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The Only book that helps you…
Save your relationship, rekindle your Love and Relive those moments that were once the highlight of your life…
If saving a relationship means a world to you, then what I'm about to share today will reignite your love and enliven your relationship…
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From the Desk of Kate Zyana
When two souls get sunk into the deepest ocean of love, the last thing they think about is getting separated or things not working out...
All they care about is LOVING and LIVING life to the fullest.
And enjoying the memories and every moment they spend together…
But life is not a bed of roses…and it’s not rainbows and butterflies…
One thing leads to another and you often find the impossible, turning into possible.
And that leaves you thinking about how that happened?
Before you think through and analyze the situation, the ship has already left the sail and there’s nothing much left to it…
And all you want now is to get back to the person you love the most…
That's exactly what this book brings to the table…
THIS BOOK and the BONUS included (more on that in a few minutes) will walk you through how you can SAVE your marriage/relationship and get your love back…
And after being done with the book and all the bonuses…
You know which methods and strategies will aid you to save your relationship Restart loving each other again by resolving the conflicts Implement psychological triggers and persuasion techniques to emotionally compel your love towards you… (Win back) Live life with harmony and peace and never face the same situation ever again… No matter how intense the rebuke is, you’ll learn the effective way to stage a comeback and save your relationship And more…
What makes it that one book that will bring the love of your life back to loving you?
It's the combination of words and psychological triggers that envelop feelings, foster heart-to-heart connections, and plant the seeds of true love…
And that’s what makes our book unique…
We’ll HELP you get back your LOST LOVE by leveraging the power of words and hidden persuasive language…
Backed by proven results and scientific research.
Plus, we don't randomly through techniques and wordplay (poetry, love letters, and dialogues) at you…
No way!
We’ve developed a system that step-by-step guides you to make the most suitable step that best resonates with your situation…
You get a Step-by-step system to rekindle the lost love and save a relationship/marriage.
How To Bring Back the Love of your Life!
YES! You can bring back your Love! No matter how stubborn the resistance, no matter how far this person may be from you, no matter how hopeless your situation appears!
This book is for you if ...
You are feeling heartsick and lonely and despondent, and you long for the return of a lost lover... Your spouse or lover had been having an extramarital affair, but you truly care for this person and are willing to do anything necessary for their return... You and your spouse or lover are fighting and quarrelling almost every day , and you want to break the barriers of stubbornness, of bitterness, and of blindness in this relationship... You are having a great relationship with your partner right now, but is fearful that one day your spouse or lover might betray you or leave you. Learn how to keep your lover or spouse by your side forever, without all the heartache, fear, and pain ...
Are you into a very difficult relationship right now and you feel the whole world is crushing down on you?
You feel broken hearted, but want to save your relationship and bring back your love or spouse.
Regardless of the distance between you, regardless of their hardened hearts, regardless of the barriers that keep you apart....
You can mend your broken heart and bring back your lover!
I know exactly what and how it's like...
The feelings of humans are universal. What you have ever felt in yourself – all the hurt, pain, anger, jealousy, depression, disappointment, melancholy - in a failing relationship, is exactly the same as that experienced by someone who have been in your shoes and gone through what you had gone through or are going through right now.
A year ago, the love of my life was involved in an extramarital affair, and he wanted a separation. So I had been ‘there’, gone through ‘it’, and lived through a period of darkness.
When my relationship failed, I wanted to bring back my lover, as I felt it deep in my heart we should be together. But I did not know what went wrong and why things happened the way they did!
The heartache and pain I went through could literally tear me apart!
Well-meaning friends have tried to counsel me and do everything they could to help me.
I searched every book and treatises I could get hold of written by ‘experts’, counsellors and ‘professionals’ who claim they have the solutions to my problem and could help get rid of my pain and heartache permanently.
It all ended in disappointment and more frustration...
