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WARNING: The Following May Destroy Your Entire Perception Of Reality & Is For UGLY. MEN. ONLY. If That's Not You LEAVE THIS PAGE IMMEDIATELY. (18+)

"This product contains adult language and situations, and is not meant for those under 18 years old."



If you are ugly...

You've been through it all.

You've seen the infield footage.

You've read the books.

You've seen the seminars, heck...

You've BEEN to the seminars.

What did all of that get you?

Lost friends?

Ruined relationships?

Embarrassing nights out?

Did you get laid?

A girlfriend??



Sure you've had your eyes opened to some stuff you never realized before. Maybe experienced stepping far out of your comfort zone a few times where you other wise wouldn't have, and maybe even had some small successes here and there.

Why don't you feel like you're getting closer to actual success with women though?


They always give us the same 'secret' information right??

Cold Approach
When you see a girl, go 'open' her and just see what happens. Build comfort with her, then attraction, build the attraction, get her comfortable with you escalating things physically, and let nature take its course.

Nothing turns a woman off faster than a desperate, needy, clingy man. Give her time to miss you and think about you, and make herself fall in love with you. As a wise man famously said "Give her the gift of missing you."

Man of Value
Women love the high value alpha males, so display higher value through body language, clothing, speaking loudly, gaining status, breaking rapport, showing you're interested but can walk away at any time ect. ect. ect.

Deep Inner Game
Take everything you've learned about women/dating/psychology/sociology and more, and apply it all in real life every day until your inner game is so deep that you're absolutely unstoppable when it comes to women and dating.


It's all good information but nothing new right?

And definitely nothing secret...

If it really is good information though, then why haven't you been getting results with it?

That's an extremely fair question with an extremely unfair answer...


Fifteen years ago it truly did not matter if you were ugly. If you learned game, and you applied what you learned, you got results. It was really insane, but it's not 15 years ago anymore and guess what?

You actually can attract and sleep with women EXACTLY how you look now.

You can, but you won't.

Here's Why...


Listen, if you don't already know just how much your subconscious mind controls your reality, go on google and youtube right now and read some books and watch every video you can find on the subconscious mind. We don't have the time here to go over that, but what I'm about to share with you may be a hard pill to swallow, and if you don't swallow it you may never have anything more with women than friendship for the rest of your ugly life.

Whether "they" did this on purpose or not is debatable, but the affect it has had on your dating life is INSANE, and there's one word for it, and that word is MEDIA.

Don't worry, I'm not here to cry "fake news", and I'm not here to say the media is good or bad, it just is what it is.

Read This Or Better Looking Guys Will ALWAYS Get The Girl Over You.

What I'm doing now is pulling back the layers of the perceived reality that was set in front of you since birth, and your subconscious mind completely and fully accepted because it simply doesn't know any better. Your subconscious mind can be your best friend or your worst nightmare.

Ever since you were little, 99% of what you've seen in the media when it comes to women and dating has been good looking guys getting the girl. The only real exception will be a funny fat guy on a sitcom that got the best he could get, married her, and says funny stuff and prays to get laid every night and keeps his fingers crossed for his once a year bl*w j*b.

If you're skinny and ugly you're just f****d. At least the media gave us fat charismatic guys hope that one day if we can afford a house, and we can keep a steady job, we could maybe one day get a girl that's not too fat, doesn't cheat on us too often, and has sex with us just enough so we can convince ourselves we're in a relationship.

It Doesn't Matter If You're Fat or Skinny. If You're Ugly, you're screwed.

The skinny ugly guys though, or the fat ugly guys with no charisma, like fat ugly guys that are not friendly or funny, d@mn. If you're that skinny guy or that fat guy, those are the two worst places to be. Not that you can't get women the way you are, but the subconscious programming the media knowingly or not blasted into your brain your whole life, that subconscious programming...

That subconscious programming will not allow you to have success with women regardless of how many of these dating programs you go through.

You can go through every dating product and self development product on the market, but until your subconscious programming changes, nothing will EVER change for you when it comes to women and dating.

Have you ever wondered why these average looking chumps with no game can at least get girls sometimes, and you've been studying game and female psychology for YEARS and you can't get any women ever?

It's because their subconscious mind isn't stopping them. They've seen proof their whole lives whether consciously aware or not that guys like them can get hot women to date, be with, fall in love with, marry, have sex with, WHATEVER IT IS... their subconscious mind has always seen PROOF that guys like them can attract women, so their subconscious mind does not BLOCK THEM from success with women.

Now, guys like that still have subconscious blocks because they still see MORE proof of girls being with better looking guys and not guys like them. So even guys like that would still GREATLY benefit from getting on Team Ugly, but I did not start up Team Ugly for them to join, Team Ugly is for Ugly. Men. Only. What the hell is Team Ugly!?! Don't worry, that's coming...

Everything gets much deeper.

Let's scratch the surface...

The media isn't the only thing that has been feeding your subconscious mind garbage ever since you were born. Literally, since you were born your subconscious mind has been soaking up every bit of information it has came across and remembers it all.

Know what else ****** you up?


I'm not saying to be mad you went to school, I'm just saying it has had a deep impact on your subconscious mind and why you have no success with women. I was going to say little to no success, but let's be real so we can get this problem handled once and for all.

I won't go in depth about school, but I will sum up everything there is to say in as little words as possible:

You go to school with a bunch of other kids who have also been conditioned through TV and other forms of media. You are ugly, you go talk to a girl, the cool kids shame you and you never do it again.

That about sums it up right?

We are all conditioned, and then at a young age we are all sent to a building where the conditioning gets reinforced, and that all goes WAY deeper if we were to go off the topic of women and dating, but we won't even touch that.

Somebody could argue and try to say:

"But Enzo, I'm ugly as hell and I've always been talking to girls ever since preschool and I've never been shamed and the girls like me a lot, but they just don't like me romantically."

That's the same social conditioning.

As long as you stay in your lane and you aren't giving off any conscious or subconscious signals that you're trying to mate, then you can communicate with females and you won't get any shaming or social pressure because that goes with the social conditioning. What I would say to them is: Try mating with one of those women and let me know how much longer these girls like you and talk to you.

You're here because you don't have the success you want. I'm going to give you the success you want, and you're going to get it so easily it'll make your head spin.

It's not just us men being conditioned.

With women it's even worse, and the conditioning is even deeper.

Women definitely got the short end of the stick in some areas. They are always damned if they do, and damned if they don't. They are constantly shamed, and constantly judged.

Put that on top of the fact that they also only see girls getting with hot men in the media, and if not "hot" well, for sure not ugly like you or me that's for d@mn sure.

What does that mean?

Women Are Literally Socially Conditioned To Stay Away From Ugly Men Romantically.

It means if she is seen with you, an ugly man, in a romantic way, everyone's going to get triggered, and that's going to put immense social pressure on the girl, for example she can be labelled a slut you know, they can say 'd@mn, she's even sleeping with that ugly guy?!?! What a whore.' And it's said as an absolute statement, and everyone agrees.

That's a lot of pressure on the girl, and also gives us ugly men a TREMENDOUS disadvantage before the game even begins.

Think about it. Even the beast on Beauty & The Beast is better looking than you. What does that say to your subconscious mind? In a nutshell, on some level it says a woman would rather get with an animal than be with you, and it says the same thing to her mind too, of course not literally.

I'm not at all saying they should start showing women getting with ugly men on TV, I'm simply opening up your eyes to the affect this stuff has had on you, your brain, and everyone around you.

When we're ugly, undesirable men, the cards are truly stacked against us.

The cards are actually stacked against us in every possible way, it's just with women it hurts the most, because that's what we want the most. The only thing we really want, we can't even have, and it's all because of our subconscious minds.

Don't Worry. There's Still Hope.

Look, in this day and age, there's a LOT going on. 15 years ago there was no such thing as smart phones. There was no such thing as online dating, and when it came around, it wasn't popular at all it was for "losers", and even though it was for 'losers', online dating didn't work for us ugly men back then just like it doesn't work for us now. I mean, it can work for us, but it's very complex, maybe I'll release something about it some time if enough people are interested.

Anyways, EVERYTHING is different now.

Once upon a time ugly men were able to study game and use what we learned to attract women. Why did it work back then but it doesn't work now?

The reason it "stopped working" for us ugly men is because all of the slightly below average guys and up started seeing guys like us getting women when they themselves can't even get any, and they're better looking. Over time this lead to attractive guys learning game, and now, game is mainstream among attractive men meaning, they all know it.

Now that all of the attractive men know game, getting women is harder for ugly men than it has ever been in the history of the world.

This problem is NOT going away, and it's only getting worse, every single day.

Listen, learning game, studying female psychology, reading books on seduction... It's all out there now. ALL OF IT. Even the stuff you think nobody knows about. Information is so wide spread now, it's harder to NOT know about this stuff than it is to know about it. "They" want you to think if you stumble upon pua/game/seduction and all that, you are an exclusive 1% of men. That's how it used to be, but now, if we're going to give a real number it's going to be 77% of men.

Okay, maybe not quite that high, but it's getting there, FAST.

All day every day, and all night every night, more and more men are discovering "GAME".

If it was more and more ugly men, then hey, more power to us! But it's not, it's good looking guys, it's guys that have money, it's guys that have friends, it's guys that are out going, fun, funny, charming...

It's guys that are everything that you are not.

If there was one new dating product with ALL of the missing pieces to your game explained PERFECTLY, and it gave you the keys to the kingdom AND MORE...


Game used to be a secret short cut that helped slow guys stay in the race with fast runners. Now, those fast runners "hot guys" know the short cut, "game" which means us slow guys "ugly men" will never win the race again, we'll never even get close.

If these guys are insanely faster than you, and they know about the same short cuts you know about, how the f^*% are you ever going to beat them in a race?

You just can't win there's no possible way to win.

You just can't win there's no possible way to win if you're ugly.

The only way you could win this game, is if you play on their level, and have fun getting there. Looks, money, status, friends, approval... Basically, become a hot guy. That's what us ugly men are left with now. Seriously, THE SECRET IS OUT, these guys know game, and they are not going to stop learning it, this epidemic is only getting started.

What can us Ugly Guys do to attract women over "hot" guys that also know game, and know it better than us?

What can us ugly guys do???

If every guy knows game, why would a girl choose you, an ugly man over a better looking guy that knows all the same 'secrets' you know, and on top of that he's better than you in every possible way? Maybe you're funnier, or smarter, but when it comes to attracting women, you have nothing on him, and there's A LOT of him, and they all know what you know, so tell me, HOW DO YOU GET THE GIRL TO CHOOSE YOU OVER THEM?????

You can't, and that's why I'm here.

Okay, there's secrets I can share with you, and if you read The 67 Ways, you already know the secrets of gaming women when you're ugly, but the thing is, KNOWING IS NOT ENOUGH.

Read all the books, go to all the seminars, and study all of the infield footage...

NONE of it is going to cause ACTUAL CHANGE in your life, and allow you to FINALLY have the success with women you've been looking for.

Until your subconscious mind changes, NOTHING is ever going to change for you when it comes to women and dating.

For us ugly men, the odds are NOT in our favor.

When even our own subconscious minds are dangerously against our success with women, we're just f^*%ed. Time to go gay, buy a Fleshlight, or put on a dress. (no offense if that's what you're into...)

What are you going to do???


You can attract women for dating, friendship, fwb, fling, marriage, WHATEVER YOU WANT, exactly the way you look, RIGHT NOW.

Your subconscious mind has been fed a fake reality since you were born.

A reality where GUYS LIKE YOU, don't get girls. PERIOD.

It's only getting worse.

Since game is now mainstream amongst attractive guys, they are all getting women like never seen before. We go on T!nd3r because we're too scared to meet a girl in real life, but hot guys with better game than you are on T!nd3r, so why is the girl going to choose you when she literally has infinite choices better than you? All of this is going into your subconscious mind. All of it. It's happening TURBO CHARGED NOW. The secret is out man, these guys are taking over, these guys will not let you have success with women because your subconscious mind see's that women only like 'those guys' and you're not one of them. You'll never see any other reality because there's no other reality set up for you to see. Your subconscious mind has nothing else to go off of, so all it can do is accept the reality that "they" set up, and you stay living in that reality. This is deep and hard to understand. You have to give your subconscious mind a new reality. You spent your whole life living a reality given to you instead of creating your own reality. You CAN get women to date you and sleep with you EXACTLY HOW YOU LOOK NOW, but you can't do it in your current subconscious paradigm, you just can't.

Here's the deal...


Even if consciously you truly believe looks do not matter, and you believe in yourself, and you believe you can get with beautiful women, it doesn't matter... You still can't... Your subconscious mind won't let you.

You say "I can get women" your subconscious mind says 'No you can't'. Who wins the fight? You already know who wins, and he's going to win every time. You can change your mind CONSCIOUSLY all you want, your stubborn subconscious mind knows what it has seen since the day you were born, it knows what it has heard since the day you were born, it remembers all of it. It remembers women never liking you, it remembers seeing women with guys that are nothing like you, it remembers seeing women with guys better looking than you, wealthier than you, better place to live, better, car, more friends, cooler friends, all of that put together, none of that even, your subconscious mind even takes note of the convicts tatted from head to toe that get high on meth and kill people even get women before you do according to your subconscious mind, and they deserve women more than you too, you don't even deserve to have a woman love you.

