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Look here, I truly want to help you out in the journey to fulfill your true calling in life...

And I'm trying my very best to make this program as affordable as possible for ANYONE to be able to access this information!

So what I can do now is to give you this $10 Discount for our Ancient Origin Program.

You'll Get EVERYTHING Mentioned Inside as well as Full Access To Our Exclusive Membership Club!

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Discover the Purpose Of Your Life Beneath the Rubble and Pain Of Your Past!  

The time is now for you to discover the true philosophy of your existence!

It Is With The Utmost Sincerity That I Tell You That You Absolutely Can Unleash The Hidden Power Inside You. It’s There, Calling To You From Deep Within.

I’m About To Share With You A Very Special Message On How You Can Uncover This Profound Secret For Yourself.

Here's an urgent letter to you...

Dear Spiritual Seeker,

Do you feel it?

The subtle but insistent feeling that right here, right now, you’re meant to be reading these very words?

It’s no coincidence that you have found this information. 

You’re actually exactly where you need to be.

Let me ask you something:

Does it feel as though no matter what you try or how dedicated you are to manifesting the life of your dreams, (the life you deserve) that something is missing? 

Do you feel as though you can get a taste of what you’re searching for, but for some reason, you just can’t get a firm grasp on the lifestyle you crave? 

If this sounds familiar, I want to tell you that none of that is your fault.

The good news is that your powers of manifestation are much better than you think!

You see, your efforts have led you here to this very moment, reading this life changing information.

This open letter to you my friend, is the bridge that finally brings you to your destiny. 

Your fate is waiting for you to fulfil your life’s purpose.

I promise, it is worth the next few moments of your time to finally understand more about the true calling of your life.

You’re about to discover that there is so much more to you than even your wildest imaginings! 

It’s all hidden deep within you, waiting for the right time to reawaken, to ignite you with the realization of your soul’s essential purpose.

If you’ve been trying your very best to change your life for the better all this time, and yet failing to do so, it isn’t because you’re not competent. 

It definitely isn’t because your life is meant to be this way (hint, it isn’t!).

The reason you’re stuck in the same frustrating circumstances time and time again is because you have as of yet to tap into the “balanced” side of nature!

I truly empathize with how you must be feeling right now. 

I understand the disappointment of getting up every day, saying my affirmations, sending my positive intentions out into the ether and trusting that I would manifest the job I wanted, the money I needed, and the loving relationship I craved, only to wake up disenchanted day after day.

You see, I was once like you. 

I was like everyone else, taking the wrong path and failing to change for the better, not once, but countless times!

However, there’s always a reason to have hope. It’s truly never too late to embark on this journey, no matter who you are, where you’re from, or what you’re doing right now.

What I am about to share with you will help you to effortlessly achieve the “balance” state I mentioned above. With this knowledge, you will be able to grasp the fullness of life’s abundance. 

Whatever it is that you seek, whether it’s wealth, health, a loving and deeply fulfilling relationship, or the pure and simple happiness of peace itself, it can all be yours.

So please, sit back and relax, and read on to learn what I’m so excited to share with you, my friend!

Here's Something I Want You To Know

We Are All Born Equal.

Almost 99 percent of the world’s population doesn’t know that they hold this hidden power within them!!

We are ALL born equal into this world. But…

Only those that manage to uncover this “Hidden Secret” are able to achieve true peace, serenity, and abundance.

It’s time to start unlocking your true ability to manifest abundance!

It’s fate that you are reading these words, and that this special message had finally reached you. I will be guiding you by the hand to finally achieve the health, wealth, love, balance and peace in your life once and for all.

Let me first introduce myself. 

My name is Michael Christianson, and I promise you, my life hasn’t always been good. 

Far from it.

To make a long story short, the truth is my past was riddled with downfalls, one disappointment after another, and with heartbreak and turmoil.

I was on the brink of bankruptcy.

I lost my wife, whom I had been married to for ten years.

I became an alcoholic.

I also became homeless.

Fortunately for me, one fateful afternoon, I stumbled upon a Taoist monk. It happened to be on a day that I was feeling particularly down and lost in my life. This gift came to me from the Universe, right at the moment.

I was at the absolute most rock bottom of my life. Little did I know my life was about to change forever.

