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Master the Art of Life!


Join me and try a different course,

a different approach, a different way of life,

which leads to absolute


The Life of Your Dreams!

Solve your problems, discover your limits,

avoid the ways you try to stop yourself,

on a daily basis and

GET the results you desire.


Action Book







Lifelong Results

FREE Lifestyle

The Art of Living

You have been struggling with problems every day and:

either let yourself be ruled and defeated by problems


strive to solve them, but it is many times impossible,


you tried every single technique, but still it doesn’t work properly or at all…


you are still NOT ABLE to solve your problems

and get stuck over and over again.

Every day you stay in the same shit…

helpless, in the fear of what is coming next. 

You are full of


no control upon your life. 




take control over you


Were you supposed to live in a SURVIVAL MODE???

Let’s be honest, it’s not a shame…

you might hate those who have, what you want… 

You do that only because, you feel sooo HELPLESS…

What’s wrong with you?

Don’t you deserve the good things in life?

You work so hard every day…


and YET, the SAME SHIT

comes back to you over and over again… 

You were supposed to grow up and handle problems,



for some reason it DOES NOT HAPPEN…

it does not happen…


You might ask yourself:

Am I Stupid?

Am I evil?

Did I make a mistake?

Do I deserve punishment?

You don’t understand… Hmmm…

No matter what you do, PROBLEMS still keep coming to you.

They are becoming bigger and bigger monsters

in your head, in your heart, in your soul… 

They slow down your motions and actions

You might feel


and still, you try to run away


already lost your power to move…


You tried to pull yourself out:


books, self-help programs, courses, trainings.  

Thought it might help… maybe it does for a while,

BUT then,

The same shit is coming back over and over again… 

Feeling hopeless and trapped,


You feel like you’ve tried everything and


Do you feel like?

I won’t be able to get out of this for the rest of my life;

I lost control over my life, in fact never really had it;

Maybe it’s my fault, I’m not good enough, I have never been good enough;

Maybe this is what I deserve;

I hate those, who can make it…

You are about to give up, but you CAN’T!

There must be SOMETHING that works,

there must BE!!!

There are the dozens of self-help materials,

which promise heaven and success,


the results are not the same as promised…

You feel pissed off,

fooled by the PROMISE of success

for great money…

What a heck is happening???

What’s wrong?


There has to be a BETTER WAY…


You still CAN’T GIVE UP!

If there is no way… OMG!!!

You are sentenced to live your life in a SURVIVAL mode,



where the PROBLEMS dictate the RHYTHM…


I was lost, hopeless, full of fear, anger, pain…

This is the change I’ve been through at all levels…That time didn’t really seemed like, but I’ve been a loser compared to who I became.

The truth is, that there

IS A WAY to solve the problems.


Most people spend a LIFETIME

not even thinking…

that there IS a way out of it…

I  thought that too, or better said,

I didn’t even think about it,

hopelessness just happened to me…

I felt a LOSER, helpless, shit, a complete mess,

no self-esteem, all masculine, rough,

NOT EVEN CLOSE to being, or feeling

like a WOMAN…

Besides, I had asthma, no money, no recognition,

full of anger, pain, anxiety, rage, fear…



It all turned around, when I was 28…


The nightmare started…

my life collapsed and I couldn’t hold on anymore…

no money, no job, series of failures, no self-esteem,

my mother in the hospital, no way out of a deep whole;

Felt like I’m about to lose my mind,

since I cannot hold on anymore…

That was the worst that could happen to me…

But luckily…

With my last money I subscribed for a training, the last hope I had…


after losing my phone on the bus that day,

freaking out, through this course,

my life started to GET BETTER!


So later on I didn’t wait for the problems to get BIGGER,

but I worked on myself and solved them a.s.a.p.

…and this became my LIFESTYLE


Since then, I improved and combined the techniques,

invented new ones, to be more effective and I helped

hundreds of people personally


like I brought myself back from hell…

about watching out for that part of me, who wants to

stop me every day…

I became aware of the process of growth and set up

bigger and bigger goals every day!

I forgot the word: IMPOSSIBLE, since only

my thoughts, beliefs, emotions make something impossible


Harmonized, balanced, fulfilled my life as a:

Mother, Woman, Partner,
Businesswoman, Spiritual Healer,
Friend, Leader

To master one area is not easy…

still, many people/experts can show that to you…

Transforming all areas and BUILDING BALANCE…

That's Pure Art!

