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Welcome to the FreedomBlocks introduction page! You may not know it yet, but by visiting us you have taken a vital first step in increasing your future cash flow.
You may be here for a number of reasons, perhaps you have heard about Bitcoin and want to see what all the hype is about, maybe you want a way to further diversify your current financial portfolio, maybe you are unhappy with the returns that you are seeing in the stock market and you want to increase your returns by an order of magnitude. Perhaps you aren’t here for any of these reasons, allow us to explain the value we can bring you through our course.
Modern society has a ton of great solutions for improving your life in many ways. But most people are still investing like they are living in the 1920s. Your financial health deserves a modern solution as well. Luckily, a solution exists, just most people don’t know about it quite yet. Which makes it even more powerful that you are finding out about it now. In fact, less than 1% of the United States population is even aware of this powerful investing opportunity, and many less know how to properly seize the opportunity.
So let’s get into the meat of the course. The investment opportunity that we are talking about is Cryptocurrencies. These are digital currencies that facilitate transactions online. Much like stocks, they can be bought and sold as investments and you can hold quantities of cryptocurrencies exactly like you would hold shares of a stock. The primary difference between cryptos and stocks are the returns. On average, if you invest in the S&P 500 you will receive approximately a 7% return per year (after taking out inflation). As far as the stock market goes, this is about the best result that you can reasonably expect as over 90% of individual investors do not beat this every year. For cryptos, well the sky is really the limit, or should we say the moon is the limit. At FreedomBlocks, our decisions are driven by facts and statistics. Have a look for yourself of the returns of the top 10 cryptos for the 2017-2018 fiscal year.

Cyrptocurrency Returns 2016-2017

Price 2016
Price 2017

We don’t need to make great sounding promises because the numbers speak for themselves. You may wonder how these returns are possible, well we are witnessing the emergence of an entirely new global market and anything this large is going to make waves. Everyday, more and more people are learning about cryptocurrencies and wanting to get involved, this constant new adoption is driving incredible returns for the individuals that are willing to enter this market on the ground floor. While we are already seeing great returns, this could be immensely profitable in the future. Much like purchasing Apple or IBM stocks in the 1990s. We believe this is the next large technological revolution. Our goal is to make sure that you are purchasing the Apple’s and IBM’s of the cryptocurrency market. Navigating this market without an experienced guide can be very dangerous because of the vast number of scams and bad coins trying to capitalize off of people’s interest in the market. We will insure that you are only investing in reputable coins with strong technical teams, management, and development goals.
This course was developed by two 22 year olds with Finance degrees from both the University of Arizona and the University of Houston. Both of these institutions are on the cutting edge of developing financial instruments. We bring a collective four years of experience in the cryptocurrency markets (which is actually quite a bit of time for a market that has only been around since 2009). When we were just learning about the cryptocurrencies markets, we made a lot of mistakes along the way because there is such a steep learning curve if you go in unaided. We wanted to give as many people as possible the chance to change their lives and eventually become financially independent. With cryptos earning such high returns it has this is not at all far fetched. In order to do this we knew that it would require a perfectly streamlined course that walks you through the process step by step without the fluff. This way you can learn from our mistakes and avoid them yourself. In addition to the course we wanted to create a learning community that would grow and learn together. All FreedomBlocks course purchases gives lifetime access to the FreedomBlocks course and the community. We have a private facebook page for the community and even have hang outs in real life. This allows us to get to know each other, talk about business opportunities and investing, and even show off our vehicles ect.
Allow us to briefly detail just some of the areas that the course covers:
Lesson 1: What are Cryptocurrencies?
Lesson 2: Bitcoin and Altcoins
Lesson 3: Proven Exchanges
Lesson 4: Psychology
Lesson 5: Selection Methodology
Lesson 6: Portfolio Theory and Diversification
Lesson 7: Cryptocurrencies as passive income
Lesson 8: Funding Your Account
Lesson 9: Safe Storage
Lesson 10: Goal Setting
Lesson 11: Realizing Gains
Lesson 12: Tax Preparation
Lesson 13: Financial Freedom

When we looked at the months of work that we had put into developing this course we eventually had to come up with a pricing model. We started by looking at our competitors, many of which sell their courses for upwards of $1,000 (note that these courses don't even get updated regularly or invite you to an exclusive learning community). We thought back to our roots and our mission, we want to provide a reasonably priced course that can change people's lives.

For this reason, we decided to price our course at $200 USD. For this price, you get access to all of the lessons mentioned above, an invitation to our exclusive FreedomBlocks learning community, and excel spreadsheets that accompany the appropriate courses. This is a one time purchase so you never have to worry about additional charges or recurring fees.

The course is hosted on freedomblocks.com and you do not need any additional software to access it. After your purchase, you will receive a invitation link via E-mail, where you can set a username and password to access the site. You will receive this email within 24 hours of your purchase. 

We are happy to answer any questions that you have about the course! You can contact us at freedomblocksmain@gmail.com.

$200 for FreedomBlocks Lifetime Membership

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