Excerpt from product page

Hi, my name is Dr. Christine Buehler, and today I’m going to make you cry.


Now don’t worry, I’m not a psychopath...


I’m talking about tears of joy.


That’s because in the following brief video presentation…


You are going to


Discover the Remarkable Story of How One Researcher Stumbled onto a Simple,


To Improve People’s Life Who Are Fighting Against the Herpes Virus




It’s based on something the $60 billion a year pharmaceutical industry is DESPERATE to keep hidden from you...



This may sound strange... Though I'll tell you all the specifics in just a minute...


The medical advancement that I’m going to share with you today has helped many people that said maybe to this alternative.


It doesn’t take too much time


It could work for both HSV-1 and HSV-2… if done regularly


Requires ZERO expensive, side effect filled medications…


And will cost you less than $100 total to perform!




In a while from right now, you could be feeling free from the gnawing shame… and constant fear… that come from always hiding your “dirty little secret” from the world.


You’ll never have to worry about telling the one you like (and who likes you back) that you’re damaged goods… and that you can never be intimate with him or her…


You could live without feeling exposed and terrified by another HUMILIATING outbreak… or experience the itching, burning and blistering that go along with one


If it sounds too good to be true, don’t worry. I completely understand.


In fact, I would have thought the same thing if I hadn’t been part of some other people’s results.


Or if I hadn’t personally used this natural treatment to add more strength to my body while fighting with the herpes simplex virus.


All I ask is that you keep an open mind as you watch this short video…


Because in the next five minutes I will not only give you the reasons as to why this treatment method could work…


I’ll even tell you how to start using it TODAY…


Just like many other women and men before you have already done.


If you’re ready to join them and tens of thousands of others just like you, pay close attention because we’re going to get started right this second…


Okay so, like I mentioned, my name is Dr. Christine Buehler.


I'm 35 years old and I work as a clinical researcher


And one horrible morning about five years ago, while I was doing my residency


I awoke to what appeared to be a rash around my mouth. 


Well, I feel stupid saying this now, but at the time I thought that I was having some sort of allergic reaction or a breakout or something…


And, while I did feel a little self-conscious when I noticed it, I headed into the medical lab like usual, thinking it wasn’t too big of a deal...


Almost from the second I walked through the door however the embarrassment started.


Everyone was staring at me…


I caught two other girls who worked in the lab with me… and who I thought were my friends… pointing and giggling from across the room…


And suddenly I was HUMILIATED as John, the young M.D. I’d had a crush on for more than six months, walked up to me and asked me point blank…


“What’s going on around your mouth? It kind of looks like…well you know…it kind of looks like herpes.”


I wanted to CRY when John said this, but only because I thought he was being stupid…


How could I have gotten herpes? I’d only been “all the way” with a small handful of guys in my entire life… and in almost every single instance that was when we were in committed long-term relationship.


So I forced myself to laugh right in John’s face… and to tell him that was a funny joke but that no, it was just an outbreak… that my skin was probably just reacting to something I ate.


But while I was laughing on the outside, my mind was starting to race on the inside...


Wait a second... there was Ryan, the last guy I’d been with…


We’d dated for two months before I’d let him go all the way with me and, as soon as we did, he stopped returning my phone calls or replying to my texts.


Finally, after like my 20th message, he did text back saying he wasn’t ready for a relationship… and that it was better if we didn’t see each other anymore.


I’d thought at the time that Ryan was just a total asshole…


But what if there was more to it than that?


What if he was infected... and had stopped talking to me because he didn’t want me to know it was from him? What if he’d used me and left me to be damaged goods for life?


As soon as my shift was finished, I ran across campus to visit my former professor, Dr. Languin.


Now, to give you the quick background on Dr. Languin, he is specialized in human pathology…



He’s widely considered to be the most authoritative researcher on sexually transmitted diseases in the country.


And fortunately for me, at the time, his clinical lab was about a 10 minute walk from my own.


As I entered Dr. Languin’s lab, I was again struck by that feeling of incredible embarrassment…


This man had been not just my professor, but also a mentor… and I wanted to run away from him as fast as possible, rather than experience the shame of telling him I thought I had an STD.  


