Attention: People who want a to make some extra money and start a cool hobby...
“Worms Eat My Garbage & Poop Money”
Now, Make $723 or More a Month Raising Hard-To-Kill “Recycling” Worms at Home in 30 Days or Less Even In a Tiny Space - With ZERO Funky Smells - Guaranteed
Disabled Firefighter Discovers The “Ice Box” Method of Raising Worms That Sells For More Per Pound Than LOBSTER & Their Poop (Fertilizer) Sells To Growers Instantly, for Even More Profit
Dear Friend,
Imagine, raising THOUSANDS of valuable worms in a perfect 4’ square container, even in an indoor closet where you can literally watch them DOUBLE every 90 days.
Even if you forget to feed them for a week.
Imagine pocketing an extra $500 or $1000 a month for less than one hours real work a week.
Now, think of the pride and fun you’ll have watching a living thing magically transform your garbage into cash.
Yes, my worms convert table scraps in to cold, hard cash in as little as 3 days!
You Deserve To Get Some Honest
Passive Income in Your Life
Silently Raising Worms
You Deserve To Get Some Honest Passive Income in Your Life Silently Raising Worms
Look, you deserve a little extra cash as much as the next guy. Right?
Here's the secret you may not know... You don't have to risk your savings or bust your hump to do it.
Truth is this is one of the most dead simple way to make extra money in the world.
It’s been around for over 100 years and it’s STILL growing!
Because of new legalized crops that need organic fertilizer, the worm business is set to grow 900% over the next 3 years alone.
I’ll explain why in just a moment...
Because of this insane growth, worm farming has changed forever...
Now there's a simple easy way to worm farm, odor free using the “icebox” method.
No matter how hot or cold your climate... It works in small spaces too, even inside your closet.
. ...and the demand for worms and their by products are sky high. I’ll explain in a minute.
I know you may have tried other ways in the past make extra money. You might've even fallen forget rich quick schemes and scams. (I have)
It's not your fault. There's a lot of scammers, hucksters and misinformation out there.
Their pitches can get your greed glands going.
Truth is, worm farming is about as real and honest as it gets.
Worm Farming is a REAL Honest
(Work at Home) Business and It
DOES Require Effort
Worm Farming is a REAL Honest (Work at Home) Business and It DOES Require Effort
There IS real work in setting it up, but then it’s as easy as a can of corn to maintain.
If your willing to get your hands a little dirty, I’m here to help.
Help you make some extra money, pay off some bills and get ahead for once in life...
...and if you could do with little more for you and yours, stick around and I’ll tell you how...
First I need to tell you a tragic story.
How a Disabled Firefighter From Conroe Texas Recovered From Bankruptcy Raising Worms in His Garage
Hi my name is Kyle,
I guess you could say that I'm your average Joe.
I went straight from High School to working at Taco Bell.
I knew that because of a learning disability I’ve had since I was a child, I would never be what you’d call college material.
I wasn't slow, but I hated school and I wasn't very good at it.
Anyway, when I turned 21 my Uncle got me on at the fire department here in Conroe. For the most part I was very happy as a firefighter.
The only thing you can complain about are the hours.
I met the girl of my dreams on-the-job, she was an EMT, you know, an ambulance driver.
Other than our hectic schedules we had it made.
We bought our first home when I was only 23 and two years later we started a family with little Zac.
Then Tragedy Struck and My Life
Was Ruined in an Instant
Then Tragedy Struck and My Life Was Ruined in an Instant
One dark, sticky & rainy summer night at 1:20 AM everything changed.
I went on a routine call for a traffic accident.
There were no serious injuries, although you never know.
We lifted the driver from the car and as soon as I raised up I felt a pop in my lower back.
I didn't know it then but that pop would end my career.
I had ruptured the L1 and L2 vertebrates in my lower back and my days as a firefighter were over.
Lucky for us... Angie still had her job and I had long term disability through work, so we weren't desperate.
The hardest part was accepting that I could not earn for my family.
I wish I could say that was the end of the bad news but it wasn't.
The medical bills pilled up.
...and the collectors started calling with all the patiences of room full of a screaming babies.
We tried everything that we could, I even got a job at Home Depot, but it was too late.
We were broke and sunk.
We ultimately filed bankruptcy in the spring, we lost our home, our cars and we were back down to zero.
I'll tell you it was a rough go...
How I Turned My Life Around
Raising Worms
My dad had offered to help us but I guess my pride was too much, but he kept trying.
He introduce me to a friend of his who had found a weird way to make extra money.. .
He was a worm farmer.
