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Announcing a Powerful, Comprehensive System to Save Your Marriage

Nancy Wasson, Ph.D. -- Co-Author of "Keep Your Marriage"

"You Can Stop Divorce, Avoid Heartbreak, and Save Your Marriage…It's Easier Than You Think!"

Get Immediate Help and Continuing Support INDEFINITELY!

“If I had read your book three months ago, I wouldn’t be having these serious problems in my marriage now."

--Married 5 years, Colorado

Dear Upset Spouse,

Of course you want a happy marriage. Everyone does.

But does it seem like your marriage is falling apart in front of your eyes? And you don't know what to do?

Don't give up. There's still hope for you even if your spouse:

Refuses to go to marriage counseling,

Isn't "in love" with you any longer,

Wants a marriage separation,

Doesn't know if he or she wants to stay married,

Has asked for a divorce, or

Is already living separately from you.

It can feel like the end of the world when a spouse says “I don’t love you anymore” or “I’m leaving.”

Especially if you didn’t see it coming.

You’ve probably found that the announcement impacts every aspect of your life, and now you may be wondering if you can keep your balance.

If you’re like most people in your situation, you’re probably feeling scared and confused, not knowing what to do next. And the truth is you’re not alone. You’ve got plenty of company of others like you who don’t know what to do.

I Can Help You Stop Divorce and Save Your Marriage

For many years I’ve counseled so many spouses like you who’ve been in a similar predicament. And I’ve learned a lot from clients just like you about what works and what doesn’t work in trying to keep a marriage together.

If you're going to stop divorce, you need to:

Know that there's always hope that you can save your marriage,

Avoid doing what hurts your relationship,

Know what steps to take that have worked successfully for other couples, and
Take immediate action to stop the downward slide and start moving forward.
Besides my 25 years as a counselor, I think my personal experience also gives me credibility. Through the years, I've learned the hard way that "happily-ever-after" endings don't just happen and that I can't pin the blame for all marriage problems on my partner.

The truth is, my husband Lee and I sometimes do have disagreements that make us butt heads. But we’ve discovered that the quality of a marriage doesn’t depend on avoiding disagreement.

Instead the excellent quality of our marriage depends on being able to disagree without inflicting permanent damage to the relationship. And it depends on how we recover from conflict between us.

The good news for you is that it’s never too late to change and to decide to do a “makeover” project on yourself. As you change yourself, the ripple effect of the changes will be felt in your marriage and in every area of your life.

But you have to take the first step before anything different can happen. And I want you to have what Lee and I have found to be attainable -- a marriage of mutual respect, laughter, love and passion. A soul connection.

You can have it too. All you do is follow a simple system that I'll show you.

You probably weren’t taught positive marriage-building skills in school. If you’re like most people, you’re having to learn on your own.

And there are two main ways people usually learn: by trial and error or by finding out what people who are successful do.

You don’t have time to waste on trial and error attempts to discover what will save your marriage. You need to know what precise steps to take right now to keep your spouse from bolting out of the marriage.

"I wanted to let you know that my husband has decided to come home and go to marriage counseling. I can't thank you enough for your book--without it I don't know where we would have been. Thank you so much."

--Married eight years, mother of two


Do You Have These Symptoms of Marital Distress?

Many in your situation experience these emotions and thoughts as their marriage is unraveling:

Devastated - "I've lost my dream of marital happiness."

Hopeless - "I don't know what to do."

Pessimistic - "Even marriage counseling probably won't help."

Angry, especially if there's been an affair - "How could he (or she) do this?"

Embarrassed - "What will I tell my family, friends, and neighbors?"

Afraid - "How can I handle this financially? I've read that an average divorce in the U.S. costs over $20,000."

Worried - "How will the kids be affected if we divorce?"

Lonely - "How will I find someone else? I don't want to deal with the dating scene again."
One of my clients who went through divorce told me "I'd much rather have 10 root canals done on me that to go through that again. " Unfortunately, this experience is all too common.

It doesn't have to happen to you!

"Thank you for the excellent book. I got it about a week ago and I've already read most of it twice. I am really beginning to learn more about myself and why I do the things I do and especially what things I should not do that put up barriers between my husband and I. I also love the romantic suggestions.

Thank you for your help and I'm so grateful that I found your book."

---Married for 6 Years, New Jersey


If You Were Given One Wish...

Isn't This the Kind of Marriage You'd Want?

Lee and I think of our relationship as if we had two bank accounts in a "relationship bank". He has an account with me, and I have an account with him.

Every time one of us does something nice for the other, it's like making a “goodwill” deposit in that person's bank account. But if a person does something irritating to the partner, it's like making a goodwill withdrawal from their account.

