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[Quick Cold Sore Remedy](http://quickcoldsoreremedy.org/)


Learn How To Cure Your Cold Sore In Just 2 Days

Learn How To Cure Your Cold Sores
In Just 2 Days!

Fact: Over 96% Of Cold Sore Sufferers NEVER Experience Relief! Until Now. Don’t Wait For Another Cold Sore Outbreak To Happen, Discover The Simple Methods To Cure Your Cold Sores Forever…

Dear Cold Sore Sufferer

Hi! I’m Bella and I want to thank you for taking a few minutes of your time to learn more about how to get rid of cold sores. A cold sore sufferer for over 20 years, I want to share with you my experiences with cold [](http://quickcoldsoreremedy.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Bella1.jpg)sores and how you can truly be free from the ugly, painful blisters that just love to pop up on our lips or face right before we have a special event to attend! In 2 days from now, you could be cold sore free!

I have always suffered from cold sores. My first memory of getting one is back when I was in high school and anyone that doesn’t get cold sores can not even begin to imagine just how horrible it can be at that age! I have tried many treatments, natural and medicinal, to try and figure out which ones work best, which ones work fast and which ones don’t cause any side effects!

I began with trying all the treatments that my doctor prescribed me and none seemed to be able to get rid of my cold sores quickly – because lets face it, that’s all we really care about, getting rid of it as quickly and painlessly as possible! I’ve experienced cold sores on my lips and under my nose and as I’m sure you can appreciate, neither experience is particularly fantastic, you just feel ugly and like all anyone is doing is looking at your cold sore! After trying over the counter treatments I had about as much success as the prescribed treatments. By this stage I was getting into my early 20’s and very unhappy with the cold sore break outs I seemed to be getting. They were becoming far too frequent and I couldn’t help but wonder what on earth was causing these outbreaks. My doctor wasn’t much help and everything that I had been able to find from the library kept talking about the “herpes simplex virus“ which didn’t sound like something you would want! The more I read about it, the more confused I became and then when I found out that there were two different types of the herpes simplex virus, I was even more confused!

Did you know that the herpes simplex virus is also the same virus that causes genital herpes? I sure didn’t and I can tell you, when I found that out, I freaked! Herpes is just such a nasty word and to think that I had this running around in my body did not sit well with me. I stayed awake for nights on end after reading that piece of information. But even after all my reading I still wasn’t any closer to figuring out the cause of my cold sore outbreaks or how to properly manage them.

[](http://quickcoldsoreremedy.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Dr-Kipowsky.jpg)So I sought some expert advice in the form of a skin specialist and dermatologist. I met with the skin specialist and she sat down and provided me with all the information I could possibly need to know about what causes cold sores, how to prevent them or keep them to a minimum and how to get rid of them quickly if I suffered an outbreak.

Of all the information she provided me (which she charged a tidy sum for!) the most beneficial tip she gave me was to keep the cold sore moist AT ALL TIMES during an outbreak. The skin specialist said the reason why cold sores can last 5 or more days is because they become dry and crack causing the release of fluid, which contains the herpes simplex virus and continues to re-infect the area.

Armed with this information, the next time I had a cold sore outbreak I did as she advised and kept the cold sore area moist and within 2 days the cold sore had all but disappeared! I couldn’t believe it! Such a simple solution relieved days of pain and feelings of ugliness.

There were many more tips and treatments that I tried on the recommendation of the skin specialist, including natural remedies and diet recommendations. I have found that a combination of eating the right foods and ensuring that I always have cold sore remedies with me AT ALL TIMES, I have been able to pretty much cure myself of cold sores! It is very rare for me to get an outbreak of cold sores and if I do, I know it’s because I’m very run down. As soon as I can, I keep the cold sore area moist and apply a couple of treatments and with minimal soreness the cold sore has disappeared within 2 days. The cold sore appears as a small red blister on my mouth or under my nose and that’s it! No unsightly, puss filled sores, no cracked lips or broken skin – just a small pinkish blister that is easily covered by concealer. I am now confident that if I ever get an outbreak that I can manage it effectively and get rid of it fast!

After suffering for years with cold sores and all the reading, researching and doctors visits I have under my belt, I’ve learned many tips and remedies that work and many that don’t. I’m kind of like an expert on the subject of cold sores now, and I started to think about writing an ebook that included all of the various cures and remedies that I had discovered from reading and the skin specialist and doctors I had seen. I mentioned the idea to my friends and family, not knowing what they would think…. I was amazed when everyone agreed with the idea and encouraged me to get writing straight away.

For weeks I spoke with other cold sore sufferers from my social circles, to find out what their particular problems were while suffering from cold sores. I found that 8 unique types of problems came up again and again.

Once I compiled this list of cold sore problems, I knew the exact things to discuss in my ebook and began writing down different proven solutions for each problem in the list.

