memories from your past.

♦ How to recognize words that Hypnotize you into being unhealthy and How you can change them into words that support and inspire you.

♦ The 80/20 Rule that when utilized virtually prevents any “Backsliding” or “Falling Off the Wagon”

♦ Four common words you that disengage your motivation that you must stop using immediately to be successful

♦ You know how you can  get yourself to do some things you don’t love doing (like go to work, chores, etc.) Learn how you can do the same thing with exercising.

♦ How to intentionally create feelings of hope, joy, gratefulness, excitement, happiness, calm, confidence, etc.

♦ How the Secret Techniques of Advertisers are meant to Brainwash and How we can use these same techniques to Program ourselves to do things that will support us.

And a much much more….

As you can see, I’ve squeezed everything you will ever need to have complete control over your mind and body. All told you will be receiving over 8 hours of audio training, programming, and reinforcement that will change your body for the rest of your life. In fact, there isn’t a weight loss system out there that is as comprehensive as this —at any price — that can rewire your brain to automatically be thin.

Here’s What you Won’t Be Getting...

Now that you’ve seen what you will be getting with the Addictive Health Program, here’s what you won’t be getting:

You won’t be getting strict meal plans. After interviewing over 100 “vibrantly healthy” people I found that strict eating regimens are absolutely unnecessary and actually prevent long term success.
You won’t be getting advice on how to suppress or ignore your appetite. Listen you’re going to find that your appetite is your secret weapon to having a lean energized body. The last thing you want to do is to try and ignore it!
You won’t be learning how to keep yourself pumped up. I am going to teach you how to program your mind to feel good on auto-pilot. Imagine feeling crappy and wanting fruit, what would your body look like then?

How much is this new body worth to you?

Think about how much you have missed out on because of fatigue in your life, think of all those times when you barely had the energy to get off the sofa.

If you woke up tomorrow morning with your dream body feeling alive, would your day be different? What would be better about it?

Would  you feel happier, more excited, more confident?

Do you think it would improve relationships in your life?

Would it feel better to go clothes shopping with that body?

Do you think you would like feeling sexy and attractive. Are you sure you want that attention, that excitement?

Please stop for a moment and really imagine having this new body and level of health.  

Order now and you will get these bonuses worth over $597…
As an additional bonus for ordering Today, you’ll also get these 4 bonuses that will make your journey to health even easier!

177 Ways to Burn Calories

Fire up your metabolism! You'll learn easy and effective techniques that will send your metabolism through the roof, making you a 24 hour a day fat burning machine!

Holistic Healing Secrets

Take back your power to heal yourself. The secrets in this book will help you tap into your bodies natural ability to heal itself from the inside out.

Insider Nutrition Secrets

Take control of your nutrition and watch your energy levels go through the roof. Discover the secrets that your doctors not telling you about.

BONUS #4: Free updates to most recent Addictive Health Course(at least $497 value): When you order the Addictive Health Course you are investing in a new mind and body for the rest of your life. I am always learning new information and techniques that make YOUR success easier. And once you are a customer, every time there is an update, you will receive notice and have instant access to the new material.

Demand Immediate Results and
Get Instant Gratification

What most people don't realize is that you can get much more instant gratification when you know how to focus your body and mind.

As a matter of fact, you feel it now, don’t you? The feeling of  of possibility that this can happen to you.  Do you feel a little more motivated? Because this is just the beginning. The best part of this program is that you will experience changes in your thinking just by listening to the course.

Remember that you are going to listen to over 8 hours of material in this course
You see, I’ve taken everything I know about Mental Programming for vibrant health and crammed it into this course. Every form of learning is covered.

Okay, so what's the bottom line
How much does this complete program cost?

I’m so excited and thankful to be able to offer so much for so little. You see because this program is completely digital (and available immediately), you save a ton of money and you get instant access. Your investment in this life changing program is now only $297  $197 $97.00! You get 28 Daily Addictive Health Programming Sessions, 5 Main Training Modules (with class notes), 2 Complete Self Hypnosis Sessions, and access to a VIP Question &Answer Session. Plus, you get 3 Bonus Mental Programming MP3’s, Unlimited Upgrades to the Program, and for a limited time the amazing new seminar Addicted to Health —all for just $197 $97.00.

This special price is an introductory offer, and is only for 25 copies because after that I may only offer it as part of my private coaching program which costs as much as $1995.00.

Once you complete your order on Clickbank's secure server you will be taken to a Download page where you can begin this course IMMEDIATELY.