We have a goal of maintaining a positive balance with each other on a daily basis. Every single day, we want to make bigger deposits than withdrawals with each other. By making sure our accounts with each other are never "overdrawn," we keep our marriage healthy.

Using this method, when you've built up large positive reserves of goodwill with each other, your relationship is in good shape. That way, when you need to ask for extra understanding or patience from your spouse, you have enough goodwill accumulated in your account to cover the request.

What Lee and I get from this system is we feel motivated to put frequent deposits into our account with the other person. Deposits can be strokes of affection, a gesture of respect, an acknowlegement for something the other has done, or some kind of compliment to the other person.

Yes, it takes some effort to establish the habit of making goodwill deposits on a daily basis. But building up large goodwill reserves with each other feels so good that it's addictive. And once you get started it feeds upon itself! As you repeat making your deposits with your partner, you condition yourself and you condition the relationship itself.

You find your marriage spiraling upward to heights you never imagined. And as you apply this and my other recommendations, you'll find that you are bonding more to your partner. Emotional intimacy is enhanced, mutual respect is increased, and sex becomes better. And aren't those the things that you really want?


Check the Kind of Marriage Improvement You Want

Which of the following kinds of improvement do you want in your marriage?

Increased intimacy

Enhanced communication

More fun

Better sex

Less conflict

What if you could have some or all of these things with your spouse? What would it be worth to you?

Don't give up on improving your marriage! There's still hope for you. Read on.

"I downloaded your book today and have already read half of it. In the top 21 Marriage Busters, I am guilty of 12 of them. I think that your book is spot on but wish I had read it some time ago (with my wife)."
November 2004

(Later, the same person wrote me the following email.)

"Just a small note to tell you that I am back with my beautiful wife, working on our fantastic future...Anyway, our lives are back on track and I am the luckiest person alive. With the kindest regards and thanks."

--Married for 12 Years, Australia February 2005


Wouldn't You Like to Know...

How to Begin Upgrading Your Marriage Today?

As an experienced counselor, I can tell you what to do to maximize your chances of success. I can also help you avoid actions that will only waste your time and energy.

It just makes sense to learn what other couples have done who have rebuilt enduring passionate marriages . Don’t you want that too?

The good news is that there’s always hope that you can turn your marriage around. By using my system you could:

• Save tens of thousands of dollars in divorce costs*,

• Keep your dream alive of having a happy marriage,

• Save weeks or months in divorce court, and

• Save untold stress on yourself and other family members (your kids, their grandparents, etc.)

Your spouse’s announcement of unhappiness is serious but it doesn’t have to be the end of your relationship. It is, however, a wakeup call to you. It means that you have to take positive action if you don’t want your mate to walk out the door.

*(According to a Utah State University study, an average divorce in the U.S. costs over $27,000.)

Now Get 52 Issues a Year of Free Expert Advice on How to Keep Your Marriage (a $197 value)

Sign Up Now and You'll Receive as a Bonus Ten Ways to Add Romance to Your Marriage.

 Now You Can Get Weekly Ideas and Support to Strengthen and Maintain Your Marriage.

"I want you to know how much I enjoy the articles each week. So many have been wonderful inspirations to me and incredibly helpful! You really give my week a boost. Thank you!"
-- Ryan

“I always look forward to your weekly magazine. It has helped me to be more positive about my marriage. Thanks so much!” 
-- Kelly
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Don’t Accidentally Push Your Spouse out the Door

It’s important to realize that certain impulsive reactions from you could push your partner to leave the marriage. Don’t blast him (or her) with questions. Don’t overpower him with rage.

Yes, you may feel justified to act in these ways.

But be careful with behaviors that could shatter your chances for marital recovery. You can shoot yourself in the foot if you do the wrong thing now.

I’ve seen clients throw a fit when they got the announcement “I don’t love you anymore.” But just as a raging bull can destroy a china shop , unleashed fury can ruin any chance of patching things up.

Explosions never hold anything together. Especially in a marriage.

But they can sabotage your future with your spouse if you’re not careful. Because there’s still a chance for you to have a happy marriage if you know what to do.

"I have devoured the book! It has totally changed the way I view my situation, my responses and my attitude...I see definite areas of needed improvement. I thank you for such valuable information."

-- Married 25 years, father of one, Arizona


Why You Can’t Argue with Your Spouse’s Feelings

You may want to tell your spouse that she (or he) is wrong for having feelings of wanting to leave the marriage.

I’ve seen quite a few partners who try to talk their mates out of having the feelings that have finally bubbled to the surface and now threaten the marriage.