That's what your subconscious mind believes, and watching some infield footage and listening to people tell you that you can do it, is not going to change what your subconscious mind believes to be true on every level.

"As Above, So Below. As Within So Without."

You may have heard that before...

I'm sure a lot of people heard it, and don't know what it means, they just know that it's evil.

Maybe it is.

I guess it really depends on how you look at it. To some people, "As Within So Without" means you have to open your third eye and you can see the spiritual realm and talk to spiritual beings, and manifest and a lot of woo woo.

If that's what the quote is talking about, then maybe it is evil, I don't know, but my interpretation has nothing to do with opening your third eye and talking to demons or some crazy sh*t like that, so don't worry, you're not selling your soul to the devil here.

My interpretation of "As Within So Without" is whatever your subconscious mind believes inside, your conscious mind will experience in your outer reality.

You don't need to open your third eye, just use your imagination.

Now, you could heal your life when it comes to women and dating without getting on Team Ugly, and I'm going to tell you exactly how to do that, right now...


See, I got lucky. I discovered game way back in the day when I was 17 years old, I'm about to be 30 now. When I discovered game, it was a time where say if people in your high school found out you were studying game online you would have been shamed and outcasted to a whole new level. Now, if you were in high school, you would probably be the weirdo if you didn't study game. Even though now people are still hush hush about studying it, they all do it, back then, nobody.


Discovering game at such a young age lead me down a crazy path.

See, even though I discovered game when I was young, it was still out there for quite some time, but even less known. I got in at the beginning of game becoming mainstream. After a few short years, I would see guys attempting 'game' all the time. They sucked at it, but they would still get the girl over me unless it would be a girl I had a real connection with and she felt the same way, then they would have to be extremely good to get that, but anyways..

By the time I was probably around 21 or so, I could tell that more and more men knew game. It would be SUPER easy to tell because they sucked at it, but in a lot of cases things would go way smoother for them, and it would piss me off. I mean, not that they were smoother, but it was just easier for them to get results.

I dedicated YEARS of my life to this stuff, and better looking guys can just stumble upon it for a month and get better results.

It was easy at the time to see that looks truly did matter, although for a short time I was completely convinced that they did not.

I could see the future. I could picture it. Game was going to be mainstream amongst attractive men, and I wouldn't have a d@mn thing over them. I could see it all happening, and with what I see RIGHT NOW, in today's day and age... It's going to get BAD for us ugly men believe that. I'm not even saying this for the sale, I'm saying this FOR YOU, if you don't get on Team Ugly, there's a good chance in less than 10 years you'll be smoking pipe, and I'm not talking about crack. The future for ugly men is bad, but thank whoever you pray to because it's not going to be a bad future for you, and you can believe that too, and you will believe it because I'm going to let you see for yourself 100% risk free. We'll get into that later, for now, just listen...

The way I discovered game, and the point in time I discovered game is an absolute miracle, in ways that would not interest you, and possibly in ways I can't fully grasp in the now as I'm typing this.

I'll let you know, it took a while to go through the first funnel when I was sucked into the world of seduction and had the choice given to me to discover the truth about women and seduction. I won't go in depth, but what that funnel spat me out into opened up the world to me on a completely new level.

I don't want to waste your time with my life story, so long story short, I discovered our subconscious minds completely control our reality, and that discovery quickly lead me to subliminal affirmations.

Okay, there's some blanks in my story, but this is already long enough, I don't want to add another 25 minutes of reading for you, so let's just skip to the juicy stuff.

The Juicy Stuff.

Alright, so if you read The 67 Ways you know by now that game lead me down a path that helped me understand human behavior on a pretty ret@rdedly deep level in my opinion. All of that study just lead me deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole that is our subconscious minds. Inevitably, I found out about subliminal affirmations and my life has never been the same ever since.

It wasn't sunshine and rainbows at the start. I knew in theory subliminal affirmations would work perfectly, but the ones I was trying didn't seem to be doing much of anything, if anything at all.

At least that's how it seemed at the time.

Putting your trust in the wrong person could have HUGE consequences...

Eventually I found a company that I just couldn't deny it, the stuff worked, but I knew it could be so much better. I would get results, but it would often be more bad than good, and I just didn't feel right inside, I didn't feel like, me...

Eventually, I found the most f'd up subliminal affirmations ever. I say that because they were built very well, but they are scripted so poorly that the results were HORRIBLE. Those horrible results though would make you feel like 'it was working'. Pure anxiety, panic attacks, acting out, getting blacked out drunk, burning bridges, losing friends, turning the whole world against me.

All this crazy stuff and horrible emotions on the inside, it all made it feel like the subliminal affirmations were working on something deep, and cleansing me of some serious issues, but in reality the subliminals were just scripted by an absolute ret@rd and I was experiencing resistance, and all of the consequences that come with having your subconscious mind professionally reprogrammed by someone that shouldn't at all be allowed to program anyone's subconscious mind ever because knowing what I know now, whoa, horrible.

It's always best to learn through other people's mistakes.

It wasn't all bad, but after learning more and more I discovered that using those subliminals was absolutely toxic based off the way they were scripted and the way the scripting was hinted at for the subliminals with hidden scripts.

Look, I'm about to get very, VERY real with you.

I was shown exactly how to script subliminal affirmations perfectly so that they would, NO MATTER WHAT work as long as the objective was possible, and you would live long enough for everything to happen that needs to happen for you to be living in the reality you want to be living in.

I knew exactly how to script subliminals, but I couldn't find ONE OTHER COMPANY ON EARTH that sold subliminals, and scripted them how they are supposed to be scripted.

After using the powerhouse subliminals that sent me into a life of anxiety and panic, I found a very cheap site that was closer to doing it right, but still doing it DANGEROUSLY wrong. Without even trying, just by pure dumb luck on a completely unrelated search, one day I found this youtube channel, and I was like 'd@mn, this guy ALMOST has it right!'

Feel insanely good inside because your life is about to seriously change when it comes to women & dating.

I started using his subliminals, and I started to feel alive again. The other subliminals brought me down a dark path, and the way they were scripted, I don't see how they wouldn't have. These new subliminals I was using were the best I ever used, and they were FREE, I've spent THOUSANDS on dirt sh!t subliminals that have, looking back I can say ruined my life, but also looking back there's not one thing I would change about my journey because it all lead to me being here now talking to you now.

Shortly after discovering this guys youtube channel, a way was shown to me to take his subliminals and mix them and also make them more powerful, and that's when everything REALLY started cooking.

WARNING: The following is about to get very real.

This is where I'm going to get VERY real with you...

If you look at my site, augustineexperiments.com you will see that I haven't made one single post since 2015. It's 2017 now. What have I been doing?!?!?

VERY shortly after mixing this guys subs and making them more powerful I knew EXACTLY how I could make my own subs there was just one missing piece I was blind to, and if by magic, my eyes were opened to it.

That day I made my first test subliminal FINALLY scripted the way our subconscious minds NEED it to be scripted. My life, I kid you not, my life has been getting better and better ever since, and it just doesn't stop.

At the time I was already on a roll from the subliminals I was mixing. I had the augustineexperiments up and running with ZERO experience doing web development (as you can probably tell from this page) I got my news letter set up, got everything all nice and dandy and I was half way done making The 67 Ways. If you found this page in the early days, then The 67 Ways might still only be half way done.

That's right. I'm not even half way done with The 67 Ways right now. I KNEW that what you needed was a paradigm shift.

Right when I saw what I thought to be right was right about scripting subliminals, I knew it was more important for me to develop something that will get your subconscious mind on your side when it comes to women and dating than it would be for me to give you a CONSCIOUS understanding of how to game women when you're ugly, which is what The 67 Ways will be, and you'd still be smart to get it when I release it, but this is MUCH more important, and that's why in 2015 I just dropped everything and disappeared, and agustineexperiments.com was abandoned for TWO YEARS.

What Happened During Those Two Years??

What Exactly Is The Team Ugly 'Secret Subliminal Mp3'?!?

Well, first, let's back up... What is a Subliminal Mp3 even???

A subliminal mp3 is simply an mp3 with affirmations that play on loop. In some cases the subliminal mp3 itself is subliminal, and you do not hear anything at all while listening. Those are called 'Ultra Sonic' subliminal mp3's. EVERYONE makes their subliminal mp3's differently, and script them differently, and I'll tell you, I've never seen one company get it right. What ever brought you to this page, seriously, thank God right now because things are about to get really good.

We really do not have time to go in depth about why subliminal messages work, and how your subconscious mind completely controls your reality, and that's part of the reason I'm letting you join Team Ugly and access The Team Ugly Secret Subliminal Mp3 completely risk free so you can immediately start using it while you deeply research the subconscious mind and subliminal mp3's. I mean, you don't have to, you don't have to have any clue on how or why this works for it to work. As long as you use it, it will work.

So, in a nutshell, subliminal mp3's are mp3's where you just hear some type of mask like burning wood, or waves, or dripping water, and that's all you consciously hear, but on a subconscious level, you are being LOADED with messages that with enough repetition, your subconscious mind will accept as true. Once your subconscious mind begins to accept the subliminal messages as true, it will begin nudging you in a new direction in life. You'll be put on a new path, one that leads you to wherever the subliminal is designed to take you, and in this case, it's taking you to a place where you have women in your life to sleep with, date, have as fwb's, marry, have a fling, you name it! Sound too good to be true? That's another reason I'm letting you join Team Ugly completely risk free, so you can see for yourself that it works before you fully commit to joining Team Ugly, but we'll get more into that later...

Okay! Okay! Enough talking right?! I couldn't agree more, it's been sooooo hard writing this, I've just been WAITING, this is good, listen...

The Team Ugly Secret Subliminal Mp3 is designed to change you and your life in the following ways:

PLEASE NOTE: Team Ugly IS NOT a Magic Pill. You may begin to notice inner changes right away, but don't expect to be on Team Ugly for 6 months and all of a sudden you're living like a Pop Star. This is NOT going to magically heal your dating life over night, but with enough use, it doesn't matter how bad things are right now, Team Ugly WILL bring you to where you want to be. It's a journey but things will get better and better along the way, you're going to LOVE this!

Let me very quickly go over a few things before we really dive into what 'The Team Ugly Secret Subliminal mp3' is designed to do for you and your life!

Okay, this is taking a little bit longer than I thought it would, and I apologize for that, but don't worry, everything is about to get INSANELY good, your whole life is about to change!

To someone that has never heard of subliminal mp3's, and has never studied the subconscious mind or anything like that, I'm sure this all sounds absolutely insane, and that's why as I've mentioned you will be joining Team Ugly RISK FREE, so you can see for yourself this really does work, but I do not want you to expect an over night miracle, so please allow me to say just a few more things before we get into the really juicy stuff! I know I know, this is taking forever, but don't worry, when you see what this all leads you to, all you'll be able to do is look back to finding this page and seeing how great everything has become since you joined Team Ugly and how crappy everything would still be if you didn't, it's just going to be CRAZY, d@mn I'm excited for you, but just let me say a few things and we'll get this show on the road!

Okay, I'll make this as quick and as short as I possibly can...

The Team Ugly 'Secret Subliminal mp3' is a complete overkill with a 99% focus on sex, I did not play when designing this thing. I'm about to go over exactly what I designed this thing to do for you and your life, and it's just going to sound like your most wildest dream come true. It's all going to be completely unrealistic for you, as you read it, you'll think there's no way any of this will ever be true for you, and without ever joining Team Ugly, you'll be right...

Without joining Team Ugly, you're going to stay stuck and your life will not change and you will not experience the success with women you are looking for.

Once you join Team Ugly, your whole life is going to change!

Metaphorically speaking... The Team Ugly 'Secret Subliminal mp3' is not going to give a 900lb man a nice ripped set of 6 pack abs in 6 months. Now, if you are a 900lb man, and you know if you go to the gym for 6 months you still won't have ripped abs, will you just not go? If you're a 900lb man and you work your a$$ off in the gym for 6 months and you see you still don't have a six pack, does that mean over those 6 months you didn't get tons of results, good emotions and more energy that carry into other areas of life and just your whole life is way better than it was 6 months before?? Of course the 900lb man is going to get results in 6 months, and just because it takes him longer to get his 6 pack does not mean he should just skip out on getting it, and maybe this is a bad example because I'm fat as hell and I'm not going to the gym any time soon, maybe if I could afford it, and wasn't lazy...

Anyways, what I'm getting at here is, the life the Team Ugly 'Secret Subliminal mp3' is designed to give you, is a life you could not even realistically consciously ever picture yourself actually living. Okay, honestly most of us will not live long enough for our subconscious minds to manifest this script completely as our outer realty, I don't even think a top Super Star could have this level of success with women, but if you're given something that will allow you to make 789 trillion dollars as long as you live long enough to make it, and you only end up making 60 million dollars, are you going to be upset?

I'm not some millionaire play boy internet marketer here to sucker you out of your money and feed you a false vision, take your money, and leave you disappointed, so that's why I'm making this dead clear of what you're getting yourself into. The thing is though, I can't make it perfectly clear because all of us on Team Ugly, we're all starting in different places, and all of our subconscious minds will lead us down different paths to reach total success with women.

Anyways, let's just get into it and I'll touch up on all this a bit later.