For some reason, instead of to passing me by on the street, instead, as we were about to pass one another, he turned slowly, and looked deeply into my eyes. 

We both stopped. 

It was as if we had made a sudden soul connection. 

For a moment, we both simply stood there, bewildered, before he tilted his head slightly to one side, and asked me...

“Why do you look so lost, my friend?” 

The connection that we had made when he first looked into my eyes deepened. 

I felt the upwelling of emotion in my soul, and I couldn’t contain it any longer. 

My lips parted to speak, and I spilled my heart out to him.

Before I knew exactly what it was that I was doing, I had told him my entire life’s story.

He listened to me patiently, nodding here and there, his eyes always kind. Finally, when I had told him all I could tell, he spoke gently to me, and with such kindness. 

“You need to find balance in your life. Come with me.”

I wasn’t sure what he meant, or where he would take me, but I knew I was not just lost in my life, but lost in this world. 

I honestly had nothing to lose, and so I followed him.

We ended up in a beautiful temple. 

The energy inside felt different than the outside world. 

It was calmer, without the constant edge of frantic energy that so much of today’s world holds. 

I felt instantly at peace, and I knew that somehow, this moment would change my life.

Following the monk was the best decision that I’ve made in my life so far. 

This kind and wise monk offered me the chance to spend some time at his temple, and to learn just what it meant to have balance in my life, and how to achieve it.

During my time spent in his temple, I wasn’t always sure what I was doing. 

I knew I wanted to change, and I could feel that change happening!

All I did was follow his instruction, day in, and day out. 

He was always showing me examples about how important balance was in all things. 

He also introduced me to the concept of Yin and Yang. 

I learned so much from my new friend. 

He taught in such a way that I didn’t even know I was learning, and yet his lessons moved me in a way that I will never forget them.

It wasn’t long before I regained the needed balance in my own life, and seeing the balance he spoke so highly of all around me.

I managed to eventually get myself back on my feet. 

Soon, by following my heart and the direction that Yin and Yang led me, I found myself starting a new company.

I was able to do this, and to bring myself to the much more fortunate circumstances I am not enjoying, all by following the simple, and yet profound practices taught to me by my spiritual friend, the monk.

What is Yin & Yang?

It all comes down to the concept of Yin and Yang.

The motion of the Yin and Yang generates all things in nature…and having the right balance will give you everything you fervently desire. 

Yin and Yang were born from chaos when the universe was first created and they are believed to exist in harmony at the centre of the Earth. 

The principle of Yin and Yang is that all things exist as inseparable and contradictory opposites.

The principle, dating from the 3rd century BCE or even earlier, is a fundamental concept in Chinese philosophy and culture in general.

The two opposites of Yin and Yang attract and complement each other and, as their symbol illustrates, each side has at its core an element of the other (represented by the small dots).

Neither pole is superior to the other and, as an increase in one brings a corresponding decrease in the other, a correct balance between the two poles must be reached in order to achieve harmony.

The Simple truth

This ONE simple truth is the reason why try as you might, manifestation just isn’t working for you!

Your Energy Balance Is OFF.

But fear not, my dear friend, as I said earlier, there is always a reason to hope, and it will never be too late to steer things in the right direction! 

No matter where you are in life right now, you CAN restore your harmony and balance to attract whatever you want in your life. 

Once the harmony and balance of your Yin and Yang energies are restored, things that you have wanted to understand for years will suddenly become crystal clear to you. Everything will start making sense, and manifestation will become an absolute breeze. 

So here’s the truth…

If your energy is not in tune with a harmony and balance, you’re simply in conflict with Mother Nature Herself. 

You’re not in proper alignment with the Universe. 

What’s even worse, is that instead of manifesting wealth and abundance, you could be doing just the opposite, and attracting more of the things you don’t want, like poverty and lack! 

That’s what happens when you try to manifest without the harmonious balance of your Yin and Yang energies. 

Without this precious balance, you simply cannot be in alignment with the Universe. 

No matter what you do, you will not be able to attract the wealth and abundance that are yours by birthright!

But how can we do this?

Well, thankfully, there is an extremely simple, worry free method that helps you achieve the harmonious balance required for optimizing your manifestations.

Here it is! 

You truly deserve a much better life! 