But it won’t work.

Such efforts to change the mind of the partner are futile and are destined to fail. Why? Because there is a history of unhappiness behind the words.

And you can’t change history with an argument!

What has happened is that a history of dissatisfaction has built up on the side of the spouse threatening to leave. Whether the surprised partner considers the reasons given to be valid or not doesn’t alter the fact that the unhappiness exists.

Whatever you do...

Don’t fall into the trap of arguing or telling your partner that she (or he) is wrong.


Because her perception is her reality.And it's the basis for her feelings and the decisions she makes. You will only make your mate defensive and more entrenched in her viewpoint if you make the mistake of arguing.

"Thank you so much for writing this book! Last night my husband told me that he wasn't sure that he wanted to stay together. Well, I read the majority of the book and wrote my husband a note that took responsibility for my actions over the last 7 years.

Up until that note he didn't even know if he wanted to have dinner with me to talk things over. He also admitted that he is part of the blame, too. But it was probably the first time that I took full blame for what I and only I have done.

Thank you so much for giving me the chance to work out my marriage. It is now up to me and God to follow through with my promises! All My Gratitude."

--Married 7 years, Florida


Why Fighting Your Situation Will Hurt You

The first thing you must do is accept the situation as a given.

You’ll need to accept your spouse’s discontent if you want to positively influence the disastrous turn your marriage is taking.

Even if you disagree with the reasons your mate gives you for being unhappy.

This doesn’t mean you have to agree with your partner’s reasons.

Not at all.

Nor does it necessarily mean accepting the partner at his (or her) word if he says that he’s leaving.

But if you understand the true meaning of acceptance, you’ll understand how it can mean the difference between divorce and a happy union.

You have to start where the other person is when you’re trying to understand why they feel as they do. And you have to acknowledge the reality that your spouse has differing perceptions and feelings.

They aren’t “wrong.” They’re just different from yours. Failure to acknowledge this will hurt your chances of patching things up.


Is Your Handling of Your Marriage Crisis Actually Hastening Divorce?

Your actual reaction to crisis isn’t based on what happens to you.

Instead your reaction is based on your interpretation of what happens to you and what you believe it means.

One man’s wife might announce that she wants a divorce. His unconscious belief is that his wife is leaving him because he is inadequate and this means that he’s not a good person. And therefore, he’s not lovable or attractive. So he reacts with rage because he feels threatened.

Another husband might react with sympathy and concern for his wife.

He might believe that the wife is under stress and needs emotional support. He asks himself if his excessive hours at the office have driven a wedge between them.

He reaches out to her to try to reestablish a connection.

These are two very different reactions. And each response will produce its own very different outcome in a marriage.

I'll show you how to reevaluate your reactions to get the results you want.

Four Different Reactions to a Crisis Situation

Which One Is Yours?

There are four typical ways in which you might react when your spouse threatens to leave you:

Give up. You might decide that your spouse has already made up his mind. Maybe you are thinking that divorce is a done deal. But this could be a hasty judgement on your part.

Try to control your spouse. Here, you might try to talk her out of leaving. You could try to make her feel guilty or tell her that she’ll never find someone who’ll love her like you do. This approach will almost always backfire on you.
Declare open war. In your raging fury, you start telling anyone who’ll listen how you’ve been done wrong. You criticize your spouse loudly and often. This is a direct path to divorce.
These approaches will not save your marriage.

The fourth strategy is the one that works:
Bounce Back Like a Rubber Ball. In this scenario, at first you are thrown off balance like everybody else. Your emotions rage like a storm. But then you recover your balance and you start taking proactive steps to recover your marriage.
This is the strategy I’ll teach you.


How You Choose to React Is Your Call

But the Wrong Call Could End Your Marriage!

It’s up to you to decide which of these approaches you want to follow. If you’ve chosen a response but you’re not happy with the results you’re getting, you can choose to change your situation.

You don’t have to stay stuck in a way of reacting that isn’t working for you or helping your marriage.

It’s important to remember that you can choose to change your reaction anytime.

Just decide to do so.

You’re probably familiar with the saying, “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll just get more of the same.”

You always have the opportunity to decide how you will react to a situation.

If your first reaction is to give up, you can decide to take a different approach instead. If a painter doesn’t like the colors he has initially picked, he paints over the canvas and selects different colors.

A writer who doesn’t like the story she’s writing can decide to start a new story. So can you.

I'll teach you ways to transform your self awareness in ways that'll help you react to stressful situations differently.

"Thanks to you and your advice, I saved my marriage, even when I was the only one wanting to stop divorce… I can't thank you enough for all of your help!!!"