When you become a member of Team Ugly your life will begin to change in the following ways:

Team Ugly is designed to do all of the following:

DISCLAIMER: The Team Ugly Secret Subliminal Mp3 is DESIGNED to do all of the following. I am not making any promises that any of the following will actually become true for you in your life, we will get into EXACTLY what I am promising after I'm done going over everything I've DESIGNED this thing to do for you, and your life.

TURBO BOOST YOUR SELF-ESTEEM: This boost of self esteem on its own is more than enough reason to get on Team Ugly! Your self-esteem going up is going to make every area of your life go up! When your self-esteem is high, attracting women becomes automatic, because you automatically become attractive.
ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOURSELF: When you absolutely love yourself, and I'm talking on a deep honest level, not just consciously saying you love yourself, but actually loving yourself... That self love is going to lead to self acceptance, and that's going to naturally destroy approval seeking, it's going to make you become a person people will love and accept, and the most important part... All of that self love is going to SKYROCKET your vibration whether you believe in it or not, and you will be beaming positive energy and it's going to automatically manifest a better life for you in all sorts of ways, and the longer you're on Team Ugly, the better things are going to get so, why not use this for life? Long story short, actual absolute self love, meaning real and genuine self love on an extremely deep level, that's going to improve your life in WAY more ways than just having women in your life for dating, friends, flings, relationships, marriage, what have you...

SUPER CHARGE YOUR SELF-CONFIDENCE: This is another hidden gem that won't really make you feel super excited to join Team Ugly, but when you do decide to join Team Ugly, you'll see that this super charged confidence you gain affects your life in more ways than one. Even on an extremely small scale, have you ever wanted to speak up, make a comment, say a joke, show one of your talents, a number of things, but you just couldn't do it? Yea, with self-confidence, you'll do those things automatically. Don't worry, the Team Ugly Secret Subliminal mp3 is not designed to force you to do anything, so it's not like you'll find yourself at a bonfire, and you're going to feel your subconscious mind trying to force you to showcase your talents or something like that. You'll just have the confidence to do it if you want to. The confidence to act in spite of fear.

OBTAIN AN IRRESISTIBLE PRESENCE: This will be due to a combination of things including but not limited to your self confidence, self love, self respect, self approval, new found charisma, all sorts of stuff. Your whole entire presence is going to shift, and this new irresistible presence you obtain through using the Team Ugly secret subliminal mp3 is going to heal your social life, if you want a social life. (some of us are loners/anti-social/keep a few close friends by choice) People in general will feel good just being in the same room as you, you'll notice people wanting to talk to you more, invite you places more, you may even notice people standing really close to you, they won't know why, but it's because you'll have a presence that draws them to you, a lot of times they won't even be aware that they're doing it. In the beginning, you'll convince yourself these little things that happen are coincidences, or placebo, but as the weeks, months, and years go by, you'll know this sh!t is just mother f#%king crazy as f*%k.
FEEL INSANELY GOOD: When you feel good, you look good, and when you look good, women become attracted to you. On Team Ugly, you're going to be loaded with good emotions everyday, and whether you believe in it or not, the better you feel, the better your life becomes in every possible way. The key to life is feeling good, and your goal of every moment should be to feel even better. It's some deep esoteric sh!t I'm not going to talk about, but if you take what I just said there to heart, then you're golden for life now, and don't take that as me saying you should dive into esotericism, you shouldn't, but I'm not your dad or your boss, I'm just saying my opinion.

LIVE A LIFE THAT YOU LOVE: The 'Team Ugly Secret Subliminal mp3' is going to give your life an overall boost. If you're not enjoying life, then women are not going to be attracted to you, well, actually you could attract women that also hate their lives, but in general it's going to be easier for you to attract women if your life gets better and you start enjoying life in general, so yea, if the following days, weeks, months, and years it seems like your life just keeps getting better for no reason, yea, it's because you're smart and you joined Team Ugly.
ALWAYS HAVE FUN: It's easy for women to be attracted to men that are always having fun, so the Team Ugly Secret Subliminal mp3 is designed to make it so you have fun, all the time. That doesn't mean you'll always be doing something fun, but if what you're doing isn't fun, don't be surprised if you find yourself having fun doing it. Don't worry, you are NOT going to turn into a robot that can't feel anything besides happiness, and you can't do anything other than have fun. The way this subliminal is scripted, everything is going to happen perfectly in its own way specific to you. I am not going to tell your subconscious mind HOW to get the results this subliminal is designed to get you.

BE THE GUY WOMEN ENJOY BEING AROUND: You'll just be that guy, and in your own way too. You may not even notice much of a change, because change is slow and gradual, and this change is coming from your subconscious mind shifting you so you end up living as the version of yourself that enjoys life and attracts women instead of slowly becoming an even shi%ier version of who you are now, which is where most of us are at by default. Think of someone you know but don't see often... Chances are high if you don't see them for 10 years, the next time you see them, they are going to be a shi%y version of the person you just pictured. Some people improve over time, but that's going to be a very small percentage of people... On Team Ugly, everything, ESPECIALLY your romantic life, will always be getting better. I have no clue how good this is going to make your life, all I can tell you is, as long as you stay on Team Ugly, and keep using the Team Ugly Secret Subliminal mp3, then things are just going to keep getting better in the direction it's designed to take you.
BECOME AN ATTRACTIVE MAN: But Team Ugly is against attractive men, why would I want to turn you into an attractive man???? You're thinking of the 'medias' definition of what attractive is. It's not your looks that make you an attractive man. Like I said earlier... You CAN attract women for friends, dating, flings, relationships, marriage, whatever you want, exactly how you look now, so your looks are NOT the reason that you are not an attractive man. Okay, if you're like a mentally challenged guy that's 900 pounds with 2 teeth, I mean, yea then you're going to want to do something about your physical appearance, there may even just be nothing you can do, just try to date a mentally challenged woman, but don't even use Team Ugly idk if this will mess up your brain worse, or maybe heal it lol, you know what, just forget this whole mentally handicapped thing. Maybe instead of saying "BECOME AN ATTRACTIVE MAN" I should have said "BECOME A MAN WOMEN ARE ATTRACTED TO EVEN THOUGH YOU ARE NOT PHYSICALLY ATTRACTIVE".

MANIFEST A STEADY STREAM OF WOMEN INTO YOUR LIFE: I don't know how everything is going to play out for you, maybe an old friend will get in touch and always want to go out to places where the beautiful women are at, maybe you'll meet a new friend, maybe you'll go out on your own, maybe you'll meet women online, maybe you'll get a new job where there's tons of gorgeous women, I have no clue what will happen, or how, I just know that gorgeous women are going to be a part of your daily life, even if just for eye candy in the beginning weeks, months, and years. If women are already a part of your daily life, things are going to get crazier for you faster, and you'll manifest more and new ones in just the most random ways nobody could predict.
BECOME ATTRACTIVE TO WOMEN SEXUALLY: You may be confused by it, and the women may be confused by it, but you'll notice beyond shadow of a doubt that women are sexually attracted to you. Doesn't mean they'll act on it or admit to it, but you'll be able to tell. You can only tell yourself 'oh that was just a coincidence' or 'oh maybe this always happened but I never noticed it before' lol, you'll only be able to tell yourself that for so long, eventually, even the biggest skeptic will admit that this stuff just works, you just have to experience it to believe it.

EMANATE & RADIATE A POWERFUL PRESENCE WOMEN ARE ADDICTED TO: If you don't believe your presence can be felt, well, stay on Team Ugly for long enough and you sure the f%k won't think that anymore. Your presence is going to be thick and grounded, and not thick in a bad way, thick like, easily felt. Women are going to "feel you" and they won't realize what's happening, but they'll feel safe and comfortable in your presence. Okay not even just that, they'll just feel great and positive emotions in your presence, they'll feel happy & amazing, and they'll just truly feel wonderful, and what greater gift can you give to a woman? Women will just absolutely love the way they feel in your presence.

BECOME EXTREMELY ATTRACTIVE TO BEAUTIFUL WOMEN: It's not even just beautiful women, it's women in general, and no, Team Ugly isn't going to only make you sexually attractive, it's also going to make you generally attractive. This is going to allow you to easily and effortlessly attract the women you want.
OBTAIN THE SEX GOD STATUS: There's just so much in this script I can't really go over on a public page, but to sum a lot of it up, you will be the God of sex, and you'll be having about as much sex as you'd think a sex God would be having. Simply put, no bell will be left un-rung.

ENJOY A HEALED, HEALTHY, & ACTIVE SEX LIFE: I almost don't even want to list this stuff because I don't want the ape part of your brain to judge the subliminal based on how quickly you become sexually active again.

BECOME A POWERFUL SEDUCER: You will become an absolutely powerful seducer. Seducing women will become fun, easy, and effortless for you, and you'll seduce women in the most perfect ways that they absolutely love.
THE PERFECT YOU: You'll be the perfect version of yourself, whatever that means to you... This has nothing to do with eating perfect and hitting the gym, it has more to do with the way you carry yourself. You'll walk perfect, talk perfect as in tone and volume according to the situation, move perfect, feel perfect, and just be perfect. Sounds good right? Maybe the perfect you is buff with ripped abs, I don't know, so maybe this sub will turn you into a gym-head I have no idea, it's going to bring us all down different paths, we are all different, and all sorts of different types of men have total success with women, or are on their way to it. Whatever the perfect you is, especially in the direction of attracting women, that's who you'll become.

BECOME A LEADER: That doesn't necessarily mean you'll have people following you that you lead, but it does mean that you won't be a follower, and you'll at least lead yourself in spite of whatever the outside world is throwing at you. You'll lead yourself to the life you want instead of letting others guide you, it's not their life, it's your life, live it how you want to live it, go for your dreams, not the dreams other people have for you. Once you lead yourself, the followers will come automatically, becoming a leader is not about leading others, it's about leading yourself. Too many of us live our lives the way we think it will make our friends and family approve of us. This is your life, and you only get one, make it the life you want it to be, you'll never have this life again.
COMPLETELY HEAL YOUR LIFE: Okay, so not only is your sex life going to be completely healed, but your life in general is going to be completely healed. It won't be an overnight miracle, but as the days, weeks, months, and years go by, you'll see it's true. Now remember, I did say this script has a 99% focus on sex. This is not one of the main goals that the Team Ugly Secret Subliminal mp3 is designed to do. A lot of this stuff isn't, but like I said, I want to keep this page as PG as possible, and all of this stuff is definitely going to help you feel and become more attractive. I'm just saying, if this is one of the main reasons you want to join Team Ugly, you should probably just wait and keep your fingers crossed that I release something in the future less focused on getting you laid, if I ever even do.

BECOME THE MAN YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO BE: When you discretely think about or picture the man you always wanted to be, what do you picture, or what do you think about? That's going to be pretty d@mn similar to the man you become on Team Ugly over the years. How close are you to being that guy now? If you became him now, would it be a total transformation, or a small one?? If you're seriously committed to being an active member of Team Ugly, you're going to LOVE the man you become.
LEARN PERFECTLY: Okay, so as I've said, these hot guys are taking over 'game', and "game" is QUICKLY becoming something that EVERY MAN KNOWS. You need every advantage you can possibly get on these guys, so however much they are studying game/psychology/seduction/female psychology/pua, all that stuff, you need to be going EVEN HARDER. You are an ugly man, you have the disadvantage. I made it so you'll learn perfectly, because that's a top skill you can have in general, plus, if you're learning perfectly, then you're always getting better. As I've mentioned, you are not commanded to do anything, so no worries, this isn't going to turn you into a book worm or something like that, this isn't going to force you to study game, nothing like that... Learning perfectly though, will bring you the knowledge you need perfectly, and allow you to understand it perfectly.

BECOME GOOD AT EVERYTHING: Why would I add this? I think a 'thank you' would have been more appropriate, but I added this because if you have the ability to become good at everything you do, then if picking up, or 'dating' women is something you do, you'll be good at it. Also, I've never heard of women being turned off by a man because he's too good at too much stuff. If in the following days/weeks/months/years you notice yourself continually getting better and better at everything you do faster and faster, yea, it's because you joined Team Ugly.
BECOME A WINNER: You're going to become a winner in two senses. One sense, you're a winner in an abstract way, like if someone said "my daughter married a winner" and they were talking about you, and they weren't being sarcastic. In the other sense, you're going to become a winner as in, you're just a guy that always wins. If you do something, you win... You come out on top. Could be something even as simple as a video game, so if you're a few months into being an active Team Ugly member, and you're spanking your friends online, and before you couldn't even keep up... Yea, that's because you were smart and you decided to join Team Ugly.

BE THE GUY WOMEN SAY GOOD THINGS ABOUT: When women hear other women saying good things about you, they become attracted to you, and you become socially acceptable in their mind to have a crush on or be with. Nothing but good can come of this.
FEEL EXTREMELY ATTRACTIVE: Once you've been on Team Ugly for a while and it's starting to take over and build momentum... You're going to feel like the most attractive man to ever step foot on this planet. Feeling that attractive, BY LAW, is going to MAKE you attractive. Finally feeling like an attractive man that deserves women in his life is going to just make you feel incredibly good, and it's just going to be a HUGE upwards spiral of good emotions on the inside, which in turn will bring an amazing outer reality in your physical world.

