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Before Disaster Strikes! Is an evacuation shelter in your future? RV owners, when it happens, will you be ready? After disaster strikes you’re too late! Before Disaster Strikes: Disaster Survival Why You Should Get Your RV Ready was written for RV owners. The author, B W Clark, is a retired Sheriff’s Lieutenant and first responder. You own a Recreational Vehicle, but do you know what to do? When it happens, will you be ready? ------ This is not a doomsday book. It’s a
"Do You Make These Mistakes with Your Bowling Game ?" By Chuck Johnson The sport of bowling has a seemingly simple objective – to roll a ball down a narrow lane, knocking down 10 pins standing some 60 feet away. However ... as I'm sure you already know ... it’s not that simple. In fact, if you want to be a great-scoring bowler -- regularly achieving scores of 200+ -- then there are certain things that you simply have to know. Most bowlers “learn as they go” ... learning only through
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