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Calories Information
See Below For Calories in Food, Calorie Needs to Maintain or Lose Weight, How to Burn Energy by Exercise
PLUS Advice and Guidelines on Calorie Intake For Children and Teens, Calorie-Counting When Dieting, PLUS
Best Aerobic Exercise For Calorie-Burning and Weight Loss, PLUS How to Raise Metabolism/Metabolic Rate
PLUS Guide to Diet Kilocalories, Calorie Equation, Energy-Intake/Expenditure, Calorie-Content of Foods

- [Calories in Food](nutrition-calories-in-food.htm)
- [Nutrition in Food](nutrition.htm)
- [Energy in Food](energy-in-food.htm)
- [Exercise for Calorie Burning](exercise-fitness.htm)
- [Calories Burned by Exercise](calories-burned-by-exercise.htm)

Calories in Foods
Calories - Breakfast Food
[ Breakfast Cereals](calories-in-breakfast-cereal.htm)
[Breakfast Bars](calories-in-breakfast-bars.htm)
Calories in Breads
Calories in Starches
[Whole Grains](calories-in-whole-grains.htm)
Calories in Fats/Sugars
[Fats/Cooking Oils](calories-in-fats-oils.htm)

The food and drink we consume in our daily diet provides the energy and nutrients we need to stay healthy and energetic. our personal calorie needs vary according to our weight, age, gender and activity level, but "on average" women need about 2000 calories a day to maintain their energy balance and keep their weight stable. Men need about 2500 a day. The energy content of stored body fat is about 3500 calories, so a 500 calorie deficit is needed each day in order to lose one pound. The safest way to create an energy deficit is by reducing calorie intake and at the same time increasing energy expenditure.

Calories in Meats
[Bacon/ Pork](calories-in-bacon-pork.htm)
[Deli Meats](calories-in-deli-meats.htm)
[Game Meat](calories-in-game-meat.htm)
Calories in Health Foods
[Soy Food](calories-in-soy-food.htm)
Calories in Dairy Food
[Ice Cream](calories-in-ice-cream.htm)
Calories in Junk Food

We all know people who seem to be able to eat as many food calories as they like without gaining weight. However, clinical studies show that although a higher metabolic rate does allow people to eat more without gaining weight, slender people typically inherit a lower metabolic rate than obese people, and thus burn fewer calories while at rest. According to the latest theory, leaner people are believed to be more "spontaneously active" than obese individuals and have greater "non-exercise activity thermogenesis". In simple terms, they twitch, or move around, or fidget more than overweight people, and this helps to burn extra calories.

Bookmark This Site Now!
For TONS of information about calories in food, nutrition in food, plus advice about [which exercise is best for weight loss](#weight), PLUS how many calories are burned by exercise and fitness equipment. It's the best source of information about calorie intake and expenditure on the Internet!

[Calories in 2500 Foods!](nutrition-calories-in-food.htm)

[What is a Calorie?](calorie.htm)
[What is a Kilocalorie?](kilocalories-kcals.htm)
[What is a Kilojoule?](kilojoules.htm)
[Calories in Gram of Fat](calories-per-gram-fat.htm)
[Calories in Gram of Carbs](calories-per-gram-carbs.htm)
[Calories in Gram of Protein](calories-per-gram-protein.htm)
[Calorie Needs to Maintain Weight](calorie-needs-to-maintain-weight.htm)
[Calories Needed/Lose Weight](calories-needed-to-lose-weight.htm)
[Calorie Intake Per Day](calorie-intake.htm)
[Calorie Intake and Age](calorie-intake-age.htm)
[Calorie Needs Children (Boys)](calorie-needs-children-boys.htm)
[Calorie Needs Children (Girls)](calorie-needs-children-girls.htm)
[Calorie Counting/Lose Weight](calorie-counting-to-lose-weight.htm)
[Calorie Needs For Teenagers (Boys)](calorie-needs-teenagers-boys.htm)
[Calorie Needs For Teenagers (Girls)](calorie-needs-teenagers-girls.htm)
[Calories and Weight Loss](weight-loss-calories.htm)
[Calories & Weight Control](weight-control-calories.htm)
[Weight Loss Diets](weight-loss-diets.htm)
[Special Diets](diets.htm)
[Calories in One Pound of Fat](calories-in-pound-of-fat.htm)
[Calorie Counting to Lose Weight](calorie-counting-to-lose-weight.htm)
[Foods That Burn Calories](foods-that-burn-calories.htm)
[Negative Calorie Diet](negative-calorie-diet.htm)
[How to Reduce Calories](how-to-reduce-calories.htm)
[List of Calories from Food](list-of-calories-from-food.htm)
[High Density Foods](high-density-foods.htm)
[Calories and Food Labels](calories-food-labels.htm)
[Food Calorie Measurements](food-calorie-measurements.htm)
[Serving Sizes](serving-sizes.htm)
[Low Calorie Foods](low-calorie-foods-weight-loss.htm)
[Low Calorie Diets](low-calorie-diets.htm)
[Low Calorie Recipes](low-calorie-recipes.htm)