But I had to know…


And so I walked up to the professor, pointed to my mouth and told him that I was afraid.


Thankfully, Dr. Languin didn’t judge me or glare at me. Instead, he just listened sympathetically… and told me he could take a cell culture… and that we could look at it together.


I waited anxiously with my stomach in knots as the doctor looked through the microscope at the cell sample he’d taken.


And then, I felt my heart burst through my chest and drop to the floor as he told me the most terrible news I’d ever heard…


“Christine,” he said, “I don’t know how to tell you this and I wish I didn’t have too. But these tests are positive, and not just for HSV-1… but for HSV-2 also. I’ll run a blood analysis for you too, but I’m 99% sure the results will be the same. I’m really sorry.”


I threw up… literally… I grabbed the waste basket that was next to the lab table and hurled into it for about two minutes straight… while at the same time feeling the hot tears streaming down my face…


All I could think of was what this meant… having both oral and genital herpes. I mean I hadn’t noticed any outbreak “down there”, but then I’d been so busy with my medical residency… I barely had time to sleep, let alone monitor my body…


But if what Dr. Languin was saying was true… and I really did have both Type-1 and Type-2 Herpes… my life was ruined…


I would never meet the man of my dreams… and have him fall in love with me.


Even if I did find “Mr. Perfect”, and he did like me, it could never be…


The second I had to tell him “Sorry, Mr. Perfect, but I have not just one type of herpes but TWO types of herpes…” it would be over.


It doesn’t matter if you are the most beautiful woman in the world, the moment a guy knows you have herpes he sees you as some kind of skank…


And I’d never do that… I’d never tell him… or any other guy who wanted to start dating me… that I had genital and oral herpes…


Which meant I was going to be lonely for the rest of my life.


And that’s not to mention the embarrassment of outbreaks. I’d have to spend every single day in constant fear of another outbreak… of having to lie to friends, family, and coworkers every time those scabbing soars started appearing around my lips and mouth…


Or feel the secret and dirty shame of knowing I’d had an outbreak “down there.”


People would look at me and think I was easy going … even though I’d only been with a few men… and had always used protection… and had never had a one-night stand in my life…


My life was OVER, and I would be damaged goods until the day I died.


I left Dr. Languin’s office with a prescription in hand and headed directly to the pharmacy.


Then, I went straight to my apartment… got into my bed… and didn’t leave again for seven days.


When the outbreak finally did go away and I finally did return to work, it felt like everything was different…


Even though my sores were gone and there was no sign of my herpes anywhere… it still felt like people knew…


And when John and I were forced to work together, I felt like I couldn’t even make eye contact with him anymore.


Because while in the past I’d imagined us eventually dating… or being together long-term… that was no longer a possibility.


Well the months continued to pass and I didn’t have another outbreak…


But the medication was starting to take its toll on me…


The drugs made me feel constantly nauseated, like I was going to puke.


So I switched something else, but that was even worse as I quickly started noticing that my hair was falling out in clumps…


I researched many sorts of pills, but found out they caused dizziness, drowsiness and even kidney problems…


And on top of all of this, there was still the obvious but deeply frustrating fact that:


NONE of these medications helped me to instantly solve this problem

They simple masked the symptoms while making you sick…


So once again, I paid a visit to Dr. Languin’s office.


I hadn’t spoken with him since he’d called to tell me that the blood test matched the cell culture...


And it felt extremely embarrassing to go see him face-to-face again… as he was not only my professor… but also one of the few people in the world who knew my shameful secret.


But despite that shame… I was desperate to know if there were any medications I could try that weren’t plagued with side effects…


Or better still, if he or anyone else in the country were any closer to finding a CURE for the herpes virus.


And so I walked through the door to his lab yet again… put on my best smile… and asked him to share the most recent research on the herpes simplex virus with me…


To tell me anything at all that might suggest there was hope.