BE THE MAN WOMEN LOVE SPENDING THEIR TIME WITH: What would life be like if beautiful women loved spending their time with you? The Team Ugly Secret Subliminal Mp3 is designed to turn you into the man that women always want to be with, and spend their time with. The man that women like, the man that makes women feel insanely good emotions when they're with you... emotions they may become addicted to and dependent upon... Be careful. The man girls are extremely attracted to sexually, and otherwise. The man women have tons of fun with and enjoy talking to... The man women just absolutely love.
EXPERIENCE WOMEN BECOMING SEXUALLY ADDICTED TO YOU: Women will just absolutely love the way you work your magic, and they will become sexually addicted to you. Women, (and girls 18+) will absolutely love having sex with you, and they'll want sex with you all the time. Okay, before I go further... Just remember, we're going over what the Team Ugly Secret Subliminal Mp3 is DESIGNED to do for you and your life... I believe you will get the results it's designed to get you, but that doesn't mean it will so I'm not promising this stuff... More than likely, your inner game is going to change, and your life is going to change as you shift onto a new path that leads to you becoming who you need to become for this script to be manifest as your physical reality.

MANIFEST AN ABUNDANCE OF WOMEN TO SLEEP WITH: If you only want to sleep with one woman, that's fine, you will have options though. Not only will women be manifesting into your life for you to enjoy their presence, and maybe even talk to if you balls up, but you'll also be manifesting women into your life specifically for sex.
HAVE A GIRLFRIEND WHEN YOU WANT A GIRLFRIEND: On Team Ugly, it will be easier for you to get a girlfriend than it ever has been in your life. You'll be the guy, and be seen as the guy, that just always has a girlfriend when he wants to be in a relationship. If you do decide to only be with one girl, which can be one of the best things ever... you'll notice her telling you that it's the best relationship she's ever been in...(every time) you're welcome.

HAVE SEX WHEN YOU WANT TO HAVE SEX: You'll reach a point where if you want to have sex, you'll be able to call someone you know, or you'll be able to go out or meet someone new in a different way to get sex. Your desperate need for sex will be gone, because you'll basically be having sex whenever you want to have sex. Did I mention you'll be having sex? With girls? Real ones? Yea, you will be.
WOMEN WILL LOVE HOW THEY FEEL WHEN THEY MEET YOU: Flooding a woman with good emotions right when she meets you is going to make her see you as different from all other men, and in a positive way. Nothing but good can come of this.

WOMEN WILL FEEL BLESSED JUST TO KNOW YOU: Women will just feel blessed in your presence, just something about you, they might not even realize it's because of you. They'll feel blessed when you talk to them, when you look at them, while you're having sex with them, you'll just be a complete blessing to their lives, if even for a moment.
DEVELOP A VIBE THAT MAKES WOMEN EXPERIENCE POSITIVE EMOTIONS WHEN THEY LOOK AT YOU: You'll just have this general vibe about you that makes people experience good emotions when they see you... Women in particular. This is extremely helpful especially for us ugly men because it allows women to look at us and experience good emotions instead of looking at us and thinking 'ew'.

DEVELOP AN EXTREMELY POWERFUL AURA THAT SEDUCES WOMEN FOR YOU: It doesn't matter if you believe in auras or not. You will have an aura that seduces women for you. You're going to have to open your mouth and talk, ok, can you at least do that much? Now your opener can just be showing up, your aura will take care of the rest. Be like water, just don't think about it, just let it happen, do not try to control your aura, you'll control your aura perfectly without even thinking about it, and don't worry, you won't be sitting around beaming out a powerful aura all day 24/7 draining all your energy for absolutely no reason. You will control your aura perfectly, and you don't need to be consciously aware of anything, just, if you're around women and you feel all warm inside, and not warm and fuzzy from being around women, but like you're charging up or something, it's hard to explain, but when you get the feeling, and you will, yea, that's you using your aura to make something really good happen. Doesn't mean anything will happen, but your chances are going to be increased infinitely. Your aura is basically going to seduce her aura, and she may keep checking you out, or may keep moving closer to you, and if it's working, you'll both feel some INSANE energy, and it just feels absolutely amazing. If you've been into game for a long time and you're not a virgin but you're just not nearly as successful as you want to be, yea, this could get pretty wild for you pretty fast, but still don't expect it.
ENJOY SPENDING TIME WITH BEAUTIFUL WOMEN DAILY: You'll feel insanely happy living a life where beautiful women are actually a part of it. Daily. Finally having beautiful women in your life that want to be there and love and care about you is going to lift a HUGE weight off of your shoulders. Just keep pressing play man, the Team Ugly Secret Subliminal Mp3 is designed to get you there.

WOMEN WILL ALWAYS BE TRYING TO GET YOU TO HAVE SEX WITH THEM: This can come in many different shapes and forms. If she's reacting to your aura seducing her, she's going to be subconsciously trying to get you to have sex with her, she may not even consciously be aware of it, but it could make her more flirty with you than usual, more touchy, maybe even stuff as small as aiming her butt at you and bending over, and let me just stop myself before I get into another ramble. You get the picture. Things can get very obvious though to the point of her directly asking you to fu% her.

OBTAIN A GAZE OF SEX: You're going to soak women just by looking at them. If you're on Team Ugly for long enough, and a woman can hold eye contact with you without breaking it, her pupils are going to look like she's tripping out on some sh!t. She's going to see it in your soul that you are the Sex God that she's been praying for.

EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU WILL MAKE WOMEN FEEL EXTREMELY SEXUAL: The way you look at them, talk to them, the way you act when you don't even know they're looking, the way your subconscious uses your aura to flirt with her aura... Stay on Team Ugly for long enough and just look at a woman, you won't be able to deny it, she can feel you somehow. You have power now. Don't tell anybody about this page ever unless you know it's someone I'd want on the team.
ENJOY ENDLESS AMOUNTS OF SEX: To keep this way shorter... You'll be having as much sex as you want with as much women as you want. I designed this thing to give you endless amounts of stunningly beautiful and sexual dime piece stunners to enjoy in any way you want, and every way you want, and ways you'll enjoy so much you're not even aware of. This is going to give you the best sex life you could ever imagine, but remember, we're just going over what it's designed to do right now, don't wet yourself.

WOMEN WILL BE EASY TO HAVE SEX WITH: Right now, sex is hard to get. Basically fu%ing impossible. Once you become the man Team Ugly is designed to help you become, sex will be easy to get. Women, and girls of legal age and older will just be easy for you to have sex with. Once you actually start getting sex, you may realize you actually want more than just sex, so as they say, be careful what you wish for. Let's be honest though, as long as being a member of Team Ugly noticeably moves you closer to your goal when it comes to women and dating, then that means being a Team Ugly member is priceless.

BECOME COMFORTABLE TALKING TO WOMEN: I'm telling you, other companies, in my opinion do not know what the fu% they're doing when they script their subliminals. On Team Ugly you're going to become comfortable talking to women. That comfort, combined with courage, confidence, bravery, and charisma is going to eliminate "approach anxiety" because you don't have approach anxiety man, what you have is a lack of comfort. If you are completely comfortable talking to women, then you won't have a problem talking to the women you want to talk to. Combine that with your aura beaming energy that's seducing them, and your overall presence will be just what women want on a primal level, it's just over the top. Remember this general rule, and by general I mean it doesn't always apply, but when in doubt, apply this one rule and your game will improve TENFOLD: Don't talk about sex to get sex. If you know you are in a situation where you can break that rule, or have the personality where you can break that rule, then break it, otherwise, you're shooting yourself in the foot. Being comfortable talking to women is going to improve your life DRAMATICALLY.
HAVE A PRESENCE THAT MAKES WOMEN FEEL COMFORT: Women will experience the feeling of comfort in your presence, so not only will you be comfortable talking to women, but the women will feel comfortable having you talk to them. Okay, there's a lot, a LOT of focus in this sub about the women's experience with you being very pleasant and amazing, and you making them extremely happy and just loaded with insanely positive emotions, okay, this isn't only going to make your life better, it's also going to make the women you meets life better too. Nothing but good can come of this.

WOMEN WILL BEGIN TO SOAK WHEN YOU TALK TO THEM: DO NOT TRY TO FORCE THIS. A lot of this stuff I don't even want to list, because the less I list, the less you'll TRY to FORCE the results instead of letting them happen. Okay, as I've said a million times already, change doesn't happen over night, especially not this type of change. While you're on Team Ugly, just pretend like you're not even on it and just live your life and just LET everything happen, that's how you'll get the best results, that's when you'll go home and think "I swear that girl was soaking while I was talking to her"... She was.

LOVE LIFE: This general feeling of loving your life is just going to make EVERYTHING in your life better. You have no clue how KEY these little things are. Feeling good is KEY. GENUINELY loving life is KEY. This is the sh!t that MANIFESTS the things you want. That overall good feeling is going to attract into your life, all sorts of stuff that's going to make that overall good feeling EVEN BETTER, and it's just an upwards spiral that just keeps going up and Up and UP and it does not ever fu%ing stop as long as you keep pressing play.

WOMEN WILL CRAVE SEX WHEN THEY SEE YOU: There will just be something about you, mainly energetically, (but a combination of things) that just makes women crave sex when they look at you.

GROW A HAREM OF WOMEN TO USE FOR DATING & SEX & WHATEVER YOU WANT: You're just going to have an absolute ABUNDANCE of beautiful women (and women in general) to have sex with. You'll ALWAYS have someone to have sex with whenever you want to have sex. Do you even understand the weight that's going to be lifted off of your shoulders once you can actually fu%k when you need to fu%k? You feel so fu%ing incomplete without women BECAUSE YOU ARE. It is SO fu%ked up to be a man that can't get pu55y, getting pu55y is our birthright given to us by God. Time to TAKE back what's been rightfully yours this whole time. You're BETTER for women than these other guys are, but they get the women anyways. NOT ANYMORE.
WOMEN WILL COME TO YOU FOR SEX: If you don't have a car, and usually can't afford a Taxi or Rideshare, that can REALLY make it fu%ing hard to get laid. On Team Ugly, none of that will even matter. Women will be MORE than willing to come to you, they have no trouble at all getting rides. They can drive, they can have someone they have whipped buy them an Uber, they can have a guy friend of theirs that's madly in love with her and she knows it but pretends not to, she can have that guy drop her off at your place, say it's just a friends place, and he'll pick her up after. What I'm saying is, a ride will never be the issue stopping you from getting laid. No car, no worries.

XXX: As I've mentioned... this script is just too X-Rated to really go into full depth on how good this thing really is. This is the Most Superior Sex Magnet Subliminal Mp3 ever made, ever in my honest opinion. When we're done going over what the Team Ugly Secret Subliminal Mp3 is designed to do for you, if you notice yourself wishing I added this and that, yea... It's probably in there man. There's A LOT in here. I'm guessing the script would take about 4 hours to read out loud, and you'll be hearing it THOUSANDS of times daily.
WOMEN WILL BECOME ADDICTED TO THE WAY YOU MAKE THEM FEEL: Literally. You'll be like a drug, and they won't be able to wait until they can get their next hit. Okay, the last few were so d@mn long, I'll make it up with some rapid fire short and sweet ones. (EDIT 01/08.2019 prelaunch going through deleting tons so if you think this is long now, know this is NOTHING compared to what I had written before...)

FU%K HOT WOMEN: Have you ever had sex with a hot girl before, or a girl that people besides you and your mom would say is pretty/stunningly beautiful, or a girl most men would agree is sexy, hot as fu%k, anything like that? If you've never fu%ked a hot chick... You will.

EXPERIENCE WOMEN FALLING MADLY IN LOVE WITH YOU: Have you ever been in love with a woman before? Do you know what it's like to have a woman fall madly and fall deeply in love with you? If you don't want anything serious with these women, BE SURE TO LET THEM KNOW. It's VERY fu%ed up to let a girl fall in love with you and then she finds out you just want to smash whatever you can whenever you can. That sh!t fu%s women up BADLY. Quit playing games with her heart, bro.

BECOME EXTREMELY CHARMING TO WOMEN: Add charm on top of your new found confidence, self love, charisma, all that sh!t, your powerhouse aura of sex seducing the fu%k out of everyone, all that sh!t combined, and it's all done in a charming way. That's a sex God. That's gonna be you. Imagine being all sexual with a woman and the word she uses to describe you is 'charming' instead of 'creepy'. How nice would that be? That doesn't mean you can be a creep and think she'll call you charming, it just means you'll get what you want and be called charming instead of not getting what you want and being called creepy because you actually will be charming and you actually will not be creepy anymore.
WOMEN WILL SAY YOU'RE THE PERFECT MAN: Literally, on Team Ugly, you're going to experience women calling you perfect, or manly, or calling you the perfect man. Don't argue with them, just silently let them feel their feelings, gaze into their eyes if you want to give them a gift... Literally, on Team Ugly, girls will be able to see in your eyes that there's something that separates you from everyone else. They won't know what the fu%k it is... It's Team Ugly. You'll never know how I did it, but you'll know it's true, with time, just look a girl deeply into her eyes and watch her get fu%king FLOODED with emotion and just tranced out by your aura, this is sh!t you never knew was possible. This is power. You will have power.

