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Have The Lady Parts And Bladder of a 25 Year-Old With The Simple 5-Step Method Any Woman Can Use...Whether You Are a New Mom, 45, 65, or Just Going Thru Menopause.
Without ever having to go to the doctor…
This woman is healing her pelvic floor using a few simple exercises that no doctor will ever tell you about!
She smiles confidently, knowing that she has the secret to a better sex life, and is enjoying a deeper connection with her partner than ever before…
She wears anything she wants, including white sundresses and skinny jeans, knowing that she doesn’t ever have to worry about leaking or uncomfortable feelings of pressure or pain…
She has the freedom to live her life pain free, without taking a single pill…
Instead she’ll tap into her body’s natural ability to heal by relieving pressure in the right points…and align her muscles in the right way simply by making a small shift in how she breathes.
And she’ll naturally and completely heal her leaking, prolapse, bladder discomfort, and pain during intimacy within just a few minutes a day in the privacy of her own home, so that she can enjoy better health, better sex, and a life without pelvic pain.
I’ll explain how she is able to do all of this in just a moment, but first, let’s get something straight:
If You Have “Down There” Problems:
It May Be Common, But it’s NOT Normal
30 million women are suffering from chronic pelvic pain, with debilitating symptoms like urine leaking, painful sex, prolapse, and weak or non-existent orgasms.
If you’re one of them, you’re in the right place to finally find answers and healing.
I’m Isa Herrera, MSPT, CSCS and I help women have happier vaginas.
I’ve personally healed 14,704 women (and counting) with chronic pelvic floor and bladder issues…
But it wasn’t always that way.
In fact, there was a time when I couldn’t even heal myself!
It was after the birth of my daughter, in 2004.
Her birth was intense, and my postpartum recovery was pure hell.
I had the “new mom trifecta” of leaking, painful sex, and bladder prolapse…
And no one had warned me about how it would affect literally every part of my life.
In those days there wasn’t enough information on pelvic health and so I suffered for a long time in silence and in shame.I had zero sex drive and I felt a wave of guilt every time I told my partner I wasn’t in the mood…
I carried panty liners and pads everywhere I went…
And I could barely do everyday things, like lifting my daughter or walking around the supermarket…
I felt like half a woman.
And when I finally said, “enough is enough” and started making appointments with the best doctors in NYC…I discovered that they actually had no clue what was going on with me!
I took myself on a “Doctor Road Show” where I was prescribed pain meds, muscle relaxers and even Botox injections for my vagina (ouch!). I paid out thousands of dollars to these doctors and I still had no answers. Not one of these doctors touched or examined my pelvic floor.
Sadly, this is the reality today for many women. Maybe this is your experience too. You’re not the only one, not by a long shot.
So many women that I talk to have all said the same thing:
No One Was Listening to Me!
Unfortunately, the medical community not listening to women isn’t a new story.
Until as recently as 1952, “female hysteria” was considered a legitimate diagnosis, and it could include anything from normal sexual desire to irritability and “a tendency to cause trouble.”
How crazy is that? So crazy that women were put away in insane asylums for it.
We’ve come a long way from those days, but we still have a long way to go when it comes to women’s health.
There’s so much WRONG information being thrown around in the medical community each and every day, that I’ve made it my mission to put a STOP to it. So let’s clear up a few of the most dangerous myths right now.
4 Biggest Pelvic Floor Myths
Myth #1:
Kegels are always good
Sometimes, kegels can make you leak more and have more pain!
See, there are two types of vaginas. If you have Type #1, kegels are beneficial. If you have Type #2, like many, many of the women I help, then you’ll just end up making things worse.
The answer is what I call “Reverse Kegels” which have helped thousands of my patients completely heal from leaking, pain and prolapse even if they suffered for decades.
Myth #2:
Pain medication will help
Unfortunately, pain medication (especially opiates, which come with their own dangerous risks), will only be a Bandaid for the problem.
Pain medication will just cover up the underlying problem, an\d not solve it.
