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Hello World. My name is Justin. And I am here to share with you how I, in 8 months, lost 150 pounds. I feel great, people say I look great, things couldn't be better. I'm not going to overwhelm you with a super-long drawn out sales letter, or any confusing mumbo jumbo. What I am here today to do is let you know that you can accomplish what I did, tell you how I got there, and guide you on how to get there. On Feb 13th, 2010 I started off at 355.2 pounds and made it to 205.2 by October 13th,
Amazing Self launches on Tuesday, September 21 at 6pm EDT (New York Time) That's only until you can secure your copy and start your self-improvement system and watch your goals become reality! Note: Due to the earthquake in Amazing Self headquarters of Christchurch, New Zealand, the launch date has been moved to September 21 at 6pm EDT Below is a personal message from Amazing Self co-founder, Mark Ling (Note: this may take a minute to load) The Camtasia Studio video content presented here