Nutrition and Calories
[Diet and Calories: Guidelines](diet-calories.htm)
[ Nutrition From Food](nutrition.htm)
[Carbs and Nutrition](carbs-nutrition-calories.htm)
[Protein and Nutrition](protein-nutrition-calories.htm)
[Recommended Calories from Fat](calories-from-fat.htm)
[Guide to Fat Calories](fat-calories.htm)
[Percent Calories From Fat](percent-calories-from-fat.htm)
[Fat Percentage vs. Fat in Serving Size](fat-percentage-calorie-content.htm)
[Guide to Fat Replacers](fat-replacers.htm)
[How to Reduce Fat Calories](reduce-fat-calories.htm)
[Empty Calorie Foods](empty-calorie-foods.htm)
[Calories and Carbohydrates](calories-and-carbohydrates.htm)
[Glycemic Index](glycemic-index.htm)
[Calories and Water](calories-water.htm)
[Calorie Free Sweeteners](calorie-free-sweeteners.htm)
[Best Vitamins For Weight Loss](best-vitamins-for-weight-loss.htm)

Calorie Control and Genes
The amount of food energy we consume, how we metabolize it into glucose and then distribute it to cells/muscles as energy or store it as body fat, is regulated by a large number of hormones, enzymes, and other biochemical agents. Thus it seems obvious that the significant calorie surplus needed for obesity must be influenced by DNA and other genetic factors. Even so, as genes only change over millennia, they cannot be responsible for the huge increase in obesity over the past two decades. One common myth is that obese subjects have slower metabolisms. However, clinical studies show clearly that obese people do not have slower metabolisms. Research shows that obese patients typically have a faster metabolic rate than lighter people.
Calories in Foods
Calories in Drinks
[Soft Drinks](calories-in-soft-drinks.htm)
Calories - Eating Out
[Fast Food](calories-in-fast-food.htm)
[Mexican Food](calories-in-mexican-food.htm)

Food eaten late at night may cause indigestion, but it doesn't lead to greater fat gain than the same number of calories eaten earlier in the day. It's the total amount of kilocalories that count, not when they are consumed.

Calories - Meals
[Frozen Entrees](calories-in-frozen-entrees.htm)

The most effective way to create the necessary calorie deficit to lose weight, is to choose lower calorie foods and take regular calorie-burning exercise. Good low calorie food includes fiber-rich foods (to fill your stomach); the best type of exercise to burn energy is aerobic exercise, although strength training is also useful to increase muscle mass thus raising your metabolism.

Energy Content of
Popular Foods
[Apple Pie](calories-in-apple-pie.htm)
[Calories in a Big Mac](calories-in-a-big-mac.htm)
[Chinese Food](calories-chinese-food.htm)
[Cheese Cake](calories-in-cheese-cake.htm)
[Calories in Coca Cola](calories-drinks/calories-in-coca-cola.htm)
[Pepsi Cola](calories-drinks/calories-in-pepsi-cola.htm)
[Diet Cola](calories-drinks/calories-in-diet-cola.htm)
[Cup of Coffee](calories-in-a-cup-of-coffee.htm)
[Calories in Cottage Cheese](calories-in-cottage-cheese.htm)
[Cream Cheese](cream-cheese-calories.htm)
[Calories in a Donut](calories-in-a-donut.htm)
[Energy Bars](calories-in-energy-bars.htm)
[Fortune Cookies](calories-in-fortune-cookies.htm)
[Fried Rice](fried-rice-calories.htm)
[Graham Crackers](calories-in-graham-crackers.htm)
[Calories in Indian Food](indian-food-calories.htm)
[Lean Cuisine Entrees](calories-in-lean-cuisine.htm)
[Maple Syrup](calories-in-maple-syrup.htm)
[Oreo Cookies](calories-in-oreo-cookies.htm)
[Calories in Peanut Butter](calories-in-peanut-butter.htm)
[Protein Bars](calories-in-protein-bars.htm)
[Soy Milk](calories-in-soy-milk.htm)
[Special K Cereal](calories-in-special-k-cereal.htm)
[Sports Bars](calories-in-sports-bars.htm)
[Calories in Sushi](sushi-calories.htm)
[Weight Watchers Smart Ones](calories-in-weight-watchers-smart-ones.htm)
[Calories in Whopper](whopper-calories.htm)

While obesity remains a complex condition, experts cite overeating and lack of physical exercise as the two main causes for the current overweight epidemic. In short, the calorie content of our food serving sizes is too high and our energy expenditure is too low. This leads to a surplus of energy and increased fat storage.