Which is a shame, because in the vast majority of cases when I see women on pain meds, their problems can be completely healed with a combination of gentle exercises and the right kind of massage techniques.
Of course, your doctor probably never told you that, just ran straight for the prescription pad – like several doctors that I saw back when I was suffering.
Myth #3: You should always trust your doctor
When I was suffering from pain, leaking, and prolapse, I saw some of the best and most expensive specialists in New York City…and they could not help me.
Some of them told me that it was normal and I should just “relax and have a glass of wine”…
Others told me that there wasn’t anything I could do, and prescribed some muscle relaxers…
And some acknowledged that there was a problem, but went straight to talking about Botox injections in my vagina and surgery…(!)
After I had seen doctor after doctor, I realized they didn’t know how to help me.
I was so disappointed, because all my life I was taught to trust doctors…and the moment I realized that they couldn’t help, I knew I had to take matters into my own hands.
It turned out to be a blessing in disguise, because now I can help other women who the doctors have failed – more about that in a moment.
Myth #4: Surgery is usually the answer
Invasive procedures usually aren’t necessary, and they come with side effects of their own. I’ve seen so many women given hysterectomies because “it’s causing pain, so let’s just take it out!”
And it can be tempting to think that in just a couple of hours, the issue will be gone.
Unfortunately, we know that’s rarely the case.
Surgeries come with their own risks, and sometimes they end up causing more problems than they solve!
So before you trust your doctor and rush off to surgery I want you to know that while surgery is sometimes necessary as a last resort, it shouldn’t be done without FIRST trying the techniques that I teach in my system.
Myth #1:
Kegels are always good
Sometimes, kegels can make you leak more and have more pain!
See, there are two types of vaginas. If you have Type #1, kegels are beneficial. If you have Type #2, like many, many of the women I help, then you’ll just end up making things worse.
The answer is what I call “Reverse Kegels” which have helped thousands of my patients completely heal from leaking, pain and prolapse even if they suffered for decades.
Myth #2:
Pain medication will help
Unfortunately, pain medication (especially opiates, which come with their own dangerous risks), will only be a Bandaid for the problem.
Pain medication will just cover up the underlying problem, an\d not solve it.
Which is a shame, because in the vast majority of cases when I see women on pain meds, their problems can be completely healed with a combination of gentle exercises and the right kind of massage techniques.
Of course, your doctor probably never told you that, just ran straight for the prescription pad – like several doctors that I saw back when I was suffering.
Myth #3: You should always trust your doctor
When I was suffering from pain, leaking, and prolapse, I saw some of the best and most expensive specialists in New York City…and they could not help me.
Some of them told me that it was normal and I should just “relax and have a glass of wine”…
Others told me that there wasn’t anything I could do, and prescribed some muscle relaxers…
And some acknowledged that there was a problem, but went straight to talking about Botox injections in my vagina and surgery…(!)
After I had seen doctor after doctor, I realized they didn’t know how to help me.
I was so disappointed, because all my life I was taught to trust doctors…and the moment I realized that they couldn’t help, I knew I had to take matters into my own hands.
It turned out to be a blessing in disguise, because now I can help other women who the doctors have failed – more about that in a moment.
Myth #4: Surgery is usually the answer
Invasive procedures usually aren’t necessary, and they come with side effects of their own. I’ve seen so many women given hysterectomies because “it’s causing pain, so let’s just take it out!”
And it can be tempting to think that in just a couple of hours, the issue will be gone.
Unfortunately, we know that’s rarely the case.
Surgeries come with their own risks, and sometimes they end up causing more problems than they solve!
So before you trust your doctor and rush off to surgery I want you to know that while surgery is sometimes necessary as a last resort, it shouldn’t be done without FIRST trying the techniques that I teach in my system.
Myth #1:
Kegels are always good
Sometimes, kegels can make you leak more and have more pain!
See, there are two types of vaginas. If you have Type #1, kegels are beneficial. If you have Type #2, like many, many of the women I help, then you’ll just end up making things worse.
