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He Wanted To Divorce Me For Being Too Old and Too Fat!

Read This Right Now To Discover The Strange Women’s Weight Loss Secret That Saved My Marriage And Lead To My Ultimate Revenge!

“I don’t love you anymore,” he said cold and flat, not even looking me in the eye.

I held the tears back. Just barely. I felt my stomach lurch and my whole world begin to spin.

Every terrible nightmare I’d had for years was finally coming true.

He was throwing me away.

Throwing us away.

Every ounce of my self-loathing roared with delight.

“You’re fat. You’re ugly. You’re disgusting. You’re worthless. You’re going to die alone. No one will ever want you again,” it screamed in my ear.

I felt light-headed. I felt stupid.

I could barely ask the question. The terrible question I already knew the answer to.

“Is it about her?” I asked and hated myself for how my voice cracked and shook.

A moment. A quiver in his cheek. Shame in his eyes. And then he looked down, suddenly fascinated by his shoes.

He knew exactly who I was talking about.

Her name had come up again and again for months now, out of nowhere like he couldn’t control himself.

And every time he said her name he smiled in a way that felt like a knife in my stomach.

“Tara from work,” he called her.

Tara, 28

Works with your man

Tara who was 28.

Tara who he was “mentoring.”

Tara who “looked up to him.”

Tara whose body his children hadn’t destroyed. 

Tara who hadn’t stood by him through HELL for years.

Tara who “understood him” in a way I just didn’t anymore.

Tara who made him smile.

Tara who he “loved” now that he didn’t love me anymore.

Tara who wasn’t going to be single in her 40’s.

Tara who wasn’t going to be alone.

Tara, that bitch.

Tara, 28

Works with your man

“Get OUT” I screamed. “GET OUT!”

And he did.

Leaving me alone in the big house we’d built a LIFE in together.

A life he was THROWING away.

No, he wasn’t throwing our “life” away.

He was throwing ME away just like so many men had thrown so many women away, or even just ignored and made to feel worthless when we got too old or too fat or too “bitter” or too fed up with the BS they fed us.

Fed up with the lies.

I admit it, I felt like I’d rather be dead as I lay there sobbing on the floor.

Hating myself.

Hating him.

It was the worst moment of my life, but also…

( And I know this doesn’t make sense yet but it will as I tell you the rest of my story…)

It was also the best.

Because, as Strange as It Sounds, That Terrible Night Lead to the Accidental Discovery of…

A Women’s Weight Loss Secret

A secret that reversed my Type 2 diabetes…

A secret that had me shed 40 lbs in 3 months without drugs or dangerous surgery.

A secret that left my “know-it-all” doctor absolutely shocked and questioning everything he learned in medical school…

A secret that gave me the ENERGY I had as a teenager and the sex drive I thought I’d lost for good…

A secret that didn’t just “save” my marriage, but had my husband come crawling back to me, treating me like a queen… practically worshipping the ground I walked on… 

A Secret That Gave Me My Best Body And My Ultimate Revenge…

Need proof?

Here’s a picture of me around the time John left.

And here’s one I took just last week.

Results shown may not be typical.

And I promise you I did all that…

Without doing anything you would call exercise. As a Mom I simply don’t have time for that.

Without starving myself. (People regularly ask me how I stay so thin when they see me gorging myself at restaurants.)

Without giving up ANY of my favorite foods.

Without taking any dangerous supplements.

Without feeling like I was “dieting” at all.

Results shown may not be typical.


And that whole transformation?

I started seeing results right away, but that whole transformation only took three months.

Really Quick & Really Important

If you think you “already know” this incredible Women’s Weight Loss Secret, I promise you that you’re wrong…

Because, as unbelievable as it sounds, this simple secret flips a “chemical switch” and completely transforms a woman’s body… vacuuming away belly fat… reversing type 2 diabetes and heart disease and “turning back the clock” on your muscles, skin and joints…

What’s the secret?

Well, I’ve got good news for you…

I’m going to tell you exactly what the secret is on this very page…

But that’s not all…

I’m also going to reveal three gut-wrenching weight loss LIES women have been fed for DECADES…

Lies I had to go through hell to learn myself that turned me into my own body’s worst enemy when it came to health and weight loss…

I know that you want to know.

And, like I said, I’m going to tell you.

But first it’s incredibly important that I share with you my own devastating story of how I was forced to learn this secret the hard way.

