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WARNING! Don't Even Think About Wasting Another Second On Worthless
Diet Pills, Expensive Diet Plans, or Any Other So Called Weight Loss
Products Until You Read This...

"Give Me 5 Minutes and I'll Show You A Natural Diet Program That
Results In Massive Fat Loss, Even If You Have Never Been Successful

How A Simple Yet Incredibly _Powerful _ Fat Loss System Is
Transforming The Lives Of Regular People From All Over The World...
Instantly Elevating Their Metabolism And Boosting Their Self
Esteem...All With Just A Few Minute Modifications Of Their Daily

Dr Livingston and his son, CJ

Indianapolis, IN

What I'm about to tell you may change your entire life _FOREVER_.

There is a sea of change that is sweeping across the weightloss
industry transforming thousands of lives and families. It lies in a
few very simple principles that allows the yo-yo dieters of the world
to end their cycle and keep the weight off for good. The best part
about it is...

MAXIMUM Fat Loss With Minimum Effort...

Now before I tell you about this system,and with your permission,
I'd like to share something pretty "eye opening" with you and maybe
even CONTRARY TO WHAT YOU\'VE BEEN TAUGHT or what you believe.

_"I started using Dr Livingston's program and in the first 3 days
lost an amazing 10 pounds! Within 10 days on the program I lost 3
inches off my waist and 5 off my hips. Not to mention that my pant
size was cut in half! _

_Results are what keep me going and the sooner I can see them the
harder I want to work at it. After having 3 children it was
overwhelming to even think about loosing the additional baby weight
that I had put on, but with the guidance and motivation of Dr.
Livingston's book I did it with ease. The bottom line (for me) with
this book and more importantly the program is that there is no
excuse... it's easy to follow. The workouts are unique and gave me
amazing results!"_

Indianapolis, IN

What I'm going to teach you about is "h_OW__" TO GET THE MOST FAT

_But first, you should really..._

Clear your head, Open Your Mind, And Forget _Everything_ That
You've Ever Learned About Weight Loss Previously.

This is not a joke! I know, that this is hard to do, and maybe just
a tad bit weird to be asked to do something like this, but I'm really
serious about this and you'll understand why here shortly...

HOURS in researching and developing programs for how the human body
works, nutrition, exercise, mindset,and health problems. I've
personally coached people, I've had years of intensive training in
weight loss and lifestyle intervention. I've obtained my Doctorate of
Chiropractic with an extra certification in Wellness/Lifestyle
coaching. So you can rest assured when I tell you that this program is
the best of the best.


Board Certified Family Physician

_"Obesity is at epidemic proportions in America, largely due to our
sedentary lifestyle and poor diet. _

_Turning the tide of this plague will require reeducation of the
American populace. _

_Dr. Livingston's, "Fat2Fit" will help in this endeavor. The author
combines nutritional knowledge with common sense and innovation. _

_I highly recommend this book."_

In Practice, I Started To Notice Patterns In Overweight People...

Most were sick, insecure, and had low self esteem. Their diets were
complete garbage and they didn't really exercise. Sounds like a
perfect combination for a life of disappointment after disappointment.
I thought about it for a while and did even more research. Here are
some of the stats that I ran across that really scared me:


The centers for disease control gave us some alarming statistics:

* Over 2/3 of Americans are overweight. That's 66% and climbing.

* Over 300,000 people die every year as a result of unhealthy
dietary habits and not exercising enough.

* 70% of diabetes is attributed to excess weight.

The US spends 33 billion dollars a year on weight loss products and
services. The problem is that these stats are not changing. They are
actually going up. People are getting fatter and fatter. This is in
spite of all the latest weight loss pills, gadgets, diets, and new
gyms popping up everywhere. I bet you are thinking that this doesn't
make any sense.

Why Are These Stats So Important?

Because your health is the MOST important aspect of your life and
the most influential on your future...

