Excerpt from product page

Let's continue the work Napoleon Hill started... and fulfill 'The
Carnegie Vision' with you being rich!

Make sure you scroll down to #45...


Let's Fulfill
'The Carnegie Vision'
...By Working Together Until
You Become Very Wealthy!


"This is it - It's time to step up
to the plate and master the 'Growing Rich' part, going way behind just
'Thinking Rich' - You're here because I'm convinced it's my destiny to
help you become very wealthy. "And
we're both here to continue where Napoleon Hill left off with Think and
Grow Rich... carrying out The Carnegie Vision that 
anyone can use 'The Secret' to become as rich as they desire!"



From Dan Klatt
"Think and Grow Rich Guy"
Wealth Sensei, InnerWealth Institute Founder & CEO


Napoleon Hill was born into poverty in 1883, and as a teenager began writing as a reporter for small
newspapers. He had visions of becoming a lawyer, and did in fact enter law school, but financial constraints
soon forced him to withdraw.

Then in 1908, after the richest man
in modern history - Andrew Carnegie - taught him everything he knows
about "The Secret"... the way anyone who knows and applies
this Specialized Wealth Knowledge can become as wealthy as they choose
to be..... he promised Mr. Carnegie he'd devote the next 20 years of his
life to interviewing the 500 wealthiest people of the day and bringing
"The Secret" Wealth Education to the masses, for the first


This is 'The Carnegie Vision",
that anyone who wants to become wealthy has the exact formula for
becoming as rich as they want.


Napoleon Hill's book sold about 60
million copies and millions more read it online, and an  estimated 
million people took it and became millionaires.


And society at large has embraced the
truth that there is an unexplained power which we all possess, which
you might call intuition or the sixth sense or mind power - and look how
many people are talking about "The Secret" movie and book.


All of this has come about because
Napoleon Hill eloquently fulfilled his life purpose in educating society
to the existence of "The Secret" - as well as giving those few
who were ready to begin using it the exact way to become rich.


About four and a half years ago I
discovered 'The Carnegie Formula" which made it obvious to me why
the rest of the 59+ million who've read Think and Grow Rich didn't Think
or Become Rich.


And since then it's also become clear
to me that my destiny, my life purpose, my dharma, is to continue the
work Napoleon Hill started with the release of his 1937 book, and follow
it through to the conclusion
- the fulfillment of The Carnegie



You and everyone else who wants to become very wealthy is
becoming rich
because you know "The Secret" so
well it's
become second nature to you and
you're applying it without even thinking
about it.



Kind of like driving a car, except in
this case you're in the drivers seat of your life, and steering it
exactly where you choose to go, experiencing as much wealth, success,
love, personal fulfillment, happiness and everything else you desire...
as you want.


You already invested a small amount
in "The Carnegie Secret" and received Specialized Wealth
Knowledge that what would easily justify a $197 price tag (not to
mention the extensive value of the free gifts I gave you).


And I trust you will put it all to
good use, as well as "Share The Wealth" by introducing many
more people to "The Carnegie Secret Wealth Package" and
profiting personally at the same time you're helping me fulfill The
Carnegie Vision by allowing it quite naturally to spread to the masses.


"The Carnegie Secret Wealth
Package" works hand-in-hand with the "Think and Grow Rich
Success Package" on this page as well as "The Carnegie
Formula", which you enroll in for a full month when you get this
hands-on training.


Out of all the 400+ things that I
sell, there is only one that gets my highest recommendation, because I
believe it will make all the difference in the world to you - and
nothing in my life is more important to me than fulfilling my life
purpose, which I know is my duty and my destiny.... and that means
guiding you to mastering "The Secret" and making sure you're
applying it.... and becoming was wealthy and successful as you'd like to


I'm very passionate about this, as I
believe you can tell.


So much so, in fact, that as part of
the "Think and Grow Rich Success Package" here, I'm in fact
giving you a full month in my high end coaching program where every week
we get together for an hour (on a webcast) and I'm there to apply
"The Secret" to your specific circumstances and make sure
you're implicitly understanding the daily e-mails and we're talking
about the assignments, which you're also posting in our Mastermind Forum
and I'm giving you my exclusive WealthSensei Prosperity Coaching there,
as well.


This same program which others have
gladly paid $1,008 for is appropriately called "The $120,000
Carnegie Formula Training" because the Specialized Wealth Knowledge
you're getting actually far exceeds that dollar value, and I'm convinced
will be worth far more than that to you each year, once you've completed
the training.


Anyway, that's how committed I am to
you and to fulfilling The Carnegie Vision through you, that I'm willing
to give you the first month of the best I've got.... all as part of you
standing up and saying "YES,


Think and Grow Rich Success Package

Let me explain everything you're
getting as part of the "Think and Grow Rich Success Package"
in addition to the full month of "The $120,000 Carnegie Formula
Training" which I think you already appreciate how valuable that
will be for you to do.