They do not answer my most pressing question – WHY! Why on earth is this happening to me. I can scream to Heaven and Earth for the answer and it will not come to me. This book has the answer. They do not tell you how you can stop the separation or how to re-unite with your love one. Instead, most encourage you to go ahead with the separation. “You are not suited to each other.” “He/She is heartless. He/She is not worth your love.” “You just have to learn to let go.” Sounds familiar? They do not tell you how you can stop all that pain and hurt. You know what I mean if you have experienced it before. It really could tear you to pieces. “Go take a vacation.” “Be a volunteer, you will forget the pain when you are busy.” “It will pass. Time will heal it.” It never works. What I want is to get rid of the heartache now. They do not tell you how you can have a harmonious and fulfilling relationship, for as long as you wish, exactly as you want it. “Life is impermanent. Life is unpredictable.” ”People change, you just have to accept it.” This is all they could say.
I would not have survived this crisis, if not for the discovery of a simple , yet amazingly effective strategy which enable me to heal my broken heart and bring back my love.
It took me 8 long months to learn what I should do and not do, what to say and not say, in a failing relationship.
Find out how I bring back my lover despite having a rival around, and to go on to attain more peace and happiness in my relationship than ever before, and how you could do the same.
With the plan and strategy revealed in my new Book, everything can click into place for You!
I discovered the answers and solution I wanted only eight months later. You would not have imagined the amount of pain and frustration I had gone through during this period if you had not been in my shoes. I only wished I had this book a long time earlier. So if you are now in a similar situation as me, I hope this book would pull you out of the darkness and lift you to the light.
You see, if you are still not sure that your the other half is the one for you, then it is better you don't get my book, since you seriously do not want your love back.
Even if you are currently enjoying a great and fulfilling relationship now, what you learn in this book will help you to create the type of relationship that you desire.
Fearful that one day your spouse or lover would betray you or drift away? This book will tell you how you can keep your lover by your side without all the heartache and pain!
You can wait forever. But your relationship cannot wait!
So if you seriously, seriously want to bring back the love of your life, grab your copy today!
I really resist giving you bonuses as I cannot see the reasons why I should be tempting you to grab such an invaluable book which can do more than changing your life!
However, one of the bonuses below came just at the right time a few months after I completed this book and after reading it, I figured out that it would help a lot people out there who wanted to save their relationship and desired the return of a lost love. So I have included it here together with this book as a bonus.
All steps include proven and powerfully appealing phrases and emotionally compelling words that hook your partner in…
…and rekindle in them the love that was once the very foundation of you being together.
More about what’s inside the book in a minute….
But before…
Let me clear who this book is for…
This book is for you…
We hate to single out anyone…
But due to the nature of our e-book and the specific problem it intends to SOLVE, we had to take a step.
This book is for COUPLES who share disputes but are still together but feel that their relationship is on the brink of breaking down…
For those who broke up… And now want their partner back because they can’t live…
And for those who got separated because of external problems…
How To Bring Back A Lost Love Book
You'll find inside a lot of marriage-saving hacks and much much more…
Revealing the ONLY way to experience the same LOST love and reestablish the connection you both once had (Hint: It’s nothing to do with Love, but more important than love) (PAGE - 22) When a relationship is in jeopardy and you don’t to be at the back of it… You say these words to restore the genuine love that was once the foundation of your relationship (Page - 23) Did your man catch any addiction and risk of throwing away his life? The message you’ll send will hold him back from committing anything that switches off happiness (Page - 28) What best form of a letter to send when your jealousy tears apart your established relationship… (Page 33) Don’t know how to demonstrate to your better half how much you love them… The chunk of text will be your tool (page-24) Hate the fact that your girl is obsessed about shoppin’. The fact you don’t her habit rub you both at the wrong end. Not anymore… (Page - 26) What to do when bickering becomes a daily routine… (Page 32 - 33) She took divorce because you were abusive to her… That's your last chance to get her back if you truly love her… (Page 33) What to do when you’ve already lost her and now every day is like a crappy hell… (Page 34 - 35) Why tugging in relationships is demonizing…? And what to do at the moment of high tension (Page 36 - 37) Bone-chilling poetries that when you send to him/her will melt their heart away and ignite in them the love of you (Page 38) Lost love after years of being together in a relationship? Rekindle the love with the power of words that fire them up (Page 41) What is it like to have a chilled coke on the hottest day of the year when the leaves are still? Your better half will get the same pleasure with love dovy quotes from J.K Rowling, Lynda Barry, Iris Murdoch, and more… (Page 44-45) A list of questions that will make you remember why you were together and why love each other the way you were (Page 50 -51) The “Secret Sauce” that set the stage for true awakening whether you love him/her or the separation was the only resort (Page 51) What is the one thing you HAVE to do to reunite with your partner (Hint: It’s not something you think about) (Page 55) Wait! There’s more…
BONUS #1: The Art and Science of Getting What you Want in Your Relationship and Win Over the One You Love!
