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Stop searching for that miracle diet and start working

on the real cause of your overweight situation



Buy NOW - $12.99

Instant access to download the e-book – How to lose weight without a diet


Anca Fota

Borned and raised in a rural community in Romania, a small country in Europe, Anca Fota was the first in her family to attend a University. After graduating, she continued to live in Bucharest, the capital of the country, and she worked in many professional areas, like: economist, sales person, consultant.
After a few years, she specialized in nutrition and she worked for more than 5 years, 1 to 1, with people who needed to lose weight. She is a young but very experienced and dedicated professional in her field, who has helped many people to lose weight and achieve their health and weight goals.

What You'll Learn

Stop searching for that miracle diet and start working

on the real cause of your overweight situation

7 most important principles of weight loss

You don`t have to make it perfect, you just need to do the most important things.

Find the real cause of your overweight situation

You need to learn to be honest with yourself.

Find your real motivation for weight loss

Decide what is important for you not what everybody else wants you to do.

Make your own meal schedule for your diet

Ther is not a perfect number of meals, find out what works for you.

Lose the extra weight, in your own rhythm

You can be your own boss in the process of weight loss.

Create your own lifestyle to maintain your normal weight

There is no perfect lifestyle, it`s important how you want to live.

About the ebook

Stop searching for that miracle diet and start working on the real cause of your overweight situation.
Did you ever tried a well-known diet to help you lose some weight? Have you ever tried more types of diet and still didn’t get your desired weight? If you lost the extra weight, did you manage to keep that new weight at least for a few years? If you are always getting back that extra weight, did you ever asked yourself why is that happening?
After 5 years of working with overweight people, Anca Fota had discovered that the overweight situation is just a symptom for many unsolved problems in people’s lives. If the real cause is not truly identified and solved, even if people lose weight, the extra weight always comes back. That is why only following a diet is not enough.
Even after discovering and healing the real cause of the overweight, you need to have in mind that there are many other principles that have a great impact in weight loss, not only the diet. Anca managed to identify those principles while working with lots of people and actually seeing what works and what’s not.
This book will help you:
– To ask yourself some good questions about you and your life;
– To find the real cause of your overweight situation;
– To find your real motivation for weight loss;
– To discover the 7 principles with the most impact on weight loss;
– To make your own meal schedule and your perfect diet, based on your preferences;
– To lose the extra weight, in your own rhythm, without the stressful supervising of a nutritionists;
– To create your own lifestyle that will allow you to maintain your normal weight for life.
Actually, this book will help you understand that you need to take responsibility for your life, stop complaining and start acting towards your dreams.

Buy NOW - $12.99

Instant access to download the e-book – How to lose weight without a diet

Instant access to download the e-book – How to lose weight without a diet


 5/5

Only $12.99

Decide NOW to act towards your dreams, get it your best shape and

design the right lifestyle for you.

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