Well asking a man who has spent his entire life researching viruses to tell you how one of them works is a lot like asking the “muscle head” at the gym to tell you about working out…


Their eyes light up and they’ll talk for hours…


That was exactly the case with Dr. Languin, but instead of being bored by what he had to say, I was absolutely fascinated.


He had a way of explaining how the herpes virus works, and why it’s so hard to destroy, that I’d never heard before - even in medical school…


And though I didn’t know it yet, what Dr. Languin was telling me would ultimately be the key to help fighting the herpes virus better… while helping many other women to do the exact same thing.


Here’s how Dr. Languin explained it to me…


Your herpes outbreaks are basically warning signs…they’re trying to tell you that your immune system has been compromised.


Those warning signs are important because, as you probably already know, it’s easy for your herpes to stay hidden for long periods of time…


Which means if you didn’t have an initial outbreak, you would never know that you had the virus.


In a lot of ways, having a herpes outbreak is similar to having a fever…


Normally a fever occurs because you’ve been infected by some sort of common virus...


And your body raises its internal temperature both to warn you that you’ve been infected and to aid your immune system in fighting off the infected cells.


Herpes is different from a common infection however, meaning that even though your immune system is compromised… your body isn’t naturally equipped to fight it.  


That’s because once you’ve been infected with herpes, the virus burrows itself into your body and hides… just like a dirty rat will hide behind the walls of your home.


Now without getting too technical on you, let me quickly explain the science behind how the virus is able to hide from your immune system


The way it works is that herpes simplex encodes a protein called ICP47 (or infected cell protein 47) in the body.


This evil protein “cloaks” herpes from the immune system, which is what stops the immune system from being able to destroy it.





Well at first hearing all of this from Dr. Languin made me feel hopeless… just like it might make you feel hopeless right now…


But as I sat there thinking about what he’d just said, I had an idea.


Something that sounded incredibly simple, but that would eventually lead to a major medical breakthrough….


Basically, my idea was this:


If the reason for medications to have slow results is because the virus is “cloaked” in your cells, and hides from the immune system….


Couldn’t you theoretically do something to “unhide” it… and thereby allow your immune system to quickly target and destroy it?


When I asked Dr. Languin about this, he seemed surprised. He said that as unbelievable as it might sound, no one had ever asked him that question before…



That was completely shocking …


Why the hell was nobody thinking of this? Why the hell was no one looking for a faster alternative?


I mean I’m smart… I went to Princeton for my undergrad and got my PhD from Hopkins…


But I’m not a genius. Surely I wasn’t the first person to think of this… so what gave?


Well I expressed these feelings to Dr. Languin… albeit a little more gently… and he couldn’t really give me a good answer.


Which is why I submitted a transfer request that very same day… and two weeks later I found myself assigned to work in Dr. Languin’s human pathology lab full time.


It felt sort of funny laying down the law to this man… who was one of the most respected experts on human disease and viruses in the world…


But this was personal… it was about not having to feel like a victim for the rest of my life… or having to suffer from the humiliation of another outbreak…


It was about taking back my freedom… the freedom to live life as I chose…


To find the man of my dreams and have a loving relationship with him… without suffering from the fear of being rejected once he knew my secret.


I more or less “forced” one of the most respected researchers and academics in the world to join me on this mission…


And, fortunately, he agreed.


So for the next three months, we spent 16 hours per day in his lab…


We studied what seemed to stimulate the virus… and what seemed to cause it to go dormant…



And, on the 94th day of testing… we finally made our first somehow result.


We discovered that there was a certain combination of organic chemical compounds that seemed to act as a hyper stimulator…



It was a HUGE accomplishment, and that night I hardly slept at all because I was so filled with hope…


But over the next two weeks of additional testing, it quickly became clear that the battle was still only half won.


We could have given up… but I’d come way too far… and I was way too close to getting my life back… and potentially helping millions of women and men across the country to do the same thing…


So instead of quitting, we began to look at ways to put the immune system into “overdrive.”


The reason for this was that if the problem was that the immune system wasn’t strong enough to destroy the virus… we just had to change all of that by making the immune system even stronger.


