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“The Amazing Secret I've Used To Filter My Home Water And Save $2920 in Less Than a Year...” Discover how to make your own SIMPLE yet extremely efficient water filter that will change the way you feel about tap water FOREVER. From: Gary Gray Saturday, 1:34 p.m. Dear Friend, Did you know that more than 1 in 5 Americans unknowingly drink tap water polluted with feces, radiation or other contaminants? - The New York Times Did you know that several
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Water Fuel Expert - Run Your Car On Water Now DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN CONVERT YOUR CAR TO RUN ON WATER & DOUBLE YOUR GAS MILEAGE? Fellow Frustrated Motorist, ARE YOU SICK & TIRED OF EVER INCREASING FUEL COSTS? WOULD YOU LIKE TO GET DOUBLE YOUR MILEAGE OUT OF A TANK OF FUEL? Well, you're in luck... because now there's a simple way to slash your fuel costs... DRAMATICALLY INCREASE MPG and slash your fuel costs Our simple method WORKS WITH ANY GAS OR DIESEL-POWERED CAR, vun or truck Do it
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Super Water Car Secret - Slash Fuel Costs UpTo 60% by Running Your Car On Water WARNING: Not reading this letter may prove to be financially devastating to your wallet... \"ARE YOU SICK OF RISING GAS PRICES? DISCOVER HOW TO EASILY CONVERT YOUR CAR TO RUN ON WATER _& GAS_ TO DOUBLE YOUR CAR'S FUEL EFFICIENCY & SAVE YOU $1000'S!\" Are you SICK AND TIRED of gas prices going up and up? Want to STOP FILLING UP YOUR CAR every couple of days? Want to SLASH YOUR FUEL BILL IN HALF? Want your
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Swim Straight In the Open Water Do you want to: Swim slower and further than you need to?! Be the one who swims an extra few hundred metres every time out?! We thought not! On the other hand do you want to: Swim 1500m when it’s a 1500m swim and not add on those extra uneccessary meters? Make full use of your swim fitness and speed whenever you line up in an open water swim or triathlon? It’s a triathlon reality that many triathletes of all ages and standards spend hours and
100% Water Powered Cars Are Still Being Developed, But Using A Simple Technology Called Gas4Free, You Can... Discover How To Convert Your Car or Truck To USE Water And Gasoline, To Double, Even Triple Your Mileage! A car that uses ordinary water as fuel? NO it’s not science fiction, it is NOT waiting to be rolled off the assembly line and it does NOT cost thousands of dollars. You already own the car of the future! In fact, the car of Al Gore’s dreams is already sitting in your driveway
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