That sounded like the silliest thing I had ever heard, that's until I got to know Bud.
Bud retired around the same time as my dad but hadn’t saved much his career as a long haul trucker.
He never had all the extra things that he wanted. He never got to go on vacations like some of his old buddies did.
He had to watch every penny he spent to make ends meet, and life was pretty sucky.
Until he found worm farming.
Over a glass of ice tea on my dad's back porch Bud explained the business to me.
At first, it seemed a little too good to be true.
“You spend a few hours in the beginning setting up their habitat” - Bud said
“The best way to start is with an old cooler, a storage bin, or an old junk refrigerator”...
...“No matter the size the system is all the same” .
He called his secret bedding lasagna, because there are layers of organic material.
Each one helped the worms to grow.
Bud’s secret was that formula.
Here's how dumb I was...
I thought the only reason to raise worms was to go fishing.
I was so wrong. It turns out you can make a lot of money in the worm business even if you don't sell the worms ...
Let me explain, worms eat your garbage, and in a hurry too.
Even before it gets a chance to smell.
Worms eat 1/2 their body weight a day
in organic waste... even better
their poop is like gold
Worms eat 1/2 their body weight a day in organic waste... even better their poop is like gold
It's one of the greatest fertilizers known to man.
Bud had another formula too.
He would mix the poop from his worms with sterilized water in a few common ingredients to make worm tea.
This concoction he sells for $25 bucks a gallon to local organic gardeners.
The Rose club bought it, (even few hippies Bud wasn't so sure about)
On average, Bud’s worms produce 10 gallons of warm tea a week.
Caring for the worms took about an hour total a week, and cost nothing.
This sounded like exactly what I needed.
The next day I set out to start my own worm farm.
This was going to be so easy.
I didn't need any help, I'm smart, right?
By making one stupid mistake I killed off my first thousand worms in less than a week.
I was so disappointed and embarrassed I wanted to give up.
Lucky I have a great wife.
She encouraged me.
She told me she knew “I could do anything that I set my mind to” and that I should go see Bud again and see if he could help.
Bud got a good belly laugh when I told him what I had done.
He was a big round Santa Claus looking man and he was always pretty jolly.
On three sheets of spiral notebook paper he wrote out a bullet list for me, jotted his lasagna mixture, and his worm tea fertilizer recipe.
I thanked him and went back to try again.
This time things were a lot different, everything worked.
My worms were eating our table scraps.
“The worms were producing tons of castings, (that's what you call worm poop). More over I now knew how to turn those castings into worm tea and make money”
Believe me it's a product that you don't have to sell.
One free ad on Craigslist and growers will be beating on your door.
The coolest part was that my worms were reproducing. In fact they were doubling in quantity about every 90 days.
I started with 3000, soon I had 6000 then 12,000 and in just a few months I had 24,000 worms... in my garage closet!
That's when I started selling off some of my worms.
It's true.
Gardeners love to put them in their plants, other people like to start their own worm farms, and yeah a lot of people go fishing.
To make a long story short, warm farming got us back on our feet. I want to be clear, it didn't make us rich.
I still have a day job, but the worms pay the bills.
If you learn anything from my story learn this... nothing is ever as bad as you think it is when you're going through it.
I found my way through hell with the tiniest of things, little red wiggle worms.
Who would've ever thought that?
Now You Know It’s Possible To Make
an Extra $500-$10000 a Month Raising Worms at Home, So What?
Now You Know It’s Possible To Make an Extra $500-$10000 a Month Raising Worms at Home, So What?
There Wow, for a minute there I got carried away with my story but I don't want you to miss the point.
So far you've learned that worm farming is simple.
Worm farming can be lucrative…
... and that selling worm by products can be very profitable.
You've also learned, because there's no smell, you can do it anywhere. Even in small, indoor spaces.
You've learned that if you want to make that extra money you need, it's possible.
Look, if a guy like me can do it anybody can...
Let me ask you a few questions...
Would you like a simple honest way to make an extra $500 or $1000 a month? Are you willing to work 2 to 3 hours in the beginning to set up your factory?
Could you find an old cooler or refrigerator, a broken one works just fine? Does your family have table scraps they can feed the worms?
Would you be okay with running an ad to have people come to your house to pay you great money for your worms and your worm tea?
Would you like to have the same instructions, formulas and recipes that Bud gave me?
If your answer is yes to these questions, I only have one more...
Would you like some help?
Look, at this point you only have three options.
1. Do nothing to earn extra money and learn to live on what you have.
2. Keep trying get rich quick schemes and falling for scams designed to take your money.
3. Do something new and honest, like I did, and give worm farming a try.
If you're ready, I’m here to help!