WOMEN WILL PRAISE YOU: You're actually going to think this is funny, but as time goes on you'll notice women always saying good things about you, even out of the blue for no reason and you won't know why they said it, they'll take your side more, even if you're clearly wrong, women are funny. Don't be surprised if they begin to literally praise you like you're some type of God to them, with enough use, I really wouldn't be that surprised if you manifest some women that basically worship you.
WOMEN WILL LOVE RECEIVING CALLS & TEXTS FROM YOU: How much do women enjoy your calls and texts right now? When you're on Team Ugly, and actually start attracting women, you'll start to hear them complaining about guys doing everything that you used to do, and you'll notice it's stuff you don't do anymore. Everything is going to be so natural, you may not notice much change, but other people will notice something different about you, even if it's just the way they feel in your presence. How good would it feel having a girl with butterflies in her stomach all day just waiting and aching to hear from you and she just explodes with joy when you call or text her? How much better is that than texting a girl and she just thinks "ugh, why is he texting me?" and she doesn't reply? How good is it going to feel inside having a woman melting inside waiting for your call because your call and your texts are just that special to her? Seriously, how good would that feel? What if you got to join Team Ugly 5 years ago, and that was your reality now? Would you be happy you joined Team Ugly? Honestly, how good you're going to feel inside alone is worth 50 times more than the membership fee, AT LEAST.

WOMEN WILL LOVE PLEASURING YOU: Women are going to LOVE pleasuring you, and this covers it all, they'll love buying you stuff, cooking for you, making your day better, they'll love telling you how nice your d!%K is and they'll absolutely love making it c^m. They'll just love pleasuring you in every way they can... She'll be eager to please you, tell her what you like, she'll do it good. Don't worry none of this will make inappropriate women like relatives want to fu%k you, but it might make them want to buy you more sh!t and do more nice stuff for you more often, so don't be surprised if it seems like people just want to please you, because they will definitely want to.

WOMEN WILL ABSOLUTELY LOVE BEING AROUND YOU: This will eventually just get to the point of insanity. I don't mean that by you'll always have women wanting to hang out with you, (which I believe you will) I mean, like everywhere you go, women will just fu%ing gravitate to you. Like you're some sort of magical man with magical powers that pulls women to him, because you will be. That's exactly what you'll be.

ABSOLUTELY FLOOD WOMEN WITH POSITIVE EMOTIONS WHEN YOU TALK TO THEM: Whether it's your first day hearing about pickup, or you're the best in the world and you've had sex with and been in relationships with more women and hotter women, and higher status women than anyone on the planet,Team Ugly is going to boost you to levels you could never dream of, and that's why WE HAVE to keep this technology secret from the attractive guys, and this HAS to stay underground between us Ugly. Men. Only. because if the "hot guys" get their hands on this technology... we're fu%!ed, and that means I fu%!ed myself releasing this when I could have released something else and kept this to myself so PLEASE don't make me fu%!ing regret releasing this... Keep this secret, an underground community of ugly men taking back what's ours... Our women. This is our last hope we HAVE to stay an UNDERGROUND community, this can NEVER get into the hands of the 'hot guys', they will become unstoppable, and we will be fu%!ed. Only share this page with worthy men. WE, Are UGLY. Men. We do things differently.
WOMEN WILL APPRECIATE THEIR TIME WITH YOU: Women will always be happy to see you, and they'll enjoy every moment they get to spend with you. Okay it's not going to be every single woman on Earth, but when they manifest, you'll know. 5 years deep, come back and read this and you'll think "holy sh!t". (If I'm still even offering this in 5 years. Not everyone is going to get on the Team, this isn't meant for everyone. If it's meant for you, you know it, you know who you are).

WOMEN WILL LOVE OFFERING THEMSELVES TO YOU SEXUALLY: When women act sexual around you, they're going to feel d@mn good, and they might not ever consciously realize why, but the closer women get to you, physically, the better they're going to feel. That's why it's going to start to seem like women are always standing in your personal space, or way closer than normal.

WOMEN WILL LOVE HOW SEXY THEY FEEL IN YOUR PRESENCE: When women are around you, they are just going to feel absolutely sexy as fu%k, and it's really as simple as that. You may notice women checking you out all the time, and you may notice your friends saying "oh man, that girl keeps checking me out."... she's not looking at him, she's looking at you. Don't correct him though, let him believe what he wants to believe. His belief doesn't change what is true. When you're around, women are going to feel absolutely sexy. Don't go around telling women they're sexy to try to force this, that would be really dumb, just live your life and just LET the results happen. You're sexy bro, you're not ugly... You'll see.

ATTRACT WOMEN PERFECTLY: You're probably not going to be attracting women in the same ways you see a lot of your favorite teachers attracting them. You're going to attract women in your own unique way, that is absolutely perfect for you, and makes you the most successful, and makes you the most comfortable. There is not right and wrong, there is only results. You're going to attract women in the exact way you as an individual were meant to attract women.
BE LOVED: As a member of Team Ugly, you'll always feel loved, because you'll always be loved. You'll love yourself, and others will love you. Not only are you going to experience deep self love and self acceptance... You're also going to experience what it's like to be loved.

BECOME HAPPY AS FU%K: Can you even smile when you're alone? When you're smiling and laughing all day even when you're by yourself because it's just how you are... That's when you're really going to start attracting good into your life. The T.U.S.S.Mp3 really can end up healing your life in way more ways than just in the area of women & dating. Don't worry, being happy overall doesn't mean you are unable to feel other emotions, it just means happiness will be your dominant, and default emotion.

YOUR LIFE WILL BECOME EXTREMELY FUN: What does that mean to you? When you picture an extremely fun life... What do you picture? It's probably going to get that good. Not right away, but just stay on the Team, and keep playing The T.U.S.S.Mp3 every day and every night while you sleep (actual in depth instructions will be included in your Team Ugly Members Manual) and you'll notice over the months and years your life becoming more and more fun, to the point of ridiculousness.

HAVE FUN WITH GIRLS ALL THE TIME: Girls like guys they can have fun with, and when I say fun, and I don't mean sex, and neither do they, well, most of the time. They just want to have fun man, if they can have fun with you, they'll have sex with you, or date you, or accept your marriage proposal.
FEEL LIKE A POWERFUL GOD WHEN YOU SEE WOMEN: If you're programmed, literally, to feel like a powerful God when you see a woman, or women... How is that going to change how you feel inside when you go out and there's beautiful women everywhere? How much more comfortable would you be? How much more confident and attractive would that make you feel? How would that affect your body language? How much more comfortable would that make you feel talking to a woman? Even if literally feeling like a powerful God every time you saw a woman was the only thing The T.U.S.S.Mp3 did, how much would you pay for that? $500? $1,000? 500K? How much? You don't have to believe anything, all you need to do is keep pressing play.

EXPERIENCE GIRLS HAVING A CRUSH ON YOU: Has a girl ever had a crush on you before? What would it be like to have a girl that just always wants to be with or by you, because when she's around you, she gets that feeling inside women are addicted to? Would it feel good to have a girl, or girls I should say have crushes on you, and wish they were your girlfriend? Lay at home thinking about you, and being flooded with positive emotions while they do think about you just waiting to see or hear from you again, literally praying to God that you ask them out? How good would it feel to be wanted like that?
MEETING WOMEN WILL BECOME EASY FOR YOU: Some of us Ugly. Men. don't really have a problem attracting women... If we're around them for long enough, they become attracted to us, but we don't know how to meet any women... Women don't become attracted to us quickly, so we can't just go up to a girl and get her number like "trust me, with time you're going to be very attracted to me." Okay, if that's you, well, your struggles are about to be OVER, and you won't have any problem meeting new women anymore. In fact, you'll be meeting new women all the time on Team Ugly, and the way it all plays out is going to seem like a coincidence, you better know that it's not.

PERFECTLY MANIFEST THE PERFECT LIFE: Not only will your life become perfect, but that perfect life is going to manifest in the most perfect way Tailor-Made for you as a unique individual. My version of the perfect life is going to be far different than yours, and everyone else's, and same with you. Your life is going to become perfectly amazing, and perfectly enjoyable inside and out, and inside of the bedroom and out, and you're going to manifest that perfect life absolutely perfectly. It may not seem like it at the time, but in the future, when you look back, you'll see everything played out absolutely perfectly.
WOMEN WILL MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU TO SEDUCE THEM: Most of us Ugly. Men. can't get pu**y even when a girl is desperate for us to fu%k her... We might even know she wants it, but we tell ourselves, 'nah, I'm just reading into things too much, there's no way she likes me like that, and if she does, she'll let me know or make it obvious.' Okay, to her, she can't make it any more obvious. That's all besides the point though... On Team Ugly, women are going to make it VERY easy for you to seduce them, and when it happens, do not fu%king tell yourself you're reading into things too much.

WOMEN WILL ENJOY THE WAY YOU SEDUCE THEM: Okay, again... Heavy emphasis on the women enjoying the way you seduce them and enjoying the way you attract them. Okay this isn't going to stop you from going all 50 shades of BDSM on some chick, it's just going to make it so however you attract and seduce these women, it's going to be in ways that they enjoy and appreciate, and that's going to be what's best for both of you. (Don't worry, women will be seducing you in ways that you very much enjoy as well).
EXPERIENCE A LIFE WHERE YOU CAN SEDUCE WOMEN WHENEVER YOU WANT TO: Since women are going to love and appreciate the way you seduce them, you're automatically going to become the version of yourself that seduces women for sex whenever he wants to. Do you want to be that version of yourself? The version of yourself that easily meets women wherever he goes, whenever he wants, and seduces them perfectly whenever he feels like it? How good would it feel to be THAT version of yourself now? But wait... There's more.

WOMEN WILL LOVE IT WHEN YOU'RE AROUND: Women will love having fun with you, and they will absolutely LOVE it when you're around. Just being around you will light up their whole entire day. After being on Team Ugly for a while... You're going to start questioning reality.
WOMEN WILL LOVE CALLING YOU ON THE PHONE: Women will love calling you on the phone, they'll love texting you, they'll love asking for your number, or giving you theirs... You may even get random messages on Facebook from some chick that you met, and she liked you more than you thought, you didn't ask her for her number, so she sought you out. Do you even like talking to girls on the phone? If you don't, well, you're going to piss a lot of girls off because all they're really going to want to do all day is talk to you on the phone or text you.

WOMEN WILL MAKE YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE: Kiss social anxiety goodbye, at least if women are around. You'll feel VERY comfortable around women to say the least, and as the years go by, these women will literally, and noticeably be going out of their way to make you feel comfortable.
AUTOMATICALLY MAKE WOMEN CRAVE SEX WITHOUT KNOWING HOW OR WHY: Maybe you'll know how and why, maybe you won't, idk. Women will definitely be making you crave sex too, they'll absolutely love turning you on. Pay attention to all the subtle things women do on Team Ugly, you're going to be like, "WHAT?!?!"

OBTAIN A STRONG SEXUAL CONNECTION WITH WOMEN: I'm not saying you'll have sexual chemistry, I'm being literal. You will turn heads. Good luck standing behind a woman without her looking back. She doesn't even need to see you, she'll sense you. She will be sexually connected to you, it doesn't mean she'll act on it, but she will feel a literal connection to you, and with time it's just going to get stronger and more obvious to you, to the point of ridiculousness. You are not going to be the typical man anymore, you're going to be special, and nobody will ever know why or how. Never tell anyone about Team Ugly, we don't want this getting out, this HAS to ALWAYS stay underground, between us Ugly. Men. ONLY.

GET ROCK FU%ING HARD ERECTIONS: No pills required, and how much are those anyways? I'm sure way the fu%k more than the Team Ugly initiation fee. On Team Ugly, you're going to experience Rock. Hard. Erections. That's right! Your penis WILL WORK AGAIN!!! And if your penis already works just fine, well, let's just say it's going to be better than ever, lol. You're going to have a hard, healthy, hung, perfect penis, and shoot huge, healthy loads of cum.
BECOME ACCEPTED AND LIKED BY OTHER ALPHA MALES: You won't necessarily BE an alpha male, but you'll be having more sex, and getting more women than the alpha males. You'll be the guy that gets along fine with the alpha males instead of having them co^k block you, which they can VERY FUC%ING EASILY DO WHEN YOU'RE UGLY. "Hey Jen, you going to fu% this guy?" what's she going to say? Obviously 'no', then he says "She's not interested bro fuc% off", boom just like that you're gone, and if you manage to stay passed that, they'll blow you the fu^% out in so many ways and tool you in so many ways, the only thing you can do is walk away or get so mad you fight, but that's still not going to get you the girl. On Team Ugly, you just don't even have to worry about that, and if it happens, the situation will smooth itself out automatically. You'll have the alphas HELPING you if anything, I mean honestly I scripted this thing so crazy, don't be surprised if you have alpha males hooking you up with women, or even offering their women to you, like, literally, holy fuc% man I'm crazy, I'm telling you if too many people get this, I'm shutting the Team down.

EXPERIENCE WOMEN WANTING YOU TO HAVE SEX WITH THEIR FRIENDS: Whether it's a woman you're sleeping with or not.. Women are going to WANT you to have sex with their friends. You're just going to be that guy that women will actually encourage their friends to sleep with. This can manifest in many ways.
BE THE GUY THAT EVERYBODY LOVES: Does anybody love you right now? If you imagine living a life where everybody loves you, how much different is it? How good does it feel? How do you carry yourself through a crowd? How much more often do you leave the house? When you picture yourself living a life where everybody loves you, you basically become a whole new person, or really, is it like you were finally able to be who you already are?

