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Secret Teachings from Jesus Reveal How to “Program” Your Brain to the God’s Frequency
Listen to the “Sound of God” while you manifest the life you’ve always dreamed of. All it takes is just a simple 15-minute habit.
Do it with... The God Frequency
Inspired by the teachings from Jesus to his brother James as well as the scientific study of cortical synchronization, The God Frequency program was created to help believers manifest God’s blessings through the following areas:
Uncover Secret Teachings from Jesus to His Brother
Learn How to “Program” Your Brain to “God’s Frequency”
Manipulate your Cortical Synchronization using Binaural Beats
Manifest Unlimited Abundance with Just 15 Minutes A Day
What is “God Frequency”?
The God Frequency Binaural Beat (MP3)
Plus 1 Exclusive Binaural Beat targeted in
the area of Love (MP3)!
Engineered according to a code found in Jesus’s secret teachings and the knowledge that sound wave therapy is proven to work, God Frequency was created as a specific frequency that allows you to tap into the “manifestation channel”.
With this frequency, all you need to do is make this a daily 15-minute habit for 3 weeks and simply watch your life transform into a fairytale before your eyes.
Here’s What Users of The Amazing
You are saying...
“I’m finally noticing the subtle signs of the universe...”
“Ever since I started using this I’ve been more aware of blessings that are available. Just the other day I won a few hundred dollars in the lottery, simply because I saw “a sign.” Then just yesterday I got a call back from my job interview saying that I’d been hired! And it comes with a 50% pay raise! This cannot be by random chance!”
Jenet P. -- Macon, GA
“I even manifested my dream girlfriend”
“I’ll admit I was pretty skeptical when I started this...but man am I a believer now! I always had such terrible luck with women. My past relationships were all unhealthy and miserable. But after starting small, I’ve been able to manifest the women of my dreams. We’ve only been dating for 3 months, but I’m already thinking she’s ‘The one.’ I’ve never been happier in my life!”
Brandon J -- Ohama, NE
“I feel a sense of purpose again.”
“Now that I’ve been able to manifest a happier and more comfortable life for myself, I feel like I have a reason to live again. My life has done a complete 180. I can't tell you how good it feels to WANT to live again. Thank you!”
Karen B. -- Las Vegas, NV
*Results will vary based on how long and how closely you follow the information presented, as well as other individual biological factors. As individual vary, so will results.
Don’t leave empty handed!
Get your Free PDF + MP3 Audio
“Urgent Manifestation Prayers”:
Revolutionary FREE tool gives you 7 Daily Prayers for Urgent, Real-life Manifestation of Health, Healing, Happiness and Much More
Send it to me now!
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