Your desires really are all within your reach! 

The Universe wants to improve your life, giving you everything you want, regardless of what that want might be. 

The Universe is waiting for you to align with it, so that it can give you that big, fancy mansion, that cushy job in the corner office with a view, and the loving, passionate relationship of your wildest dreams.

You will soon realize that once your energy reaches the right state of harmony and balance, life will NEVER be the same again. 

YOU will never be the same again!

I know you may be skeptical, I’d be surprised if you weren’t. 

After all, you probably have tried tons of different ways to manifest your wants and needs. Maybe you’ve even enrolled in countless classes and joined several live seminars…

…Only to fail over and over again.

They simply aren’t telling you something VERY important, they’re missing out on the most basic principal. 

They don’t know the root of the problem, that’s the reason why it isn’t working! 





Before We Start Finding The Root of the Problems

A Quick Question for you

Have you ever faced any of these crippling problems in your life?

❌ Feeling helpless and unable to act when it comes to uncertainty.

❌ Lacking the tools, strategies and ability to overcome your troubles?

❌ Feeling unable to cope with your issues calmly and with certainty?

❌ Are you without a proper support system to listen to you when your heart is broken, to cheer you on when you’ve done something worth celebrating, or to encourage you in your life’s mission?

❌ Have you been so let down with what you have tried before that you feel you can’t risk one more disappointment?

❌ Are you totally clueless when it comes to dealing with your situation?

Well, take heart, I promise you aren’t alone. 

These are all common problems many people are facing. 

I, too, have once walked down this long path that seems to go on forever, knowing it would most likely lead me nowhere.

I knew many had walked it before me, but I wanted to not only help myself to find the way off of this path that went nowhere, I wanted to help others like me, who were seeking answers to questions that had gone unanswered for way too long.

Vowed to do whatever it would take to free myself of these oppressive feelings and life circumstances that I found myself embroiled in over and over again. 

I would find the keys to living a life of comfort and peace that I knew I deserved. More than that, I vowed to share my answers with others.

How Can this Help You?

Just like I learned these “secrets” from the monk, you too can learn how to tap into the power and the origin of the Yin and Yan’s power to unleash harmony and balance.

Once this flow state is ignited within you, all that you desire can be achieved.

The unlimited flow of wealth… 

Everlasting peace and serenity… 

The deep and restorative healing power of Mother Nature…

And YES! you can easily discover the ultimate meaning of your life’s purpose.

In this life so filled with uncertainties such as war, economic crisis, murder, robbery, and so on, it is almost impossible to live a calm and peaceful life. 

Sometimes the strain and sorrow of it all can lead to disease and complications which harm our mental, spiritual, and physical health. 

Once we find ourselves caught up in these types of situations, it becomes increasingly hard to improve our situation, and sadly, sometimes this can even lead to a worsening of any diseases we may have.

If I Can Do It, So can You!

I’m sharing this with you because I want you to know I truly understand how soul wrecking it is to feel so horribly lost in life, to not have enough money, to feel misunderstood not just by others, but even by myself!

The worst thing of all however, was feeling as though there was absolutely no way out of any of this.

There could be many things that are leading you to lack balance in your life, throwing off your Yin and Yang energies. 

✅ Lack of money?

✅ Lack of time?

✅ Lack of self-confidence?

✅ Lack of hope that things will ever change for the better?   

Here’s Some Good News!!

I will forever be grateful to the monk that has transformed my life.

I knew that the Universe had finally heard my prayers, and had taken notice of how hard I was trying to make everything right in my life.

I knew that now my life was back on track, it was time for me to give back.

I have spent the last ten years of my life creating this special program.

I’m sharing with you from my heart all the experiences and wisdom that I learned during my stay at the temple.

I want to share these things with others who have felt lost on their journey in this life, people like YOU!

You see...

I want you to fan that flame of hope that is sparked in your heart right now. 

Listen to that little spark of hope, and let it grow. 

Listen to its guidance. 

This is your moment! 

I want you to enjoy a beautiful change in your life. 

You deserve to know who you truly are at a profound soul level, and to finally understand what it is that you were born on this Earth to do. 

There is so much for you to learn about who you truly are.

You don’t need to go through all the hardships that I endured, and you don’t need a lot of money.