Audio Version of "The Carnegie Secret"
- We start with these three CDs you download because when you
listen to something at the same time you're reading it, it goes in much
deeper and you remember it better and - with the power of this
information, of course you want to allow it to have as much impact on
you as possible. ($75 Value)



4-6. "How
to Be A Think and Grow Rich Millionaire" - Next we
move into the in-depth calls where
the only other person I would trust to give you solid, immediately
usable advice to profit from Think and Grow Rich and I go through
exactly how to become one of those 1 million millionaires the book's
created (instead of the 59 million who just became more aware of their
inner-power, without previously learning how to use it)..... These
audios take you step-by-step through the process of applying "The
Secret" and becoming wealthy as a result. ($250 Value)



"How to Be a Think and Grow Rich Millionaire
Transcript" because as I stress over and over, when
you're listening to something while you're reading it, it has about two
and a half times more impact on you. ($50 Value) 



After giving you the system where
becoming rich is the inevitable end result in the last 3 CD's worth of
downloads, we go back and explain exactly how you're - all the time -
creating your life through your thoughts. 



8-9. "Inside
The Master Key" - This call I did with the only
other person I would trust you to
learn "The Master Key System" with, as well, we talk about why
Think and Grow Rich had the impact it did, when The Master Key System
was the foundation for the book - why do so few people even know about
The Master Key, when it's fundamental to your mastery of "The
Secret? (This discussion is revealing!)


We also talk extensively on the
importance of what you focus on, and my guess - on the spot - gets a
brilliant flash of insight that makes it perfectly clear how the Law of
Attraction works, always, and the need to keep your thoughts on what you
want, consistently. We also give you valuable information on "The
Path of Mastery"....


I've interviewed hundreds of U.S.
Senators and Congressmen, governors, CEOs of Fortune 100 companies,
celebrities and countless authors, speakers and personal growth experts
over the last 23 years - this one is among THE BEST hour and 52 minutes
I have heard - you'll want to listen to these audios again and again,
seriously, at least a half dozen times. It will help you profoundly!
($250 Value)



10. "Inside
The Master Key Audio Transcript" - Please print this
transcript out because the material is so important, I'd like you to
highlight what's most meaningful for you and underline, make notes on it
- create your "To Do's" and actions you're going to take as a
result of learning "The Ping Pong Ball Metaphor" and all the
other juicy nuggets of gold within this comprehensive interview. Same
here, please listen to it while you're reading along, for even better
results! ($50 Value)



11. "Custom
Subliminal Software - Think and Grow Rich Desire!"

Everything else so far is in the
order I recommend you go through everything in your "Think and Grow
Rich Success Package". This one, however, I recommend you download
and begin using right away (just click on it and it runs


Because this one can be extremely
powerful in -automating- the way you're applying the principles in the
foundational chapter of The Original 1937 Version of Think and Grow Rich
(the only one we use, for many reasons).


Just having these empowering
statements bombarding you 3,600 times during every hour you're in front
of your computer.... well, let me put that in perspective. They say
you're exposed to 30,000 advertising messages each day, most of which
promote fear/scarcity/lack and move people further from their goals and
dreams. This software - exclusively part of your "Think and Grow
Rich Success Package" can single-handedly counteract a majority of
that negative programming, and replace it with the direct instructions
to your subconscious mind that you're keeping your thoughts on the
things you want and consciously creating your life exactly the way you
desire it to be! ($50 Value)



12. "Think
and Grow Rich Subliminal - Desire Audio" - While
you're using every minute in front of your computer as "Think and
Grow Rich Time", I want to make sure you're using this audio so
every minute you're studying "The Carnegie Secret" and The
Carnegie Formula as "Focused Think and Grow Rich Mastery


Because this audio is loaded with the
fundamental principles that - once embedded in your subconscious mind,
particularly while you're reading empowering messages - can quickly help
you master the way you're using the power of your mind the way you're
meant to.


After you burn this to CD, play the
subliminal "music only" track while listening to our audios on
your computer or MP3 player and the conscious affirmation track while
reading, or mix and match to get your best results. "Think and Grow
Rich Subliminal Desire" contains all the important concepts from
the chapter on "Desire", which lays the foundation the rest of
the principles are built on and is the most important part of the book.

You need to have these concepts so
they're a part of you to be as wealthy and successful as you want, and
what easier or better way than to embed them directly deep within you!
(Sells for $35)



13. "Modeling
the Richest Man in Modern History - Extremely Rare Recording of Andrew
Carnegie Speech! - If you've studied success before, you
know the value in modeling successful
people already at the level you're striving toward. For example if you
want to be the best player in the NBA you model Michael Jordan's old
game footage and study his work
ethics and success attitude. Even though Andrew Carnegie died in 1935,
we've managed to get our hands on a live audio recording of a speech he
gave - who best to study and model to be far more successful than the
man whose fortune was several times that of the richest guy today!


In fact, in your "Carnegie
Secret Wealth Quick Start Guide" I give you an assignment that will
help you really get into Mr. Carnegie's mindset and know what made him
so outlandishly successful - even if you don't want to be the richest
person in the world, you know they say "Aim for the stars, and you
just might hit the moon". With the wealth of wisdom from this
recording I believe when you listen to it as instructed, you can become
as successful as you desire. -ill interviewed the most famous (and richest) people of the time, and The Success
Formula was published
in Hill


lower = better; 1 = best

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In database since 2007-07-29 and last updated on 2011-05-20
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