A good indicator of how healthy someone is on the inside, is how
they look on the outside.
Everything that you do in your life, revolves around your health and
the quality of it. If your health goes bad, so does everything else.
Especially the enjoyment of your life. I don't know about you, but I
don't want to go through life worrying about aches and pains due to
something that I have control over.

So What Is The Fastest Way To Lose Fat Without Injuring Your Body?

It really is a simple solution. The secret is to lose the weight
incrementally. This is the KEY to keeping the fat off for good. I will
even give you my secret fat loss
step process will result in losing that stubborn fat that keeps coming
back... permanently.

Losing Weight The "Healthy Way" Depends On Your Size.

You heard me correctly. The bigger you are, the more you can lose
per week. Just watch the TV show "The Biggest Loser". Most People
should lose 5-10 pounds their first couple weeks. This is mainly water
weight that your body carries because of poor nutrition, among other
things. After this initial weight loss phase, you want to shoot for
1-3 pounds a week. So in 12 weeks you should lose 12-36 pounds. Not
too shabby, huh?

Could This Be The Simple Solution To Solve Your Problems?

I'll teach you the FASTEST, SIMPLEST way to lose the fat off of your
thighs, the jiggle in your bottom, and the sag in your stomach. You
will look like you are in your prime, attract more of the opposite
sex, reverse the aging process, and have better sex that's right, I
said better S-E-X. To top it all off, you will feel better than ever,
you will have more energy and cut your risks for cancer and heart
disease in half. How does that sound to you?

_"I would definitely recommend the Fat2Fit Weight Loss Systems to
anyone trying to lose weight and keep it off. I lost an inch and a
half off my waist and three inches off my hips in just 3 days! _

_That's just following the nutrition part of the book. I can't wait
to see my results after adding in the exercise program. I'll keep you
posted on my results!"_

Greenfield, IN

You Are Wrong Dr Livingston, My Genetics Is Why I Am Fat.

Genetics play a very small role in disease. LESS THAN 3% of all
diseases are genetic. When you look at fat loss, it plays a very small
role also. Bone structure, bone size, height, ancestry all play small
roles, but all you need to do is learn how to utilize it to your best
ability. This is covered in my book. People who blame their problems
on genetics are using that as an excuse to hide behind. If you are one
of those people, I love ya, but you need to know the truth. True it
might be just a tiny bit harder for you, but ask yourself one question
how much effort are you willing to give to get what you want?

If You Wonder If This Program Is For You, Then Ask Yourself These

ARE YOU THE STAY AT HOME MOM , who does everything: cooks, cleans,
does laundry, takes the kids to their ballet practice and/or their
football practice, just to come home completely exhausted and have no
time to take care of yourself?


DO YOU SPEND MOST OF YOUR TIME going from home to work and back, day
after day, traveling in rush hour traffic, and the last thing you want
to do is exercise and eat disgusting diet food?


talking about every group of friends has one the person who has to
rely on being "funny" to get noticed or having a "great" personality.
Are you the one not getting the attention while your "hot" friend with
no personality whatsoever is the one getting all the numbers? The only
difference between you and them is their size

I'm not trying to offend anyone. I'm just trying to be real with
you. I can empathize because I have plenty of overweight female
friends who struggled with this same issue. Out of my group of
friends, I witnessed the above situation happen all the time. I can
remember this one instance when my friend Jill would always come to me
and talk about how the _"SKINNY GIRLS ALWAYS GOT THE ATTENTION" _and
how it bothered her so much. Why couldn't guys find personality to be
the most important? Why did we have to be so shallow? She said that
whenever we go out as a group and Stephanie is with us, she can get
guys to do anything for her. When I try, they just ignore me, or try
to avoid me.

She was absolutely right. Unfortunately, the world that we live in
favors people who have great bodies and looks, whether it be with the
opposite sex, or in the work place. It is a statistical truth. Pretty
people have more influence.

If these situations listed above sound familiar, then this book is
written to help you.