BECOME WHOLE AND PERFECT: Just live a harmonious and happy life that just feels whole, full, and complete. This will be due to a great deal of things.
HAVE AN ABUNDANCE OF BEAUTIFUL WOMEN TO SLEEP WITH: Now, just because you'll have an abundance of beautiful women to sleep with that does not mean you'll be forced to sleep with them so don't worry, if you meet the woman of your dreams this is not going to make you cheat on her or anything like that, if you do give into temptation and cheat, that's all on you.

HAVE SO MUCH SEX THAT IT'S JUST INSANE: You'll just absolutely love all the sex you have. As time goes on, you'll just be having more and more sex, and the sex will keep getting better, and with women better for you that you like more and like you more, and your penis is going to get nicer, and harder over time, and you're basically going to become a God amongst men when it comes to women, and dating, and having a sex life.

VIBRATE LOVE INTO THE WORLD & BY UNIVERSAL LAW RECEIVE LOVE: You're not going to consciously control your vibration to vibrate love consistently. Maybe you can meditate and 20 minutes in get into the feeling and hold it, but if you have to meditate in order to be at this vibration, then something isn't right, and if you have to meditate in order to do it, The Law of Attraction really isn't going to do anything for you. If you vibrate love 20 minutes a day, and then you go back to "you", then it's really not going to do anything, at least not compared to techniques that bypass the conscious mind. You may feel all warm and fuzzy inside, or filled with energy, or maybe you're not in tune with your feelings enough to even notice the change easily. Either way, you will be vibrating love into the universe, and BY LAW, love is going to come to you.
HAVE AN OVER-FLOWING ABUNDANCE OF GOOD IN YOUR LIFE: This alone is worth INFINITELY more than the membership fee or 'initiation' fee as I like to call it.

BECOME THE BEST THERE EVER HAS BEEN & THE BEST THERE EVER WILL BE: What does that even mean to you? It can mean so many things right? I mean, I could sit here and list off infinite things it could mean, what are some of the things you want it to mean that would make you jump for joy at the thought of joining Team Ugly?
EXPERIENCE A LIFE WHERE THERE'S NOTHING EASIER THAN GETTING A GIRL TO FU%: The years are going to go by anyways. How many years would have already went by since you started studying game and seduction and all this stuff? What if you were using Team Ugly the whole time you were studying, where do you think you would be now? Does it ever feel like you keep learning and studying but you never get results? If there was a missing piece to your game, and you didn't need any more products or infield footage, and all you needed was this one missing piece, how much would you seriously pay for that?

PEOPLE WILL LOVE HOW GOOD THEY FEEL AROUND YOU: Most of the time, they won't know why, but you'll know why. Wherever you go, people will just be in a good mood, and if they're crabby people, they'll be less crabby. Your presence is going to affect the world around you as I've mentioned. You don't even need to talk, just leave your house and observe how people act. You may also see people become nervous around you... You're going to be different, there's going to be something special about you, everyone will know it, nobody will say it. Well, women will say it, they might even ask you if you're an alien or if you're from this planet. They'll always tell you you're different from every other guy she's ever met and stuff like that, but you'll get the alien thing sometimes. She's not crazy for asking, you will be the most powerful man she's ever met, in a sense, the only way she'll be able to express it is, "are you from another planet?" or "are you an alien?"
FEEL AWESOME EVERY DAY: Every single day just feel awesome and amazing, and just feel like you have the most perfectly amazing life and that your life is perfect in every way, and keeps becoming even more perfect and even more enjoyable in the best ways imaginable.

STAY/BECOME SEXUALLY HEALTHY: You'll have stamina, you'll have a big healthy penis that gets hard and stays hard, you'll also stay disease free either from sleeping with the right women or always using protection, I'm not sure what your subconscious mind will have you do, or how it will make everything play out for you.
FEEL LIKE THE COOLEST GUY ON PLANET EARTH: Feeling is KEY. If you tried the Law of attraction before and couldn't get it to work, it's because it's about what frequency you're vibrating on, not what you're visualizing, and even if you vibrate at the right frequency while you visualize, still, once you're done you go back to your main dominate frequency. When you literally FEEL like you're the coolest guy on Earth, you're going to be vibrating on a new frequency automatically, all the time without even trying or thinking about it, and that's automatically going to start bringing more and more stuff and experiences that keep feeding that great feeling so you feel that great feeling even stronger, and even more often and then it attracts EVEN MORE stuff and situations that feeds the feeling even more and it's an endless upwards spiral.

WOMEN WILL SEE YOU AS A MAN: Right now, women don't see you as a man. Know how I know? You don't have sex. Men that women see as men have sex. Once women in general see you as a man, then getting sex in general is going to be stupid easy.

YOU WILL LOOK AWESOME!: What can I say? You're simply going to look awesome, and feel awesome. Don't be surprised if while on Team Ugly you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and notice yourself wondering "Have I always looked this fu%!ing awesome?!?! You're going to accept the way you look, and love the way you look, which is going to change your inner feelings, and that's what people pick up on THAT'S where attraction is okay, looks are so superficial, you're going to see first hand when you look the same but for some reason, now you love the way you look and honestly consider yourself attractive, and other people see you as attractive, but you look the same, it's just crazy, the world IS NOT what you think it is. It's ALLLLLLLL about vibrations and frequencies, and us Ugly. Men. are HARDCORE kept down in low frequencies, I don't think there's a conspiracy against us, but it's just how everything played out, we are BADLY affected by the whole system, but it's all about to change.

BECOME MANLY: On Team Ugly, you're going to become such a fu%!ing man that women just do not care that you're "UGLY" They won't even be able to see you as ugly, they'll see you as just such a man they just want to jump your bones.

LOOK, ACT, FEEL, & BECOME MORE MASCULINE: Pretty self-explanatory right? Get ready for women to see you as the perfect man, and get ready to feel like the perfect man. You're going to be on a level where it doesn't matter that you're ugly and poor with no friends, and nothing fun to do. It doesn't matter, it's all about to change. You're about to be loved by everyone, if you want friends, you'll have them, if you want a social life, you'll have it. On Team Ugly we don't care about the reality "they" set up for us, because "they" set up a sh!tty reality for us. On Team Ugly, we decide our reality, and the reality we want, is a reality where we can effortlessly seduce women into dating, flings, marriage, one night stands, whatever it is we choose.

HAVE PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE THAT YOU LOVE & LOVE YOU: It may sound sappy to some people, but it won't feel sappy, you'll love this. Just keep pressing play and don't give up, even when it feels like nothing major is happening, you have no clue what's going on behind the scenes in this reality while you're on Team Ugly.
ELIMINATE APPROACH ANXIETY: There's no specific affirmations dealing with approach anxiety, but there doesn't need to be. Approach anxiety will be dealt with indirectly by having the root of the problem dealt with. Team Ugly is going to give you a LOT of indirect positive results, just know it is coming from Team Ugly because everything is going to feel so natural, as if it was going to happen anyways that you might actually think it all would have happened anyways, and HE** NO it wouldn't have. You better recognize where you are now and what your life is like now, and you better be smart enough to see when everything is magically better, durrrrr, it's because you made the decision and joined Team Ugly, and you used The T.U.S.S.Mp3 and it started doing what I designed it to do. Just keep on playing The T.U.S.S.Mp3 and just watch the magic happen.

HAVING SEX WITH YOU WILL BE SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE: A girl is a LOT more likely to have sex with you when there's no social stigmas or social consequences in doing so. Not only will it be socially acceptable for her to sleep with you, but AFTER she sleeps with you, she's going to feel socially accepted. She's going to feel like her social status just went up.
WOMEN WILL LOVE THE WAY YOU KISS THEM: If you're nervous about kissing a girl, you won't be. You'll know when to kiss her at the right time, you'll be able to tell when you can kiss her and she won't reject you. You'll also be the guy where you have her attracted and you go in to kiss when you know she'll reject you, but you're just having fun and it's a playful situation and the vibes are right for it, I'm not saying you try make a girl kiss you or something that's ret@rded. Anyways, you won't have anxiety anymore about kissing a girl okay, it's a lot easier to kiss a girl than you think it is.

OBTAIN THE CONFIDENCE & AURA OF A POWERFUL MAN: If this gets too powerful, too quickly, please slow down on your usage of The T.U.S.S.Mp3. You don't want to be super confident about your sh!tty game, you'll just confidently do what doesn't work instead of shyly doing what doesn't work. You'll know if you're getting too confident too fast if you start finally trying stuff you'd never try, but you always get blown out, and nothing good ever comes of it. Team Ugly is going to shape you into a man women want to sleep with. It's going to take a while to get you there so just be careful, don't make a fool of yourself, if you feel overly confident, just try to keep it to yourself until you're used to it, ALWAYS think before you do something. Eventually it won't matter, you'll just always do the right thing when it comes to attracting women, but you're a mess, and The T.U.S.S.Mp3 has A LOT of work to do with you to turn you into the version of yourself that you need to be.

FEEL EXTREMELY GOOD & WONDERFUL EVERY DAY: This great feeling alone is worth more than infinite times The Team Ugly Members Initiation Fee alone. As I've mentioned, these positive emotions are going to make you blast positive energy and vibrate on higher frequencies, and it's going to keep bringing you more and more of what you want, and just keep making your life get even better in every area even stuff that has nothing to do with any of the scripting for The T.U.S.S.Mp3, just remember, if it's too much right away, just slow down, there's no rush, just enjoy the journey and understand everything is going to play out perfectly.
WOMEN WILL FEEL BETTER WHEN THEY'RE WITH YOU: However they're feeling, once they're with you, they'll feel better. When you talk to them, hang out with them, kiss them, hug them, give them any sort of attention, even if they don't know you and they're just in your presence, you're just going to make women feel, well, just better.

OBTAIN THE PERFECT UNDERSTANDING OF WOMEN & SEDUCTION: Women are just going to make sense. Seducing them is just going to make sense. Everything that isn't making sense for you now about women, dating, and seduction is going to make perfect sense to you. As time goes on, your understanding will just keep growing deeper and deeper on Team Ugly.

LIVE IN ABUNDANCE: Once you see abundance, and feel abundant even in areas where there's lack and everyone around you see's lack... Once you just see and feel abundance, that's when you'll start experiencing abundance, and that's when you'll keep getting more and more of what you want.

BE THE GUY WOMEN WANT TO DATE: Okay, as I've mentioned, even though this is heavily focused on sex, you're still not just going to turn into a guy women will only have a one night stand with. Women will also want to date you, be your girlfriend, and who knows, maybe more, just see what happens.
DESERVEDNESS: Is that even a word? I think it is. On Team Ugly, you're actually going to feel like you deserve love, like you deserve a good sex life. This deservedness is going to allow you to finally be an attractive guy and attract women and actually feel like a man.

WOMEN WILL SEE YOU AS THE ALPHA MALE: If you're not the alpha male in the room, it doesn't matter, women will see you as the alpha, and it's going to make you the alpha indirectly. These other guys can run faster and do enough sit ups to have ripped abs, and they could beat you up, but hey, you could fu%k their wife, so who's really the alpha? I think it's you, but that's just my opinion.
EXPERIENCE GIRLS WANTING YOU TO BE THEIR BOYFRIEND: Have you ever had a girl want to be your girlfriend? How about a girl so hot it'd make your friends think you hired her? I'm just curious, right now, honestly, what would you do to get your hands on The T.U.S.S.Mp3 right now?

GIRLS WILL LOVE YOUR VIBE: Just everything about you, from the way you look to the way you talk, the way you walk, the way you communicate with them, they'll love your confidence, your undeniable courage, how brave you are, just how much you fu%king stand out even though you're not even doing anything, you're actually trying less than you are now and getting way more results, it's crazy. These girls are going to say you're sexy, you'll see, you'll probably think they're joking at first, or think they're not talking to you if they yell it from a car or something... You're going to be in so much denial and miss so many opportunities, but don't worry, just keep pressing play, you'll be glad you did.

EXPERIENCE PEOPLE IN GENERAL THINKING YOU'RE AN AWESOME GUY!: They'll see you as a cool and charming guy, that's cool and charming to women, and is deserving of women. You'll just be the perfect man, and hey, the world around you will be better for it.
EXPERIENCE WOMEN FLASHING YOU: This could get intense depending on the situation, but expect some experiences you would never have expected. Is she being fun, or is she being seductive? Are other people around, or are you all alone? Is she doing it on purpose, or is she clueless, or are you clueless? What's going on man?

HAVE SKYROCKETED CONFIDENCE WHEN IT COMES TO WOMEN AND DATING: Okay, so not only are you going to become more confident on Team Ugly, but you're also going to become more confident specifically in the area of women and dating. Okay, 'more confident' is not a good way to put it, you're going to be INSANELY confident, and in a good way, not a creepy way. If you're a creep now and you become a confident creep before The T.U.S.S.Mp3 is fixing you in other areas, just remember having the confidence to do or say something stupid doesn't make it a good idea, you are in control of your own actions, if you don't think you can control yourself, then Team Ugly is not for you. You could have the confidence to jump off of a building, it's up to you if you're stupid enough to do it. You're going to be so confident with women though, even just seeing a woman is going to surge your body with confidence, and other goodies.
THERE WILL ALWAYS BE WOMEN THAT WANT TO DATE YOU: Can you even realistically imagine yourself in a place a few months or a few years from now where there's always women that want to date you? How much more would that make your girlfriend cling to you and never look at other guys? How can she look at other guys when she's always worried about other girls that want to take her place? Of course if you have a girlfriend don't be a douche, actually make her feel secure and know she can always trust you to not cheat on her. As I've mentioned though, I'm not the moral police, there's nothing in the script that will stop you from cheating or anything like that, I would never program you in a way where I try to control your actions or something, idk man, if you don't join Team Ugly I mean in my opinion you just shouldn't use subliminal mp3's at all, I'm telling you, these people don't know what the He!! they're doing, you'll get results with the right ones, but you'll also get a lot of stuff you don't want, and can change in ways you don't want to change,and just end up weird and fu%ked up, I'm telling you, you are blessed to have found this page.