And so Dr. Languin and I went to work formulating a complex vitamin and supplement regiment that, when taken in the right amounts, over the right period of time…


Would give the immune system the boost it needed to help winning the fight against this virus.


We tested more than 120 different formulas with limited results until finally, on April 27th 2012… we finally discovered a unique combination of vitamins, minerals, and supplements that when taken properly…


Turned the immune system into an invincible war machine



I became a human Guinea pig and tried this herpes complementary fighting system on myself.


Honestly, following this scientifically designed program was so easy, it felt hard to believe that it had taken us five months to create it…


Or that no one else on the planet had figured it out before us.


Every vitamin and supplement required to both draw the virus out… and to make the immune system so strong

Could be found at my local grocery store… and combined costs less than $100 to procure.


I followed the daily schedule we’d created…


Taking the right dosages and combinations of these different natural supplements and vitamins… which contained the organic chemical compounds required to trigger intense reactions inside my body…




And finally, on May 14th, 2012… almost three weeks exactly from when I’d began following the treatment protocol we’d established…


I was overwhelmed with joy… with relief… with incredible gratitude…


When I honestly felt much better, optimistic and full of energy


Imagine waking up and knowing you that you feel much better

And only because your immune system is stronger


Imagine getting your life back… or being able to date whoever you want… or never lying in bed, sick to your stomach, because you have soars on and around your lips… and have to go to work…



Imagine never experiencing the burning… the itching… or the physical discomfort that comes from an outbreak…



It is the greatest feeling in the world… something that I want every single person… all 20% of the Americans who are currently suffering from herpes… and all 10% of the Americans who suffer from both HSV-1 and HSV-2… to experience for themselves.


That’s why over the next 6 months, Dr. Languin and I ran trials of our natural, completely side effect free herpes treatment…


It was truly a miracle… and as Dr. Languin and I recorded our findings… and put them into an academic paper to be published in the leading medical journals in the world…


We were dead certain that we were about to become famous beyond our wildest dreams.


And we couldn’t wait to get our findings out there to the world.


Well boy, were we in for a rude awakening…


We submitted our findings to several medical journals…


And every single time the response was the same:


“This is incredible... absolutely amazing… but we simply can’t publish it”


At first, it made NO SENSE… why would these academics in the fields of science and medicine purposely censor this information from getting into the hands of honest, deserving victims?


But after having multiple private conversations with his peers and colleagues… including some of those responsible for publishing these journals…


Dr. Languin came to me with some extremely disappointing news.



You see, it turns out that Big Pharma is the single largest funder of medical research in the United States…


If you don’t believe me, just look at who the five largest funders of the American Herpes Foundation are…



These massive international conglomerates, who are making a $60 billion per year industry…


Have absolutely ZERO interest in finding boosting the immune system?


And because they “control the gold,” they also get to make all of the rules…


Which includes choosing what medical research gets published… and what medical research gets suppressed from ever reaching the public.


Well when I heard this, it made me want to punch a wall…


Who the hell were these corporations to keep something so incredibly important… so vital… from you?


How could they CONTROL medicine and science like this... even at the expense of giving you your LIFE back?


It was depressing… but even more so… it was INFURIORATING…


Which is why I decided to say Stop the corporations… and their lap dogs in academic medicine…


And put our research and findings online for everyone to see.


So for the next two months, Dr. Lauguin and I worked around the clock to take our natural treatment program… and break it down into a simple, easy to follow guide.


We’ve called it HSV-PROGRAM



The HSV Program is only available via the website that you’re on right now, and here’s exactly what’s included…


HSV Program - is the result of a year of medical research, testing and analysis…

The program is broken up into two parts…


In Part I – you’re given a list of the vitamins, supplements, and organic compounds.


You probably won’t have heard of a lot of these compounds and vitamins before… but they can all be found at your local grocery store or health food store… and cost about $50 total.


You’re also given the quantities, times, and durations for taking each of the items listed…


Some of them you take for three weeks, some of them you only take for one week… so it’s important that you do follow the schedule we’ve laid out.


Part I lasts for the first days, and by the end of it…


You will have created the internal reaction needed to boost your immune system to begin its attack.