__"Dr. Livingston, I have read your e-book and I am quite excited
and motivated by its contents. I have been through many diets and
weight loss information but Fat2Fit is SO DIFFERENT. __

__The e-book informs us: What to do, why you have to do it, How to
do it, and the results to expect. NOW I KNOW WHY I PUT BACK ON ALL THE
WEIGHT I LOST ON PREVIOUS DIETS!!! If anyone wants to lose weight and
keep it off, this is the ideal choice. I will keep updating you on my
progress. Thanks so much_!"_

Carmel, IN

These Seven Foundational Principles Have Helped Thousands Prime
Their Metabolic Engines For Ultimate Fat Loss:


Certified Personal Trainer
Certified Massage Therapist
Mixed Martial Artist

_"Dr. Livingston's books are a great blend of functional exercise,
nutritional science, and motivational techniques._

_ I really appreciated the mental techniques offered in the book
because I believe that your mindset is the bridge between the
knowledge in the book and putting that knowledge to good use._

_ Phase One was very successful, allowing me to drop 8lbs in three
days and my joints feel much better!_

_I highly recommend the ultimate fat2fit weightloss package"_

1. The Addition Principle

2. The Pyramid Principle

3. The Grazer Principle

4. The Pain/Pleasure Principle

5. The Holiday Meal Principle

6. The Adaptation Principle

7. The Choice Principle


First Name:


Watch these powerful principles be used together and end up with
exponential fat loss!

Did You Ever Wonder Why It Is So Hard To Stick To A Diet And
Exercise Program?

The reason why it is so hard to stick to those diet and exercise
programs is MOTIVATION. The Pain/Pleasure Principle is an excerpt that
I am going to share with you now. You will also learn about it in the
free report that you just signed up for. (If you haven't signed up
yet, go to the box above and put your name and email address in it. I
promise you that I will not spam you to death or send you tons of
emails that you don't have time to read).

The PAIN/PLEASURE PRINCIPLE states that people are motivated by one
of two things... To get away frm pain or to gain pleasure. If you are
motivated by pain, the thought of having flabby thighs motivates you.
It is painful for you to think about the humiliation of people staring
at your legs. If you are motivated by pleasure, then the feeling that
you would get from being 30 lbs lighter would motivate you. It would
be pleasureful for you to have that desired outcome and newly found
self confidence.

By understanding and applying this principle, you will increase the
liklihood of you sticking with and following through on your program
by 85%. So ask yourself: WHAT MOTIVATES YOU?


This is what I've been spending my life figuring out. I love doing
research on finding the most effective interventions, treatments and
weight loss programs for my patients. My advice, unless you enjoy
doing research, is to let someone with years of experience,
credentials, and passion for it to find you the info. It saves a lot
more time on your end and remember the cardinal rule of how to be
successful follow someone else who has been successful. That is what
Neurolinguistics Programming Experts have found to be the fastest and
easiest way to be successful at whatever you do. My program will make
everything as clear as a bell and get rid of all of the confusion.

Here's What Else You Will Learn In This Manual

This manual is full of tips and tricks that do not take a lot of
time and can be applied instantly. It also gives you step-by-step
instructions so that it is easy for you to transition your body for
fat loss and health. YOU\'LL LEARN:

How to never be hungry

How to manage your blood sugar so that you don 't get diabetes

How to look like you are 20 even though you are twice that age

How to lose those love handles the easy way

My killer ab workout that will strengthen abs, and core, leaving
you with a rock hard foundation and a washboard to wash your clothes

Already made grocery lists so you don't have to think about what
to buy

Learn why 95% of all diets fail and the people who are on them
actually gain more weight later and why it is even harder to get rid

How to sky rocket your energy levels to be more productive during
the day. (Everyone will want to know your secret on this one)

How to crank up your metabolic engine and keep it burning fat all
day instead of just when you work out

Expel toxins, disspell nasty cottage cheese looking fat cells and
feel healthy

And much, much more!

Remember... You Are In Control Of Your Own Destiny.

