Finding Mr. Right
How to Attract the Love of Your Life
Autor: Carlos Bennet
This is a book that talks about what you must do in order for you to attract and keep that dream man that you desire. I have realized that so many matured single ladies are creating lists of the qualities or things that they expect to see In their prospective partners before they would give him access into their hearts, but only very few of such matured single ladies have actually sat down and asked themselves ‘why they want whatever it is that they’re hoping to see in their prospective partner and what they have to do in order to get the said ideal partner that they dream of to notice them when their paths eventually cross?’
So many ladies are thinking that their pretty faces and great physiques is all that is required of them in order for them to have the sort of man that they dream of. They’re refusing to accept the fact that their said Mr. Right is also looking for a Mrs. Right. Your pretty face and great physique will attract men to you, but after such men might have come close to you, it is who you are that will determine whether they will stay with you or not. Also, you must know why you want your prospective partner to have whatever qualities you’re expecting of him and also have a way of measuring if what you’re expecting from him is realistic or not. But u can’t know all these without first understanding what relationship is and what its core purposes are.
If you have wrong views about relationship and unrealistic relationship expectations, there’s a very slim chance that your relationship life will be a fulfilling one because you’ll keep giving yourself to the wrong set of people. Attracting the right people into your life starts from the views you have about relationship and your relationship expectations. If you concentrate on things that can’t enhance your relationship with your partner, then you’re very likely to look for the wrong qualities in people.
This book addresses key issues about relationship that would transform your relationship life and increase your chance of meeting the right partner and build a wonderful relationship with him if you could follow some of the ideas in it. There are a lot of Mr. Rights out there, but our relationship expectations are closing our eyes to these set of people because we have our eyes on other things. Some key areas about attracting the right partner and building a great relationship with him that this book addresses are;
Defining your relationship, understanding the purpose of a relationship and healthy reasons for being in a relationship. Defining your relationship expectations, factors that influence your relationship expectations and how you can tell if your relationship expectation is achievable or not. Defining your ideal partner, defining the qualities you want in your idea partner, how you can spot a partner that seem ideal for you outwardly but is actually wrong for you Elements for building great relationships, etc
Relationship fulfillment is a journey and for that journey to be a fulfilling one, you have to embark on it with the right partner. But to attract the right partner, you have to first have an idea of what a true relationship is, have an idea of what you want from a relationship and the type of partner that you think can make your relationship expectation materialize before you embark on such a journey. I believe that by the time you read through this book, you would have equipped yourself with a lot of useful information that would help position you in ways where you won’t have much difficulty attracting and building a wonderful relationship with the man of your dream.
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Carlos Bennet
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