In fact, what I want to teach you won’t cost you much at all. 

What you will gain from it will change the course of your life!

The full cost of the program (not to mention the many bonuses!) is over

However, if life has you down right now, I know that may not be feasible right now, and you see, I really, truly want to help as many people as I can.


You won’t even need $30!

Trust me, it’s worth far, far more than that when you see the ways in which your life will begin to transform, as if by magic! 

Not only will you not need a full $30, but you won’t need a lot of time or effort, either.

You don’t need to spend months in a temple like I did.

I want to make everything as effortless as possible for you. 

After all, I know you have already been through so much. 

Maybe even more than I have. 

You deserve a kind and helping hand, and I want to offer that to you. 

I am here to help you unlock the immense power that lies tucked away deep inside your soul. 

That part of you that is starting to wake up as you read these words. 

All you need to gain the life you were born to live you already possess, and accessing it will be easier than you ever imagined.

I would Like To Offer YOU Something Exclusive.

With the right guidance of the Ancient Yin Yang mantra, you will be given the CORRECT tool to help you achieve the precious 

Harmony and Balance that you lack right now!

You’ll automatically be brought to a state of blissful balance with the Universe, and that my friend, is when your TRUE manifestations will happen. 

Those pesky things that are always on your mind, and that somehow manage to manifest instead of the unlimited love you want from the Universe? 


In its place, you will begin to notice wonderful synchronicities, and you will be manifesting your deepest desires like a pro!

This very real, unique new opportunity I am offering you is unlike anything that you may have ever seen or tried. This is the ONLY program that gets right to the root of all the causes of suffering.

So be honest with yourself…

What is it, exactly, that you want in your life right now?

More Money...?

More Business 

Better Job...?

A partner who understands you and loves you deeply, unconditionally?

You can have all of this and more, regardless of what your circumstances are right now.

There is only one more question left to ask yourself. 

Are you ready to make that change?

Remember, this isn’t just about material things like money or fancy new clothes. This is about learning new skills that will provide you with a way to strengthen yourself, body, mind and soul. 

It’s about bringing out the true harmonic balance in your life for everything to work out the way it’s SUPPOSED TO!

Let’s Work Together To Build The Best Version of Yourself Possible! 


The Ancient Origin “Ying Yang” Mantra!

*This product is shown above is digital and the images for visualization only

It’s because I want to help you to become the version of yourself that you were born to be, that I've created this amazingly affordable program!

Here Is What You'll Get In This Amazing Package!

The Powerful Yin Yang Mantra Series

*This product is shown above is digital and the images for visualization only

Seven Unique Audio Tracks. 

These beautiful musical tracks are more than just relaxing soundscapes to listen to after a hard day. 

Each track runs for about ten minutes, and believe me, that is all you will need to feel the deeply uplifting, transformational power of each track! 

We all live busy lives, and each track is designed to work on specific areas in your life, focusing like a laser beam, bringing you to a state of harmony and balance.

These audio files are unlike anything you might listen to on YouTube, as they make visualization effortless and enjoyable. 

Play one track after the other to achieve the ultimate state of harmony and balance, or play one track that you feel compelled to listen to that resonates to your current needs the most at the time.

The beauty of these audio files is that they can each work alone when time is short, or you can play them all together when you have more time to devote to your practice.

Harmonizing Earth

Harness the Energy Of Your Surrounding With This Powerful Audio Track That Gathers The Energy From Within To Fuse With The Energy From Your Environment. Be One With The Mother Earth And Let The Natural Energy Flow Into You.

Yin's Inner Energy

Drain Our Your Negative Energy With This Powerful And Relaxing Track. Delve Deep Into The Darkness Within You And Remove Them From You. Let The Negativity Be Removed From Your Mind, Body, And Soul. Achieve The Perfect Balance With The Right Flow Of Yin And Yang Energy

Solar Radience

Tap onto the great power of our solar radiance, The almightly Sun.

The main source of energy that is providing us the radiance energy in our life.
Immerse yourself into this powerful track to go deep into your root, gather and focus the energy from your root to help you realize your true potential in life.

Yang's Soul Releasing

Accumulate and focus the 'Yang' energy, the positive energy, to create the perfect balance with the 'Yin' Energy. 