-- Married twelve years, age 38, New York


“You have a great book. I bought a lot of other books and yours was the one that was absolutely invaluable.

I am extremely grateful for your help. You not only gave me the information I needed to get my marriage out of a very dire situation where there seemed to be no hope and set it on a course to recovery, but it also set me on a course of self-discovery.

I am certain that the things I have learned through my own trials and tribulations will help me not only in my relationship with my wife, but also in my relationship with myself”

--Business owner, California


You Can Create a New Marriage Every Day...If You Know How

But if you don't know how, you'll stay stuck where you are. And unless something changes, your marriage is in trouble.

In one sense you're like a writer of a movie. You are writing the script of your life each and every day with the decisions and the choices you make.

And if you have the courage to face the truth and admit that what you’ve been doing has not given you the results you want, you can change yourself and your own actions.

And this will change your life.

If you’re willing to take responsibility for your behavior, the way will be paved for positive change in your marriage. One of the most powerful decisions that a spouse can make is to commit to taking responsibility for the quality of his relationship with his partner.

"I can't thank you enough for all of your help!!! When I found your web site, I was having a hard time with my marriage. My husband had left me and my daughter. It just didn't seem like things were going to get any better.

Several weeks ago I received a phone call out of the blue from my husband, and we sat and talked awhile on the phone, and then he told me that he realized how much our marriage meant to him, and that he didn't want a divorce, and he wanted his family back. How relieved I was to hear those things, and then he told me that he wanted us to work our problems out and he wanted to come back home!!!

Now things are going real well with me and my husband. We are spending time with each other, I'm communicating more with him, we're getting along good, and our marriage is going great.

Thanks to you and your advice, I saved my marriage, even when I was the only one wanting it to be saved. I know that he's only been home for about 3 weeks, but it is going great so far and we are doing all that we can to make things work out and keep our marriage on the right track.

I just wanted to email you and let you know the status of everything and just wanted to say 'thank you' from the bottom of my heart. You have helped me get through the most difficult time in my life. I didn't see our marriage being saved.

Thanks once again for all you have done to help me save my marriage. If you trust in God, and think positive, a marriage can truly be saved, even if you are the only one that wants it to work!

I am attaching some pictures of me, my husband, and my precious daughter. Thank you so much!!!! May God bless you and your family."

---Married 12 Months, Arkansas


What’ll Happen to You if You Do Nothing

My guess is that you're afraid that your marriage is probably headed for divorce, otherwise you wouldn't have read this far. And if you don't change your direction, you won't change your destination.

But before you make a decision on what to do, I want you to ask yourself:

What will be the true cost of your divorce, besides thousands of dollars? Enormous stress, hundreds of hours of your time, your own health going downhill? The list goes on.

Is your marriage worth the effort of learning new ways to reconnect with your partner?

If you don't take action now, how much regret will you feel if you lose your marriage?

How much pain are you suffering because your spouse is threatening to leave?

How would your divorce negatively affect other family members, such as children, parents, and grandparents?

The answers to these questions give you a good idea of how committed you are to keeping your marriage.

So have you convinced yourself to do whatever it takes to preserve the precious treasure you have—your marriage? Why not take immediate action instead of continuing to spin your wheels?

Here's How You Can
Get Started

Relighting the Marriage Flame
With Your Spouse...

In the Next 10 Minutes

My husband Lee and I have written a breakthrough book for spouses who want to save their marriage.

It's called Keep Your Marriage: What to Do When Your Spouse Says “I don’t love you anymore!”

Keep Your Marriage gives you the tools you need to get started reconnecting with your spouse IMMEDIATELY.

Keep Your Marriage is a easy-to-read guide containing the best and most effective tips on saving your relationship. These pointers have worked for countless couples who have been my clients in the last twenty-five years.

You’ll have the information and directions you need to begin rebuilding your close bond with your partner.

Among the benefits you get from

Keep Your Marriage are:

Discover what the words "I don't love you anymore" can really mean and why a spouse may say “I love you but I’m not IN love with you ” (pages 32-37).

Ten important questions to ask yourself to decide if saving your marriage is possible. Answer these questions before you do anything else (pages 42-48).

The top 21 marriage busters to avoid. These are 21 mistakes you absolutely don't want to make. Carry a list of these harmful actions with you each day so you can avoid further damage to your marriage (pages 50-59).
Why begging and pleading don't work and can actually harm your chances of success (pages 60-62).

