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Congratulations, you’re going to be a Dad - Now what?

 There’s a lot to learn about becoming a Dad! For most of us, what to expect over the next 9 months is a mystery! Then there’s the birth and what’s it going to be like when you bring your baby home? 

Dear Friend,

Let me start by congratulating you on the next stage of your life. 

Like you, I was once a Dad to be, wondering what the future had install for me and how I was going to cope? But don't worry, you're not alone, I'm here to help. But before we go on, I want to ask you - what do you know about becoming a Dad?

As with everything in life, there's an easy way and a hard way to go about it (let’s be honest, it’s often us turning something simple into something complicated...).

Having a kid is no different. To help you take the easy path, I've created The Great Dad Guide.

There's a lot to learn about becoming a Great Dad, and to be honest the majority of books out there aren't going to be much help. The reason being is that they focus on things from the woman's perspective and leave us guys guessing about what's going on and what needs to be done.

Think of this book as your personal survival guide to having a pregnant wife and baby...

When my wife was pregnant with our first kid, neither of us knew what to expect. Friends and family without kids gave us all kinds of contradicting advice....

...friends and family with kids would say “you’ll just have to wait and see as everyone is different”.

So with friends and family being no help, we turned to baby books. Some of them were great, at helping my wife, that is. I tried to read a couple of them but didn’t get very far. Why? Because they were boring, long and written with women in mind. This meant I was unprepared for what to expect during the pregnancy and birth.  
So how are you going to get through the next 9 months of the pregnancy? What's the birth going to be like and how can you prepare?What's it going to be like once you get the baby home?

Well my friend, to answer these and all your other questions, here is...

The Great Dad Guide


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The Great Dad Guide is based on my experience and the experience of other fathers. It's a real life guide, and most importantly it’s easy to read, has real life examples and has some essential hacks to get you through.

Happy Wife = Happy Life - How to keep her happy and relaxed.
Sleep Strategies - What you can do to help you both get more sleep, before and after the little one arrives.What to Expect on the Big Day - Knowing what to expect and how to prepare for the birth will help keep everyone calm.
Bringing the Baby Home - Learn everything you need to know about bringing the baby home.Staying in Shape with a Baby - Included is a baby weight exercise program to help you bond with your baby and stay in shape.

The Great Dad Guide is easy to read and full of essential information

Last year there were 3,978,497 babies born in the USA, give your little one the best start in life by being prepared.

You’ll be able to take pride in your newfound knowledge on everything baby related, and be able to ask all the right questions regarding your baby’s development, the birth and how to look after them once you get them home.  

"The book had lots of information, was easy and fun to read, especially because it focused on the man's perspective"

- Tim Barnard

Other Benefits You'll Get From The Great Dad Guide ...

Essential items - Learn exactly what you need to buy so you can save money.
Introducing your newborn to your pets safely - Strategies to introduce your pets to the new family member.
Sex while she's pregnant - Answers to questions you are too embarrassed to ask.
Changing diapers - Learn how to do this as efficiently as possible.
Types of baby poop - Did you know poop can be an indicator of your baby’s health?
Baby hacks - Helpful hacks to make your life that little bit easier.
And many more...

Learn How to Workout With Your Baby

Finally, to keep you in shape, included in the book is an exercise program that will allow you to work out and bond with your baby at the same time.

With this exercise program, you’ll be the standout amongst the other new dads, who will be putting on weight and looking pregnant themselves.


The Great Dad Guide

[Click Here] to get your copy of The Great Dad Guide, it's quick to read, is full of useful information and will set you up to be a Great Dad. Best of all, you won't need to spend $100's of dollars on baby books. All the information you will need is here for just $19.99.

The book also contains a workout guide with exercises that you can do with your baby. This will help you bond with baby, keep you in shape and give mum a little break. All of which will benefit YOU!

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Special Bonuses For FREE!

Because having a baby can be a stressful time, and one where you don’t necessarily look after yourself like you should, I want to give you two FREE bonuses!!!

 STRESS RELIEF: A Guide for Parents of Young Children. 

The first FREE Bonus is an ebook STRESS RELIEF: A Guide for Parents of Young Children. While being a parent is one of the most rewarding things you can do in life, it is also one of the most challenging and demanding jobs there is. This book is designed to help you deal with the challenges and stress of being a parent of children from birth to age 6.

 Please note this is a digital product and the image is for visualization only. 

POTTY TRAINING SECRETS: How to Potty and Night Train your Child

The second FREE Bonus you'll get POTTY TRAINING SECRETS: How to Potty and Night Train your Child will come in handy a little bit down the track, but it’s good to have this resource on hand for when you take the inevitable step of potty training your child. 

Please note this is a digital product and the image is for visualization only. 

The Great Dad Guide plus two FREE Bonuses for $19.99

When you purchase your copy of the Great Dad Guide, which will help you survive having a pregnant wife, get you through the birth and the first couple of months of being a Dad, you will also get two FREE Bonuses all for $19.99!

The Great Dad Guide

Bonus #1 - Stress Relief, A parents Guide

Bonus #2 - Potty Training Secrets



Buy The Great Dad Guide now and receive two FREE Bonuses Books all for a low price of $19.99. Buy now and you will get instant access to all the material.

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I wish you all the best in your next big adventure, the adventure of becoming a Great Dad!

The Great Dad Guide

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Disclaimer: Please note that David Brown is not my real name, but my pen name.

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