"Live Your Ultimate Dream. Make Money While You Sleep."
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Make Money While You Sleep
Your brighter future starts with you.
You’re About To Discover 12 Ways To Set Up
Passive Income Streams To Bring In More
Money For Your Business In 2018 & Beyond!
Defined: Passive income is money received on a regular basis that
requires little to no effort by the recipient to continue receiving it.
There Are Two Options For Making More Money From Your Online Business:
You Can Work Harder Or You Can Work Smarter. Which Do You Choose?
I’m not lazy. Really, I’m not. Just ask anyone who knows me. When the situation calls for it, I’m the hardest worker in the bunch. But here’s the thing…
When it comes to my business, I seek out the path of least resistance. I look for simple ways to make money. I look for “set it and forget it” ways to make money… that way I have more time to do what I love. And that means more time spent with friends, families and hobbies.
So how do I manage to make money while working as few hours as possible? Simple: by installing passive income streams into my business. Because why work harder when you don't have to?
So, what exactly am I referring to when I say “passive income?” Let’s break it down:
Passive = not actively participating in an activity to create a result.
Income = money received on a regular basis via work or investments.
As such, “passive income” means you receive money without actively working to earn this money. The money comes even when you’re not working on your business – nights, weekends, holidays. This is as “set it and forget” of a way to do business as you can find. And you've just found the one resource that will show you how to do it.
How Do You Set Up Passive Income Streams
That Really Work (So That You Don’t Have To)?
That’s EXACTLY what you’re about to find out!
The purpose of passive income is to provide income and the freedom to do the things you love and deserve.
Here Are Five Reasons Why Every Business Owner
(Including You) Ought To Set Up Passive Income Streams...
Passive income gives you the freedom to make more money.Passive income returns a higher ROI of your time.Passive income lets you live the “dream lifestyle.”Passive income lets you grow your business more quickly.Passive income covers you in an emergency.
What if you got sick and couldn’t work tomorrow? Or maybe your spouse, children, or parents fall ill and require round-the-clock care. If you’ve created a passive income, then you’ll make money even if you can’t work. And that means passive income really lowers your stress and takes away your money worries.
Did the light bulb go on? You can see why generating a passive income is so important!
With Passive Income Sumo, you will discover the steps you need to take to turn just a few hours each month into a long-term passive income. This should get a smile on your face...
Putting your effort in upfront and collecting the returns forever after is the foundation of financial freedom.
Passive income has long been the holy grail for entrepreneurs looking to free up their time, untethering the cord of daily duties and responsibilities from the potential to generate healthy monthly revenues.
The above was posted by guest contributor R.L. Adams and we could not agree stronger. Learning how to generate passive income online is what most everyone dreams of--Making Money While You Sleep!
Here’s why you’re going to LOVE Passive Income Sumo…
If you’re ready to start making profits from your passions, then Passive Income Sumo is ready to help you achieve your goals! Here’s what you’ll get with these 12 modules:
Check Out What's Available For Instant Download Today...
Passive Income Sumo is a 12-module package where you will learn 12 DIFFERENT ways to create “set it and forget it” passive income streams from the SAME website. Each module provides you with with step-by-step instructions that show you how to set up and install that particular income stream.
Here's what is included...
Module 1
The MONTHLY Membership System
Join now, and you get INSTANT ACCESS to the first module, which shows you how to create a profitable membership site using my proven MONTHLY system. Here’s what’s covered:
Map Out Your Topic
Organize Your Outline
Navigate Creation Options
Tend to the Backend
Help Your Customers
Limit Cancellations
Yield More Profits
In short – you’re going to find out how to create membership content that puts a profit in your pocket and keeps your customers coming back for more. Plus, you’ll find out how to mine the gold that lays hidden in the backend of your membership site!
Module 2
The Evergreen EMAIL System
Inside this module you’ll discover a hands-free system for turning your autoresponder into the very best sales tool you own! You’ll find out how to attract targeted prospects to your lead page, get them to join your list, and then turn them into cash-paying customers who buy from you again and again!