That brings us to Part II of the program.


In this second phase, you’re given a second group of vitamins and supplements to work to SUPERCHARGE your immune system.


Again, all of these vitamins and supplements can be found in your local grocery store or health food store… and cost about $50 total…


And just like in Part I, you’re being given a schedule to follow...


Where we tell you in easy-to-understand steps what/when/and how you need to be taking your natural treatment


Part II lasts couple of days


And what’s cool is that it’s actually the easiest part…


Think about herpes like a rat in your house or apartment that you’re trying to catch…


The hard part is getting it to come out from hiding… and to walk into your trap.


Once you do that though… disposing of the rat and getting it out of your house forever is extremely easy….


It’s the same thing here. In Part I you get your immune system stronger and in Part II you simply let it combat the virus.


So given what viruses are, it should be pretty easy to see that there’s nothing like this in the world.


And that as long as Big Pharma remains a $60 billion per year industry, tragically there will never be.


That’s why it is so important to me that I share Dr. Languin and my program with as many people as possible…


It’s already worked for many other people


It’s completely natural… and will cost you a total of $100 max to use...



Even more crucially… it will help you get your LIFE back… so that you never need to feel embarrassed, humiliated, or ashamed again…


There are other medications out there of course


Only your immune system can do that, which is why this program it could be so incredibly powerful.


Plus, just like with Aspirin, taking medications for your herpes have serious and potentially devastating long-term side effects…


Do you want to feel nauseated… or be balding by the time you’re in your early thirties… or need a kidney transplant when you reach fifty?


Of course not and yet if you continue down the path you’re on… that’s exactly where those medications will leave you.



You can probably understand why we were planning to set the retail price of our treatment program at $399.


When you think about it, that’s actually a pretty incredible bargain.  


Especially when you compare it to spending between $600 and $1,200 per year on medications… a minimum of $6,000 over the coming decade…


Or suffer from the embarrassment and physical discomfort that comes along with it, whether it’s up around the mouth… or “down there.”


So really, charging $399 is perhaps even too low.


But like I’ve been saying from the beginning, this is NOT about making a fortune…


We’re going to leave that to the greedy, soulless, and heartless pharmaceuticals out there… and we’ll let them live with their conscience.


No, what this is about is you and your freedom…


It’s about getting this program into the hands of as many women and men as possible…


So that they and you never have to feel humiliated, shamed, or anxious again.


It’s about escaping your “life sentence,” and being set free…


And it’s something that you absolutely deserve.


It’s for those reasons that we’re not going to charge the full $399 we planned on…


Or $199, which is obviously a steal…


Or even $99, at which point we’re practically “giving this away.”


Instead, if you act today through this website and choose to get the HSV-PROGRAM for yourself!


We’re going to hand the program over to you… the full supplement and vitamins list… the daily schedule and quantity lists… everything…


For just $49


To get it now, simply click the “add to cart” button that’s directly below this presentation


[ONLY $49




You’ll then be taken to the 100% secure order page, where you’ll complete your checkout.


And as soon as you’re finished, you’ll receive access to the complete HSV-PROGRAM.


From that site, you can view the program online… print it out… download it… or even view it on your smart phone or tablet…




PLUS, your investment today will be covered by a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee…



Here’s how it works:


You simply say “maybe” to HSV-PROGRAM today. Then, you have a full time to try the program for yourself.


Take a trip to the grocery store and grab the different vitamins and supplements we tell you to. They cost less than $100, and buying them is a hell of a lot less embarrassing than picking up your prescription from the pharmacy…


Then, simply follow our detailed guide and the daily schedule


And if your body is not better


Or if you’re unsatisfied with your investment in HSV-PROGRAM for ANY other reason whatsoever…


Simply send Dr. Languin and I an email using the address we’ll give you, and we’ll immediately refund your entire purchase with no questions asked.


In other words, you have absolutely ZERO risk with trying HSV-PROGRAM today. Which should make your choice to invest in our program a complete no brainer.