INSANE WITT!: Become INSANELY witty, always be able to think on your feet, always be able to keep the conversation flowing and interesting, even if you're not saying much, you'll make it work. On Team Ugly, you're just going to be cool, charming, attractive, manly, seductive, intelligent, clever, you'll be a good story teller, be able to keep people interested in anything you have to say, fun to be around, easy to talk to, I mean it's INSANE what The T.U.S.S.Mp3 is going to do for you, your dating life, and your life in general...

EVERYTHING YOU DO WILL TURN WOMEN ON: You're going to notice women eyeing you everywhere. You'll be in denial when it first starts happening, but even though you're ugly, there's going to be something about you that captures the female attention. If you're in 'Deep Years State' on Team Ugly, and you notice women always seem to be horny, yea, this is some crazy sh!t, just leave the house man, you'll see it everywhere, just keep pressing play and just keep loading your subconscious mind with the subliminal affirmations on The T.U.S.S.Mp3...
WOMEN WILL CRAVE YOUR ATTENTION: You never know how this is going to manifest... That b!t@^y lady at work may turn up her b!t@!ness to a whole new level for no reason at all, don't take it personal, you're on Team Ugly, you're different now, she wants your attention BADLY. Of course if you CONSCIOUSLY ask her if she's being a c$^t to get your attention she is going to say no, and may even consciously believe herself when she says it. I'm just giving you a bad example of women wanting your attention though, women are weird as he!! so they could act in ways that seem like you're getting bad results, but really you're getting good results, and things are only getting started... Imagine if you use The T.U.S.S.Mp3 for 40 years... For all I know this could give you some sort of seduction super powers, and I'm being dead serious, just research the subconscious mind, you don't even have to believe anything, you can just start pressing play and see first hand what happens.

REACH A POINT WHERE YOU HONESTLY BELIEVE ATTRACTING WOMEN IS EASY!: Right now you can say attracting women is easy for you... But is it actually true? How will it feel to be able to say it and have it be the truth?

PUT GIRLS ON AN EMOTIONAL ROLLER COASTER: These girls are going to be absolutely FLOODED with a roller coaster of emotions from you. From you touching them, from your presence, and the absence of your presence making them go wild thinking about you, they will be blasted with positive emotions just by seeing you, it's hard to even put into words, all I can say is you are going to be VERY happy that you joined Team Ugly.
BECOME MORE ATTRACTIVE THAN "GOOD LOOKING" GUYS: On Team Ugly, you're going to see first hand that looks aren't what attracts women. The first time you get a woman that could literally choose from FAR over 100 better looking guys she could sleep with that night, or date, you're going to see this whole attracting women thing goes further than skin deep.

FEEL COMFORTABLE SMILING!: You think you need to be the straight faced bada$$, man, women are attracted to men that smile. This isn't going to force you to smile, but it might be hard to not smile a lot when you are always feeling emotions that make you want to smile ;) If you're insecure about your smile, you won't be after hearing multiple compliments from women about how much they love your smile... People are about to like you a LOT, and you'll just live a joyous life, and I believe you'll reach the point where you look around, and you think about life before Team Ugly, and you realize, since joining Team Ugly, your life has been healed in every possible way, and it just keeps getting better.
YOUR LIFE WILL BE FILLED WITH JOY, PLEASURE, & BEAUTIFUL WOMEN!: What more could you ask for? Seriously. And trust me, you're getting A LOT more, I wish I could just post the script and skip writing all this, but then people will know how I script, and I don't want anyone to ever know how to craft and script subliminals like me. You wouldn't even believe the stuff I'm skipping over, but you'll thank me for it in "Deep Years State". I believe you'll look back and see joining Team Ugly as the best decision you've ever made in your life.

GIRLS WILL LOVE YOUR VOICE: A lot of guys think they need a deep, and booming loud manly man voice... If you want to go be the club shark guy, I guess, but if you want to be that guy, then just go get cool clothes, cool friends, make a bunch of money, and storm the club just like in the infields you watch, or just get the clothes and fake everything else, and go do what you see in the infields. Wouldn't you rather just be able to seduce women as you without going to the club and acting all energetic and being social talking to everyone, honestly, I can't really stand that sh!t at all, but we're all different.
DATE WOMEN: How does that sound? When was the last time you dated a woman? On Team Ugly, you WILL have a dating life. FINALLY. Listen, you can keep watching infield and seminars of guys that have everything and are everything that you're not, and you'll keep getting the same results. Want change? Change your subconscious paradigm.

SEDUCE WOMEN WITH NOTHING BUT YOUR EYE CONTACT: It may even become hard to look women, and people in general in the eyes because you're going to be like "fu%!, they're going to sense how powerful I am if I look them in the eyes" I can't explain it, it's a weird feeling... But yea, look people in the eyes, and hold eye contact on Team Ugly and you'll see it in their eyes, like, it's like they want to ask you if you're from another planet or some sh!t, man, you're going to experience power.

CAPTIVATE WOMEN WITH EVERY WORD: Every word you say is just going to boost how women are already feeling towards you between their legs. I've skipped A LOT of stuff, don't be surprised if you have some crazy a$$ unexpected stuff happen, I mean, if you get a wife, she literally will have to worry every time you leave the house about women trying to fu%! you... There's just going to be something about you. Make it to 'Deep Years State' man, you don't have to, but why the He!! not? Just keep pressing play, and keep enjoying everything getting better and better!
PEOPLE WILL RESPECT YOU: Get used to people respecting you, and saying good things about you. Once you love, and respect yourself, it's just crazy, man, I could have made The T.U.S.S.Mp3 so all it does is make you love yourself and feel happy, and your life would change so fu%!ing much you would sh!t your pants, and it's because your whole vibration and frequency would change. Ok, I know this is all weird as fu%!, but that's just the world you live in whether you believe it or not.

DEVELOP AN AURA THAT...: That you will literally feel, and will literally make stuff happen that will make you wonder if you are dreaming or if this is real life. If I went into detail, you'd get a boner thinking of having this type of power, and then happily hand me any amount of cash I ask for... And you'd be smart doing it.
LIVE IN ABUNDANCE WHEN IT COMES TO WOMEN, DATING, & SEX: If this is what you truly want, then Join Team Ugly. The 'hot' guys and their infield footage isn't going to heal your dating life. The T.U.S.S.Mp3 is. The problem isn't your conscious understanding, the problem is your subconscious programming.

Join. Team. Ugly.

(Clickable Button Further Down The Page)

OKAY SO WE ARE FINALLY DONE COVERING WHAT THE T.U.S.S.Mp3 (The Team Ugly Secret Subliminal Mp3) is DESIGNED to do for you!

Okay, so The T.U.S.S.Mp3 is designed to do a LOT of cool stuff right? (If you think so, you'd go nuts if you actually saw the script, it's pretty genius). Alright, but who cares what it's designed to do right? What will The T.U.S.S.Mp3 ACTUALLY do for you and your life? Okay, well in my personal beliefs, I BELIEVE The T.U.S.S.Mp3 will do everything I've designed it to do for you, given enough time, but I'm not going to sell you on a BELIEF, what can I PROMISE??


The T.U.S.S.Mp3 (The Team Ugly Secret Subliminal Mp3) Is going to heal your life when it comes to women & dating more than any product you've ever bought from any company in the area of women and dating.

Okay, so I can't PROMISE everything I've DESIGNED The T.U.S.S.Mp3 to do for you will actually happen, but I CAN promise you that The T.U.S.S.Mp3 will heal your dating life more than anything ever has in your whole entire life, even if you've been studying women, dating, game, pua, seduction, female psychology, and even some of the darker stuff FOR YEARS, it doesn't matter, NONE of that is going to compare to what The T.U.S.S.Mp3 does for you and your life, and you'll receive your copy of The T.U.S.S.Mp3 as soon as you Take Your Initiation & Join Team Ugly!

The Initiation Fee:

Okay, so how much is it going to cost you to Join Team Ugly?

Alright, so if I could PROMISE The T.U.S.S.Mp3 would do everything I've designed it to do, and PROMISE it will all happen during your Risk-Free Trial Period, then your initiation fee (membership fee) would be about 1-10 million dollars, and that'd be more than worth it right? Okay, but I'm not pricing over what I've DESIGNED The T.U.S.S.Mp3 to do, I'm pricing over what I can PROMISE you it will do...

If you remember, I promised The T.U.S.S.Mp3 would heal your dating life MORE than any other dating product you've ever bought in your life. If you're like me, then that's literally THOUSANDS of dollars worth of dating products. (not including the $$$ I've spent on subliminal mp3's alone) If you've been in the game, you know these things go from $200-$700 bucks for the good stuff, and around $70 bucks for the okay stuff... (dating/pua products)


If this is going to do more for you than any other dating product ever has, and you've spent thousands on dating products throughout your life, then it would be fair for me to price this at thousands of dollars right???

At first, that was my plan. I was going to set The Initiation Fee at $1,997 USD. I figure that's obtainable to everyone who wants it, you may have to save up a bit for it, but once you're in deep years state, you'll see it was WAYYYYYYYYY more than worth the 2k. I'm not charging 2k to Join Team Ugly though...

I've been trained to give AT LEAST TEN TIMES MORE than I get in return, AT LEAST. If I charged 2k to Join Team Ugly, I'd be giving WAY more than TEN TIMES what I'm getting back, but the thing is, it may not feel like it until you actually put in the time and get into 'Deep Years State' So I wanted to price this in a way where you would FEEL you got TEN TIMES MORE than you gave, RIGHT AWAY!

So, I came up with a price...


$197 dollars is the perfect price because, let's see, the "top" dating products are $500.00-$700.00 dollars, and if I'm giving you MORE results than you would get using ALL of the 'top' dating products COMBINED, then $197.00 PROVES to be WAY more than 10x worth the Membership Fee (initiation fee)

Okay, so at $197.00, I'm not only giving you 10x what you're giving me, I'm giving you EVEN MORE than 10x in return. There's not a chance in He!! you will get into 'Deep Years State', and not agree The T.U.S.S.Mp3 is actually PRICELESS. Seriously, having your dating life heal more than anything has ever healed it, dating, and sex life... Man, you're going to see $197 as a JOKE, when you see how good everything gets, and you think to yourself "all I did was pay $197 and press play, and now my life and dating life is AWESOME!" man, you're going to laugh that this doesn't actually cost closer to $1,997-$9,997 dollars, and hey, one day that might actually be the Membership Fee. If I get some testimonials, make the sales page not look like sh!t, bam, there you go, you'll be saving 10 grand to Join The Team. I'm not saying I'll ever charge that much to join, but I'm not saying I never will, I mean, if too many people join, I DEFINITELY will slow that down by drastically raising the price, but you'll never know what I think is too many, and you'll never know how many people are on The Team, I'll just say it will always be a low number in my opinion.

HERE'S THE DEAL THOUGH: You won't even be paying $197.00

Seriously, you can't even get the weak version of a PUA course from a 'hot guy' for less than $197 dollars. Do you want to pay MORE money for a dating product that won't even get you a FRACTION of the results, if it even gives you results at all??!? How many more times do you need to hear the same thing, but said in a different way? Are you a fan of pua, or do you actually want women in your life?

Seriously what's your excuse to not Join Team Ugly right now?

What if I told you that your Team Ugly Membership would be completely free if you skipped fast food 20 times this year? You'd do it right? Obviously, who wouldn't?!?! Well, honestly most people wouldn't, but most people aren't smart enough to use subliminal mp3's.

Here's the thing though, you're not even going to have to skip fast food 20 times this year, because you're not even going to be paying $97 dollars for your Team Ugly Membership...


If you're reading this right now, here's what the price of your Team Ugly Membership will be if you act now, and I can't promise it will still be this low if you don't act now and you come back at a later date. I don't know when you'll be reading this, so for all I know, I'm raising the price right this second.



NOW THAT, is an UGLY fu%!ing number, I'm DEFINITELY going to have to change that to $97 at some point. $97 minimum, d@mn, idk, $47 just seems so cheap and tacky, it's just too d@mn low for how much value I'm giving, but d@mn, if you care, just buy it twice or else I guess just get an INSANE DEAL and Join Team Ugly RIGHT NOW for ONLY $47.00 dollars. Crazy.

Seriously... $47 dollars... The self esteem you'll gain alone on The T.U.S.S.Mp3 is worth 10 times that.