That's right. Here's the bad news: You are where you are because of
choices you made. I am not here to make you feel bad, but I want you
to know the truth. I will not sugar coat anything for you. I will give
you exactly what I give my patients tough love. I believe that people
need a point in the right direction and a little bit of a push to get
there. That's what my program will do for you. I am not gonna lie to
you. Your path will be laid out so that you won't have to think...just
follow. Because of our busy lifestyles, sometimes it is just to hard
to "think". The other problem is that people get "paralysis by
analysis" They think too much. I'm saving you this step. Just do it!


Order Today And Receive These Four Free Bonuses Worth $338.95

They include:

Easy Figure Fixes

Have you ever put something on and realized that it looks absolutely
terrible on you? Better yet, has someone else told you that that
outfit doesn't look good on you? This has happened to me a few times.
Inside this book you'll find:

The keys to maximize your "assets" with clothing.
What to wear that makes you look like you dropped another 5-10

Ultimate Fat Loss Recipes

Delicious meals that do not taste like cardboard. You will begin to
think that you aren't eating healthy! Inside this recipe book, you
will have meals for breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner. You will
also receive my patented grocery checklist that you can print out and
take along with you every trip. This will help save you time. The list
contains the major healthy foods that you can eat on this plan. (there
are lots of them)


Free Updates

You will receive any updates on not only the Fat2Fit Weight Loss
books, but also all bonus materials


Fat Loss Consultant On Call

I will personally answer all the emails that you send me regarding
this program. This should help you to keep on track and have no
because there isn't enough time in the day for me to see patients and
answer everyones emails. These spots are filling up fast! Sign up
today to receive this bonus. I charge one hundred and fifty dollars a
consultation in my clinic, making this offer a steal.


So What's The Bottom Line Dr Livingston, This Program Sounds Like It
Will Cost Hundreds Of Dollars!

I have some great news for you. Since I don't have to spend money on
printing costs, I am giving the savings back to you and that means
that this ebook will only cost a fraction of what it should. Hard Back
copies would cost significantly more. Plus, you will get this
instantly since it is downloadable which means you don't have to wait
on snail mail which really means you can get started right away on
losing that fat!!

When you are thinking about buying this program look at it as a
future investment for your health that will pay you dividends in the
future. This life changing program is yours for only 19.95! This
includes the e-book, easy figure fixes, ultimate fat loss recipes,
free updates and the on call fat loss consultant. This is valued at
over 299 dollars. Did I also mention...FREE updates ?

Don't wait another minute to order today at this low price! The
regular price will be going up to 59.95 after the introductory
promotion is over.
Once you place your order on click bank's server, you will be sent
to a download page where you can download your fat loss e-book
instantly. The ebook is in PDF format so it can be viewed on either
mac or PC. You then have 2 choices: you can read it right from the
screen or print it out and put it in a three ring binder ( which I
would recommend so that you can take notes)
That's all there is too it. When you download the book, it is laid
out so that you can start applying the information immediately. I want
you to take action ASAP!

How Do I Know That This Program Is Legit And That You Are Not Like
Everyone Else?

I agree with you on this one. How do you know? The answer is trust
and building an honest reputation with you. Sign up for my free
e-course above to see where I am coming from and why my stuff works.
I've spent years and thousands of hours gathering and perfecting these
techniques and info just for you. This is about you and your life
goals. I would be blessed to be part of your journey.

Expert Endorsement

- Brad Callen
Author and Image Transformation Weight Loss System Instructor

"Dr Livingston's Fat2Fit Weightloss System is a straightforward
approach to help you look and feel your best!

It's not only about weight loss, but proper nutrition, goal setting
and exercise too.

Getting healthy and transforming your body never seemed easier!

If you are serious about a healthier lifestyle, this guide is for
you. It's interesting, captivating and very informative!"


On The Other Hand, Please Don't Waste Your Money Or Valuable Time..

If you are not serious about a commitment to change the way you
look, and to lose those unwanted fat pockets, and if you don't want to
have more energy or feel better then don't buy my book. You can't just
read this book and expect to lose weight. 66% of the US of A would not
be fat if this were the case. Knowledge is not power. It is knowledge
plus action that makes the difference. Nothing ever changes until
something moves that means that you have to put a tiny bit of effort
into it!


