Excerpt from product page

Dear Barton Publishing, Your report was great! Especially the 2 hour gout relief program. That along with all of the other tips in your report brought instant relief to my husbands foot. The throbbing aching pain went away within 20 minutes. Well worth the purchase. Thanks for the additional info.

Mollie Fine, Kailua, Hawaii

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"STOP Gout Pain Instantly - If You Live Within 50 Miles Of A Grocery Store, Then You Can Cure Your Gout With No Wasted Money, No Doctors, and No Drugs..."

100% Guaranteed Results!
Hi, I purchased this report last week during a gout episode.
The Colchicine, Celebrex, Probenicid, and Allopurinol weren't doing much.

I started your remedy on Tuesday PM and by Wednesday my gout symptoms were gone! Incredible!

I plan to continue with your suggestions.

Dr. Steve Rohde
Ann Arbor, Michigan

From the desk of Joe Barton
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Dear Gout Sufferer,

You can probably relate to the following gout story...


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