The answer is what I call “Reverse Kegels” which have helped thousands of my patients completely heal from leaking, pain and prolapse even if they suffered for decades.
Myth #2:
Pain medication will help
Unfortunately, pain medication (especially opiates, which come with their own dangerous risks), will only be a Bandaid for the problem.
Pain medication will just cover up the underlying problem, an\d not solve it.
Which is a shame, because in the vast majority of cases when I see women on pain meds, their problems can be completely healed with a combination of gentle exercises and the right kind of massage techniques.
Of course, your doctor probably never told you that, just ran straight for the prescription pad – like several doctors that I saw back when I was suffering.
Myth #3: You should always trust your doctor
When I was suffering from pain, leaking, and prolapse, I saw some of the best and most expensive specialists in New York City…and they could not help me.
Some of them told me that it was normal and I should just “relax and have a glass of wine”…
Others told me that there wasn’t anything I could do, and prescribed some muscle relaxers…
And some acknowledged that there was a problem, but went straight to talking about Botox injections in my vagina and surgery…(!)
After I had seen doctor after doctor, I realized they didn’t know how to help me.
I was so disappointed, because all my life I was taught to trust doctors…and the moment I realized that they couldn’t help, I knew I had to take matters into my own hands.
It turned out to be a blessing in disguise, because now I can help other women who the doctors have failed – more about that in a moment.
Myth #4: Surgery is usually the answer
Invasive procedures usually aren’t necessary, and they come with side effects of their own. I’ve seen so many women given hysterectomies because “it’s causing pain, so let’s just take it out!”
And it can be tempting to think that in just a couple of hours, the issue will be gone.
Unfortunately, we know that’s rarely the case.
Surgeries come with their own risks, and sometimes they end up causing more problems than they solve!
So before you trust your doctor and rush off to surgery I want you to know that while surgery is sometimes necessary as a last resort, it shouldn’t be done without FIRST trying the techniques that I teach in my system.
These Myths Have Caused So Much Heartbreak…
Because every woman with prolapse, leaking, or pain who believes them, is one more woman who may suffer (maybe for years), without knowing that a solution exists.
I’ve seen and heard so many stories from the 14,704+ women that I’ve treated that have broken my heart.
So here is just a taste of what women have been telling me for years:
“I am on meds to help and they only help for a short time. I have had multiple c-sections and a posterior/anterior lumbar repair with screws into my pelvis. All the doctors I have seen can only Bandaid the issue. I need help! I am only 48 and this issue cost me my marriage.”
“I want to feel and move like my old self . . .”
“Trying so hard to heal my abdominal separation and being so careful but it just won't go back. No pain, just want my body back and I know I can get it with the right help and work.”
“Vaginal dryness, pain with intimacy and never enjoyed an orgasm, actually never had one in my whole life. Lost 2 great relationships due to that. Doctors prescribed Premarin cream and told me I would be on that for the rest of my life. Nothing they can do as they claim it's due to menopause. But I've had vaginal dryness for as long as I can remember. All the lubricants to help kinda dry right away so cannot enjoy sex at all.”
“I honestly don't know what isn't wrong with me and doctors look at me like I am crazy.”
And if this resonates with you at all, in any way, I’m here to tell you:
You don’t need to suffer the pain or embarrassment You don’t need to stop having sex. You don’t need creams, pills or surgery. Or the humiliation of endless doctors visits.
There’s a much simpler solution…
I’ve helped women heal from scar pain, abdominal separation, organ prolapse, pain during sex, leaking, heaviness, pressure, burning, and so many other things that can happen to our lady parts because no one ever told you the truth.
Here’s the real truth about your lady parts:
The truth is…your pelvic floor is the center of everything!
Everyone talks about your “core.” Well, everything in your core is resting on your pelvic muscles.
I call it “Grand Central Station.”
And I’m on a mission to help women understand the power that they have in their pelvis, and the power that they have, to heal themselves with the right techniques.
As a licensed physical therapist and an expert in integrative pelvic floor therapies, I have treated over 14,704 women (and counting) over the last 12 years at my Healing Center in New York City. I have authored five books; including the International Bestseller Female Pelvic Alchemy.