To Prove To You That I'm Serious About Your Health And Your Success,
I Will Accept All of The Risk.

This is how much I want you to succeed. I will give you an :

That's right, no questions asked if you do not like it.

Examine and look over the course closely. Pick it apart. It's good.
I promise you. If you are not happy with your results, then I want you
to send me a quick note and I will send you a prompt and courteous
refund. Simple as that.

On the other hand, if my program gets the fat off like I said that
it would then I want to hear your story. PLEASE SEND ME YOUR SUCCESS
That's what this is really all about. A happy, healthy, fit world. We
all need to help each other achieve that.

I am NOT writing this ebook just to make money sure, that's nice and
I should be compensated fairly for what I know. I ultimately believe
in the law of fair exchange. I am writing this ebook to change your
life, you, the person reading this letter right now. I finally figured
out that I can help more people by writing a book than by meeting them
face to face. Kind of the "give a man a fish and he eats for a day but
if you teach him to fish he eats for a lifetime principle".

If You Are Finally Finished With All Of The Weight Loss Gimmicks,
Fads, Pills, And So Called "Lose Weight Fast" Diets (No Such Thing)
And You Are Ready To Create A Brand New You Who Has More Curves, More
Confidence And Less Fat, Then Buy This Ebook!

If you are even the teeny tiniest bit interested, then give my ebook
a try!

It's only $19.95, which is less than the three starbucks
frapuccinos that you just bought for the week and the two mcdonalds
big mac value meal.
Let me ask you this question, if a two dollars a day for 10 days
could change your life around, making you more attractive, more
successful, able to wear that swim suit, and save you the
embarrassment of going out in public, would that be worth it to you? I
mean, we are talking $19.95 for a life-long investment.

It would for me.

Plus, if you don't like it, you have 8 weeks to get your money
back. There is no risk. Literally. I've made sure to take away the
financial stress for you so that you can have the opportunity to
change if you want to.

Have you ever heard of the Pareto Principle - the 80/20 rule - which
says that 80% of all results you get from an endeavor are made by 20%
of the efforts you make?
It goes on to say that 20% of the people do 80% of the work in a
It states that 20% of the people make all the money while the other
80% struggle to make ends meet.

In a nut shell, 20% of the people in the world are doers while the
other 80% are thinkers meaning they just sit around and think about it
or think they should do it.
There is a lot of research behind this principle.

My question for you is this: Are you in the 20% that is willing to
DO something to get better?
Or are you in the 80% who likes to think. Honestly, I used to be in
the 80% until I figured this out.

Now, I am in the 20% that does. Which is why I wrote this book. If
you are not interested in being in the 20%, please don't buy this

It is useless if not applied. If you are one of those special 20%
-ers who are willing to put forth effort and make a commitment, then
come on board with me and order today because life is too short to
keep thinking and not doing!

I want to share this quote with you that has had a huge impact on my
"I do today what others won't do, so I can do tomorrow what others
can't do"
Click below to join our team and start changing your life. I will be
waiting for you.


Your Health Coach,

Dr Charles Livingston D.C. ,C.C.W.P.
Wellness Practitioner
Fat - Loss Coach

"Keep It Simple Sweetie"

This is a no-brainer easy to follow program where all of the steps
are laid out for you. "Keeping It Simple " just for you.

The only thing that you will have to do is read it and then apply
it. I will tell you now, the easy part is reading. The applying is
simple, but not easy.

Here again, you need to make a choice about what you want in your
life. If you want toned abs and a lean body with tight glutes and
thighs to die for, then make that choice now. Make the choice and then
I am gonna hold you by the hand and walk you through this time-proven
progam. If you haven't already, go ahead and give it a try just click
the order button below to start your journey for a new you.

P.P.S. The knowledge and guidance of a health care professional is
worth a lot more than a measly $19.95. I charge around $150 for an
hour session in my clinic. I look forward to our future together and

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"
- Ancient Chinese Proverb









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