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From: Alex Lorenzo Combat Veteran, Former Bodyguard, & Street Defense Expert Listen, I’m not going to bore you with a lesson about why self defense is important. The real world is ruthless and filled with bullies, thugs, and all kinds of scum who have no regard for human life. Knowing how to protect yourself and your loved ones isn't an option, it's a responsibility. If you’re reading this page, I’ll assume that you don’t want some kiddie martial arts defense class that will put you in
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Self Defense Street Fighting DON'T SPEND THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS AND YEARS OF YOUR LIFE LEARNING A MARTIAL ART THAT WILL GET YOU KILLED ON THE STREET!! FACT # 1 -- Any fight on the street is a street fight. Self defense as it is currently being taught is less than worthless when your back is to the wall. FACT # 2 -- In a street fight, trophies, medals and black belts are worthless. All that matters is the answer to one question: Can you smash the guy(s) standing in front of you or can't you?
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Bash-N-Dash Street Self defense EBook is now available. What I have done is try to clear a path through the somewhat unrealistic, prearranged way of fighting that is common in the martial arts world where much of what is taught would be of little use in a real street fight. However there are aspects of Karate for example which can be adapted and applied in real fight situations, these techniques, strategies and ideas have been gained from a process of trial and error. My martial arts and
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Self Defense Warning! Most of what is being taught today in the typical martial arts school, self defense seminar and self defense video is... Useless in a real street attack! Have you been searching for a simple, yet effective method of self-defense that really works? Have you figured out yet that most martial arts schools, videos and seminars teach a lot of stuff that doesn't really work on the street? Are you ready, right now, to learn how you can defend yourself in virtually any
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