What sentence you need to write on an index card and carry with you each day to keep your energies focused and positive (page 64).
Sixteen ways to build a strong foundation of support for yourself so that you can successfully confront your core relationship issues. Also learn why it's dangerous to jump straight into marriage issues without taking these steps first (pages 77-90). Twenty-five ways to deepen your relationship with your partner and create a loving, rewarding marriage (pages 92-116). These tips turbo charge your intimacy and fortify your bond. How to keep the sexual fires burning brightly. Learn a technique that increases passion and keeps it going strong for years (pages 140 –141). Learn what are four pillars of a quality marriage. If you’re not relying on these principles in your marriage, you’re headed for trouble (page 137). What to say to your family and friends to let them know you need support, and how to avoid answering questions you don't want to answer (pages 161-162). A surprising word of advice you won’t be expecting - it can make all the difference in whether or not your spouse finds you attractive and appealing (pages 78-81).

Essential pointers for parents and stepparents to protect the well-being of your kids during the marital crisis (pages 147-154).


Keep Your Marriage helps you take action IMMEDIATELY to develop deeper emotional ties.

It gives you concrete ideas, suggestions, and activities you can use now with your spouse.


Beat the Learning Curve and Save Yourself Time

Discover the strategies and techniques successful couples use — the ones that are designed to give you what you want -- a close and loving relationship with your marriage partner.

You get simple yet effective ideas to build a bridge back to your spouse.

They aren't theoretical; they really work.

That means you're not wasting your time just hoping your spouse will respond to you. All of the tips have been successfully used by others and are designed to give you the positive results you want.

Most counselors will charge $80 to $120 per hour-long session to give you marriage counseling. My clients typically come to see me at least six to eight times to get the same advice that you'll find in this book.

They aren't theoretical; they really work.

That means you're not wasting your time just hoping your spouse will respond to you. All of the tips have been successfully used by others and are designed to give you the positive results you want.

Most counselors will charge $80 to $120 per hour-long session to give you marriage counseling. My clients typically come to see me at least six to eight times to get the same advice that you'll find in this book.

That would cost you at least $480 and tie up your time for weeks!

Keep Your Marriage is normally yours for $47.

But today you're in luck because we're having a Sale for the month of !

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You'll be getting the secrets that have literally changed the lives of countless couples who were on the verge of divorce. Like you, they didn't know if they could ever be happy again in their marriage.

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You also deserve to be happy and have a satisfying relationship with your spouse. All you need is the right information and the willingness to use it.

In a hurry? [Click to order Keep Your Marriage](#SatisfactionPrimaryGoal)!

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Keep Your Marriage Internet Magazine

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"I am sooo impressed with your wisdom and advice. For the past year and especially in the last three months, I have been on the internet and have purchased many books attempting to find the magic that would save my marriage only to find out that nothing really applied to me.

Yesterday morning I prayed and went to the internet, typed in a few words on "google" and was led right to your site. A coincidence? I don't think so!

Your book is really powerful and yet, so simple. I can clearly see what I have been doing is wrong and counterproductive. This is interesting but on Sunday night when my husband and I were talking, he said something about a "pressure cooker" and then I read these very words in your book. Wow! Is that coincidental or what? I think our connection was meant to be.

Again, you people are wonderful and I really appreciate your quick response and also your concern for me. It is apparent to me that both of you are really concerned about helping marriages - this comes across to me in a powerful way. And I thank you!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart."

--Married 23 years, business owner in Connecticut

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Every technique and idea in the book is a proven winner - a strategy I've used successfully in real life situations with couples for many years. They are the same strategies I use every day in my counseling and consulting practice to help scores of people transform their lives every year.

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Divorce Union is a non-profit independent source recommending the most effective e-books online to stop your divorce or end your marriage problems.

Keep Your Marriage: By Nancy Wasson Ph.D. and Lee Hefner

Editor's Review:

“Fantastic ideas for stopping your divorce... Content is great and methods are extremely effective….well worth it if you wish to learn how to stop divorce today.

Keep Your Marriage is an excellent book... The book gives phenomenal ideas on stopping your divorce. It includes some of the best and most effective tips we have ever seen in a divorce book…

A highly experienced marriage relationship consultant herself, relationship expert Nancy Wasson Ph.D. accurately shows how typical counseling and communications tactics backfire. Her existing methods offered to the readers include using an effective blend of subtle and obvious action steps, each taken in a specific order. What most readers like about this book is how clearly it explains how to save your spouse's marriage even when your partner's heart isn't in it.

The book also does a great job of motivating you to apply the changes to your marriage. You also get a few other bonus e-books with your purchase including how to save a marriage when there is an affair or when your spouse wants out.

This purchase is invaluable to anyone looking to stop their divorce."

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