No More Embarrassing Moments - When Ordering Wine With Friends!
Learn The Secrets of How To Order Wine
Like a Seasoned Pro Every Time..
Give me a few hours and amaze your friends when you "speak wine" to the waiter just like you'd been doing it all your life!
This Is What Others Are Saying About
"The Wine Connoisseur"
"I would just like to say thank you for a value packed book. No more embarrassing moments when ordering wine with friends."
Kelly S.
"I just finished reading the remainder of the book and can only say - WOW. This book along with its bonuses gave me more information than I expected. It is nice to now know what wine is all about."
Dave E.
"Well worth the money. Delightful, entertaining and insightful are the words that come to mind. Thanks for the MP3 format as well, what a nice addition to the book."
Larry K.
"The book was very nicely done. I have been around wine for years, but never understood the real concept behind it. This book connected all the dots for me with its detailed explanations."
Derek W.
Dear Friend,
Ever been to a fancy restaurant and had to order the wine?
Ever feel a little unsure of what the "right" wine really is?
If you've ever wished you could select wines with confidence... knowing which wine to order with certain dishes, and which wines to avoid...
If you long to appreciate wine, but want to do so without becoming a "snob"...
Then this site was written just for you.
Here's the story...
What's the Fuss All About?
Why is there a "right" way to appreciate wine?
Isn't it just a matter of drinking "what you like"?
Yes and no.
Yes, because it's okay to select a few wines that you like and drink them when you want.
No, because if you give some thought to what food you will be enjoying with your wine, the flavors of the food and wine can be combined in ways that enhances your enjoyment of both.
When you understand how the qualities of the grapes, the age of the wine, where the grapes are grown and can make better choices about what wine to drink at any meal or occasion.
It's not a matter of selecting the "right" wine; it's a matter of selecting the one that will be the most enjoyable.
And once you know how, it's not that tough to do.
Let's start with the most basic decision...
Red or White?
When you go to a restaurant or if you’re just going to buy yourself a few bottles of wine, it can be surprisingly difficult to choose between a red wine or a white wine.
The choice for me at least stems more from personal preference.
If I know that I don’t like a certain red wine I’ll avoid that and maybe go on to selecting a white wine.
And if I’m in the mood to be lulled by something that is rich and heavy, I might find myself swaying towards a good red wine.
The thing with choosing reds and white wines though is that you simply can’t compare the two against each other.
Both are distinctly different from each other, and both have their good sides and their not so good sides.
Basically though it comes down to choice: which wine would you prefer to drink today?
There - was that so hard?
Not at all.
And this is the kind of easy-to-follow advice I give in my new e-book, The Wine Connoisseur.
In my book, I walk you through all the basics of appreciating, ordering, and drinking wine.
And the best part is, it's not hard to do at all.
Who Am I And Why Should
You Listen To Me?
I am not a "wine snob".
I'm a regular person, like you.
I enjoy wine, and I was ignorant of how to order wines until I decided to learn all about it.
I did the research.
Read the books.
Drank a lot of wine (sure, a tough job, but I was willing to "take one for the team").
And I like things simplified and spelled out.
So that's what I did -- I wrote it all down, simplified and explained step-by-step.
And I've gone from knowing nothing about wine appreciation to being good at it!
You can too, because I took all the lessons I've learned...
Both the things that worked for me and also the things that did not work...
And I compiled my notes into a handy, simple-to-follow guide that is quick & easy to read!
What You'll Learn From This Book
This book spells out exactly what you need to know about wines.
In my book, The Wine Connoisseur, you'll learn:
The keys to choosing between red & white; it's not what you think.
"The French Paradox" - why drinking wine can make you live longer (at least according to 60 Minutes).
How to choose the right wines for any food or occasion.
The truth about antioxidants in wine, and what this critical information means to your health.
All your wine questions answered clearly, in non-technical language.
Now, how do I know you can learn these things?
Because I learned trial and error.
And if I can do this, I know you can too.
Plus, I put all this information into a fast-reading, easy-to-follow e-book (electronic book) you can download mere seconds from now.
Once you get a copy of this book and follow its instructions...
You Too Can "Speak Wine"!
Maybe you don't see yourself as a wine connoisseur yet.
And maybe your family and friends don't think so either -- yet.
Maybe they would laugh if you told them about your new ambitions.
But they won't be laughing when you order wine with the confidence of someone who's been doing it all their life.
Can't you just see it now?
... Just Some Of What You'll Learn
In The Wine Connoisseur
Here's just a little taste of what's inside this book (which you can be reading in less than 2 minutes from now if you want)...
What the fuss is all about - surprising reasons why wine appreciation matters, and how it can make your life better. (page 12)
Drinking wine is good for you - what the French and 60 Minutes know about drinking wine that you don't. (page 16)
Champagne mysteries revealed... this quick study guide will teach you everything you need to know about bubbly. (page 19)
Homemade wine... it's easier than you think to make your own wine. Here's everything you need to know. (page 21-35)
The different types of wine. This quick-study guide will be your roadmap to the world of wines. (page 31-36)
Chilled or not? How to know whether you should chill any wine, instantly. (page 38)
Wines of the world. The differences and advantages of wines from France, Napa Valley, and Australia .(page 42)
How to have a "wine cellar" no matter where you live. The specific details of how to store your wine for maximum life and flavor, including the secrets of "calm storage", angles, light and humidity. (page 43-47)
The quick & simple guide to picking the right wine for any meal. You'll love this "thumbnail guide" to which wines go best with which foods. (page 48)
The rules for attending a wine tasting. This guide will help you avoid embarrassment, and have you conducting yourself like a pro. (page 62)
A comprehensive list of wine accessories. From corkscrew to wine chiller, from aerator to glass wash...if it's made for wine lovers, we cover it. (page 67-70)
Think about what your life will be like when you know these wine secrets (along with all the other ones I reveal in this one-of-a-kind book).
How Much Does The Book Cost?
The real question is ask is: how much is it worth to finally know all the stuff about wine you've always wanted to know?
I suppose you could do what most people do -- just "make it up as you go", and use the "trial and error" method.
But why not take advantage of the experience and knowledge I've put into this simple book?
And I boil all down for you in very simple, easy to understand terms.
Less than 100 pages -- no fluff, all information you can put to work right now.
[Order your copy]( of the book for just $47.
I'll send you not only the book itself, but also the audio book (which you can listen to on your iPod or other MP3 player, or on your computer... or even burn it to CD). And if it doesn't work - I'll send you back your money.
Doesn't $47 seem reasonable? And just in case you missed what I was saying, let me be clear...
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Audio Version Valued At $79!
When you order your copy of The Wine Connoisseur today, you get the book in two different formats:
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Learn the 3 crucial elements to a great wine tasting experience every time!
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Think you can read a wine label? Guess again. What the wine bottlers don't want you to know.
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Bowe Packer
Now's your chance to finally get started appreciating wine. This one is a no-brainer thanks to your 8-week guarantee. [Do it now...](