If you are going to make that decision however,


It’s extremely important that you act right now by clicking the “add to cart” button that you see below this presentation.


[ONLY $49




This presentation is almost over, and your first option is to just let it end and do nothing.


But choose this, and you’re going to have to live in constant fear of another outbreak…


And you’re going to be stuck paying thousands of dollars a year for side-effect filled medications that may help hide your symptoms…


Which means continuing to serve your life sentence, even though the side effects could take their toll on your body…and your hair could begin to fall out in the shower… and your kidneys could begin to fail.


You don’t want this…


And that brings us to your second option, which is to go ahead and try the HSV-PROGRAM for yourself right now by clicking the “add to cart”


[ONLY $49



Do that and you’ll have instant access to the supplement/vitamin list… the treatment schedule… and the daily guide…


And if you use this program correctly but you don’t see any improvement, then you simply send us an email and we refund your entire investment that very same day.


So, ultimately the decision is yours… but is there really any choice at all?


Why wouldn’t you say “maybe” to this program right now… just like many other women before you have?


Why wouldn’t you try this risk-free, something that has been proven to work for so many others

Can you think of any reason?


If not, then go ahead and click the “add to cart” button that’s below…


[ONLY $49



And I’ll see you in the special member's area of our website in a few seconds from now.




Thank you for watching this presentation. This has been Dr. Christine Buehler.































Are you still here?


That’s okay, you probably have some questions, right? A lot of people do after watching this presentation, and it’s perfectly normal.


What I’ll do for you right now is answer some of the most common questions Dr. Languin and I get, so that you can feel entirely comfortable with your risk-free investment in HSV-PROGRAM today.




1.     How is it possible that HSV-PROGRAM can help?


The secret to why HSV-PROGRAM works is the two-part approach we take.


In Part I, we boost your immune system. That’s crucial because normally, herpes is able to “cloak” itself in these cells, so that the immune system can’t attack it.


In Part II, we use a combination of chemical compounds that are found in vitamins and supplements to put your immune system into hyper-drive. By doing this, we give your immune system the ammunition it needs to go “nuke” the virus



2. If there’s an alternative for herpes, why have I never heard of it before?


Sadly, it’s because academic and clinical research is financed almost exclusively by the pharmaceutical companies. As such, they have a complete monopoly on which information and treatments reach the public.


This is absolutely outrageous and a travesty. That’s why Dr. Languin and I created this website, so we could share the truth with the public and help as many Americans as possible.


3. Who will this program work for?


HSV-PROGRAM works for both HSV-1 and HSV-2. Both of these viruses contain something called ICP-47, which is the “evil protein” that makes your herpes invisible to your immune system.


Because both HSV-1 and HSV-2 contain this protein – we’re able to target it using a combination of natural chemical compounds. That allows us to draw out the herpes virus, and let your immune system do its job by fighting it.



4. What happens after I hit the “add to cart” button?


Once you hit the “add to cart” button, that’s at the bottom of this screen, you’ll be going to our secure checkout page.



Then after entering your basic info, you’ll be taken to the special “patients only area,” where you’ll get immediate access to the entire program, including the supplement/vitamin list, and the daily treatment schedule. Everything can be viewed right from your computer, smartphone, or tablet… or you can download them to your computer… or print everything out.


5. How long will it REALLY take me to get results?


It depends. In order to get these results however, you must follow our program exactly. Just like with a diet, if you cheat, you won’t get the results you want.


6. What are the terms of that guarantee again?


Once you’ve chosen to get the HSV-PROGRAM, you have a full 60 days to try it out for yourself. If for any reason you’re not satisfied, simply send an email to the address we give you in the patient’s area, and we’ll instantly refund your entire purchase with no questions asked.


7. How long is this program going to be made available for?


It really depends. So if you want to try HSV-PROGRAM for yourself risk-free, you really have to act fast.


8. And how do I get my hands on this herpes treatment and elimination program again?


Simply click the “add to cart” button you see below this screen. In less than 60 seconds from the time you hit that button, you’ll already have access to the entire program, so go ahead and do it now! 




[ONLY $49




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