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How To Burn Calories and Lose Weight

Energy Expenditure

[Exercise Advice For Calorie-Burning](exercise-fitness.htm)
[Best Weight Loss Exercise Program](best-weight-loss-exercise-program.htm)
[Best Exercise Advice](best-exercise-advice.htm)
[Exercise Equipment Review](exercise-equipment-review.htm)
[Calories Burned by Exercise](calories-burned-by-exercise.htm)
[Calories Burned in 1 Hour of Exercise](calories-exercise.htm)

[Calories Burned By Aerobic Exercise](calories-burned-by-aerobic-exercise.htm)
[Calories Burned By Elliptical Trainers](calories-burned-by-elliptical-trainers.htm)
[Calories Burned By Exercise Bikes](calories-burned-exercise-bikes.htm)
[Calories Burned By Jogging](calories-burned-jogging.htm)
[Calories Burned By Pilates](calories-burned-by-pilates.htm)
[Calories Burned By Running](calories-burned-running.htm)
[Calories Burned By Step Aerobics](calories-burned-by-step-aerobics.htm)
[Calories Burned By Treadmill](treadmill-calories-burned.htm)
[Calories Burned By Walking](calories-burned-by-walking.htm)
[Calories Burned By Weight Training](calories-burned-by-weight-training.htm)
[Calories Burned By Yoga](calories-burned-by-yoga.htm)

Best Energy Burning Workouts
[Exercise to Burn Body Fat and Calories](exercise-programs-to-burn-body-fat.htm)
[Guide to Best Exercises](best-exercises-guide.htm)
[Exercise Plan to Lose Fat and Burn Calories](exercise-to-lose-fat.htm)
[Exercise to Lose Weight and Burn Calories](exercise-to-lose-weight.htm)
[Exercise Workouts to Raise Metabolic Rate](exercise-workouts-to-raise-metabolic-rate.htm)
[Exercise to Build Muscle and Burn Calories](exercise-to-build-muscle.htm)
[Exercise to Reduce Weight and Burn Calories](exercise-to-reduce-weight.htm)
[Exercise For Flat Stomach](exercise-for-flat-stomach.htm)

How Not To Burn Calories
Weight gain or weight loss is determined by the "calorie equation." If your calorie intake exceeds your calorie-expenditure, you create an energy surplus which is stored as body fat and you gain weight. If your energy intake is less than your energy expenditure, you create a calorie deficit and you lose weight. If your calorie intake equals calorie-expenditure, your weight remains the same. However, if we reduce our energy intake too much, our body thinks there is a food shortage and starts to slow down our metabolic rate in order to burn fewer calories. In addition, lack of calories can lead to a lack of vitamins and minerals - some of which help to regulate our weight as well as our health. All this is why very-low-energy diets should only be followed under medical supervision. However, if we reduce our energy intake too much, our body thinks there is a food shortage and starts to slow down our metabolic rate in order to burn fewer calories.

Exercise Advice

[Calorie Intake & Expenditure](calorie-intake-and-expenditure.htm)
[When To Exercise?](best-time-to-exercise.htm)
[How Long To Exercise?](how-long-to-exercise.htm)
[How Often To Exercise?](how-often-to-exercise.htm)
[How Many Calories To Burn?](exercise-how-many-calories-to-burn.htm)
[What Exercise Intensity](exercise-intensity.htm)
[Exercise Intensity Levels](exercise-intensity-levels.htm)
[What is Metabolic Rate](bmr-basal-metabolic-rate.htm)
[Health Benefits Of Exercise](health-benefits-of-exercise.htm)
[Exercise Heart Rate](how-to-get-fit/exercise-heart-rate.htm)
[Monitors for Heart Rate](fitness-advice/heart-rate-monitor.htm)
[Pedometers to Count Steps](pedometers.htm)

Weight Loss Information
[Calorie Books](calorie-books.htm)
[Calorie Facts](calorie-facts.htm)
[Calorie Information](calorie-information.htm)
[Calories/Nutrition Resources](calories-nutrition-links.htm)
[Weight Control Blogs](weight_control_blogs.htm)
[Weight Loss Surgery](weight-loss-surgery-information.htm)
[Best Diet Pills](diet-pills-information.htm)

Please Note
Calorie-Counter.Net offers general information on energy intake and expenditure, nutritional values in food, exercise, fitness equipment and weight loss issues. No information on this site should be used as a replacement for professional advice about your energy needs, personal health, nutrition or well-being. Always consult a doctor for personal advice about diet and exercise. See [Terms of Use](calorie-issues-terms.htm). [Add URL](calories-nutrition-add-site.htm). All enquiries, please use [Contact](caloric-content/contact.htm)
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