I personally don’t enjoy reading large, boring medical books when looking for help on cold sores… I’m guessing you are the same. Wouldn’t you rather have a list of steps to follow that would instantly begin curing any type of cold sore outbreak? That is the way to view my cold sore book, as a collection of cures, remedies and treatments to end your pain and problems.

For most people, cold sores are something that they just have to learn to put up with, but with the tips and treatment plans I’ve found and used, I know that you will get the same feeling as I did…. Absolute relief!

At Last… A Simple Guide Reveals How to Cure Your Cold Sore Outbreaks!

Right now, I want to share with you several treatments for cold sore problems that may be causing you pain and discomfort. You’re about to discover the truth about keeping yourself healthy with home remedies that can be prepared in minutes. Also, I’ll briefly tell you the importance of how your diet can impact on the number of cold sore outbreaks you experience.

These proven methods have been around since before modern medicine, they are passed down through the generations and I can personally vouch for many of them.

Do You Want to Start Using These Methods and Remedies for Instant Relief!

So here is just a small preview of the information covered in my cold sore ebook…

What Causes Cold Sore Outbreaks?

There are lots of information and theories on what causes cold sore outbreaks. The problem is what causes an outbreak for one person may not cause it in another. There are some common causes though and these are as follows:

Massive exposure to the elements, like severe wind or too much sun.
Protect your face at all times.

Arginine amino acids are known to increase the risk of cold sore outbreaks.
Foods to avoid eating regularly are rice, peas, gelatin, beer or chocolate.

Lack of sleep. This is probably one of the most common causes of outbreaks.
Avoid continuous nights of limited sleep, don’t get run down.

Kissing someone who already has a cold sore!
Don’t EVER do this unless you want to have an outbreak!

Have you ever experienced cold sores that look like this?

[](http://quickcoldsoreremedy.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/coldsoreblister.jpg) [](http://quickcoldsoreremedy.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/coldsorenose.jpg)

Just look at how painful they are! Around the nose area is one of the most painful areas you can get a cold sore and once they are in this area, they spread easily, as shown in the picture above. Wouldn’t you like to never have to deal with these ugly, painful blisters again?

[Read more about causes of cold sores and how to avoid them in my ebook](http://1.coldsores.pay.clickbank.net/)

Top 4 Don’ts When Treating Cold Sores

There is a big misconception out there that you can treat your cold sore like any other blister or pimple that appears on your face – I wouldn’t recommend doing any of the following unless you want to prolong your outbreak and cause yourself much pain and possible scarring!

DO NOT under any circumstances pop your cold sore! This just causes the virus to spread. Ensure you wash your hands after applying any remedy to your cold sore to prevent further infection.

DO NOT use a facial scrub on your cold sore. This will cause you a huge amount of pain and will only increase the length of time you have the outbreak.

DO NOT try and burn your cold sore off with wart paint etc. This is one of the most painful things you can do and it will leave a scar on your face.

DO NOT use corn treatments on your cold sore. This is similar to wart paint, it can cause you a lot of pain not to mention ugly marks and scarring.

Below is a picture of what can happen if you pop your cold sore and release the contagious fluid within. It spreads all over your face and this is the result – NEVER POP YOUR COLD SORES!


[Want to read about more Don’ts and the top Do’s for cold sore treatements? Then please purchase my ebook](http://1.coldsores.pay.clickbank.net/)

What Foods Decrease Your Outbreaks?

Lysine is an amino acid that is said to inhibit the herpes simplex virus and foods that are high in Lysine include Yoghurt (make sure it is gelatin free), Eggs, Fish, Beef, Chicken, Pork, Turkey, Shellfish, Cheese (Parmesan, Gruyere, Edam, Gouda), Seaweed (Spirulina), Parsley, Fruits (Pears, apricots, bananas and apples), Vegetables (pumkin, peas, cauliflower, celery), Nuts (cashew nuts, almonds, brazil nuts) and Grains.

Quick Treatments To Get Rid Of Cold Sores

There are many cold sore remedies out there that you can apply that will reduce your cold sore outbreak, but the biggest misconception is drying out the cold sore. When I saw the skin specialist she advised that the worst thing you could do was to drain the cold sore and apply nail polish remover etc to it to help dry it out. She advised that this was a sure way to INCREASE further outbreaks and it could also increase the chances of scarring. Her best bit of advice and a treatment I use if I ever suffer from a cold sore outbreak is as follows:
1. As soon as you feel the cold sore coming on, apply Zovirax topically and increase your intake of Lysine and Zinc (take supplements if you need to). 2. Ensure you have a tube or tub of Vaseline on hand and smother the cold sore in it. The point is to NOT allow the cold sore to dry out, keep it moist at all times. Reapply Vaseline as often as needed. Avoid wearing makeup on the cold sore. 3. Continue to apply the Vaseline and Zovirax every hour on the first day and ensure a large dose before you go to bed. 4. By the end of day 2, you should notice that your cold sore hasn’t developed past a small reddish blister and you will be able to face the world without the feeling that everyone is staring at you!