I have had the privilege of lecturing nationally on the topic of women's health.
In addition to that, I have been featured on several nationally televised shows like the Today Show and Live with Regis and Kelly.
I’ve made it my life's mission to help women overcome pelvic pain, leaking and pelvic organ prolapse and to teach and lead other health professionals in this area of study that has been vastly overlooked by the medical profession until now.
If you desire to rid yourself of your symptoms and want to live life on your terms without editing it…
If you’re that woman who feels betrayed by her body…
If you’ve tried everything – from urologists, to physio, kegels, pilates or even surgery – spending thousands of dollars only to feel no improvement and not knowing where to turn next… you don't have to live with shame and without hope any more.
A full 94% of the women that I have helped have gone on to make a full recovery (the other 6% didn’t do the exercises, and I’m sure you realize that you won’t see results if you don’t make an effort).
My system is simple, intuitive, based on research, and proven with over 14,000 women in my clinic.
Today, I am Pain Free and my pelvic floor dysfunction is a thing of the past.”
“Isa Herrera's program showed me the way. It helped me to understand how to care for myself and how to get out of pain. The Pelvic Pain Relief online course is a must do for any woman who has suffered from pelvic pain. This course shows you how to take care of yourself using many different types of techniques and exercises. I even learned how to do my own internal massages which reduced my pain dramatically. The course improved my confidence and transformed my life. Today I am pain free. Thank you, Isa.”
The course that Isa created saved my life”
“The Pelvic Pain Relief course that Isa Herrera created saved my life. I had a coccyx injury where I couldn't sit or move without excruciating pain. Then I had to get a surgery that left me in even more pain. Isa's course helped me to understand what was going on with me. I also learned how to get myself out of pain and how to avoid extra pain. Isa's course is hands-on, and you will learn different exercises, massages and tools to get yourself better. I highly recommend this program to any woman who suffers from pelvic pain and wants to be able to take care of herself and get rid of her own pain.”
My system is simple, intuitive, based on research, and proven with over 14,000 women in my clinic.
Today, I am Pain Free and my pelvic floor dysfunction is a thing of the past.”
“Isa Herrera's program showed me the way. It helped me to understand how to care for myself and how to get out of pain. The Pelvic Pain Relief online course is a must do for any woman who has suffered from pelvic pain. This course shows you how to take care of yourself using many different types of techniques and exercises. I even learned how to do my own internal massages which reduced my pain dramatically. The course improved my confidence and transformed my life. Today I am pain free. Thank you, Isa.”
The course that Isa created saved my life”
“The Pelvic Pain Relief course that Isa Herrera created saved my life. I had a coccyx injury where I couldn't sit or move without excruciating pain. Then I had to get a surgery that left me in even more pain. Isa's course helped me to understand what was going on with me. I also learned how to get myself out of pain and how to avoid extra pain. Isa's course is hands-on, and you will learn different exercises, massages and tools to get yourself better. I highly recommend this program to any woman who suffers from pelvic pain and wants to be able to take care of herself and get rid of her own pain.”
I Knew Every Woman Needed These Techniques
Because I wanted to reach more women, I’ve taken the techniques that I perfected in my clinic and created an online program that teaches you how to heal yourself at home – without doctors, medications, or invasive treatments.
It’s finally time to break the cycle of pain, embarrassment, leaking, shame, and feelings of failure, I want to help YOU heal in the privacy of your own home.
The “secret sauce” of this program is what I call my S.T.A.R.R. System
It is the first and ONLY women’s health virtual training that’ll help you break the cycle of pelvic pain and discomfort, based on 52,000 successful healing sessions (and did I mention it has a 100% success rate?)
The S.T.A.R.R. System is a simple, step-by-step method to learning how to trust your body again, figure out what’s really going on down there, and practice the key exercises that will help you heal yourself within 90 days or less.
The S.T.A.R.R. System:
S: Strong foundational setup.