Module 3
Running a blog can be very profitable – but it can also be a huge time suck! That’s why you’re going to want to drop everything to learn the Crowdsourced BLOG system, where you’ll find out how to get other people to create your content for you… for FREE! Let others do the work while you make the money – this exciting module shows you how to do it!
Module 4
The Lead Magnets LICENSE System
Lead magnets licensing is where you sell the giveaway rights to lead magnets such as reports, infographics, checklists, worksheets, templates, swipe files, planners and similar tools. That way, your buyers can give these products away to build their mailing lists.
The benefit of this strategy for you is that you profit in two ways:
1. You make money on the frontend. You’ll make a chunk of change every time you sell a license to another marketer!
2. You make money passively on the backend. That’s because you’ll embed your offers in these lead magnets, so you’ll make money whenever someone buys one of your offers!
And you’ll find out how to make this system as profitable as possible inside this Passive Income Sumo module!
Module 5
The Profitable System For Selling RESELL Rights
The RESELL Rights System is where you evaluate your existing products, choose a popular one, and license other people to resell that product.
The benefit for you is that you generate money in two ways:
1. You generate money on the frontend through charging a premium for a resell rights license!
2. You generate a passive income on the backend whenever someone buys one of the offers embedded in the product!
You can see why this is such a profitable system both on the frontend and backend of your business. And this module shows you how to put this profit stream to work for you!
Module 5
The UDEMY Passive Income System
Video training is huge right now! People are making thousands upon thousands of dollars selling their video courses on Udemy. And now you too can learn how to create a passive income using the U.D.E.M.Y. system – it’s easier than you think!
Module 7
The KINDLE Success System
You’ve probably heard the stories about people making a lot of money using Amazon’s Kindle platform. It’s true. And you’re about to find out the same tips, tricks and secrets these authors use to sell a lot of ebooks on Kindle – just think of what these strategies will do for you!
Module 8
The Profitable AFFILIATE Program System
This exciting system is all about setting up an affiliate program, and then finding marketing partners to sell your products for you in exchange for a commission. Once you get this system all set up, it runs virtually hands-free. At that point, you can just kick back and watch as your affiliates fill your coffers with cash!
Module 9
The Hands-Free COURSE Publishing System
Imagine for a moment if you could take other people's knowledge and turn it into a tidy profit in your pocket. In other words, you profit off the expertise of others – and you don’t even have to know anything about the niche.
Sounds interesting, right? That’s exactly what you’ll learn inside this module, where you’ll find out how to make a lot of money as a COURSE publisher!
Module 10
The System To SELL Wordpress Accessories
WordPress is extremely popular. Experts estimate there are about 37 million websites powered by WP. And many of these users are professionals and business owners who are looking for faster, easier, and better ways to manage their websites. And they’re willing to pay good money for these advantages.
That’s where you come in. What you’re going to do is step into this steady stream of money and pick up your fair share.
How? By creating and selling in-demand WP accessories, such as plugins, themes, and templates. And that’s exactly what you’ll learn how to do inside this eye-opening (and very profitable!) Passive Income Sumo module!
Module 11
The Passive Income SERVICE System
Selling a service (like ghostwriting) is a really profitable endeavor – but trading time for dollars certainly isn’t a passive income strategy!
So consider this: what if you sold services, but you recruited a team of freelancers to do the actual work?
That’s right, now you can turn a time-consuming business into a hands-free profit maker! And this Passive Income Sumo module shows you how to put this SERVICE System to work for you!
Module 12
The Quick And Easy STORE. Setup System
This passive-income strategy is all about setting up a storefront on a platform like Zazzle or CafePress, which handles everything (payments, fulfillment, shipping). Once your storefront is set up, all you have to do is sit back and collect the cash! And your customers are going to absolutely love these products!
So there you have it…
That’s a 12 passive income strategies that are sure to boost your bottom line!
