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English Express Product Offer

  English Express- the most efficient and effective American accent training and business English vocabulary product for busy Japanese business people.

English Express とは 忙しいビジネスマンの為に開発された効果的なプログラムです。アメリカ英語におけるアクセントやビジネス英単語を短期間でマスターできます。

+ Are you sometimes frustrated communicating with Americans in English? + Do you wish you could find a more convenient learning tool focused only on improving your English pronunciation, intonation, and vocabulary skills for business? + Are you too busy for additional English classes? + If you answered yes to any of these questions, English Express can help!   +英語でのコミュニケーションにフラストレーションを感じている方 +ビジネスに必要な発音やイントネーション、語彙力の上達に役立つ使い勝手の良い教材をお探しの方 +忙しくて英会話クラスに通う時間がない方 このようなお悩みをお持ちの方に当プログラムは最適です
English Express is the most efficient way for busy Japanese professionals to improve their business English skills because each lesson can be completed in 15 minutes or less.The lesson files can be accessed from the internet using a laptop, notebook, cell phone, or PDA- the perfect way to make commuting or waiting in the train station or airport more productive.

English Express なら1回15分のレッスンなので、忙しい方でも短期間でビジネス英会話のスキルを上達させることができます。各レッスンにはPCやノート型パソコン、携帯電話やPDAなどからインターネット経由でアクセスできますので、駅や空港などでの待ち時間等を利用して学習することも可能です。

English Express is the most effective way for busy Japanese professionals to improve their business English skills because each unique lesson focuses only on the most critical English skills you need to master for communicating with Americans:  intonation, pronunciation, and business vocabulary.
English Express では英語のイントネーションや発音、ビジネス用語などビジネスシーンでアメリカ人とのコミュニケーションに必要な英会話スキルに焦点をあてたレッスンをご用意。

English Express Level 1 has four 15-minute lessons that can be downloaded as: + online internet lesson in html (visual and audio)--available immediately + .ppt or .pdf files (visual only)-- available immediately

English Express Level 1 has a self-test quiz after each 15-minute lesson to check your progress. Support is free.

Price = $24 USD

[](EE1.1.htm) Try FREE online sample lesson [](http://1.engexpress.pay.clickbank.net) Purchase English Express Level 1 for $24 USD    
QUESTIONS? Contact Support (M-F in English) [support@languageforlife.com](mailto:support@languageforlife.com)

Copyright © 2007
All rights reserved.
English for Life, Inc.
4100 Executive Park Dr., Suite 10
Cincinnati, Ohio 45241

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