Supercharge your pelvic core and sexual function by discovering the hidden triggers that are keeping you from healing. (These are different for everyone!) Regain a sense of control over your body again, as you feel powerful and grounded.
T: Test your lady parts.
Figure out which exercises are right for you (and if you should be doing Kegels or Reverse Kegels). Figure out exactly what your vagina is telling you and how to make her happy.
A: Alleviate your symptoms
Alleviate your symptoms with simple techniques like massage and easy exercises, to heal yourself in 90 days or less. Activate your sex life and feel loved again.
R: Restore
Restore your confidence and strength by incorporating simple movements into your everyday routine. This is where you hit your groove and really see results.
R: Recapture
your womanly confidence and feel whole again as you discover your queendom and move freely without inhibition or fear.
S.T.A.R.R. System in Action
Success Stories from Real Women:
“I am able to be intimate again in a new relationship in my 50’s with no pain.” — Nancy
Nancy Was Able to Be Intimate Again and Recaptured Her Sensuality in Her 50's.
“I’m not leaking anymore, after decades of incontinence!” — Emma
See How Emma Cured her 20 Year Incontinence and Prolapse Issue and Took Back Her Womanhood Using the S.T.A.R.R. System
“I am now able to take long walks and I can enjoy staying active thru yoga. Thank You Isa! — Susan
Hear how Susan finally took control of her pelvic floor symptoms after 30 years of suffering and not knowing what do, even after spending tons of money at the best clinics.
“After spending $50,000 on the Doctor Roadshow and getting no results, Isa's program gave me the tools I need to heal myself.” — Rene
Hear How Rene Ended Her 2 Year “Doctor Roadshow” and Learned to Care For Herself Naturally.
“Isa you have changed my life for the better… and that is what I want people to know.” — Jeanne
Hear how Jeanne turned her life for the better with Isa's program.
How it Works
You Get Lifetime Access to the Entire Program which Includes 8 Multimedia Modules and all Other Material
Log on to your account anytime that fits into your schedule from any device, anywhere. You have access to your account and can watch video lessons as many times as needed. Optional, short quizzes are at the end of each module to keep you on track with the key takeaways, and there are real-world mastery sheets to download and use to help you integrate the module into your everyday routine.
As a lifetime member you get access to the 8 foundational modules complete with detailed PowerPoint videos, live demo videos and downloadable lectures and printable resources that will help secure long-lasting results. The modules and supplemental materials serve as a foundation to your self-help journey. The modules are designed to empower you with knowledge and confidence so you can tune in to the messages your body is sending you.
Here’s What You Get in the Female Pelvic Alchemy Program:
Getting to Know Your Queendom
So many women that I talk to have never really gotten to know their lady parts. Well, knowledge is power, and in this module, we’ll get to know the muscles, bones, ligaments, and nerves that make up your pelvic floor… Finally understand what’s going on “down there” and how beautiful, intricate, and powerful your “Queendom” really is… Understand in a deep way how your pelvic muscles all work together so that you can take the first step to healing yourself…
Reclaim your womanly foundation
So much guilt, shame, embarrassment, and pain comes from long-standing taboos and myths about our lady parts. In this module, you’ll learn simple ways to “get out of your own way” when it comes to healing, and my best tips and techniques to embrace your inner Goddess and feel empowered, no matter what your situation is
Increasing Erotic Power With Alchemical Kegels
In this module, we’ll solve the “Kegel controversy” once and for all, as you discover exactly which Kegels will heal your pain, prolapse and stop the leaking for good… You’ll also learn how to use Kegels to increase your sexual pleasure (with a partner, or all by yourself), so that you can enjoy sex, fearlessly go through your daily activities, start dancing Zumba, or whatever your heart desires without fear of leaking or pain.
Taking Care of Your “Lady Parts” With Self Massages
If “self-massage” sounds weird and uncomfortable to you, think about how good it feels to get a back, shoulder, or foot massage. Why shouldn’t your lady parts get a massage too? Your pelvis is the core of your body and most women hold tension, trauma, or a muscle imbalance that causes pain, leaking, and even prolapse. Guess what? A few simple massage techniques can relieve and release this tension, restoring balance and healing. In this module, we’ll learn when, how, and why self-massage works like a charm to energize your sex life, relieve pain, stop leaking, and more.