So, you have discovered 12 surefire ways to turn a one-time setup into regular orders that flow in for months or even years to come!
You’ll get the marketing strategies that are working right now – in 2018 and beyond! No fluff, no outdated methods, no junk!
You’ll discover how to build your business in the absolute simplest, yet most effective (and profitable!), way possible!
You’ll get business-building information and marketing strategies that will work in ANY niche!
If you’re not absolutely chomping at the bit right now to grab your copy of the Passive Income Sumo package, then you haven’t read a word of this letter!
Purchase Passive Income Sumo today and get 5 Bonuses at no extra charge! You need traffic. The bonuses show you how to get different types of traffic you need for your products and services.
1. SEO Checklist
2. PPC Checklist
3. 7 Day Guide to Making Money with Facebook Advertising 4. The Effective List Building Checklist
5. Winning the Buy Box on Amazon
Life is hard. But running a profitable business doesn’t need to be. So grab Passive Income Sumo now to discover how to create 12 simple “set it and forget it” streams of passive income! Work smarter, not harder!
Maybe you've wanting to build passive income, but you don't know where to start and don't know who to trust...
Maybe you want to travel the world and want the freedom that comes from passive income...
Maybe you are just recovering from a bad injury or surgery and you wish you had passive income coming in the door...
Maybe you feel like you need to pick up a hobby because you feel stuck or lonely? Learning how to create passive income online will allow you to be part of online communities full of people just like you...
Maybe you just want to find that inner state of peace and well being. Creating passive income streams allows you to do just that...
Passive Income allows you to spend more time with your family.
Passive Income helps create financial security.
Work from the beach or wherever you like. Passive Income Sumo shows you how to create passive income online, so you gain the freedom to work how you like.
Quit struggling. Take control of your future and thrive!
Travel to dream destinations. Passive Income helps you pay for your trips.
Elevate to new heights and build passive income for your future self.
Build generational wealth with Passive Income.
Freedom to be with friends and family. passive Income helps you gain that freedom.
Here’s why you’re going to LOVE Passive Income Sumo…
If you’re ready to start making profits from your passions, then Passive Income Sumo is ready to help you achieve your goals! Here’s what you’ll get with these 12 modules:
You’ll discover 12 surefire ways to turn a one-time setup into regular orders that flow in for months or even years to come! You’ll get the marketing strategies that are working right now! No fluff, no outdated methods, no junk! You’ll discover how to build your business in the absolute simplest, yet most effective (and profitable!), way possible! You’ll get business-building information and marketing strategies that will work in ANY niche! Passive income lets you live the “dream lifestyle.” Passive income gives you the freedom to make more money.
You don't have to take our word for it, hear what real people have to to say about my work...
CEO of Major Manufacturing Company
If you are inexperienced in the world of internet marketing, Mr. Ramse will bring clarity and understanding as so many others were unable to do for me. Self-proclaimed, internet marketing gurus are a dime a dozen and generally their approach is one where what they do is so very complicated that one would never be able to grasp an understanding.
Mike G.
Amazon Fastest Selling Company
SWEET! Thank you! You have helped me in many ways. “No matter what I ask of Todd, he finds a solution. He’s just fixes my problems.”
Don W.
CMO of Large Health Insurance Company
Todd Ramse gave us a trusted and experienced partner in increasing sales within our online presence allowing our small sales and marketing team to focus on other priorities, needs and challenges.
Greg J.
General Manager/ Offroad Enthusiast
Now we have the Force of the Jedi Knights (Todd) on our side!!
Mike Jr.
Global Product Company
Thank you so much for taking the time to let me pick your brain about increasing our web traffic and sales. Appreciate the generous advice and look forward to finding a way to work with you in the near future.
Sarah S.
Marketing Director
We are excited to be on the forefront of something big!
Terra Z.
Global Ice Cream Company
“Thanks Todd, could not have do it without you!
Tom M.
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