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Do you ever wonder If ‘Fear’ is ‘Real’ or ‘Fiction’?
Do you sometime find yourself frozen by fear? 

Before we can answer the question if fear is real or fiction, we need to understand the genesis of the ‘fear’. But there is no doubt that impact of fear is always real.

It may be the fear of criticism, the fear of wasted opportunities or unrealized potential, the fear of heartbreak, the fear of suffering; maybe you are a perfectionist and battle the fear of failure. Or you’re shy and stave off the fear of success. Whatever brand of fear you experience, the book “FEAR- A FICTION OF THE MIND” have the solution for it.

Do you know that Fear can holds back your initiative, your talent, your ability to express yourself and, most of all, it holds back the fulfillment of your full potential as human beings?

Your life may be totally controlled by fear, making life
totally unenjoyable and everyday tasks a real struggle.

Our lives are always controlled by fear more than we know. Fear controls the choices we make, our actions, our habits and even our destinies. It stops us from living a life full of freedom and ease and kills many dreams even before they are even born. The world does not get many contributions as fears stops people from taking action. People do not live their life for the purpose they are born, because they cannot go beyond likes and dislikes of their mind.

They have lost keyboard to their powerful computer. They have lost awareness to be free from whims of the mind.

The effect of fear on our personal lives is more damaging that any terrorist can ever hope to achieve. Fear of life prevents most of us from living. But do you know you can declare these fears a fiction of the mind and move ahead to realize a life you are born to live? The book is written to empower people and show the paradox that fear is both automated and self created. Fear runs our life but we can be responsible in spite of being born in the world of survival run by fear.

This is the reason you needs this book “FEAR- A FICTION OF THE MIND” and begin to live a life full of power in spite fears.  



Today I am here to declare that indeed you are the creator of your own life. Because you create your own thoughts, you create your own happiness and you create your fear.

Because you think, you create your words, you create your actions, you create your habits, you create your results, and you create your own destiny.

The only thing is that you have lost the key to your own mind. You let survival program your mind and run the show. You let your parents, your peers and your past program your mind. You lost the freedom to your own mind.

That is why I ask whose mind it is?

If it is yours, then why are you suffering? If it is yours, then why are you not joyful? If it is yours, why do allow fear to steal the freedom of expression?



Go ahead and start that business you want to start. Go ahead and study what you really want to study. Go ahead and become a musician, poet, artist, fashion designer or whatever else you want to do. Sure you might fail, but you might succeed too. Take the risk today and conquer your fears. Do you want to look back years from now and think I could have, I might have, and I should have. That is a sad way to live your life. You do not want to reach end of your life only to regret that you had tried to fulfill your dreams. You do not want to regret on the death bed that you had been not able to take action to fulfill your own commitment and contributions.

When you read the book “FEAR- A FICTION OF THE MIND” you will be surprised how many possibilities will open for you. When you become aware of fear simply an emotion for survival, you can create a life of choice and free from the bondage of fear!.

You need to take the first step, that’s it.

Move forward; learn that fear is a fiction of the mind. I know that you want the feeling of certainty before you take action. I got news for you; there is no real certainty in life.

You have to perceive life from a higher perspective and let your love for yourself, and what you want from your life to be the leading force in your life journey.

This book is written to share insight that can help you to defeat fear. I want to invite you on a journey to rediscover yourself and to learn how to convert fear into fuel for success.

 In this book you will

Be inspired to take action in spite of fear.
Live a life free from suffering and self-limiting beliefs.
Create a life that gives you control of your destiny.
Allow insight to empower yourself.
Take responsibility for your life
Live a life of no regrets

If you were to create your own destiny, what will you write? Will you write fear of suffering, hurts, guilt, regrets, worry, and anxiety or will you write joy, happiness, bliss, peace, freedom and ease? Will you write fear or love?

If i can help you to realize that your fear of suffering is self-created and that only you can give up, you will truly understand that fear is the fiction of mind. You will move from fear to bliss, from death to life.

Don’t wait any longer to live the life that you want! Let this book take you through the journey of discovering fear as a fiction of the mind!

ONLY $4.99


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