How I came to share it with thousands of women around the world who got their ultimate revenge too…

And how my quest to learn this secret almost utterly destroyed me and cost me my life…

“Stop Being Such A Victim…”

I heard John’s voice whisper again and again in my head.

It was his favorite line for years whenever I “complained” about my weight… my health… the kids.

Anything really.

Was he right?

Was that what I was doing?

I looked over the empty tubs of Ben & Jerry’s… the potato chip bags … the fast food trash littering the kitchen counter.

It had been three days since John walked out.

But for now I was alone.

So I did what I’ve always done for 46 years whenever anything went wrong.

I buried my feelings in food…

And here I was again… disgusted with myself.

Feeling sorry for myself.

Wanting to stop.

But just eating and eating and eating.

“How DARE he????” I asked myself as I walked one labored step at a time to the bathroom.

How DARE he when he hadn’t looked at me like he LOVED me or given me a reason to care about how I looked in almost a DECADE…

And it’s not like he was in “great shape” or anything, chugging his beers every night.

And I won’t EVEN GET INTO THE FACT that he hadn’t touched me or bothered to have sex with me unless I THREW myself at him in so long I didn’t want to remember…

And Then I Looked In The Mirror…

And, maybe for the first time, I really saw her.

The fat, sad woman I’d become.

The fat, sad woman I’d stopped loving way before John did.

“I can’t do this anymore,” I moaned between gasping sobs. “I have to do something.”

And That’s When I Decided I’d Had Enough…

This time would be different.

This time I would lose the weight and KEEP it off.

What’s that old whatever it is?

“Looking good is the best revenge?”

I wasn’t going to look good.

I was going to look GREAT.

I was going to make him gnaw his heart out and then tell him I didn’t want him because he was too old and too weak and too fat. 

No matter what it took I would GET MY BODY BACK.

I would get MYSELF back.

And most of all, I would get my REVENGE.

On John… On Tara… 

On every man and woman who’d made me feel ASHAMED of myself for being FAT since I gained my “baby weight” with my first child and NEVER managed to lose it.

And Do You Know What Happened Next?

I bet you do…

I picked myself up and told myself this time would be different…

This time I would have the self control…

But just like every other time I’d tried to “diet”…

I Failed. Miserably.

I still remember how much I beat myself up for not being able to control myself before I learned this secret.

I mean, weight loss is “simple” right?

Skinny people tell you that all the time.

What’s the basic advice they always give you like it’s something NEW?

“Eat less, exercise more!”


Well, I don’t know about you...

But no matter how much I try to “get into the habit” and become one of those annoying people who “love” the gym…


I HATE exercise.

I HATE going to “work out” and feeling like a BLOB compared to the younger women in their tight yoga pants.

Besides, I have 3 kids AND a job. How the heck am I supposed to find TIME to take a “stairway to nowhere” on one of those machines every week?

And as for food…

I don’t know if it’s like this for you, but I love food…

I love it and in a weird way I always felt like it loved me too.

I mean, my whole life…

FOOD is what comforts me when life gets so hard (like when my teenaged daughter got pregnant her junior year of High School.)

FOOD is how I celebrate when times are good (like when she graduated with honors anyway)…

FOOD is how I show love to my family and my kids…

And here’s the first thing you have to learn for this to work…

Food Is NOT The Enemy.

You Don’t Have To STARVE Yourself to Lose Weight.

(In Fact That Will Just Make You Fatter Long Term.)

Do you want to know why every diet you’ve tried has FAILED in the past, and why I failed at first after John left?

It’s not because you’re “weak.”

It’s not because there’s something “wrong” with you.

It’s because all those diets, when you get right down to it, were created by skinny people who actually LIKE exercising and LIKE eating like rabbits.

They don’t love food the way you and I do.

They don’t understand what it means to give up a part of yourself by turning meal times that should be joyous into another torturous session of depriving yourself.

And THAT’S why none of of those diets have ever worked for real women like you and me.

Because they turn FOOD and your “lack of willpower” into the enemy when really, when it comes to weight loss, food is a woman’s best friend, and you probably need to start eating more, not less if you want to lose weight.

So, Promise Me Right Now That You’ll Give Up On This Idea That “Food Is The Enemy” And That Your Weight Is Somehow “Your Fault.”

Only Then Can I Show You The Secret That’s Helped So Many Thousands Of Women Get Their “Revenge” Already… 

Women like Sharon, who knows EXACTLY what I went through only too well…

From: Sharon

to Joanie Anderson

3 years ago my husband left me for another woman. When it happened, I hated her. She was younger than me, and she was thin.