 This smooth and powerful track shall activate the Yang Energy Within you to start harmonizing with the Yin Energy from your environment.

Prosperity Infusion

We are all born with an abundance of prosperity and wealth in us. 

Let this Prosperity infusion activate the abundance within you. Achieve what you truly deserve in life.
Focus deeply on the wealth that you deserve when you're listening to this.
Let it unlock the gateway of wealth into your life.

Elemental Creation

Let yourself flow into the most basic form. The element of creation, your true form of existence, the root of who you truly are.

Only by understanding your most basic self, then you are able to evolve and achieve your dream life.

Spirit Relaxation

Immerse yourself in our relaxing track to clam your mind, introduce peace and serenity into your life.

Block out all the 'noise' from your daily life and stress.

Let this clear your mind to absolutely nothing before harnessing the pure energy to activate your true potential in life.

Audio Track Number One:
The Ancient Origins “Harmonizing Earth”

Harness the energy of your surroundings with this powerful audio track that gathers the energy from within to fuse with the energy from your environment. Be one with Mother Earth, and let her natural energy flow into you. 

Audio Track Number Two:
The Ancient Origins
“Yin’s Inner Energy”

Feel the negative energy you carry within you effortlessly begin to drain from you mind, body and spirit with this powerful and relaxing track. Allow yourself to delve deeply into the darkness within your soul in order to have these shadows purged from your being. Let all the negative, painful energies like sorrow, jealousy and betrayal be gently cleansed from your mind, body and soul. Achieve the perfect balance with the harmony of Yin and Yang energies.

Audio Track Number Three: The Ancient Origins
“Solar Radiance”

Allow yourself to tap into the harmonious sounds of “Solar Radiance”, merge with the giver of all life on Earth; the almighty Sun. Feel the power of the Sun’s balanced harmony as it provides you with the essence of all Life itself. Immerse yourself into this transformational track to go deeply within your root to gather and focus the energy from the truest form of yourself. Gather and focus your energy from the deepest roots of to help you to realize your true potential in life.

Audio Track Number Four: Ancient Origins
“Yang’s Soul Releasing.”

Gather and focus on Yang energy, the positive energy, to create the perfect balance with the energy of the Yang. This smooth and powerful track will activate the Yang energy within you so that you can start harmonizing with the Yin energy within your environment.

Audio Track Number Five: Ancient Origins
“Prosperity Infusion.”

We are each born with an abundance of prosperity and wealth within us. Let this “Prosperity Infusion” activate the abundance inside of you. Achieve what it is that you truly deserve in your life. Focus deeply on the abundance that you desire when listening to this track. Let it unlock the gateway of wealth into your life. 

Audio Track Number Six: Ancient Origins
“Elemental Creation.”

Let yourself flow into the purest of energy. Become the element of creation itself. This is the true form of your very own existence. Only by understanding your most basic self, are you then able to evolve and achieve the life of your dreams.

 Audio Track Number Seven: Ancient Origins
“Spirit Relaxation “

Take a deep breath and be swept away into the deepest realms of realization. Awaken the creative force within your soul as you listen to this track, and focus on harnessing your power to manifest. As you relax more deeply, let that relaxation unravel your tension and unburden your mind, body and spirit. In these minutes, you are free. There is no need to worry, everything you need you already have within! All you need to do is listen, and relax.

Seize This Opportunity Now &
Receive FAST ACTION Valuable Bonuses!

Harmonizing Earth

Harness the Energy Of Your Surrounding With This Powerful Audio Track That Gathers The Energy From Within To Fuse With The Energy From Your Environment. Be One With The Mother Earth And Let The Natural Energy Flow Into You.

Yin's Inner Energy

Drain Our Your Negative Energy With This Powerful And Relaxing Track. Delve Deep Into The Darkness Within You And Remove Them From You. Let The Negativity Be Removed From Your Mind, Body, And Soul. Achieve The Perfect Balance With The Right Flow Of Yin And Yang Energy

Solar Radience

Tap onto the great power of our solar radiance, The almightly Sun.

The main source of energy that is providing us the radiance energy in our life.
Immerse yourself into this powerful track to go deep into your root, gather and focus the energy from your root to help you realize your true potential in life.

