Excerpt from product page

Quit Smoking by Smoking...The Unique Method That Takes A Little
Longer But... ACTUALLY WORKS!"


Click Here to Get The Unique "96% Success Rate" Method NOW! [6]

It's cheating... but... it works!

"World's First Quit Smoking Method That Asks You To... Actually
Continue Smoking...

(SOUNDS WEIRD I KNOW! but you'll find out why soon)

What Exactly Is This Unique Method? KEEP READING and You'll Find

FROM: Peter Lachland (reformed chain-smoker)

If you are SICK and TIRED of trying to quit... and find yourself
constantly falling back into the Life-Sucking addiction of Nicotine...

Then You REALLY NEED to Read This Message (for your own benefit!)

Just like you I failed quitting smoking many times... Sometimes I
would fight it off for a few days, a few times I even made it past 2-3

But each time I just gave into the cravings! and ended up going back
to Smoking...

During these pathetic "quit attempts" I tried virtually everything
from Patches to Hypnosis... and you don't have to be a rocket
scientist to figure this out... but they didn't help me at all...

Let me tell ya... I was so discouraged, I had lost motivation, I had
nowhere to turn...

I had given up.

I thought I was destined to BE a smoker and DIE a smoker... that's
how I thought I'd live the rest of my days.

That was... Until by chance (thank god!) I thought I'd give a shot
at trying to develop my own way to help myself Quit Smoking.

And, TO CUT A VERY LONG STORY SHORT... after using my own method on

Something surprising happened, AND "surprising" is an understatement
because it turns out my method was so effective... within a short
period of time...

STOP! Read the above sentence just one more time. Because YOU are
about to experience that same amazing feeling...

The feeling of freedom from Smoking!

Listen, I know that this "freedom" might not sound so desirable
right now...

But trust me on this... IT IS!

And that's why I really need you to keep reading...

I need you to KEEP READING... because this message could change your
life (Hey, it changed my life and if you know me, you know I don't
beat around the bush, I am being completely straight with ya here...
this message could literally change your life)

AND end up getting your hands on the unique method I'm about to
share with you...
You will:

* LIVE LONGER - Smokers who die as a direct result of smoking lose
on average 13-14 years of their lives... (Source: NCI) You want to see
your Grandkids grow up right?

* Give yourself a much healthier, more enjoyable life... (right now
you probably think Smoking is making your life more enjoyable, but
that's about to change)

* FAMILY FIRST... Put your family OUT of the deadly traps of
second-hand smoke (this is a biggie, your children may have asthma due
to YOUR second-hand smoke - you could even cause them to have
pneumonia and damage their health severely.)

* Save a hell of a lot of money (by the way keep reading if you
want to hear how much money you actually lose by smoking... it's not
what everyone else has been saying!)

* NOT BE SECRETLY LOOKED AT or gossiped about by the smell you have
in your breath and on your clothes (you're not the only one who's
annoyed by self righteous non-smokers...)

* Save Time - The average pack a day Smoker wastes close to 2-4
hours a day (I'll be saying a bit more about this later - if you value
your time you will be shocked and PROBABLY SHOULDN\'T READ ON)

So anyways, if you'd like to do any of the above I'd suggest you
keep readin' -- Pete ;)

Like I said before...

I managed to stop quite easily, thanks to... the method I created.

How was this possible?

Because I created a unique method that actually causes you to hate
smoking. (but it does it in a subtle yet potent way as you'll soon
learn and uses a small yet highly unique twist -in fact I've subtlety
used this secret little twist through-out this message, so read
carefully and see if you can spot it

My method will give you a passionate blood-thirsty hate for
smoking... and this will DRIVE you to never touch a cigarette again!

In fact people that have tried my method say that smoking soon

Yes you read correctly. Smoking to you, will soon become VIRTUALLY
that is how the method works!

I know I could just hype my product up and say that I have a 100%
success rate and that you can quit within 2 hours and all that junk...
but I'm not like that.

You deserve the truth, and I am going to have to be the one to
deliver it to you. (who else would?)

Unlike every other person out there that is trying to make a quick
buck online... I want to tell you the truth... so I am going to tell
you why you shouldn't BUY MY PRODUCT.

Listen I wouldn't recommend my product if you don't have the BALLS
to quit...