I took, what didn’t work in all the fields of my life and

transformed it all step-by-step

Therefor a life opened up, which I couldn’t even dream of…


My life became to have a deep purpose


As many people as possible

Because I have the magic knowledge, the wisdom,

that brought me and hundreds of people back to life!

It took me years to master it,

make it simple and easy to learn

I spent a fortune on my education…

Tens of thousands of $…


I created a blueprint of my knowledge

Made it as simple, practical and easy-to-understand

and affordable as possible


The people I teach, learn and grow much faster,

than I could and keep it for a lifetime…


Can you imagine what that means?


And this is what I’m going to teach you, because:

I want you to

Become Alive!!!



I want you to BUILD BALANCE!




I show you, how to do it!

I’m the MASTER of mistakes, failures, learning, growth, faith, commitment.

This is what brought me here!

I have no fear of failure, that is killing growth…

I show you how to GROW and GET, what you WANT!


There are quite enough zombies out there… which makes me sad…

Because I KNOW, that EVERYONE has a way out!

You don’t have to be one of those people any longer…

Just as I got out of that trap


When you join my DAILY PROBLEM SOLVING course,

you will receive a complete program about how to transform your life.

You will learn about:

how we approach our problems;

what type of problems we have;

about those, that we don’t solve but could in fact;

what is behind a problem;

why is something a problem and how it can be changed;

why are we addicted to subconsciously creating problems;

why and how you will try to stop yourself about fixing your life after you start the course;

why most of the trainings fail, even if they offer great tools and knowledge;

what is the missing brick from the system of many courses, because of which you fail to reach success;

will show you the missing part, which makes this course so special;

will show you the technique, that saved my life besides many others;

you will be guided step-by-step, so that you have no chance to give up;

you will set up the observer inside, so that it keeps you on track against the sabotager part of you;

you will notice how the inner parent and inner child act for and against your best;

you will experience your own success through a 21 days’ challenge, I will guide you through;

how you can implement the techniques in your daily routines;

You will see, that it works like MAGIC!

And so, you’ll master the tools of creating your

The Daily Problem Solving program is a blueprint of my own practical experience, which helps you to create a harmonic life, inner peace, power, freedom:

brings transformation of yourself, of your life the positive way;

helps you develop the skills, that will bring you the balance, power and success for a lifetime;

gives great knowledge, about how to discover yourself, the truth and wisdom inside you;

informs you honestly about what to expect so that you are not fooled for the big promises;

you get to know the truth, what you need to do, in order to achieve the results, you desire;

Here are some of the people who experienced this effect:

My trouble was continuous uncertainty. I have been the emotional trash bin for my friends, who used me, simply because I thought, that this is my purpose as a friend. Never really got anything in return, people used me all the time: men, friends, colleagues at work… I felt really helpless and never thought that I could change it until my friend showed me Andrea’s program. She literally taught me how to crawl out of this shit, as she calls it. I was in big shit…

Now I am happy to say NO to the things that pull me down, to say out loud my opinion, to have friends who appreciate me and I have more and more successful dates, so I finally am able to enjoy men’s company. I feel more and more confident and powerful. This crazy technique keeps me conscious. I always want to see what’s behind an as I get understanding I can let it go. It’s amazing! Thank you so much!

-Helga, 39 years, Prague, Czech Republic

As a 38-year-old man I couldn’t handle life at all. I was afraid to talk, afraid of attention, many people made fun of me and I felt so ashamed. Many times I have hidden in the corner of my dark room. I was not alive, I was a living dead… once upon a time. I started to work on myself with the help of Andrea’s techniques, Daily Problem Solving Program, released many of my big monsters. The meditations are just amazing! Now I am happy to go to party, smile at strangers on the street, initiate conversations and met my love in the subway. I am not afraid anymore. This is freedom… can’t express with words, how it feels to be alive… the technique REALLY does magic!

-Jacint, 38 years, Budapest, Hungary

I have three kids, 3,6,8, all boys… Imagine how challenging that task is. I forgot to be a woman, but drowned into the mother role and my relationship with my husband started to get worse. I knew that we have to do something about it, otherwise it might cost our marriage… I bumped into the Daily Problem Solving course made by Andrea and then I realized… It’s such a simple technique… It was a challenge to implement it since I have no time, but with the tools, the meditations I could avoid giving up along the way. I consistently keep my observer part awake and watch out for my victim side. I just feel liberated! Although it’s challenging and I have to be careful, my life changed so much, that I keep on doing. I have more time, better relationship with the boys and my husband. Finally, we have quality time together. I’m sooo happy!!!