At this point, you can Join Team Ugly and get INSANE results when it comes to women and dating, or you can pay more money to a "hot guy" to hear everything you've already heard a million times in a million different ways, and you can continue getting the same results you've always gotten... But hey, you got to see your favorite dating coach talk and pick up girls though, and tell you that you can do it too, and yea, we both know where that leads... I mean, I don't mean to hate, it IS important you learn everything the 'hot guys' have to say, but if you actually want results, meaning you actually want to start attracting women... You're going to have to heal yourself on a subconscious level, and as long as you're down for something VERY sexual and sex focused, then Team Ugly is DEFINITELY the place to be. Honestly in my opinion you should never use any subliminals made by anyone other than me, but that's just my opinion, I can only speak through my own experiences.

Now let's sweeten the deal even more...

THAT'S RIGHT!!! You get to Join Team Ugly RIGHT NOW 100% RISK FREE! Begin enjoying the AWESOME power of The T.U.S.S.Mp3, and if ANY TIME during your 60 DAY RISK FREE TRIAL, you decide you actually don't like women and you actually don't want your sex life healed completely, well, I'll give you your membership fee back, ALL OF IT. That's right! You have 60 DAYS to try out The T.U.S.S.Mp3 for yourself, and if at ANY TIME during your risk free trial period you change your mind about being on Team Ugly, I will give you ALL of your money back, GUARANTEED!!!

Okay, so not only are you getting an INSANE deal by being able to Join Team Ugly for ONLY $47 dollars, but if for ANY reason you change your mind about being a Member of Team Ugly, you'll get EVERY DOLLAR BACK, and you'll get to keep The T.U.S.S.Mp3 on top of that.

Your subconscious mind is NOT going to let you succeed with women man, it just isn't... You can change your mind consciously all you want, it doesn't matter, on a subconscious level nothing changed, and on a really weird sounding level, you're still vibrating at the same low frequency, even if you manage to consciously raise your vibrations, how long is it going to last for? Are you holding that 24/7? And what is going to direct that to women and dating, and what's going to make your subconscious mind accept it as true?

You already know where your old life leads to...

Do you want to continue living your same old life with no women to date, no women to have as a girlfriend, no women to hook up with, no women to spend time alone with, no women to be romantic with, no women to love you, touch you, nothing...

Do you want to continue living that life, or do you want change?

Do you enjoy living life scared with low self-esteem, no confidence, and you're so low you don't even love or respect yourself? Honestly, you don't even accept yourself, and that's why when you go out you experience "social anxiety" yea, it's not social anxiety, it's you don't accept yourself so you don't think anyone else will accept you, and then there you are at a packed bar and on a subconscious level you're surrounded by people above you, that would NEVER accept you in any way, never love you in any way, and they won't, and I don't need to tell you twice, you already know they won't. And hey, if you're not at that low of a point, then The T.U.S.S.Mp3 is just going to get that much better, that much faster for you.

You're ugly. Don't feel bad this is all normal. We saw the same programs as the 'hot guys' but we got different programing from it. We both see the same 'hot guy' on TV fu%! the girl, what does that tell the 'hot guy' subconsciously? It tells him he can fu%! women. What does it tell us subconsciously? It tells us we can't fu%! any women ever, okay and let's not get into any more rants... D@mn, I have WAY to much to say.





That's right! Join Team Ugly RIGHT NOW, and your membership fee (initiation fee) is ONLY going to cost you $47 dollars.


That's right! ALL of the risk is ON ME, and NONE of the risk is on you.

I made your decision to Join Team Ugly as brain dead easy as humanly possible.

You have EVERYTHING to gain, and nothing to lose.


Seriously, I'm going to heal your dating life more than anyone or anything ever has, and all you need to do is press play, and let The T.U.S.S.Mp3 do its thing. If you make it to the end of your Risk Free Trial Membership of Team Ugly and you're not convinced that if you make it to 'Deep Years State' your dating life will be more healed than ever before BY FAR INCOMPARABLY, then just ask me for a refund, and I'll give you all of your money back, I won't even ask you why, you have your reasons, but hopefully everything works out perfectly and you're happy to stay on Team Ugly and keep using The T.U.S.S.Mp3 and keep watching everything get better over time in the area of women and dating. There's nothing worse than being a man and not being able to attract women. Nothing fills that hole.


When you Join Team Ugly, and use The T.U.S.S.Mp3... YOU ARE GOING TO CHANGE. I am not a doctor, I have no clue if subliminal mp3's could cause medical problems, I don't know, if you're worried about that, talk to your doctor before joining Team Ugly, and by joining Team Ugly and using The T.U.S.S.Mp3 you agree that you are responsible for anything and everything that happens, you are responsible for your own actions, you are responsible for ANYTHING that could happen, and by joining Team Ugly, you agree that you are responsible for anything that happens from using The T.U.S.S.Mp3 I don't give a fu%! what it is, if you do not agree to that, then you ARE NOT welcome to Join Team Ugly, and by joining Team Ugly, you automatically agree to that. I don't know sh!t about medical sh!t, so if you're worried, ask a doctor before using The T.U.S.S.Mp3.


You have to be 18+ to Join Team Ugly, and The T.U.S.S.Mp3 is LOADED with X-Rated language.

This product contains adult language and situations, and is not meant for those under 18 years old.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

credit card or bank statement will show a charge by CLKBANK*COM or CLKBNK nobody will know you joined Team Ugly.

When you Join Team Ugly, and receive The T.U.S.S.Mp3 you'll see, well, it's an MP3, you'll need an MP3 player to use it, which I'm sure you have plenty of stuff on your computer or phone that can play mp3 files, and also The Team Ugly Members Manual will be a PDF so you'll need a PDF reader, so if you don't have one I guess go on google and search 'how to open a PDF file', I'm guessing it will just open though, I mean it's almost 2018, come on.


After you pay your Team Ugly Membership Fee and get initiated onto the team, you'll be brought to a page thanking you for joining Team Ugly, and that page will have links for you to instantly begin downloading The T.U.S.S.Mp3 and your Team Ugly Members Manual. Download time will vary based on internet speeds. (If you're not instantly brought to the download page, then check your e-mail for the link, but you should be instantly brought to the download page once your Membership Fee is processed and approved which should only take a few seconds after you finish typing in your card numbers, if you're not instantly brought to the download page though, then that means you received an e-mail with a link to the download page)

If you have any questions at all before joining Team Ugly please send an e-mail to [support@augustineexperiments.com]

To Join Team Ugly, Click the button below that says "JOIN TEAM UGLY". Then you will be brought to a completely secure page where you can safely and privately enter your credit card information (or whatever type of card you have that works IE check/debit card) Your $47.00 dollar Team Ugly Membership Fee will then be processed, and once approved you will be brought to a page where I genuinely thank you for joining the team, and from that page you will be able to instantly begin downloading The T.U.S.S.Mp3 & your Team Ugly Members Manual.

You're running out of time and options man. You already gave the 'hot guys' your money, you already heard what they have to say, you already saw how much that actually helped you in real life. If you keep doing the same things, you're going to keep getting the same results. Another infield video isn't going to help you, hearing to be more confident, talk louder, be fearless, fix your body language, learn how to banter, dress better, gain social skills, blah blah blah, YOU ALREADY KNOW IT'S GOOD ADVICE, but just because its good advice, doesn't mean it's advice that's going to do you any good. You already know where that advice leads you to... It leads you to right here, right now. You do need their advice, you do need to know what the 'hot' guys know, but none of that advice is going to bring you real life results until you get your subconscious mind on your side when it comes to women and dating. AND AGAIN, The T.U.S.S.Mp3 is EXTREMELY focused on sex, so be sure this is what you really want, or else just wait until I release something less X-Rated and more G-Rated. It's not Team Ugly, or keep learning from the "hot" guys, you have to keep learning from them either way, (well you don't have to, The T.U.S.S.Mp3 is going to work either way, but these guys are already above you in every way when it comes to attracting women, why let them know more than you too?) it's more of, do you want what you're learning from them to actually start working? Do you want to begin experiencing results with women and dating, or do you just want to keep watching videos online hoping one day someone just comes out with something where all you have to do is press play and let your subconscious mind work out all the details.... Oh, wait...


ONLY $47.00

[Join Team Ugly]





Look, THE SECRET IS OUT. ALL of these little fu%!boys know game, they all look better than us, man, they'll leave you with no women, it's just the attractive guys plowing through all the chicks like they're fu%! toys, and they leave you with nothing, and the thing is, these women don't even care, they'd rather be one of a hundred other girls getting played by the same fu%!boy than get with you, and it's only going to get worse. It's the reality set up for you, and you'll never see any other reality, it's just going to get worse. Know how hard it is to get laid now? In 10 years it's going to be 50 times worse. Listen, if you're not being programmed by me, then you're being programmed by them, and with their programming, there's only one way you can win... Become a hot guy, and learn game on a crazy level. Chances are that's never going to happen. We only live once, do you want to live life never having the only thing you really want, success with women, or do you want to Join Team Ugly ABSOLUTELY Risk-Free and start healing your subconscious mind now so you can FINALLY experience the success with women you've always wanted? Listen, it's US against THEM, and let me fuc%ing tell you... WE'RE TAKING OUR WOMEN BACK!!!! They will NEVER be able to compete with us, because they will NEVER have The T.U.S.S.Mp3. The more us ugly men start unplugging from "their" bullsh!t reality, the more we will make it normal for women to be with ugly men, and soon enough, we will rule completely.



We've gotten the short end of the stick for long enough, AND IT STOPS NOW!


These women don't belong to the pretty boys that can hardly even call themselves men, THESE WOMEN BELONG TO US, & WE'RE MOTHER FU%!ING TAKING THEM BACK!

It's time to take back the throne.




We do things differently.


ONLY $47.00

[Join Team Ugly]


And all other major credit/debit cards

You only get one life here on Earth, you want to be able to enjoy sex and female companionship don't you?

You have $47 dollars don't you, and if not you can easily save $47 bucks to completely heal your dating life can't you?

If you for any reason regret becoming a member of Team Ugly you can get a full refund no questions asked, that's MORE than fair isn't it?

This is the moment of truth. You can leave this page and forget you ever saw it, or you can take a chance, completely risk-free, and FINALLY heal your dating life once and for all. What are you going to do?

Are you going to be the man that invests in himself, or not?

When it comes to women and dating... You're about to become a God.


ONLY $47.00

[Join Team Ugly]


And all other major credit/debit cards



For reasons I do not want to get into, you're Team Ugly Membership will now also be including...


Shit just got real.

Let's just say not everyone believes subliminal mp3's could ever help anyone in any way, and are just bullsh!it (shocker). Lucky for you though, it means I am not allowed to sell you The T.U.S.S. Mp3 without The 67 Ways of Ugly... I'm not happy about it, I was going to sell The 67 Ways of Ugly as it's own stand alone program for $67 dollars, and once it released I was planning on raising the Team Ugly initiation fee to $97 dollars, and not have The 67 Ways of Ugly included with your Team Ugly Membership.

Hey man, it's October 2018 now. A lot of time has passed. Crap happens, and so far it's been hurting me, and helping you.

I'm sure you don't want hours more of reading, so let me just say this about The 67 Ways of Ugly...

The 67 Ways of Ugly is going to give you a CONSCIOUS understanding of how to game girls when you're ugly.

I suppose, it is what it is, and you truly do need the knowledge, and all the golden nuggets inside of The 67 Ways of Ugly, as an Ugly. Man. if you ever want any sort of success with women and dating.

Initially The 67 Ways of Ugly may seem more useful and more valuable than The T.U.S.S.Mp3 but trust me, it isn't. That's just your monkey brain eating up the instant gratification. The T.U.S.S. Mp3 is where the REAL CHANGE is going to happen, BUT, like I said, The 67 Ways of Ugly was going to cost $67 dollars, so it is no joke.

You'll quickly see that The 67 Ways of Ugly is the best dating product you've ever been through in your life, BY FAR, and trust me, stick with The T.U.S.S. Mp3 long term and you'll see even the best dating product ever created (The 67 Ways of Ugly) can not even compare to The T.U.S.S. mp3.

Anyways, we can end it here, or I can talk about The 67 Ways of Ugly for 4 hours, and I'm not joking. Let's skip the 4 hour chat, just know that The 67 Ways of Ugly is by far the best dating product you'll ever have gone through in your life so far, but don't let that fool you into thinking it's better than The T.U.S.S. mp3 just because it's more instantly gratifying. The T.U.S.S. Mp3 DESTROYS the knowledge locked away inside of The 67 Ways of Ugly, and the knowledge locked away inside The 67 Ways of Ugly DESTROYS every other dating product ever created in the history of time, and if you disagree, I'll give you your money back.

The CONSCIOUS understanding The 67 Ways of Ugly is going to give you combined with the SUBSCONSCIOUS reprogramming The T.U.S.S. Mp3 is going to give you, is going to be so fu%ing invaluable to you it's not even funny.


The 67 Ways of Ugly is only available in PDF format, and it will be available to download instantly along with The T.U.S.S.Mp3 and your Team Ugly Members Manual as soon as you click the blue button below that says "Join Team Ugly".

UPDATE: It's 01/09/2019 at 9:09PM and I just finished reading through the sales page for the last time pre launch. That date and time was just interesting to me. Pretty sure I started this page in 2017, now it's 2019... I'm selling this for $47 dollars and am lucky to walk away with 25% of that BEFORE taxes. If I'm here to make a quick buck, well, the buck part may be true, and QUITE LITERAL, but not the quick part. I'm here, because nobody else is, so that makes me the one.


ONLY $47.00

[Join Team Ugly]


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