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My spirit, has always tried to maintain itself in a happy space.  Fortunately lifes' bumpy roads, do not allow for a happy space to be maintained, but do allow for the happy space to be strengthened, enabling the spirit to soar and reach a very subtle place that can not ever be taken.

This passage is in our book A Touch of Spirituality.

  You can get your copy over to the right and receive your special gift Eyes, Hearts, Minds and Souls.

A preview of the type of poems you will receive in;  A Touch Of Spirituality


It has been known

Throughout the ages of time

That man receives his powers through the everlasting vine

Despite the strong winds and the reckless seas

Man has always been able to conquer lifes tragedies

Unknowingly at times how this could be

And knowingly at times because there is evidence of Thee

You can PURCHASE INDIVIDUAL POEMS for  $3.00 each. 

Item #1

Spring Feelings ;Grasp the essence of a beautiful, spring day,

where you are quietly escaping into.......

Item #2

A New Beginning; Starting over? Your first child? Are you looking to live your life a new way? You will be amazed at the simplicity of handling your new beginning.

Item #3

To Be Able To See; Have you ever been, or are you blinded by negativity? Just can't seem to find your way out, of what appears to be your dreadful destiny? See clearer.

Item #4

Lessons To Be Learned;   Every now and then, a certain someone comes along, that inspires you, to strive.  Sometimes we don't even realize it, but when we do, we become so appreciative, of that individual who gave us the compassion and guidance we needed.

Item #5

Hands Stretched Out; Have you not listened to those who love, and care about you? Are you a teen struggling, with your identity and think your parents aren't giving you a fair shake. Do you feel as if, no one is listening?

Item #6

Universe; The many mysteries of our world?  How did we all get here?  Where did we come from?  How is it that earth and the other planets exist? How did all the flowers, trees, animals, birds, bees the sky and seas come to be?  :)

Item #7

Hope; We all need a little lift me up, once in a while. When one loses hope, all that is left is despair, and if an ounce of hope can't penetrate our souls, we're doomed, to the darkness.  With hope, you have the power to see the light.

Item #8

Nine Eleven Oh! My ; A dedication to ALL

Item #9

Philly; If you've ever had a friend that you could count on no matter what, you'll love Philly.

Purchase 1 Poem receive our Special Gift

Eyes, Hearts, Minds and Souls

A 9-11-01 Dedication To All

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 Email: [zalt@dollarsflow.com](mailto:zalt@dollarsflow.com) 


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