–Linda, 35 years, Manchester, UK


The course includes:









guides you through the program;

shows you the steps you have to follow one-by-one;

explains the different parts of it;

prepares you for the process;


the 3 audios are also about to make sure that you don’t stop or stand up whenever you fall;

are full of power, motivation;

I call them kick-ass audios, because I push you through the course with them;

the more you listen to them, the more conscious you become about the process;

you’ll learn to not give up;

you learn to become unstoppable;

you’ll learn to celebrate;


offers great knowledge about why we get stuck;

explains, why many trainings don’t work and what is so special about this;

what decisions you have to commit yourself to in order to reach success;

explains the technique of transforming the problems;

shows very powerful tools that are so simple, yet we never use them;

is written in a style that creates the momentum, so that you won’t stop;

will share about the impact of your emotions on your life;

will show you how to set up the observer self, to keep control of the process of growth;

will show you how the inner parent and inner child sometimes tries to stop you and creates inner conflicts and also how to handle that;


14 meditations that guide you through every trick, to put everything into practice;

give you comfort, motivation, release anytime, in any moment of your life;

make the book and the rest of the material even more practical;

helps set up and process the inner limits, that block you;

helps you set up control upon your life, emotions, thoughts;

helps you tap into your own power;

guides you through the process of cleansing and eliminating inner limits;

changes the mindset;

helps you handle the inner parent, inner child, set up the observer;

develops the skills you need for the new life, full of growth;


are about to support your daily self-work, self-analysis and processing of shit, so that you don’t bring them to the next day;

they are meant to make you clear on what’s happening in front and behind the scenes, give clarity;

you can follow-up your change and improvement by time;


a great community of likeminded people, who want to grow and are supporting each other;

getting new ideas, new stories, lots of inspiration in order to keep going;


the purpose of the challenge is to bring you the very first success implementing the technique;

to set up a daily routine, which you get used to, that will bring the continuous growth;

is an introduction into how to use the course in order to bring the most out of it;

you can transform a pattern within 21 days, so it helps you keep going every day;

brings inspiration and motivation;

short stories will bring you more momentum and understanding about the process and all you need to do;

As an adolescent, I have struggled a lot, not having enough self-confidence. I was full of fear, anxiety, pain. I felt like a loser. Couldn’t have normal conversations with boys, especially with those that I liked. It was hard for me to talk, express my own opinion, sometimes I blocked my own knowledge. This had put its stamp on my performance at school. I felt lost and smaller than my problems. Joining Andrea’s course helped me to understand myself, my emotions and transform them.

I could gradually transform myself and love the outcome. Now it’s not a challenge even to ask a stranger for help, I am cheeky with boys, I am able to manage and release my fear, my performance at school boosted, even teachers ask me what happened to me!!! This is a great achievement for me. I am soo happy, can’t stop smiling! I use the techniques every day and the meditations, they are amazing…. Love it!

–Christine, 19 years, Budapest, Hungary

I’m the type of person, who gets upset about anything. I feel like a great victim of life and that everybody is against me. I just wanted to find inner peace. OMG! Never thought, that it’s a habit and I’m a robot. I just discovered it through this course, but more than that, I am able now to handle my anger, my emotions, that part of me, who wants to play games. I became my own observer! Finally, am able to control my life! Thank you!

-Anna, 45 years, London, UK

I felt drained by my lack of balance. I am a very impulsive person and seems, that I get lost in my problems. What the Daily Problem Solving course helped me with, is the balance and centered state I can get into. I am way calmer, I am able to plan and continuously improve my patience, because finally I have a tool for it. This is no bullshit, it works! I am really grateful to finally be able to fix my life… and I still love to be a bit ‘crazy’!

–Henriette, 35 years, Budapest, Hungary


What you need for success are the following skills,

that will constantly improve along the course:




I’ve struggled to learn, practice, try, keep on doing every day,

because I wanted FULFILLMENT and SUCCESS so badly!

I constantly improved every area of my life, not suppressing anything,

that was holding me back in any moment.

I live life at its fullest!


full of PASSION!

