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copyright Adrian Henderson 2008 All rights Reserved

Did You know...
...you may be habitually creating the source of your own back pain
by inadvertently exacerbating the area through unmindful behavior?
There are some incredibly effective things you can do right now to
clear away the pain in your lower back and they are easy and simple to
do. Using the "Henderson MethodTM" you will notice a distinct
difference within a few hours and many sufferers report an overnight

If you wake up in the morning every day, with excessive lower back
pain, just like millions of sufferers do, you may be in for a shock to
discover there are easy, simple, things you can do to manage and even
eradicate lower back and lumbar pain in a matter of days.

No surgery...
No Pills...
No Ridiculous exercises...

Did You know...
A degenerating disc is not caused by any mysterious disease, or
atrophying illness, in fact the truth is, in most cases, by continuing
your habitual, unmindful behavior, you cause your own slipped or
degenerating disc which over several years of continuing this
behavior, can lead to painful and highly expensive surgery as well as
a life time of pain.

Once a disc is gone, once it has been damaged beyond repair, there
really is not a lot that can be done for you besides pain control
pills and highly invasive surgery that often only delivers partial
functionality. It is this sensitive cartilage, in between each
vertebrae that is at high risk and often the surrounding tissue in
your lower back becomes inflamed and sore, when a disc is continually
being ground away.

There are simple things you can do right now to reverse this impact
and they can be done without difficulty. The "Henderson MethodTM" is a
series of rules and instructions, that if followed, depending on how
far gone your suffering disc is, can reverse the effects very quickly,
allowing the body to naturally heal the "stressed" area (the flesh
surrounding the disc)

The body has a remarkable capacity to regenerate, providing the
direct cause of the degeneration is removed. Once you take away the
cause, the symptoms go away, the pain leaves and the chance that you
may develop a deteriorating disc will decline significantly. The hard
and fast rule is: if there is pain, there is a problem, with the spine
particularly, if there is no pain, there are no problems.

Do you feel like your pelvis is about to detach from your body
right at your lower back?

Do you feel splitting pains or a deep dull ache at your lower back?

Do you find nothing you do can ease the ongoing pain?

This is not a good thing and action is the only right course to
take right now!

A simple pain easing exercise
you can do right now...

If you are sitting or standing, at this moment, if you will adjust
your posture so your pelvis tucks underneath you. You must use the
abdominal muscles by tightening them and tensing them, so it brings
the pelvis forward, aligning it with the spine. When you do this, the
pressure should be immediately relieved.

Have you tried it?
Does it assist the pressure? If you have tucked your pelvis in
and brought your bottom forward so your back is straight and your
bottom is tucked in, you should be feeling an immediate relief.

If it does bring relief, it means you have exactly the problem, The
"Henderson MethodTM" was designed to address. This exercise alone will
not of course resolve the problem, but it does identify among other
things, that if you felt an immediate relief doing this simple
exercise, that your disc is still healthy and you are capable of
changing the current reality. It's not too late.

A shocking revelation!!!
Discover what the Government doesn't know...
Your Chiropractor doesn't know...
Your doctor doesn't know...

...About back pain...

Because if they did know what the Henderson MethodTM reveals....they
wouldn't offer silly instructional videos about how to pick up a box
correctly, keeping your back straight and such folly. The truth is,
this, the standard response to the community at large and particularly
lower back pain sufferers, that they should lift boxes carefully by
keeping their back straight is laughable as an official policy for
this growing epidemic.

It's laughable, because any one with an ounce of common sense can
see, when looking at the statistics, that people get these symptoms
and an overwhelming majority are not people who work in a job lifting
boxes all day. The policy and professional advice about how to pick up
a box correctly is merely lip service and fails in it's duty of care
to correctly address the problem.

It is evident, that even in the 21st century, in the year 2008, we
are far from addressing the underlying issue of lower back pain. It
took an actual sufferer with a specific intent to resolve his own back
pain problem, without relying on the vague and bland instructions and
opinions of so called professionals, that the truth is finally

The fact is people get these problems, without even lifting a
weight at all. Office workers, even retired people, that lead
sedentary life styles get lower back pain. They get this lower back
pain for an astonishing reason you are about to learn about in...

The "Henderson MethodTM"

This is the very same reason you have developed your lower back
pain. When you discover why you get this problem, you will most
certainly and without a single hesitation, act to correct the issue
and never suffer from lower back pain again. When you know the cause,
acting to prevent it immediately has positive effects. You don't need
to buy anything, no pills, no doctors appointments. Just download the
"Henderson Lower Back Pain Kit" right now and learn about the
"Henderson Method"

By tomorrow morning you will find your back pain entirely and
completely gone!