Along with the only book you’ll ever need to rekindle the love and reestablish your relationship, you’ll also get persuasion secrets to win your lover back.
That involves a hidden psychological technique that strikes the emotional side of the brain.
If you know about all the persuasion hacks, you could use them to your advantage and further your chances to regain your love.
The most exceptional way to keep your love always loyal to you… (Page 22) Do you know you can allure the heck out of your love and flare them up to have you always? That too without uttering a word… (Page 10) How to smartly tackle long-distance relationship problems as if they like solving a 5th standard math problem (Page 44) What to do when your partner is abusive? (Page 61) Your partner won’t leave you for someone else… Heck, they wouldn’t even look for someone else other than you (Page 54) Your partner has bipolar disorder, addictive problems, life-threatening diseases… and could be anything else… (All and more included inside the book)
BONUS #2: How To Make Anyone Fall In Love with You
We are not here to keep you hanging with little knowledge or to trick you into buying more and more stuff… We don’t do that…
Especially with people like you who are already going through a lean patch in their lives and are stressed out…
That’s why you’ll get another steep bonus with the initial offer…
One more book with WAYS to make anyone fall in love with you.
These are the tactics that you can implement right off the bat…
And will snowballing your effect to regain your love.
After going through the entire material, you’ll be equipped with all the tactics and techniques needed to make anyone fall in love with you…ANYONE~
The most exceptional way to keep your love always loyal to you… (Page 22) Do you know you can allure the heck out of your love and flare them up to have you always? That too without uttering a word… (Page 10) How to smartly tackle long-distance relationship problems as if they like solving a 5th standard math problem (Page 44) What to do when your partner is abusive? (Page 61) Your partner won’t leave you for someone else… Heck, they wouldn’t even look for someone else other than you (Page 54) Your partner has bipolar disorder, addictive problems, life-threatening diseases… and could be anything else… (All and more included inside the book)
Special Bonus #3 - Free Updates for Life!
You will also receive updates to this amazing ebook, absolutely FREE - for Life! I do not wish to reveal any details here as I'm in the process of creating them! But I'll guaranteed you'll be pleasantly surprised at what you'll be receiving, without paying an extra single cent! No strings attached!
Don't decide now if "How to Bring Back A Lost Love! " is right for you. Take 60 Days to put it to the test! If it doesn't show you exactly how to heal your broken heart, how to bring back your love, how to keep your love by your side, how to maintain a harmonious and fulfilling relationship without all the pain, fear and heartache, we'll give your money back ... no questions asked! Just contact us within 60 days, you still get to keep all the Special Bonuses.
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Plus, three amazing benefits which alone is extremely valuable.
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I don’t want you to back off and leave this exceptional package for saving your relationship.
I want you to grab this and save your relationship now for just $37…
Yes! I shred prices because I’ve gone through the pain and I don’t want the same for anyone…
Immediately after, you will have instant access to the entire book and system, you'll get access to the perfect Blueprint & Solution to Save Your Relationship and Bring Back Your Lost Love,
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