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Have you ever had an argument where you began talking about one thing and ended
up fighting about something completely different?

Do you find yourself arguing about the same things over and over again?

Do you tend to have your worst fights with the people you care about the most?

If so, you may be getting taken out by the hidden pattern I call, "The Gauntlet."   It doesn't
have to be that way.

Arguments follow patterns.   “The Gauntlet” is the most widely-used, destructive dynamic
that shows up the moment people attempt to work out their problems.  While they're trying
to make things better, suddenly, everything gets worse.

Are you tired of:

Fighting with the people you care about?

Being made wrong or being misunderstood?

Never solving problems or moving forward?

Sweeping problems under the rug just to "keep the peace?"

Feeling stressed-out, frustrated, lonely, or withdrawn?

Learn the system that defeats the negative conflict pattern.

For most of us conflict is confusing because communication that begins consciously can
quickly turn unconscious.  Not only do we not know how to get through conflict effectively,
much of the time, we feel like we don’t even know what just happened.  

Do you ever feel bewildered in the midst of an argument?

Why?  Because many aspects of relationships are hard-wired in to our instincts which are
largely invisible to most people.   How can you change what you don't even know is there?

Because we don’t understand the larger context underlying conflict, we often respond
incorrectly to what is happening, blaming the other person, or blaming ourselves.  
Fortunately, because conflict does follow patterns, there are signs to read.  Once you learn to
read the signs, communication that was once unpredictable is suddenly predictable.  There is
a path through the chaos and a method to the madness.   

In this book, you will learn:

Conflict is nothing more than a relationship’s attempt to change.

That negative conflict indicates you are merely caught in the negative conflict

That conflict has natural origins that can be understood.

What is happening in the moment which will curb your reactivity and make you less
likely to harm your relationship.

Tools and strategies to interrupt the pattern and a system to approach conflict in a
constructive rather than destructive way.

So that you will feel the benefits of:

Happier relationships

Elegant communication

Connection and love

Positive energy

Healthy environment for you and your family

Security and support  

The ability to find solutions

More productive and successful work environment

Intimacy and sharing

Peaceful home life

Purpose and clarity

Increased passion

Affection and warmth

Congruency and balance

Joy and fun

This book gives a fast, straight-forward, comprehensive yet simple approach to handling
conflict differently, starting right now.  It has been written so that most people can
comfortably read it in one sitting and get answers today. When relationships are in deep and
serious trouble, the point comes eventually when the next fight is the last fight.  This book is
meant to provide immediate tools, immediate understanding, immediate change, and
immediate damage control for relationships.  

People rarely know when they use these patterns because word selection is an unconscious
process, but having learned the skills and knowledge in this book, you can feel better now
because once you know the pattern you can never 'not know it', again!

Once you can see the pattern, you can change it.  [The Conflict Pattern Revealed](http://1.faithd.pay.clickbank.net) will
help you recognize and change the pattern so that you, and those closest to you, will have
happier relationships.

The skills in this book are easy to learn because you relate the tools to your own situation.  
As soon as you are made aware of them, you are already there, so implementing the new
learning is almost effortless.

Imagine having the skills to understand your situation with clarity and handle conflict
episodes elegantly.

Doesn’t that feel better already?

When now would be a great time to take control of your life, to see and feel the difference in
your level of happiness as you uncover these secrets?  

A better future starts with taking one action today...

“People tend to leave relationships only as a last resort of self-preservation
when they feel they have no alternatives and don’t know what else to do.  If
you ask someone who has left a significant relationship, they will generally
admit that had they known a way to resolve things, they would have tried
it.  Most people will also generally share that they still love the person who is
no longer a part of their life.  Even if we don’t leave our relationships, some
of us simply give up.

"If your relationships are hitting the same rough spots, if you find yourself
withdrawing, if you feel frustrated, hurt, or unresolved, especially if your
conflicts are with the people you care the most about, I wrote this book for
you."   -  Faith Deeter, MFT



How The Purchase Works:

After you click the “Buy Now" button, you will be taken to ClickBank's secure  server page.
ClickBank will take the information to complete the sale and verify your credit card
purchase. You will then be taken to a download page, where you will get instant access to
download the book to your own computer.  The book is delivered in PDF format.  

Best Wishes and Good Luck,
Faith Deeter

                                                   Faith Deeter, MFT is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
                                          in private practice.  She is a Life Coach, Transformational Trainer,
                                          and founder of Galloping Thru Life equine facilitated therapy.
                                          Faith is an author, speaker, horsewoman, and cancer survivor.
                                                                 Visit me at:  www.faithdeeter.com         
                                                        or you can write me at faith.deeter@verizon.net

Return policy:  "ClickBank will, at its option, replace or repair any defective product within 8
weeks from the date of purchase. After 8 weeks all sales are final." ClickBank does reserve the right
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If you want happier relationships, be sure to read...

"WOW, So many times I wondered why arguments ended up descending into total disaster...
Now I know!  Faith Deeter understands & describes perfectly situations I have found myself
in within relationships and this book has helped me understand the dynamics of it all. I feel
like I have been given a true gift! Enjoyed it immensely... Well worth a read!”  -Liz Ingate, UK

" As I read through The Conflict Pattern Revealed, I recognized situations from my past that
could have been handled much better.  Faith’s down to earth, real-life examples of situations
and experiences made me both laugh out loud and stop to deeply reflect. With the skills and
tools Faith provides in this terrific book, my ability to deal with my good relationships as well
as with difficult people and situations has greatly improved. I have even found myself giving
my kids advice that I gleaned from this book. You will be happy you bought, read, and
applied this book to your life. I know I am."                                          -John Janecek, California

“It truly helped me to understand my own behavior as well as the behavior of someone I
really care a lot about. Thank you for shedding a searchlight on this crucial aspect of our
communication with each other.”   - Anil Kumar,  Hollywood Producer/Director  

“This is an incredible book that, if read and applied, will change peoples' lives and
relationships in a very positive way.  They will be happier.  Initially, I did not think this was
going to be a particularly exciting subject, but it is.  You provide simple tools people can use
to better get along with each other...especially with those they truly love.”  
                                                                                                                                       -Nancy Canter, California

"As a Performance Coach I often have to deal with a client holistically.  This means, by and
by, that myself and a client will move on to the subject of their relationships. When my good
friend, Faith Deeter, told me about her book, I said to myself ;

“You  should buy this book and learn  this stuff, it will be good!”

Needless to say I found myself having Ah ha! moments as I could relate it to discussions with
my clients. Brilliant nuggets of insights, I found myself saying to a client just the other day;

“Funny you should say that happens in your relationship. Your task is to help yourself this
week, go grab a copy of Faith’s book NOW!”

Needless to say the client reported back that;

“It is amazing how you can relate so much to the examples Faith uses to your own life.”

They should teach this information in schools; it would save a lot of pain and unhappiness in
our lives. A very important contribution to successful relationships. Thank you!

                                                                                                                                                       Martin Murphy
                                                                                                                           The Performance Consultant


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I read the book "Conflict Pattern Revealed" out of sheer curiosity. It was written in clear,
comprehensible prose, and was easy to read through in one sitting. What struck me when I
read it, is that even though I have come far in revealing my own pattern, there is always
something to learn by everything we encounter. From this book I will take with me that on
my part, I do deliver some pretty nasty parting shots, when enough stressed by a sibling who
does excel in the guilt trip. I have realised I must even harder strive to find common ground
by asking more questions, and by being more clear in my validation of my sibling's feelings.
Both of us will gain from such an approach.               - Viktoria Harrysson, Sweden                           

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Home & Family Parenting Marriage


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