This remedy is one that I have personally used for the past 3 years and in that time, I’ve only had 2 outbreaks and no-one even noticed I had cold sores because they didn’t amount to anything significant!

No more cold sores!

[This is just one of the many quick remedies from my ebook, purchase it to learn more](http://1.coldsores.pay.clickbank.net/)

Stop Paying For Prescription Creams And Over-The-Counter Medicines!

In this ebook you will find treatments that work and don’t involve going to the pharmacy! Do you know how much it costs a cold sore sufferer to keep on top of their outbreaks?
Treatment Frequency Cost Annual Cost Over-the-counter treatments 1 per month $20 $240 Prescriptions 1 per month $15 $180 Skin Specialist Visits 4 per year $150 $600 Time off work 3 days per year $100 $300 Cold Sores Cleared FastTM 1 Time only $27 $27
In addition to this, you feel run down, depressed and just out of sorts. How good would it feel to never have to experience a cold sore outbreak ever again?

How Would You Like Instant Relief From Cold Sore Outbreaks?

[](http://quickcoldsoreremedy.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/cold-sore-graphic2.jpg)The real reasons why cold sore sufferers experience ongoing outbreaks may not be what you’d guess. In fact, my research into each of the individual problems uncovered that all could be cured at home, as long as you had the right information and how to use it. Surely you would want to know the best options for getting rid of a cold sore quickly, or reducing the amount of outbreaks you suffer from?

Don’t delay find instant relief and lasting treatments for all of these cold sore problems:
[](http://quickcoldsoreremedy.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Tick-Sign1.jpg) cold sore outbreaks. Find out what causes cold sore outbreaks for you and the treatments and remedies you can use to stop cold sores in their tracks and prevent them occurring in the future. [](../wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Tick-Sign1.jpg) cold sore cures. Learn how to make your own home remedies, what vitamins to take and what over the counter medicines you can use to help cure your cold sore outbreaks. Read how you can cure your cold sores in just 2 days! [](../wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Tick-Sign1.jpg) diet management. How what you eat could be causing your outbreaks:
Eating foods that contain a high amount of Arginine Amino Acid could be causing your outbreaks, avoid these foods and you can reduce your outbreaks considerably. Consume foods high in Lysine, this is also an amino acid, but it inhibits the herpes simplex virus. [](../wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Tick-Sign1.jpg) top do’s and don’ts. Find out the biggest no-no’s when it comes to the treatment of cold sores and the wives tales that tell you to apply toothpaste, rubbing alcohol and fluoride mouth wash to the cold sore to dry it out – a big DON’T according my skin specialist. [](../wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Tick-Sign1.jpg) cold sore appearance. How to reduce the appearance of cold sores on your face by applying the right remedy and treatment and resisting the urge to touch it all the time. There are specific make up products you can use that actually have healing properties so they won’t clog your pores or infect the cold sore further.
[To get answers to all these issues and more, buy my ebook](http://1.coldsores.pay.clickbank.net/)

Let me share some recent customer feedback:

[](http://quickcoldsoreremedy.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Carin1.jpg)~ Carin Pitts, Chicago, USA. 30 year old Professional
"Thank you so much for sharing your experience and tips on how to heal cold sores for good. It was kind of miraculous seeing the same cold sores that have been haunting me my entire life vanish like this. I have tried many creams and lotions, which didn't seem to do anything long term. Thank you so much."
[](http://quickcoldsoreremedy.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Kat.jpg)~ Kat Richards, Auckland, NZ. 22 year old University Student
"I'm not the sort of person that sends thank you notes but I feel like I really have to thank you about how effective your methods are. I used your recommended treatment and it really did get rid of my cold sore in just 2 days, unbelievable! When i woke up this morning my mouth area was almost completely healed. What more can I say? Your experience and research has really come through and I will highly recommend your guidance to all my friends, Thank you loads."
[](http://quickcoldsoreremedy.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/M.Hester.jpg)~ M. Hester, Brisbane, AUS. 35 year old Personal Trainer
"I've been trying for years to get rid of cold sores that appear every time and on my upper lip and sometimes around my nose. They are just so ugly and whenever I get them I just feel like staying at home, hiding out. Surprisingly, after only a few days following your treatments my cold sores have gone. They just disappeared! It's been 6 months now and I haven't had anymore outbreaks and I used to get a cold sore at least once a month! I can never thank you enough for your help."
[](http://quickcoldsoreremedy.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Marisa1.jpg)~ Marisa Tombs, Manchester, UK. 27 year old Administrator
"If you want to cure cold sores the natural way; this book will provide the solution. I almost gave up and resigned myself to the fact I would just have to put up with having cold sores all my life. Bella's book has given me so many tips that will tell you how to get rid of this condition and not just cover its symptoms!"
[](http://quickcoldsoreremedy.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Brian2.jpg)~ Brian James, Toronto, Canada. 28 year old Builder
"I've been suffering from cold sores since my early teen years. I've tried countless products but my cold sores always came back after a few months. One time my friends suggested that I pop my cold sores and after doing that, they spread all over my chin! It was more than worth my time to read your book, because I no longer get cold sores, Thanks!"