Bring Back Your Sexy – “New Core” &
Foam Rolling Series
If there’s one thing I hope you’ve realized, it’s that your whole body is connected. Yes, what happens in your pelvis creates a ripple effect in your whole body. And how you train your core has an effect on your pelvic floor as well. In this module, I’ll give you some easy exercises to train and strengthen your core and heal and define your abdominal muscles. If you have diastasis recti, a weak core, or back pain, this module is ideal for you!
The Harmonious Bladder
If you leak a little every time you cough, sneeze, run, or go about your day, or are constantly “going” to the bathroom, you have a bladder that needs some help and healing. In this module, we’ll focus on how to STOP the dripping and leaking that’s wearing away at your self confidence so that you can toss the pantyliners for good. Even if you don’t have leaking now, you’ll learn the techniques to prevent it happening later on.
External “Down There” Healing With Sacred Touch
We live in a society that teaches us very little about our female parts. In this module, you’ll learn secrets typically reserved only for pelvic therapists, as we explore the external genitalia and how to bring pleasure, increased function, and healing to your entire body through gentle massage techniques
The Re-Connected Temple
This module is where you’ll take everything you’ve learned to the next level. Learn the ins-and-outs of trigger point releases, hands-on body massages, and scar therapy that will help you re-connect to your body. If you had a cesarean or other abdominal surgery, you’ll learn how to relieve pain and send healing touch to those honorable “battle scars.”
In Addition, Each Module Contains:
Video Lectures with Isa with Live Model Demos (so you can see exactly what’s going on) Downloadable PDF Diaries and Checklists (to keep track of your own progress) Module Cliff Notes / Mastery Sheets (to review and have shortcuts for all the most important information).
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Here’s a Quick Snapshot of What They’re Saying in the Community:
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You Have a Choice Right Now...
You might be thinking, well, what are my options, Isa?
Yes, this is an option! You can decide to leave this page anytime you want to, I won’t be offended. But I will be sad, because I know that you’re reading this for a reason. And if you don’t get help now, then where will you be 6 months, a year, or even 5 years down the road?
Will you still be leaking and in pain? Will things have gotten even worse? Pelvic pain, leaking and prolapse don’t fix themselves. And if you don’t catch things now, you may be left with surgery as your only (bad) option.
I don’t want that for you…and I don’t think you want it for yourself, either.
Stay on the Doctor Roadshow
I know it’s tempting to put your trust in doctors. Lord knows I tried many conventional medical solutions in my search for healing – with zero success. You’ll know what I’m talking about if you’ve been on the doctor roadshow.
The fact is most pills, creams and surgeries are unnecessary and ineffective. Pelvic pain, leaking and prolapse need a more holistic approach that takes in your emotional as well as your physical well-being and most doctors just aren’t able to give that kind of care.
You could continue paying for doctors, pain meds, procedures, panty liners, and the very real cost of your pain, suffering, and isolation every day.
Believe me, it adds up. And it’s not worth it, especially when there’s a better way that taps into your body’s own ability to heal, and provides you with the emotional support to reclaim your femininity and your freedom.
Pay Me for Private 1-1 or Group Coaching
If you’re the kind of person that prefers personal attention, a private VIP day with me is $5000. Unfortunately, my calendar is booked solid, and spots are very limited to work with me. I know you probably need help sooner, rather than later. Which is why you have another option:
Get Everything You Need at the Lowest Possible Investment
Now you can get access to the entire system that has healed over 14,000 women and counting. Learn at your own pace (as fast or as slow as you want), practice in your pajamas in your bedroom, and experience ALL the healing benefits without leaving your house, at the best possible price.
So, Isa, How Much is This Going to Be?
Well, as I mentioned, I’ve seen women who have spent tens of thousands of dollars on surgeries, Botox treatments, and more with fancy specialists who could not help them.
