Do You Work At a Computer?
If you said YES, you're at risk!
You need to read this information to protect yourself from sickness & injury.
No more eyestrains, back pains, or other discomforts...
No more gaining extra inches at your waistline....
Date: ")
From: Eric Holmlund
Dear Friend,
You have been using computers since your childhood. Now, you have a long list of discomforts and ailments to your credit.
Your doctor says that it is the nature of your work that has made you an unhealthy person through the years.
You are getting in worse shape mentally and physically as the years roll on, from the life you have chosen working in front of a computer!
What next? I have heard so many cases like this from people from different walks of life. Most of them are professionals like software engineers, transcriptionists, medical coders, data entry operators, secretaries, and animators who spend almost the entire day in front of computers.
I myself began to suffer from some computer-related discomforts at a very young age due to the simple reason of not taking the time to learn the proper techniques necessary to maintain good health while sitting in front of the computer for many hours each day.
Now, I have learned the hard way from my own experience. I do give advice to my friends and relatives on healthy computing if the topic happens to come up in our conversations.
The first time I had to sit back and think if this machine was giving me more trouble than comfort, is when I had this flinching pain on my neck, which radiated down to my arms.
I realized that I had spent over 8 hours without even partially tilting or turning my head. Complete concentration for once seemed detrimental to my goals. I had to spend almost a week with physiotherapy, mending the damage I had done to my neck..
I did some research on this subject and realized that there were other people who had similar problems using this electronic medium.
One of my associates talked to a girl who said that her eyes are not as moist as they must be, and that she has trouble keeping them open for a normal period.
Some probing into the nature of her work revealed that she used a very bright monitor, and usually examined her work inches away from it.
Her job involved assessing the color values of graphic designs and had to take a