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Save your marriage with the divorce ebook Divorce is devastating for couples, children, families and anyone involved. With Adam Gaines' divorce eBook, you will learn how to evaluate your options. Each chapter is packed with helpful information to give you motivation and ideas to decide on which avenue is best for your situation. This book isn't just another author trying to sell an idea. Adam has been where you are today, and he understands. He knows the trauma and pain that can affect
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Discover How You Can Divorce And Thrive As You Begin A New Life From: Susan Rose Dear Friend, Are you a woman involved in a divorce? If so, I can help. For years, I worked in one of the largest law firms in the US. In addition to going through my divorce, I've also helped many women through their divorce. Women coming into my office always asked the same questions: Should I divorce him? How much child support can I expect? What happens to my house? Can I expect alimony? If so,
Divorce Advice For Women body, td { font:13px Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#000; margin: 0px; } Do You Need Divorce Advice? Get the advice of a divorce coach for the cost of a book ..... and save yourself lots of time and frustration! Imagine being able to calmly and confidently face the divorce process, knowing what to expect each step of the way so you can make the best decisions for your future. Dear friend, When you're facing a divorce, it's easy to
Men After Divorce - Divorce Recovery for Men DIVORCED MAN TURNS LIFE SHATTERING DIVORCE INTO NEW, HAPPILY FULFILLED LIFE! NOW HE WANTS TO TEACH YOU HOW TO LEAVE BEHIND ALL THE MISERY OF DIVORCE AND CREATE A BETTER, HAPPIER LIFE IN JUST A FEW WEEKS! FROM: Kyle Morrison DATE: August 01, 2010 RE: Men After Divorce DEAR FRIEND, Are you struggling with your emotions and how to live your life after your divorce? Are you finding it difficult to move on? Do memories of your ex, and the life you
Discover How You Can Win Your Divorce Without Losing Your Shirt (Or Your Kids)! From: Matt O'Connell Dear Friend, Are you a man facing a divorce? If so, I can help.
Everyday thousands of people across the United States get divorced. Statistics show that 50% of all marriages will end in divorce. Approximately 97% of the people that will file for divorce, will hire an attorney to represent them in the proceedings. There are many facets of a divorce that occur in all cases, and will cause you to spend thousands in unnecessary attorney and court costs. I wrote this e-book to help best prepare you for your divorce. After spending four long unnecessary years in
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Divorce Workbook For Children _uacct = "UA-710192-1"; urchinTracker(); The Divorce Workbook For Children Activities to Help Kids Cope with Their Parents' Divorce Every child whose parents are going through a separation or divorce should have a copy of this workbook. The 40 activities provide sensitively written information and activities on such issues as coping
Help your children cope with, survive and even thrive when facing
"Who Else Wants To Know How To Easily Find All The Essential Information Necessary To Handle The Many Details Of Their Divorce?" From: Paula Michaels, 8.30am Dear Friend, If you are interested in gaining access to tons of valuable resources to help you through your divorce ... then this is going to be the most exciting message you ever read. Here's why: There is an amazing new ebook called, "Paula's Practical Divorce Resources" (delivered as a file in PDF format). It covers nearly
Is the authority divorce eBook of the 21st Century, teaching you the secrets of managing your stress and anger before they take control of your life. Dear Reader, The subject I’m talking to you about is still taboo in some circles. It is all too often swept under the carpet; avoided; and treated as though it doesn’t exist. However, it’s very real and part of our everyday lives and it’s not just divorce, but also the negative emotions and stress that divorce usually brings. The guilt and
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How To Win Your Divorce :: Even If You Can't Afford A Lawyer HOW TO WIN YOUR DIVORCE :: EVEN IF YOU CAN\'T AFFORD A LAWYER Dear Friend, Let's get right to the point. You're reading this letter because: YOU\'RE IN AN UNHAPPY MARRIAGE AND ARE THINKING ABOUT DIVORCE; OR Someone you care about is in an unhappy marriage and thinking about divorce; or YOUR SPOUSE HAS TOLD YOU HE WANTS A DIVORCE; OR Your spouse has served you with divorce papers or threatened he is going to do so. You
Discover The Step-By-Step Plan To Save Thousands Of Dollars On Attorney Fees, Protect Yourself Financially And Maintain Your Current Lifestyle! Any woman going through a divorce must read "Seven Secrets to a Successful Divorce" by Christina Rowe. The book is a goldmine of information. Ron Louis, Co-author of "How to Succeed with Men" Date: From: Christina Rowe Dear Friend, I learned the hard way about the perils of divorce. I was a happily married woman with four children. Then I