What was worse was that they worked together, so I constantly had to ask myself: “How long has this been going on?”

I thought back on every errand he had to run, every Saturday sales meeting he had to go to.

One day a friend of mine showed me one of your before and after videos, and I thought: “That could be me!”

My ex-husband remarried.

Yet now I have a new guy several years younger than myself, and let me tell you… there are plenty of benefits for that!

Thank you for helping me lose the weight I needed to lose and gain the confidence I needed to be happier than I've ever been before!

Results shown may not be typical.

Hi, My Name Is Joanie…

Yes, that really is me in the pictures you saw earlier.

And the reason I just shared so much intimate information about myself is because I want you to know that I get it…

I’ve been there…

I’ve beat myself up – just like you have.

And I want you to know…

If you’ve ever felt worthless.

If you’ve ever felt cast aside.

If you’ve ever even felt ugly.

If you’ve ever hated the person you saw in the mirror.

I’m here to tell you that there really is a way out and you really do not need to feel that way ever again.

You don’t deserve that.

No one deserves that.

See, after John left, I decided this time was going to be different.

I tried everything to lose weight and look and feel better about myself.

I tried fad diets like “Paleo” and “The Zone” that left me hungry and miserable and doubled my grocery bill and took FOREVER to prepare.

I did insane exercise routines that made me think I was going to die… at least for the week or so I would actually do them.

I joined online “accountability clubs” and tried every every “miracle” pitched on TV…

I even tried one of those “Magic Pills”

You know, the ones advertised on the internet.

“Fat Burners” they call them.

And at first it was great. I had more energy. My son, Toby, even told me I looked thinner.

It was wonderful.

The pounds were sliding off.

I found myself fantasizing about the look in John’s eyes when he saw me…

But then tragedy struck…

The “magic pill” wasn’t so “magic” after all.

It turned out all my years of “letting myself go” had weakened my heart… and all the extra energy those unregulated pills gave me had put too much strain on it…

I felt the sharp pain down my left arm.

I barely managed to dial 911 on my cell phone.

I had a heart attack at the age of 46.

A “minor” one, the doctor said.

And then he made me promise never to touch those things again.

I mean, sure I’d been feeling a little light headed…

But I had NO IDEA those pills could actually be DANGEROUS.

He said those pills are basically “Natural Speed” and that he deals with people every day going through exactly what happened to me.

By The End I’d Spent Over $7,000

…on Diets, Classes, Pills and Medical Bills (thanks to our crappy insurance.)

And I was 7 Pounds Heavier Than When I Started.

I was almost suicidal with depression

I look back and wonder why I didn’t give up.

But it was then, when I was at my absolute lowest, recovering from my trip to the hospital, feeling beaten and useless…

…That I finally discovered the truth.

Because that’s when I stopped waiting for a “hero” to come fix this for me.

That’s when I decided to take my weight and my health into my own hands and be my own hero.  

See, stuck in bed like I was recovering, I had something I hadn’t had since before the kids invaded our lives (and stole my body from me.)


So I pored over scientific websites myself and read study after study (I was always pretty good at science in school and was able to figure most of the gobbledy gook out).

I discovered a few facts about WOMEN and weight loss that SHOCKED me and changed EVERYTHING.

Instead of trusting “online gurus” or even the government to tell me what was “good for me,” I went right to the source.

And Eventually I Found Out…

The 3 Big Weight Loss LIES

That Have Been Keeping You Fat

(And Pouring Money into the Diet Industry’s pockets)

Your Entire Life

Lie #1

Women Can’t Lose Weight as Easily as Men

I’d been told this one my entire life.

“Women need more fat,” they’d say.

“It’s harder for women to lose weight.”

But it’s a LIE.

Yes, women are designed to have children so our bodies try to store fat more often than men do.

But when you follow the simple methods that transformed my life (and the lives of so many thousands of other women) you’ll turn on the “fat burning” switch in your body so you can eat pretty much whatever you want and STILL lose weight.

Lie #2

You Have To Spend a Lot of Time Embarrassing Yourself At The Gym Doing Cardio To Lose Fat


I don’t know about you, but I get plenty of cardio in every day cleaning the house, taking the kids to school, doing my JOB and shopping for whatever the family needs!

If you’re like me, you don’t have time for hours upon hours of cardio in the gym every week.

THE TRUTH is that a busy day of moderate activity is all the body needs to burn fat, and when you do what I did, your body is going to be burning fat all day long – whether you’re running a marathon or binging on Netflix.