With this method you have to WANT to quit. (I think this is needed
with every method of quitting -- some products out there "claim" that
you don't need any willpower at all but I think this is a bunch of
crap -- think about it, you need willpower to read this page, you need
willpower to take a shower... you need willpower for everything! Those
who say you don't are lying through their teeth!)

A lot of people have said that from the ways they've tried to quit,
they've found that mine took the least amount of willpower -- and
actually worked...

However I'd have to disagree with this... I think my method takes
more willpower than many of the products out there...

Such as patches -- it doesn't take much willpower to stick a patch
on your arm now does it? Well my method is going to take more
willpower than that BUT what's more important? Sticking a patch on
your arm and not dealing with the problem...

OR! Confronting the SOURCE of the problem head on and actually
finding a method that will MAKE you quit. -- which is lucky for you
because that's what my method does.

There's another problem with method as well

It has a 96% Success Rate.

(that's not so amazing)

This means that I fail to help 4 out of every 100 escape their
deadly Nicotine trap...

Even though my method has possibly the highest success rate vs. any
other product, this ain' t good enough for me.

"I genuinely care about you, I've been in your position...

I want my method to be 100% successful and that's what I am striving
for each day.

Listen I truly and genuinely want to help you quit and even if so
far it sounds like a whole lot of baloney to you...

I'm here to tell you that it isn't. I'M THE REAL DEAL! I will NOT
screw you over like those BS scam-artists...

Still. If you think I am making this up, feel free to leave this
site but you should know... that leaving this site could be 'hazardous
to your health'... Literally.

_KEEP READING_ (please DO NOT skip or scan... if you want to get the
full impact of the method then I need you to read every word of this
page VERY CAREFULLY) I'm really happy you've stumbled upon this
site... trust me, YOU ARE GOING TO QUIT! and I'll probably change your
life because of it.


Click here to get the secret method NOW! [7]

Did you know? ... that throughout your whole smoking life, you have
been Smoking the WRONG WAY!

Now I have no doubt that you're probably shocked about this but it's
true... (in my book I'll show you how to smoke the 'right' way)

And not only that - you've also been Smoking in the WRONG PLACE.
Again, you are probably a bit surprised out this but you have been
smoking in the wrong place your whole life as well.

So with my method I will show you how to eliminate these 2 simple
mistakes. You see, once you correct these 2 mistakes you are already
half way to quitting for good.

The only problem is if you truly want to quit for good, and you
don't want to go back to smoking again like you probably have been
then you are going to need to have some patience.

While my method may take longer than most others (the benefit is
that mine works!) My method ensures that you won't have to do hardly
anything to actually quit.

Look some people have quit within 2 days using my method, some
people take a few weeks. The most I've heard of is 2 months.

The key thing here is if you really want to quit then you need to
get my method. But if you just want a 'break' from smoking, and still
want to go back to it... then go down to your nearest pharmacy and get
yourself some patches. Your choice.

HINT: like I said before the hardest thing you'll have to do using
this method is to actually smoke a cigarette. I'm pretty sure this
won't be hard for you :)

Yep, that's right... with my method I will only ask you to keep
smoking -

BUT! there's a secret twist to it - you should start to notice as I
have been using it in this message, read carefully and you may spot it

With my method you have to CONTINUE SMOKING!

I know what you're thinking. How could you Quit Smoking by Smoking?

Well I am glad you asked because it is very possible...

A little insight into This Amazing Method...

First of all I should tell you a little on how I developed this

Basically I combined 2 completely safe but very powerful
psychological 'tactics' (yep, real psychologists actually use these
powerful techniques to get people off certain addictions) PLUS I've
added my own unique twist AND! a system to help you quit...

The 2 psychological 'tactics' I have combined are mind-blowingly

In fact what if I told you these 'treatments' have been used to get
HARDCORE addicts off addictive drugs like Heroin and Cocaine...
DESTROYED Alcoholics will to drink...

...beat many high-profile addictions such as pathological
gambling... and destroyed many chronic phobias...

What if I told you that that these 'treatments' have also cured
serious mental illnesses such as Schizophrenia, Anxiety Disorders and
Bulimia - that's right... it has completely CURED mental illnesses...
(crazy I know!)

Infarct one of the 'treatments' in particular been hailed as...