You will want to try something else…

another way, the old way…

to get back in the front of the TV, go to sleep, party,

hang out, or just do nothing…

You have to find a MOTIVATING GOAL, have to feed the DRIVE within,

 every day and keep FOCUS…

If you are ready to a brand new lifestyle of freedom,


...just imagine

spending time with yourself

You understand the importance of spending time with yourself, you take care of yourself, to move, relax, have fun and this fuels the other parts of your life;

living a harmonic relationship

Because the triggers are gone, games are over and you can focus on enjoying time and sharing love and support even in the toughest situations;

handling problems

Problems won’t get smaller, but they will transform and you will become bigger; you are confident and always find the best solution to have the best outcome;

spending time with others

You surround yourself with people who love you and support your growth and the relationship is based on pure unconditional love and understanding;

looking in the mirror

You look deep into your eyes and love the personYwho is looking back to you, you are happy with everything you have inside and outside; this gives you a lot of power, confidence; you simply love yourself;

having enough money

Get rid of all the patterns that keep you in shortage of money; so you deserve to have enough money for yourself, for hobbies, for holidays, for having a nice home, clothes, car simply because you learn to create it and let it in;

you are simply a balanced, healthy, positive, powerful person

Get rid of all the patterns that keep you in shortage of money; so you deserve to have enough money for yourself, for hobbies, for holidays, for having a nice home, clothes, car simply because you learn to create it and let it in;

going to work

You love what you do and you earn enough money to live the lifestyle you want, this gives you energy, drive and passion about both your life and your work;

The program is perfect for you if:

sick of struggling

Because you don’t know how to start and what to do, this is why the challenge will also help you to set things up;

proven step-by-step method

You don’t want just a great knowledge, but also something that teaches you how to deal with yourself; without that even the best stuff might not work;

excited about creating your life

You are really inspired about designing a new, free life and you are ready to do whatever it takes and fight the old patterns, that are holding you back;

don’t have time to waste life, want to be alive

Nothing is more precious, than being alive, making use of all the joy and endless possibilities life can offer, but you have to align yourself with them;

value support, belong to a community

You appreciate value, not usual techniques, that work even better and are more effective and you want to be part of people, who have the same purpose and go through the same process;

ready to put excuses aside

This is not the easiest way to change your life, but the easiest way to reach what you want, because there is no bullshit, it’s pure life experience, that works; If you follow the steps, you’ll have the results you desire;


More about me:

Hello, I’m Andrea. I am over lots of life experiences in my life. Started life living the hard way, having strict, demanding, old-fashioned farmer parents and so my self-esteem and power was ruined. I got no respect and had no choice, but follow their command.

This made me give up on myself and I lost contact with my own inner voice, that would help me find the things that are for me in life. I grew up and was totally lost, switching jobs, searching for myself… I was restless, but in the same time helpless. Was not able to see things clear, to see myself from outside or find any solution for my misery…

That time I was very masculine, rough, full of anger, fear, pain, anxiety…

Life found me the solution and my life collapsed. In fact, this way I was pushed to take another direction, since the old way didn’t work.

I turned to personal development and spirituality, because I realized that getting to know myself and letting go of the old, limiting patterns, that I grew up with, will lead me to where I want to be.

Working on myself I grew immensely and very fast, I became unstoppable, observing myself and what’s happening to me every day. Besides this ‘hobby’ of healing and helping people, became my profession and helped hundreds of them.

I also built up a business in the beauty sector, to put the knowledge into practice. I realized, that I have to unlearn, what’s wrong and learn to live life with another philosophy. So, I had to learn to be a good mother, a good partner, a good leader, trainer, healer. OMG… I learned so much, taking care of all the details.

I had to learn to be happy, to feel, that I deserve the good things and to create them in my life… It took a while, but, where I am now is beyond my wildest dreams back long ago…

My mission is:
To inspire people, to not make too big compromises in life, to learn to become alive and live life at its fullest, through my own life example; To give tools, that work even in the toughest situations, show people how they can get back to balance every time; I want to show you, that you can, just as I could, but also telling the truth, that this is a foolproof way, that needs patience and commitment and takes time; I want to make you passionate about lifelong learning and getting to know yourself, learning the lessons of life, and releasing what is holding you back;

My passion IS LIFE!

I’ve been there, where you are…

I’ve been down there in hell, wanting to die, feeling that I had no choice, that my system cannot hold on the pressure anymore. I almost gave up on life, because I felt, that there was no choice…

Anxiety was eating my nerves…I was shaking, crying…
I know, what it feels like being helpless, when you feel that pain is unbearable…

One part of you wants to give up, another part keeps the faith, that feels foolish in those very deep moments…

You hate those, who are happy and feel that life is unfair to you, although you did nothing wrong.