I charge $5,000 for a VIP private day with me, and my 1-on-1 coaching sessions are booked out for months.
But I know that’s out of the budget for most women, which is why I’ve made it possible to get access to the full JumpStart Program for just $798.
Think about how much money you spend on pantyliners, pads and pain medication.
Think about the emotional cost of lost intimacy, pain, and feelings of guilt and shame.
When you think about it that way, $398 is a small investment to make to solve this, once and for all!
So, Isa, How Much is This Going to Be?
Well, as I mentioned, I’ve seen women who have spent tens of thousands of dollars on surgeries, Botox treatments, and more with fancy specialists who could not help them.
I charge $5,000 for a VIP private day with me, and my 1-on-1 coaching sessions are booked out for months.
But I know that’s out of the budget for most women, which is why I’ve made it possible to get access to the full JumpStart Program for just $796.
Think about how much money you spend on pantyliners, pads and pain medication.
Think about the emotional cost of lost intimacy, pain, and feelings of guilt and shame.
When you think about it that way, $398 is a small investment to make to solve this, once and for all!
Jump Start Essentials Program
Best Deal
$ 796 Single Payment
Lifetime Access To 8 Multimedia Modules
Video Lectures with Isa with Live Model Demos (so you can see exactly what’s going on)
Downloadable PDF Diaries and Checklists (to keep track of your own progress)
Module Cliff Notes / Mastery Sheets (to review and have shortcuts for all the most important information).
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Jump Start Essentials Program
Payment Plan
$ 112 Payment Plan (4) Payments
Lifetime Access To 8 Multimedia Modules
Video Lectures with Isa with Live Model Demos (so you can see exactly what’s going on)
Downloadable PDF Diaries and Checklists (to keep track of your own progress)
Module Cliff Notes / Mastery Sheets (to review and have shortcuts for all the most important information).
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Plus, your investment is 100% risk free
Try out the program for 14 days. If you’re not satisfied for any reason, we’ll give you back every penny – no questions asked.
And, you’ll be helping me give back!
We’re proud to partner with some very special organizations doing important work. When you join Female Pelvic Alchemy, you’ll be helping us support She’s the First, a award-winning international non-profit organization that provides scholarships to girls in low-income countries around the world, supporting them as they become the first in their families to graduate from high school. Since I was the first in my family to graduate high school (and college), this cause is very near and dear to my heart. 100% of the money donated to She’s the First reaches the recipient.
Your Future is in Your Hands
It doesn’t matter if you had a baby last year, or your baby is all grown up and having babies of their own…or if you've never been pregnant or given birth before.
Pelvic pain, leaking and prolapse happens to HALF of all women.
Here’s the truth: it’s never too late to heal. Let me show you how.
I promise that you can heal your leaking, prolapse, and pain in 90 days or less – without doctors, meds, or surgery. And you can do it all by yourself, at home.
It will take a bit of focus and energy, but I think that’s better than bouncing from doctor to doctor, suffering for years as things get worse, enduring surgery, constant worry and embarrassment, or feeling like there’s no hope.
When your lady parts are happy your LIFE gets better.
You walk around with that satisfied, relaxed post-orgasmic glow…
You smile because you have more confidence, better posture, a tighter tummy, less joint pain and back pain…
And these are just a few of the awesome benefits of healing your pelvic pain.
It will take a bit of focus and energy, but I think that’s better than bouncing from doctor to doctor, suffering for years as things get worse, enduring surgery, constant worry and embarrassment, or feeling like there’s no hope.
When your lady parts are happy your LIFE gets better.
You walk around with that satisfied, relaxed post-orgasmic glow…
You smile because you have more confidence, better posture, a tighter tummy, less joint pain and back pain…
And these are just a few of the awesome benefits of healing your pelvic pain.
So if you want to join the tens of thousands of women who have taken back their future and their body, just click the button to get instant access to the program.
Let’s do this together!
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Big Love,
[ P.S. More testimonials... ]