I Turned Worm Farming for Profit Into A System that’s Fast, Easy and Foolproof
I created the world’s first paint-by numbers simple video based system for worm farming.
It's a lucrative business and a fun hobby.
This IS the World’s fastest and easiest way to learn how to earn $500-$1000 a month raising worms.
Starting in 30 days or less, even if you have no experience or you’re living in an apartment, you can be successful.
Even if you live in a very hot or very cold climate.
This is every process and procedure I have used to run my business for the last 8 years.
Complete with instructional videos, easy-to-follow workbooks, and foolproof checklists...
But here's were we did something different...
I hired some of the brightest marketing minds in the world.
Together they created a done for you marketing plan that's as simple as cut and paste.
You never have to sell, EVER!
The buyers will approach you.
These guys are the best in the world and they charge over $10,000 a day for their time.
I paid it once, now you get it forever.
We combined my knowledge of worm farming and their smarts for business.
What we created is one of the best honest (work from home) opportunities in the world.
It's hard to screw this up.
Once you have the system, you can learn right on your computer from anywhere even an iPad or from your phone...
1. You'll know exactly how to set up your first worm farm so you can avoid all the mistakes that I made.
2. You'll know exactly where to source your starter worms so that you don't buy worms that are slow to reproduce.
3. You'll know what to feed your worms and what not to so they grow fast and produce more castings.
4. You'll discover how to use free advertising to promote your tea and castings. Even worms once you have a surplus. (I sell almost everything on Craigslist. Cash only.)
5. You'll learn how to consign fishing worms if you decide to go that route. These are the most profitable sales and there aren't very many sellers in the market anymore.
6. You'll learn how to rent out your worms to composters so your worms grow faster while you're making money.
7. You'll get the secret market for worms to people who raised chickens rabbits and fish.
8. You’ll learn how to run your business in a couple of hours a week. I'll even explain how to expand if you decide to go big-time.
1. You'll know exactly how to set up your first worm farm so you can avoid all the mistakes that I made.
2. You'll know exactly where to source your starter worms so that you don't buy worms that are slow to reproduce.
3. You'll know what to feed your worms and what not to so they grow fast and produce more castings.
4. You'll discover how to use free advertising to promote your tea and castings. Even worms once you have a surplus. (I sell almost everything on Craigslist. Cash only.)
5. You'll learn how to consign fishing worms if you decide to go that route. These are the most profitable sales and there aren't very many sellers in the market anymore.
6. You'll learn how to rent out your worms to composters so your worms grow faster while you're making money.
7. You'll get the secret market for worms to people who raised chickens rabbits and fish.
8. You’ll learn how to run your business in a couple of hours a week. I'll even explain how to expand if you decide to go big-time.
Look you've heard my story and you know Bud's story.
Now, let's look out there in the world and see what everyone else is saying about worm farming...
12 Year Old Girl Pays For College Raising Worms After School
The girls parents, the Johnson’s spent a few dollars on the initial worm buy, her mother said. " Now, they are experienced enough to use the eggs to grow new worms, and Greta’s operation is 100% self-sufficient
" Read the complete article here later http://
Seniors Make a Full Time Income Raising Worms... with ZERO Employees
According to Mother Earth News:
Doris decided to go into partnership with Art Muzzin of Sacramento.
Before, she operated the business alone, keeping 800 worm bins by herself.
Her customers come from near and far to buy her "livestock" and the fertilizer it produces.
The Charmer Farm also ships its worms and their castings all over the United States and Canada.
Read the complete story here wormfarming
According to Worm farming is profitable.
Worms Sell for $36 a Pound on Amazon... More Than Lobster!
That depends on the worm type, the size and the market. At the moment, red worms on sell for about $9 for 300.
Night crawlers from family operations sell for about $30 to $32 per pound.
"You’ll sell about 350 to 400 night crawlers per pound."
You'll be getting approximately $0.08 each if you sell them retail.
Read the complete story here later at wormfarming
Can Worms make You a Millionaire?
How lucrative IS the worm farming business?
According to MSNBC: Mark & Arlita Purser make millions selling worms.
Watch the complete story here
Imagine having your own profitable business right inside your home or garage.
Imagine how nice it will be to have extra money for the little things that you really want in life.
Last, imagine the pride of knowing that you can provide yourself and your family with a better life. All in less than an hour a week.
Introducing The Worm Farming for Profit Income System
It’s the most complete, easy to follow formula for making money in the worm business ever created.
I took what Bud taught me and put it in video form.