One Of The SINGLE Most POWERFUL Techniques
For Quitting And Staying Off... ANYTHING...


(Instructor in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School. And Director of
the Psychotherapy Research Program
At Massachusetts General Hospital)

And that's the crazy thing about it!

The other great thing is if you follow my method properly and come
to the end of it you will realize that you won't feel the need to
smoke -- and like I said before, you'll start to hate smoking.

That's what it feels like for most of the people who use my method.
Which means you won't have to avoid social settings or anything...
it's like a huge weight being lifted off your shoulders...

My method makes quitting smoking easy.

I have been working very hard for about 2 years now perfecting the
method... and I think I have reached the point where it's virtually as
potent as it can be.

Now you would think that because of it's 96% success rate that
people would jump on it like hungry wolves...

Though this is not the case. Nope, they'd rather go after patches,
gum and other methods. Most that actually make quitting smoking HARDER
(keep reading and I will show you why)

Again it's probably the most effective, efficient, and most powerful
method available, which is why I am in stitches as to why HARDLY
ANYONE KNOWS ABOUT MY METHOD!!! (which is why I am trying as hard as I
can to show everyone my method)

First since I know you're probably a little skeptical, let me tell
you what my method doesn't involve.

* It doesn't involve any brainwashing Hypnosis
* It doesn't involve using Nicotine Patches
* It doesn't involve chewing on Nicotine Gum, using sprays or any
other NRT's (Nicotine Replacement Therapies)
* It doesn't involve taking any drugs/pills such as Zyban, Champix
etc (and you won't have to suffer all the side-effects these drugs can
give you!)
* and It's got nothing to do with anything supernatural or anything
crazy like that

You see like I said before, most of that stuff above actually makes
it harder for you to quit
(keep reading and I'll show you why)

Now you might have tried to quit a few times before (don't worry, I
feel ya.. I tried to quit dozens of times before until I created my
own method, the method that you're about to use to quit)

And you might have been told to do all these crazy things...

Well with my method I won't tell you to do any of that crap!

* You won't have to REPLACE smoking with something else like
chewing on straws or eating chocolate
* You won't have to stop smoking STRAIGHT AWAY! (in fact with my
method I would ask you to please KEEP smoking until you know the
complete method! Sounds weird? You'll understand when you get the
method for yourself)
* You won't have to drink LOTS of water
* You won't have to use any fancy breathing techniques
* You won't need to watch what you drink or monitor anything
* You won't need to avoid going into public places where others are
smoking or miss out on going to those parties or social events
* You won't have to avoid any 'triggers'
* You won't have to set up an action plan, or keep one of those
silly diaries
* You wont have to go and get any of that crazy hypnosis (who knows
what they do when you're unconscious!)

With my method you won't have to use any 'fancy techniques' because
these hardly ever help! (like I said before... they won't solve the
problem. Unlike my method, these crappy techniques are only going to
help with the SYMPTOMS not attack the CAUSE)

In fact there's only 3 simple things you have to do with my method.
One is to read a very entertaining book...

The other is to keep smoking...

And the third one is what really makes this method so effective,
without this third part we would have NO WAY NEAR a 96% Success rate.
But I won't share it here... it's simply too valuable. Besides you
won't realize it's real potential until you read the book.

(HINT: it involves dropping your ego -- but not in a way you'd think
it does)

Click Here to Quit Smoking Fast [8]

Back in 2005 I had quite a lot of success with the method. In fact
that's why you are reading this website...

In the space of 5 months I had helped 14 different people quit
smoking using my method. Including my father in-law (who smoked for 50
years!), a few of my smoking friends, and some of my work colleagues.

I had taught my method to 15 different people and only one of them
had failed (long story but he didn't really WANT to quit, did you

As you can see I was really happy about the small success I had and
I wanted to continue to help others quit smoking... So I was looking
for a way to get my method out into the eyes of the public...

All of my friends were telling me: "Pete, you gotta write a book on
this... you gotta write a book."

And well I kinda agreed with them but I didn't think I would be good
at writing (turns out I am!). After all I did want to get my method
out to the public, and what better way then to write a book that a
heap of people could get quick access to...

So that's what I did!