Is Your Health Worth Risking?

Avoid feeling stressed or sad about your cold sore problem, you are not alone! I’ve been in this situation for over 20 years, just like many sufferers around the world. I’ve learned the solutions to the main causes and problems of cold sores after years of research and reading many books (both good and bad).

Don’t put yourself through the torture of reading dozens of books that are full of mind numbing details that just put you to sleep.

If you are like the thousands of cold sore sufferers out there who need clear advice, this is the must have book you need to purchase today. You will receive my book for close to half price and get 4 bonus books included for free. On top of that great offer, you have my 100% satisfaction guarantee so you know that I stand by the quality.

Please take a moment to view everything that is included, but be quick as the price is going back up to $27 within days.

Buy Now, You Get Help Immediately

Did you know that over 96% of cold sore sufferers never get relief? That is a staggering amount of people! And I’ve been one of them. For years I’ve suffered cold sore after cold sore, each time experiencing a worse outbreak than the last and boy how they spread!

Do you want to avoid years and years of suffering? With the do’s and don’ts section in my ebook, you will avoid making all the mistakes I made when treating my cold sores and in the section on preventing cold sores, you will learn how to never have a cold sore again. Remember, you don’t ever want an outbreak that looks like this:

[Buy Today and Everything is Yours for Just $27 $17!](http://1.coldsores.pay.clickbank.net)

Are You Ready To Experience No More Cold Sores?
Cold Sores Cleared Fast
Advice and solutions for cold sore sufferers,
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[](http://1.coldsores.pay.clickbank.net)“Your billing statement will show a charge from Clk*Bank.com.”

There is no risk at all to you as I offer a full money back guarantee! When purchasing today, you will receive my cold sore book for half price and I’ll give you 3 bonus books absolutely free. I’m so sure of these methods and solutions that I guarantee they will improve your health within days. You have an iron clad 60 day money back guarantee, which you won’t find anywhere else.

Yes, You Get My 60 Day
Money Back Guarantee!


If you are not completely satisfied with my advice or the
information provided in my cold sore book, you are
entitled to a full refund of your money without question.

I stand by the remedies and techniques included, they are
proven to work and I’ve provided different solutions for you
to choose from so you always have freedom of choice.

The facts and results show that when you follow these
steps you will experience relief from cold sores.

Okay Let’s Count All the Items You’ll Receive in This Amazing Offer:

First you’re going to get my book ‘Cold Sores Cleared Fast’ which explains all of the common problems and how you can treat them yourself from home.

You’re not even going to pay full price, because this week I’m having a special to celebrate the launch of my book and you get it for almost half price ($17)

Then as a very big thanks from me to you, I’m going to include 3 incredible books on health and beauty, weight loss and diet guides… FOR NO EXTRA CHARGE!

That’s over $100 worth of reading at the low, low price of just $17. You can access your books instantly too, as they will be ready to download as PDF.

On top of that, you are going to have all the information you need to get rid of cold sores. No matter what your cold sore problems, you will find the cure in my book.

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[](http://1.coldsores.pay.clickbank.net)“Your billing statement will show a charge from Clk*Bank.com.”

Studies show the more you touch your cold sores, the more frequent your outbreaks can occur and the more likely you are to infect other areas of the face or other people. Take action and order my book now, I can promise you’ll find a treatment for your cold sore problem.

You’re only 2 minutes away from receiving cold sore advice that really works. I guarantee it or I give you all of your money back. These methods have worked for thousands of people just like you, so I know you can also cure your problems starting today. Remember, over 96% of cold sore sufferers continue to experience cold sores because they don’t have the right information. Don’t be one of those 96%.

Why are you still reading this? Go click on the button above that says ‘proceed to order form’ and access your books immediately. With my 100% money back guarantee you literally have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

For sales support and enquiries please contact me at anytime via email [bella@quickcoldsoreremedy.org](mailto:bella@quickcoldsoreremedy.org)

“At last, my cold sores are no more. We shouldn’t have to put up with cold sores, your simple treatments and tips have helped my life in more ways than one.”

Copyright 2010 “Cold Sore ebook”

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[ Quick Cold Sore Remedy](http://quickcoldsoreremedy.org/) »

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