Yang's Soul Releasing

Accumulate and focus the 'Yang' energy, the positive energy, to create the perfect balance with the 'Yin' Energy. 

 This smooth and powerful track shall activate the Yang Energy Within you to start harmonizing with the Yin Energy from your environment.

Prosperity Infusion

We are all born with an abundance of prosperity and wealth in us. 

Let this Prosperity infusion activate the abundance within you. Achieve what you truly deserve in life.
Focus deeply on the wealth that you deserve when you're listening to this.
Let it unlock the gateway of wealth into your life.

Elemental Creation

Let yourself flow into the most basic form. The element of creation, your true form of existence, the root of who you truly are.

Only by understanding your most basic self, then you are able to evolve and achieve your dream life.

Spirit Relaxation

Immerse yourself in our relaxing track to clam your mind, introduce peace and serenity into your life.

Block out all the 'noise' from your daily life and stress.

Let this clear your mind to absolutely nothing before harnessing the pure energy to activate your true potential in life.

FAST ACTION Bonus Number One:

Bonus Number One:

The Yin and Yang Polarities Ultimate Guide
(Worth $199.00!)

Learn about the art of Yin and Yang and how powerful it is when fully optimized. Utilize this amazing new information to heal your mind, body and soul. With this simple and yet deeply profound wisdom, watch your ability to manifest your deepest desire turn from a favorite dream into celebrated reality!

FAST ACTION Bonus Number Two: 

The Yin and Yang Ultimate Balance Guide (Worth $179!)

In this special guide, you will discover how to live with a resonating peace and harmony in a world full uncertainty. You will find yourself able to quickly and dramatically improve the quality of your life with the energies held within the balancing harmony of the Yin and Yang. All of this is just a click away!

FAST ACTION Bonus Number Three:

Prosperity Awakening Trance Video (Worth $299!) 

In this trance inducting presentation, allow yourself to travel to a place where only peace, love and prosperity exist. Meet the highest form and most true version of yourself, and learn how to travel to this place of awe inspiring beauty, calm and harmony any time you wish. With this guided meditation presented with carefully selected images for you to focus on while listening, you will reach a place that even the most practiced monks may never visit!

I’m Offering You This Unbelievable Value At My Loss Because Helping Others is My True Mission…

*This product is shown above is digital and the images for visualization only

And It Won’t Cost You the Original Price Of $1299. 
Heck, It Won’t Even Cost You $299!!

If You Act Today, You Can Transform Your Life For Only…


*Your initial charge will be $7. You will then be charged $19.95/month after the 14 days FREE Trial for as long as you stayed with us in this elite membership club that shall aid you in your journey to achieve harmony balance in your life.
(You can always cancel anytime)

For those who act today, we also offer an FREE Trial For Our 
Exclusive Membership Club

Where you can learn more about the spiritual world by reading articles and watching videos. 

Content are being uploaded every week, so there will always be something new to learn! 

Topics include Feng Shui tips, meditations tracks, and personal development courses. (Worth: PRICELESS!!)

One of our main focus right here is Feng Shui

It is an ancient Chinese practice that has been around for thousands of years and which involves art and science.

The practicerelies on the laws of heaven and earth to help people balance their energies or 'Chi' within a space, help them become and stay healthy and to receive good fortune.

The attraction of wealth and prosperity is one of the main keys to achieve total abundance.

Here are some of the benefits when you join us:
Enhancing Wealth Finding love for singles Career Advancements And Stability ​Health Improvements
​Staying In A Relationship/Marriage
​Preventing Unwanted Accidents
​And Many More...

Why Am I Doing This?

I want to be honest with you, so here is the truth: 

I truly wish to give back for what I’ve achieved so far in my journey. 

The best way for me to do that is to share with you the lessons I learned from my friend, the monk.

I’m giving you this opportunity to get into the Exclusive Members Club that has content that if used correctly, has been able to change many lives in ways that our members tell us they could have never imagined before! Access the universe within you!

This member’s club will help you to discover your true potential in life. 

You will no longer lead a life where you feel lost and uncertain about what you’re here to do.

Our membership normally costs $67.00 per month, but today, we’re including 

14 days of V.I.P access for you!

Plus an opportunity to LOCK IN your saving at only $19.90 per month, saving you a whopping $565.20 per year! 