I added a everything that I've learned about the worm business over the last 8 years.
And I did it with a kinder-garden teacher (my sister) so I knew it would be simple and easy to understand.
When you claim your copy a today here's what you’ll get...
The complete Worm Farming For Profit System includes:
16 videos, audios, workbooks and checklists.
Delivered to you, inside the Worm Farming for Profit membership area.
It's on the other side of this page.
The Most Complete System EVER Created For The Future Profitable Worm Farmer
Because of the rapid "Return on Investment" potential the system alone could sell for $997 but you won't pay anything near that. ..
and wait there's more... :)
Today, you'll also receive a one year membership to our Worm Farming For Profit Club.
You'll get VIP access to our private Facebook members area.
You'll share ideas trade with others like you all over the world.
You’ll make new friends too (A $297 Value FREE)
BONUS: You'll get my hand drawn plans on how to build your own worm beds.
If you decide to go big-time this could save thousands.
Everything that you need you can get at Walmart or usually at a local yard sale.
PLUS: Get 1000 LIVE Starter Worms FREE (See Details Below)
The value of the system along with the bonuses is almost $1500 and it's worth every penny.
But like I said you won't pay anything near that ...
When you try Worm Farming For Profit today I'll give you everything mentioned.
You'll get the system, the bonuses, the membership area and the newsletter.
Not for $1500, not even $1000, not even $500.
Instead you get everything here for just 3 payments of $97
Believe me this system is full of useful tips tricks and hacks like..
A. The Lasagna method of bedding your worms so they will grow twice as fast as they would in normal soil.
B. The One thing to never feed your worms that everyone thinks is normal (this is how I killed my first batch)
C. The sneaky little trick to harvest up to 100,000 worms in less than a minute and never miss one.
D. How to exposure worms the perfect amount of “Disco” light, and what kind of light makes them breed the most.
E. How to sell thousands of “Blood Worms” every week for fishing, without ever meeting a fisherman. HINT: someone else sells them for you.
F. The 15 best things to feed your worms for best health (can you even guess three of them)
G. The old hippie trick to rent out your worms to composters so that they grow and multiply without any care at all. (You actually get paid to have someone else raise them for you)
H. How to use the ”High-Rise” system that triples your production. Use the footprint of space with no extra investment.
I. The 9 V battery “shocker trick” that wakes up docile males to breed like they are on worm Vi*gra.
A. The Lasagna method of bedding your worms so they will grow twice as fast as they would in normal soil.
B. The One thing to never feed your worms that everyone thinks is normal (this is how I killed my first batch)
C. The sneaky little trick to harvest up to 100,000 worms in less than a minute and never miss one.
D. How to exposure worms the perfect amount of “Disco” light, and what kind of light makes them breed the most.
E. How to sell thousands of “Blood Worms” every week for fishing, without ever meeting a fisherman. HINT: someone else sells them for you.
F. The 15 best things to feed your worms for best health (can you even guess three of them)
G. The old hippie trick to rent out your worms to composters so that they grow and multiply without any care at all. (You actually get paid to have someone else raise them for you)
H. How to use the ”High-Rise” system that triples your production. Use the footprint of space with no extra investment.
I. The 9 V battery “shocker trick” that wakes up docile males to breed like they are on worm Vi*gra.
Today, You're Also Getting...
Plus, I have another special bonuses for you.
Get my special report on how to raise more expensive night crawlers, grubs, mealworms... and even silkworms.
You'll also learn how to use your worms to raise chickens, rabbits and even fish odor free, if you ever decide to.
Look, I know that you're a smart consumer.
I’m sure you don't have money to waste so I wanted to make sure that I made your choice here as easy and is risk-free as possible
The Only Worm Farming System In The World’s That's TRIPLE Guaranteed (read the fine print)
Guarantee #1. If for any reason you don't like my system, send me an email. We will deactivate your members access and immediately refund your money. No questions asked.
We will still insist that you keep the bonuses free for giving our system a fair evaluation.
Guarantee #2. Follow the instructions and set up your worm farm and if your worms don't grow or multiply, call me.
I will get on the phone with you and work with you until we figure out the problem, I'll even replace your worms if they die.
Guarantee #3. If you follow these instructions, make your farm and harvest your worms and . If you can't sell them,. I'll buy them back! for TWICE the price of this system.
How's that for putting my money where my mouth this. I am that confident in your success if you follow the blueprint.
Notice: I do have a limited supply of free worms to giveaway. Depending on how popular this offer becomes I'm likely to run out of stock.
When I do you will still be able to buy the system but you won't get the bonuses.