I went and wrote a book on my method. (and I've been refining it for
close to 2 years now)

A book that I called "Quit Smoking by Smoking - the unique method
that takes a little longer but actually works "

"Quit Smoking By Smoking" The Unique Method That Takes A Little

Get the "QSBS" Method Now, CLICK HERE [9]

I decided to publish this manual only as an 'eBook'... which means
that you can download it and start learning these secrets immediately
right from the privacy and comfort of your own computer (you can also
print the book out as well)...

In my book I use 2 very powerful psychological tactics which DESTROY
the lies you've taught yourself about Smoking. (go back and read about
the 2 psychological techniques I use if you haven't already)

Then I reveal my actual method to quitting (it involves Smoking to
Quit Smoking but it's done an a very special way that might surprise

After the method comes my little twist in the book. (this is what
really puts the book over the top)

And the combination of ALL of this is what makes my book so
amazingly effective (remember the 96% success rate?)

* Begin to cut down on your daily cigs by half almost instantly...
pg. 28

* THE AMAZING "SPARKLING CLEAN" SECRET and what it has to do with
quitting smoking successfully - Did you know...? that BEFORE you smoke
you should brush your teeth... BUT you should NEVER ever use
toothpaste during this process (sounds bizarre but it's very
necessary) learn how you can get your hands on this secret on the next

* The ONLY way you should Smoke your cigarette -- YOU HAVE BEEN
SMOKING THE WRONG WAY YOUR WHOLE LIFE -- smoke your cigarette this way
and you are guaranteed to quit... (it's not what you'd think) pg.29

* The single most important thing you must do RIGHT before you Quit
(this is VITAL if you want to quit without any 'hang-ups')

* The reason why _my method requires hardly any willpower_ - it
will all become VERY obvious when you read this... page 35

* The SINGLE most important thing you should understand if you want
to Quit Smoking (Clue: it involves something pink and squishy) ...
page 35

* THE ONLY PLACE YOU SHOULD SMOKE. You've probably been Smoking in
the wrong place your whole life. If you really want to quit then you
NEED to smoke in this spot. You'll understand what this 'spot' is and
why when you read page 31

* The Little 'Experiment' that will _increase your chances of
Quitting by 300%_ (CLUE: NOT 200% NOT 400% BUT 300% AS YOU\'LL SEE)
pg. 30

* Your Lying to Yourself! Found out why your subconscious has been
trying to KILL you.... pg 3-5

* What a cigarette REALLY is - and why you and THE WHOLE WORLD HAS
BEEN FOOLED about what a cigarette is since the day they were created!

* Part 2 of my method - this is what makes my method as a whole so
damn powerful. (Leave this out and Your chances of Quitting will be
_cut in half!_)

* "Quit Smoking by Smoking": The only method you'll ever need for
Quitting. (Note: I have put a small twist on this unique way of

* The REAL reason why you can't Quit Smoking (this is soooo obvious
yet it never crosses 90% of smokers' minds) pg. 2

* WARNING: Not for those easily offended -- This is the part where
I dress you down and completely dispel the myths you've been lead to
believe! you'll see just how much you've been fooling yourself, you'll
be amazed at how little you actually NEED to smoke.

* You joined a "_____" when you started Smoking - this is something
that shocks virtually every Smoker I talk to about this... find out
what "_____" is on page 6

yourself and there's PROOF...pg. 8

* What to do if you have a physical/behavioral addiction to
Smoking... (this one will make you laugh) pg. 11

* Don't want to quit because of withdrawal symptoms? Let me give
you a very rational reason that will help you see the light... (most
people say this is a real FOREHEAD SLAPPER) pg. 21

surprise you... pg 30

* About 30 out of every 100 smokers can quit Smoking within a
couple days... are you one of them? -- Find out when you get the

* 2 profound ideas that make you realize that Quitting Smoking is
EASY (the first idea is so powerful that once you can grasp it you've
won half the battle!) pg. 40

* WHY YOU SHOULD NOT QUIT STRAIGHT AWAY - even after you don't want
to Smoke - this is a very vital part of the 'quitting process' and you
MUST do this... page 47 font-family: Helvetica;">





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Thanks for listening, Pete.


P.S. Remember, there's is absolutely no risk on you and if the
method doesn't work I will pay you ALL of your money back. No
questions asked. What are you waiting for, you've got nothin' to lose!


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