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TEFL Secrets




Who Else Wants To Learn How To Travel The World At Almost No Cost?
Finally! A Guide To Help You Discover Just How Easy, Profitable And Amazing Teaching English Overseas Can Be.
Learn exactaly how YOU can become the person telling the unforgettable stories from your adventure overseas.
From: Amy Dow
Creator Of TEFL Secrets
April 26, 2005
Dear Keen Traveler,
Do You Know the number one way to "Get paid " to travel? 
Do you know the expensive mistakes that most people make when traveling to a foreign country?
Do you know how to distinguish between the schools that will grab your money and leave you hanging versus the schools that will treat you like royalty?
If not, you will soon.
You are also about to learn many things about teaching abroad that you probably have never even thought of.
Thanks to a brand new, breakthrough guide that

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