[Act now to get INSTANT VIP access right this very moment!  ]
[(Yes, even if it’s 3 AM!)]

Get your 14-day free trial (which you can cancel at any time)

Claim your Special OPPORTUNITY to achieve the right energetic balance so you can finally gain the success in life that you absolutely deserve! 

There will also be two free gifts waiting for you inside the membership area. 

These two free gifts are yours to keep forever no matter what! 

You can cancel your membership at any time, and they are still yours to keep, as our thank you gift to you for having faith in yourself. 

These very special gifts are worth more than you can imagine, but you get them free, just for taking a leap of faith! 

If You Click The Button Below Today, We Can Guarantee You The Specially Discounted Price Of $7

*Your initial charge will be $7. You will then be charged $19.95/month after the 14 days FREE Trial for as long as you stayed with us in this elite membership club that shall aid you in your journey to achieve harmony balance in your life.
(You can always cancel anytime)

This is the super discounted price we reserve ONLY for people like you, who are deeply motivated to restoring their peace, harmony and balance, and to learning how to manifest with ease. 

For the unbelievable price of seven dollars, you will be given:

 A 14-day free trial to our exclusive V.I.P members club

 A special offer to continue your membership at only $19.90 per month

  The Ancient Origins Yin Yang Mantra

 The Yin Yang Balance PDF

 The Yin Yang Polarities PDF

 The Prosperity Awakening Trance Video


 You can cancel your membership at ANY TIME but still keep the two free gifts, no matter what!

*This product is shown above is digital and the images for visualization only

Do act quickly however, as this offer won’t last long. Our market testing period will come to an end soon.

So please, do what you know your spirit is whispering to your heart to do. Make the right choice and…

Click the Yellow Button Bellow To Order Now!

*Your initial charge will be $7. You will then be charged $19.95/month after the 14 days FREE Trial for as long as you stayed with us in this elite membership club that shall aid you in your journey to achieve harmony balance in your life.
(You can always cancel anytime)

Our Guarantee To You:

If by any chance that for unknown and unlikely reason, after doing exactly what we will guide you to do, you realize that this program and all it offers just isn’t for you Please don’t worry!

We have made this offer 100 percent risk free for you.

You have a full 60 days to get a complete refund of every red cent!

You see, you have absolutely NOTHING to lose, and EVERYTHING to gain!

Our Elite Membership Club offers you access to premium content that will improve your life in many different aspects, including health, success, mindset, prosperity, harmony and balance. Just like the V.I.P membership, this special tier will be updated weekly with content meant only for our most elite members.

This will basically be like attending a spiritual boot camp, (the value of which exceeds $1,000!) The good news is, in our boot camp, you can learn in the comfort of your own home. You can learn at any time
Best Of All you can do all of this at a mere fraction of its original cost!

I’m cheering you on my friend. The choice is yours. I’ll be waiting to guide you by the hand the second after you click the yellow button.

I look forward to seeing you there!

[Click Here To Purchase Now @$7]

*Your initial charge will be $7. You will then be charged $19.95/month after the 14 days FREE Trial for as long as you stayed with us in this elite membership club that shall aid you in your journey to achieve harmony balance in your life.
(You can always cancel anytime)

The Full Course Of

A Guide To Surviving And 
Thriving As Your Best Possible Self

(Worth $327)

The Full Course Of

Top Secret Lifestyle Hacks For Optimal Lifestyle

(Worth $297)

The Full Course Of

Secrets To Enhancing Emotional & Physical Well-Being

(Worth $297)

All This Would Be Yours for Just 


Let's get you start on the Elite Membership Club so you will be able to continue gaining access to the FREE VVIP Course + Premium Trinkets (1 for each month) for as long as you wish, at the nominal fee of $27 per month.

Of course, if you don't want to keep receiving Messages or Trinkets from Us, you can cancel any time (no explanation needed) and we will stop your subscription immediately. 

Ok! Are you ready to receive your first Premium Trinket from us?

Just hit the Big Button below and we'll get you started NOW:
[YES! I Want To Join The Elite Membership ClubJust $7 (Normally $67.90)]


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[ No Thanks, I'll Miss This Opportunity Forever.. ]

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