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Recluse Graphic Designer Comes Out Of Hiding After 18 Months Of Being 'On The Lamb' & Unleashes Bombshell On The Internet Marketing Industry!

The results of over 5 years of experience, testing, tweaking, experimenting, and aggravating trial and error are neatly packaged and expertly presented by this direct response marketer who is devoted to kicking your bottom line right square in the pants, or your money back...

This isn’t a sales pitch; this is a cold, hard, & sobering fact: Your web design is playing a pivotal role in preventing your visitors from lasting more than 30 seconds on your website.
It’s time for you to make the simple yet highly effective changes that can revolutionize your dying website. Now before I tell you about this amazing new product, I would like to give you a gift just to give you a foretaste of the quality we offer.
If you sign up above, you can claim instant access to a bunch of free web graphics and my own stockimage guide.


until Dressed2Convert Opens Its Doors To The Public!

In less than a year and a half of taking orders at DesignGuruRyan.com I have completed over 1000 web graphics for a varioous online clients. Many of which, were repeat customers and EXTREMELY succesful money magnets.

Now, I am letting the cat out of the bag and sharing with you some of the most crucial information every marketer / business should know about profit-pulling design. But thats not the end-all. I am offering some juciy resources that will get you far ahead of the game!

I have developed a complete guide & resources that will give you the neccesary information you need to make your website more effective, more profitable and more creditable . . . just by making a few simple changes to your graphics, layout and design.

I'm not a copywriter, I'm a graphics guy that knows how to grab the balls right out of your visitor's eye sockets - if you don't believe me, then listen to what some of my clients have said:

"I've worked with a lot of graphic designers over the years. The really good ones don't get "our kind" of marketing and the ones who do usually aren't that good. Ryan is one of the few who DOES get it and IS really great at design. That's why he's now our go-to guy!"

Ryan Deiss

"Ryan is the BEST direct response designer on the planet, or at least the internet in my humble opinion.

Usaully when you outsource projects you expect people to never do as well as you expect, but thankfully ryan is always an exception to the rule."

Mark McDonald

I''ll give you a brief outline of the rich-content
thats packed into the dressed2convert product

Hard-hitting facts and evidence from the top names in the industry Dissection of lucrative website elements The biggest mistakes you can make - identified Top 10 rules for testing The specific design elements that make or break your conversions
Plus, a laundry list of other proven & tested, easy-to-implement, simple tweaks to make your customer feel more secure – a proven way to raise conversions!
I’m going to give you the ultimate crash course on how to incorporate P-R-O-V-E-N, effective, & easy-to-implement design tweaks that will GLUE your visitor’s eyeballs to your site and ease their credit cards right out of their wallets.  These are tips & tricks that ANYONE can implement.. I am also going to give you a bunch of extras to help streamline the conversion process!

Dressed2Convert is not just another e-book, its a class suite of weaponary to get you pumping some cash from your lifeless sites including a 5-series audio set: questions and answers, with marketing experts, Michel Forint, Marlon Sanders, Erick Graham and many more ...

Launching April 14th
1pm (Pacific Standard Time - UTC -8/-7)

Be the first in-line to get this amazing one-of-a-kind product!

If you are already making money on the internet I would love to teach you how a few small changes to your web design can dramatically increase your bottom line.  If you aren’t making money online, I would love to show you how to do it right the first time and avoid the slow painful learning curve you would otherwise experience. So put this date in your diary and get set for some serious conversions!

See ya' soon!

# SignUp to receive our free 10-day E-Course 'Top 10 Rules for Testing a Landing Page' and receive our free Stock Image Guide and Web Graphics Pack!

Name: Email: spam secure - we hate spam too

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Dressed2Convert by Design Guru Ryan


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