[Click Here To Get Started Now — For Only $197.00 $97.00!](http://1.elitebody.pay.clickbank.net)

That’s all there is to it. Just go to the download page, begin listening, and start becoming Addicted to Health. Leave all the confusion behind and step into your new mind and body. Learn how to run your brain the way that you want to.

The course is in MP3 format, and can easily be played right on your computer or downloaded directly to an ipod or CD (a lot of people have written in and said they listen to them while they workout).

All the class notes are in PDF format, which can be viewed on any computer (PC or MAC). You can read it right on the computer screen, or print it out and put it into a notebook.

“Jim, I writing to keep up my part of our bargain. Your program has completely changed my life. And this is coming from a total skeptic. I got to admit I didn't know if I believed at first, but I figured "what the hell, there's a guarantee", I'm so glad I did. Having this new body is great, but it is nothing compared to how I feel now. I used to be avoid going out because I felt no confidence, but now I just enjoy myself. It is so much better. And another thing that is so cool, is how people are always coming up to me and asking how I did it. The attention is really fun.
Thank you, Jim”
Mark A

Warning: Being Healthy Will Change Your Life

Before you decide to buy, remember that your life is going to change. You will need to buy new clothes in smaller sizes, you'll become more active and you'll feel a lot better.

As you sit there reading this, think about the excitement you could feel, if you begin this new adventure now.

Imagine that next week you were 3 pounds lighter, in 2 weeks you’re 5 pounds lighter? In a month 10 pounds lighter than you are now, would that feel like an adventure?

Imagine waking up refreshed and relaxed every morning. Moving around comfortably and easily. This can be your reality.

[](/sales/order)[Click Here To Get Started Now — For Only $197.00 $97.00!](http://1.elitebody.pay.clickbank.net)[

The Moment Success Starts

From studying hundreds of people who transformed their bodies right before my eyes, I know that success begins the instant you make a decision. Every single person who has become healthy made a decision to become healthy. Make your decision now, and order because

You risk absolutely nothing

Here's the deal:  Go ahead and [preview](http://1.elitebody.pay.clickbank.net) the Addictive Health Program in its entirety (that's over 8 information-packed hours!) without risking a single dime. 

Your satisfaction is 100% Guaranteed. Go through this course with a fine tooth comb. Test the techniques, experiment with the programming sessions, and examine the information for the next 60 days.

 If you don’t love the course, then I want you to simply write and tell me. I’ll send you a prompt, courteous, no questions asked 100% refund.

The guarantee is simple — you assume zero risk

BUT, if this complete course does what I say and allows you to sculpt your body into the perfect shape and feel better than you ever have, than you have to promise me that you’ll send before and after pictures, along with your story that I will use it to inspire others.

[Click Here To Get Started Now — For Only $197.00 $97.00!](http://1.elitebody.pay.clickbank.net)

If You’re Reading This, I Want to Tell You Something

The fact that you are still reading this is proof that you are one of the few who are really ready for a change. If you are tired of struggling with fatigue, bad moods, ached and pains body than you owe it to yourself to at least try the Addictive Health Program.

This course is not meant for everyone (I made it that way when I was designing it). It is meant for a person who knows that you get results from action, not from thought.

If you are ready to act, this course will teach you step by step how to become addicted to health. But you must complete the first step. You must take action and order this course.

You owe it to yourself to wake up tomorrow morning motivated and excited about making your new body and life a reality.

It can happen.

To vibrant health,
your friend and coach,

Jim Katsoulis, CHT, NLPP
Your Health Coach

PS This course has helped thousands of  people finally take control of their bodies and lives and it can help you. Please don't confuse [Addictive Health ](http://1.elitebody.pay.clickbank.net) with any other health program. This is a cutting-edge course not available anywhere else, that enables you to permanently change the way you think and allow you to create the body and energy you want on autopilot in the shortest possible time. When you decide that you want to own the course, please don't delay.  As I mentioned earlier, once the next 25 16 9 3 copies are sold, the program will not be available for some time.  

PPS Remember that you have absolutely NO RISK at all with our 100% guarantee. If you don't benefit from the Addictive Health Program, simply let us know within 60 days for an instant no questions asked refund, and as my gift to you for trying the course you can keep all of the over $697 in bonuses.


NOTE: Addictive Health is a downloadable course consisting of MP3’s and PDF files. No Physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to the members site where you can begin the course immediately.

Mindrise Hypnosis
Mailing Address: PO Box 1561
Westfield, MA 01085


lower = better; 1 = best

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In database since 2008-06-19 and last updated on 2016-04-05
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