1st. Remember the bonuses are worth almost as much as the system so I don't want to see that happen to you.
2nd. If I see too many orders coming from any one area I will block future orders. I don't want your market to get too saturated. I hope you can understand why this is only fair.
... and not lose money.
In other words you need to take advantage of my generosity or as my wife would say my stupidity today.
Claim your copy of Worm Farming for Profit now.
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A note to procrastinators:
Look, every day that you don't start you lose money, it's as simple as that.
Think about it, if you're only making a hundred bucks a week. If you wait a week you've lost a hundred bucks or the entire cost of the system.
Wait a month, and you're down at least $400 and you might not be able to get the bonuses when you come back
I'm sure there's a time in your life when you have missed a great opportunity that you regret.
A wise old man told me one time that we never regret the things that we do in life we only regret the things that we don't do.
We regret the chances that we don't take.
This is a big chance for you to get ahead.
Take it right now.
Grab your copy of the Worm Farming For Profits System click the green “Get Started” button alone right now!
[ Get Started >> ]
As soon as you click the button you'll go to our secure order page that looks like this.
It only takes 30 seconds to complete then you will immediately be on the other side with us. You have full access to the entire system, the group, and all bonuses.
I hope that I convinced you to give worm farming a try. It's a great hobby, and one that good makes money.
I wouldn't push you so hard if I didn't believe it would help you to lead a better life.
Thank you for reading my letter and listening to my stories.
Best wishes
Kyle (the Worm Guy)
P.S. Remember that this is a limited time offer and bonuses are scarce. This entire product may close at any time. We also reserve the right raise prices as the market moves.
Think back...
Do you have any opportunity in life that you regret not taking?
Is there someone you wish you had started a relationship with but just didn’t?
Have you ever thought that the career path you chose may not have been right for you?
Regrets Suck!
Think about how you're going to feel if you don't grab this opportunity.
The next time that you want something for you or your family and can't afford it, I promise you you're going to remember this very moment sitting here reading this letter.
The next time that your friend gets a new car, goes on vacation or buys an unexpected gift for their spouse...
You will remember this letter..
There is no reason to wait. This is a risk-free proposition. Click the green button below to get started now.
[ Get Started >> ]
This is your best chance to get in. Have your credit card or PayPal ready and click the green button below to get started.
P.P.S. Remember, Worm Farming is been a an honest way for people like you and I to make extra money for over 100 years.
You know it's not a fad.
The investment to get started is almost nothing. ...and the return on investment is in the thousands.
You know that I have a proven system that only I can teach you step-by-step.
It's kindergarten level stuff.
You’ve seen third party proof of others success, even a 12-year- old girl - so you don't have any excuses.
Are you going to miss out? Chicken out?
What is holding you back from what you want? Is it real or is it fear of success inside your head.
Click the green button below right now to get started while you still have the opportunity. You'll be very glad you did.
[ Get Started >> ]
Frequently Asked Questions
About Worm Farming
Q. Do worm farms stink?
A. No quite the opposite, if you don't overfeed your worms they will eat all your organic garbage within hours.
Worms eat three times their body weight in food a day. Unlike humans their casings, or poop is completely odorless
Q. How profitable is worm farming?
A. it's kind of his profitable as you wanted to be. I'm almost a hobby farmer because I don't want to stress of running a big business.
If I decided to go big all I would have to do is to tend to more bins. A single bin for me makes around $250 a month and tending four takes me about one hour per week.
Q. Is it true that worms eat eggshells?
A. Yes, and all kinds of other organic waste as well. Egg shells are particularly good for your worms. Because of the calcium it thickens their skin and makes them more resilient.
Q. Will the worm farming business be better in the future?
A. My opinion is yes, here's why...
As more and more people recognize that organic foods are better for them. Organic farmers will need worms for aeration of soil. They need worm casings as a fantastic source of organic fertilizer.
Also, whether you may like it or not the marijuana industry is growing fast.
Their consumption of worm fertilizers is one of the highest.
They also pay top dollar and with the limited supply right now prices are going up everyday..
Q. Who Buys worms and worm waste products?
A. More people than you think. Organic gardeners, fisherman, composters & golf courses. There're even some landfills, food processors and big restaurants that are buying worms. Millions to eat organic waste.
Fisherman, composters & golf courses. There're even some landfills, food processors and big restaurants that are buying worms. Millions to eat organic waste.
These are some of our most common questions and I hope these answers of helped you.
Now it's time for you to finally make a choice.
So, Will you join us?
Start your own worm farming business and join our community.
Click the green button below right now.
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