And now, we introduce the author of this ground breaking
instructional material to tell you a little more about The Henderson
Method in his own words!

I'm Adrian Henderson and I invite you to explore this website and
learn as much as you can about this new technique.

I am nobody special, but sometimes, it takes the ordinary person to
see that the emperor is not wearing any clothes! If that analogy made
no sense to you, I'm sorry, it means, sometimes everyone follows
blindly what everyone else is doing and saying and it takes one person
to notice and realize that what is happening is not right. To me
today, the approach to back pain is completely wrong. The
professionals are all trying to medically treat and "drugify" people
with simple and treatable problems that need nothing more than a
change in the way you do things at home.

At the age of 34 I started to notice an undeniable pain in my lower
back and it continued for over a decade before I did something about
it. My lower C12 disc was beginning to slip by my early 40's and the
pain was excruciating. Doctor after doctor had nothing more to offer
than advice about how to use my back when lifting stuff and pain
reduction drugs....

That's it!

That's all they had!

My doctors advised me in time, my disc would slip and I would need
a lucrative (for them) surgery! They maintained that I had a
mysterious degenerating disease but they could not tell me how I
contracted it and I was forced to just accept it. Talk about anxiety!
The only thing more scary than the fear of an impending invasive
surgery, with a doctor poking around my spine with a scalpel, was the
amount of zeros on the bill I was going to receive!

I may kid now, but that was the stark reality of what I was facing
(the quoted bill was pretty incredible) I ignored my back pain. I
drugged it, I shut out the signals my body was sending me. I was
determined to put off the oncoming problem. Then one morning, I bent
down to wash my face in the bathroom basin and I heard something loud
pop in my back.

I cannot describe how worrying it was, straight after this loud,
almost mechanical noise came out of my body, I lost all control of my
torso and I dropped forward, the basin breaking my fall. I was in
excruciating pain and slowly...very carefully...lowered myself to the
floor. I laid there for hours until my wife came home, it was...what
some would consider, an extremely bad day.

We couldn't afford the operation and I am greatful now, because the
modifications they would have made to my spine during the operation,
would have made it impossible for my healing to transpire today.

During the month I laid helpless in bed after my popping disc, I
began to feel better. I healed and bed rest is free, so we were happy
with the "bill of this treatment" (at least)

Over that month I began to do major research online and also make
small experiments of my own with my own aching body. I discovered some
pretty cool tricks for back pain management and also the big one. The
holy grail to lower back pain. The one cause and REAL reason why lower
back pain occurs.

When I developed this tentative idea, I began testing it as soon as
I could. That very moment was the beginning of my rehabilitation and
permanent recovery from lower back pain. I learned how to stop tearing
at my aching disc and vertebrae.

On the very first day I tried it...despite the sorry condition my
body was in, it worked immaculately. I would have called it a miracle
but for one reason...when you identify the problem, you can affect a
solution. Absolutely no question about it.

When you don't know what the problem is, it can seem daunting and
impossible, but when you define and identify exactly why the problem
is happening, you have absolutely no issues resolving it. That is what
happened to me. The idea I had about why my lower back problems
occurred, easily led to the solution, I only wish I was more attentive
when I was 34 and not 44

Imagine waking up tomorrow morning, bright eyed and bushy tailed,
with no lower back pain...

What's inside the "Henderson Lower Back Pain Kit"...

1) "The Lower Back Dilemma" A quality booklet describing lower back
pain and why you should work fast to fix it. This eye opening
information will make you stay up late at night worrying...unless you
take the steps to resolve your lower back pain issue right now. The
answer is so simple, you will chuckle to yourself the next morning,
with complete and utter relief as the pain, you will find, is gone!!!

2) "The Ultimate Answer" An explanation of why lower back pain
develops and what the cunning and simple answer is. Adrian Henderson
is not a doctor, but you gotta hand it to the man. This solution is
amazing and quickly resolves "MOST" peoples lower back pain problems.

3) "The Rule Book To Live By - The Henderson Method" If you have
the beginnings of lower back pain. Take advice, it only gets worse,
you need to take steps now. If you ignore these instructions and fail
to implement them from this day on...you may be in for some pretty
terrible health issues in the coming years. If you fail to get access
to this information today and use these instructions, you may be in
for some traumatic years ahead...

Don't waste another day worrying about a worsening lower back ache.
Take action now, you will find instant and permanent relief!!!

Yes!...let me download The Henderson Lower Back Pain Kit right now!

No waiting for the mail to arrive, pay and download instantly!!