Lie #3

Don’t Eat Foods High in Fat!

I have to tell you, after years and years of depriving myself this one made me ANGRY.

After digging through scientific study after scientific study I discovered that far from being the enemy, fat is actually the KEY to LOSING WEIGHT and KEEPING IT OFF.

See, I don’t want to get into the medical jargon, but the short version is that your body wants to use fat for fuel.

(In fact, the reason it’s so easy for us to put on extra pounds is because your body is trying to store away those extra calories like a squirrel putting away nuts for winter.)

If you want to BURN fat you need to EAT fat.

That’s really all there is to it.

Now, I’m not saying you can live on nothing but brownies or cupcakes (though that does sound pretty great.)

But I am saying you can have all the cupcakes and brownies you want while following the simple system I’ve designed and still lose all the weight you want.

Learning those three LIES, and discovering the tiny little women’s weight loss secret they lead to, lit a spark in me nothing else ever had.

I thought I finally had the answer. All I needed was TIME to figure things out and get myself back.

And maybe even save my family.

But time was one thing I didn’t have.

“I’m Sorry, I Don’t Want To Hurt You, But I Deserve To Be Happy.”

“I’m Moving In With Her,” He Said…

My heart hurt worse than when I had my heart attack watching John pull out of the driveway with his car full of stuff.

I was shaking, with tears running down my cheeks.

He had tried to hug me goodbye (which I was not having.)

“I hope someday we can be friends,” and he got in the car and pulled away.

After all I’d done for him, he didn’t want me anymore.

I wasn’t good enough for him anymore.

I walked inside.

I opened the freezer for the ice cream…

And then something strange happened.

I’ve never been comfortable showing anger (or even admitting I have it)…

But for the first time ever I really let myself be MAD, not just at John…

But at myself.

I’d spent so much time (23 years with him - 20 as his wife) taking care of John and the kids…

Sacrificing EVERYTHING for them…

But what about me?

What about MY happiness?

What about MY needs?

See, Every Time I Had FAILED at Losing Weight and KEEPING It Off…

It Had Come Down To 3 Things 

1. I Just Don’t Have TIME To Work Out HOURS Every Day To Get Into Shape

All the advice I’d gotten about weight loss had told me that I HAD to exercise every day… join some monthly club or pay an expensive trainer.

But I’m not rich! I don’t have a maid and a nanny and somebody to cook dinner and somebody to magically pay the bills!

I don’t have time for that and I don’t know ANY other woman who does.

2. Too many programs just wanted me to buy some “Specially Formulated Product”

Made in China, full of ingredients I couldn’t even pronounce with NO actual science to back them up.

3. I’d always trusted SOMEBODY ELSE to tell me what to do…

Somebody who knew NOTHING about what it was like to be a REAL woman with REAL women’s problems.

With John gone I decided to do something I had literally NEVER done before.

For once I was going to focus on MY happiness.

For once I was going to make MYSELF happy.

I decided to put myself FIRST.

I got to work like a woman possessed.

Hours went by. Days. I lost track of time.

I read countless self help books (most of them full of BS), buried myself in scientific papers on weight loss, learned everything I could about how WOMEN’s bodies work and the relationship between our hormones and our weight…

All of it with one goal…

To figure out a simple, EASY system that would work for regular, average women. Women like ME.

I almost gave up so many times.

All that sorting through BOGUS research, MADE UP diet fads, pyramid schemes designed to sell you supplements that don’t do 1/50th of what they promise…

Then one day, something clicked and I discovered the Three Rules that all my weight loss success (and the success of THOUSANDS of other women) is built on…

After 2 Months of Research and Solitude and Trying Out My New Rules, My Best Girlfriends Finally Convinced Me To Go Out

I didn’t want to.

I wanted to keep working.

I’d built a whole system around my “3 Rules” and everything I’d learned in my research.

A simple system even I could do without having to rely on “willpower,” without having to set foot in a gym, without ever depriving myself.

I didn’t think I was ready, but I did need to get out of the house.

I agreed to meet them for happy hour and figured I would put on my favorite dress because I always liked the way I looked in it (even when I was “heavy.”)

When it came time to get dressed I realized it didn’t fit… I looked like a little girl trying on her mom’s clothes!

My favorite shoes didn’t fit either!

Everything was too big!

I couldn’t believe it!

Even my FEET had gotten smaller!

In a panic, I ran to the store to find something to wear and found myself trying on clothes I would have been petrified to look at myself in before I lost the weight.

I think I made the salesperson’s day.

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