FREE adobe acrobat software, distributed with each Kit

Highly secure order process using encryption technology

Makes a terrific gift for someone you love, or get it for yourself

A well rounded explanation of why lower back pain occurs in some
people and the astonishing truth about how simple it is to manage and

These quality materials put the power in your hands...no more back
pain when you understand why you get it.

"The Henderson Lower Back Pain Kit" will assist anybody who needs to
restore their skeletal and muscular health fast!

Order "The Henderson Lower Back Pain Kit" right now, try it, use it,
make your health a priority today and resolve your lower back pain
issues forever!! If over the next 56 days, for any reason you think
this is not absolutely the best thing you have ever seen, just let us
know, for a full and complete refund. No questions asked

Do this before you try anything else, most likely you will get the
result's you were looking for. For less than the cost of a doctors
appointment, you get a fully rounded, back care instruction manual
utilizing the Henderson MethodTM

Don't be tricked into surgery or pharmaceutical solutions, there is
more to life than obsessing about your painful lower back and that is
exactly what will happen when you start going down the medical path

This advice is not intended to replace competent medical advice,
however The Henderson Method does work in a majority of cases and it
is simple, easy, cheap and works right away.

You will be stunned by the simplicity of Henderson's solutions and
impressed by the first hand knowledge contained in the Henderson Lower
Back Pain Kit.

Sometimes the answer to some of life's simpler problems require some
real insight to notice. We may suffer through a particular problem for
many years before we realize, in the end, the answer was staring us
right in the face.

The answer to Lower Back Pain is right here, waiting for you to
discover. On purchase, you will be re-directed to our secure download
area in minutes... where you can access the entire kit following a few
simple instructions.
Within a few hours of pleasant reading, you will be fully informed
and know exactly what to do. By the next morning, you will notice a
reduced amount of pain in your lower back or even a complete absence
of pain altogether...

What this is not

This is not some "Hokey" cure like rubbing Garlic oil on your back,
or finding some dumb plant and grinding it up because it has some
alleged magical properties!

This is not any type of introduction to some other product that you
are asked to buy. The Henderson Lower Back Pain Kit is a stand alone
product that has worked for thousands of sufferers and will continue
to work because it is that rare type of product that utilizes common

This is not some crazy exercise program and you will not be advised
to do anything silly or ridiculous to your lower back. The solution is
a gentle, all natural approach that makes sense and when you read it,
you will not even question it, you will immediately be astonished and
delighted because it is so easy.

This is not a long winded rhetoric, but detailed, relevant and
coherent instructions about why your lower back hurts and how to
easily and quickly address that problem. You will find it is not some
sort of encyclopedia and we make no apologies for that. It is succinct
and to the point without any puffer or padding wasting your time. The
entire kit is 24 detailed pages of instructions.

If you purchase and download The Henderson Lower Back Pain Kit, you
are doing it because you want answers and information, you are doing
it because you want results. That is exactly what you are going to

Try it today at no risk to you. If you are not completely impressed
and delighted with your result's, simply return it for a full refund.

The risk is all on us! We can't be any fairer than that can we?

Take your time now, make the small payment and within 10 minutes
from now you will have downloaded the entire kit. Sit back, relax and
read to discover the astonishing reason why your lower back is always
sore. Then keep reading to learn exactly what addresses this problem.
The simple rules and instructions to completely relieve a sore back
literally over night. It is very common and most sufferers report
overnight results.

Simply amazing!

A final word from the Author, Adrian Henderson...

I want to apologize upfront for asking for a payment for this
information. I would prefer to distribute it freely to anyone that
needs it, but I want this out there as fast as possible helping the
millions of lower back pain sufferers that need this desperately right
now. Unfortunately it costs money to advertise, if we didn't
advertise, The KIT would not get noticed, so we need to ask for a
payment to cover the marketing costs of reaching out to you. I hope
you understand.

This does work and that is why I am so excited about it, but please,
please, please...if you have lower back pain, do not go straight for
the drugs or the scalpel. There are things you can do right now, this
minute to immediately arrest a lower back problem and all the answers
are in the kit. So I encourage you, if you need that help, it is the
cheapest and least invasive way to fix this problem quickly,
painlessly and permanently.

Go ahead and order, you will not be making a mistake. Believe me!

If you have any questions, please email us at

Best Wishes
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Copyright 2008 Sterling Informational International C/O license
batch number #324989834 - 9839 - Hend9556 Author Adrian Henderson- All
rights reserved, no part of this material or the "product" may be in
any way copied or portions thereof. Adrian Henderson, the author, the
publishers, retailers and wholesalers of this material do not in any
way claim this material to be an appropriate substitute for competent
medical advice. Author is not a doctor, merely a lower back pain
sufferer expressing his opinions on what successfully worked for him.


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