I asked GOD a thousand times, why? Why me?
Why I don’t deserve it??? I was so angry…

But I’ve learned, that I have to change, I have to make myself ready for the miracles, joy, happiness, success, because I carry a lot of shit…

I have to get rid of my own shit gradually, have to change my habits, beliefs about life and the way things work…

When I started, I could hardly believe that it works, that it’s all up to me and how much shit I got rid of defined the amount of success in my life…

This created a huge momentum and I kept on going. In the same time was improving my techniques and so reach bigger and bigger results with myself and with clients!

And today…

I feel the most BLESSED and HAPPY person on this planet. Long ago, I couldn’t even imagine, the life I live now, that is so very special… OMG…still get emotional about it…

My life is full of purpose, passion, energy, colors and shades…

I love to look at that woman in the mirror… and am so proud of her… She is authentic, lives what preaches at all levels, in every moment and already a role model to many people, who witnessed her transformation…

And I want to show you the same!


Why the program works?


not only because, it offers great knowledge,

but also because it helps you set up a new way of life

through various techniques,


because YOU are one of your BIGGEST ENEMIES!

It’s important for me to create a great product,

to give quality, because your success is,

what makes me really happy and feel accomplished

With the study material, you’ll know what to expect,

what to do, whenever the case!

The biggest CHALLENGE is creating your

new, happy self, replacing the old, loser, suffering self.

That old part of you will TRY TO STOP YOU

every way possible.

I show you how to handle that,

which most of other courses don’t…

I want you to have RESULTS!


What do I need?

You need the commitment to change your life if you don’t wat to live the old way anymore. You need to have faith, that you deserve a better life, because I can get you there. You have to want it badly and do whatever it takes.
You have to feel, that you deserve more, than what you already have. Already with 30 minutes work daily, you will experience massive change!

What if I’m busy?

Along the process you can build up some time for yourself in order to charge up and grow. Doing the course is one of the most precious ways, you can spend time with yourself, because this will lead you to lifetime changes and results. When I really wanted to achieve something, I cut off some time from my sleeping hours and now I got used to 5-6 hours sleep, still being healthy and full of energy! I chose to be busy being alive instead of busy with suffer and pain…

What if I'm lazy?

I believe, that people are not lazy. They are just afraid of change and believe, that they cannot make it, it’s a habit, a typical reaction in certain cases. We will handle laziness along the course, since it’s a pattern. All you have to do is, create a vision about your new self and follow the steps. Gradually you’ll become more and more driven and powerful creating the new you!

Never really did any course like this…

Welcome, no worries, even better, because you could save lots of disappointments already. There is nothing you won’t be able to do. You just need to follow the steps and practice every day. You’ll notice the change and improvement in your life and personality. The worst thing that can happen is, that you’ll have more energy and power.

Nothing works, why will this work?

Lots of trainings, courses are good and offer great knowledge, but, the thing is the biggest obstacle is you. So, even if the course is great, you will be afraid of change and try to stop yourself every moment. This course overcomes this challenge and shows you, how you will stop yourself. It also shows you, how to keep on going, how to avoid the traps, you put in your way!

I will be away for my holidays, can I still start it?

Yes, you can follow the course at your own pace. The 21 days’ challenge is also up to your time, you go as fast as you can.

How does the 21 days’ challenge work?

We will set up a goal and you will have to follow the steps you get in e-mail every day for 21 days. This is about to get you to your very first success, changing a habit, a pattern in your life. This will give you momentum and also experience with the course and you will be already on track! There will be no way for you to get lost!

Who should NOT be on board?

I have to be honest, sorry, I am always passionate about the truth… So, those, who are not committed enough, not ready to take responsibility for their lives, should not join the course. This is not for just making money, this is my passion. I recommend this course to those, who want to change, are willing to act, but are stuck with the right HOW, this is what is holding them back. Those, who can’t overcome stopping themselves are still welcome, because here I teach you how to do it. Just pretending that you do everything, by buying stuff and not doing it, does not lead you anywhere. Then you rather accept your shit and do not cry about it!

Quick recap:

Now you got lots of information, I know ☺
You might feel excited…


Here is what you get:

Action Book


14 Meditations

3 Audios


21 Day's Challenge

Community Support

I know that is a lot, so, keep on reading and see, where we get in the end…

Just look at it:

I felt that I met the love of my life, but then he cheated on me. We split up, but still I couldn’t get over it. Was depressed, crying days and nights long. Didn’t feel like leaving my home for weeks. I bumped into Daily Problem Solving course and somehow I felt triggered. I thought, I would give it a try. I was able to manage my sorrow, it took a while, but I’m out on my own and more and more ready to start my new life. I believe, that there is someone out there for me and that I will be happy with that person. I feel lighter every day and get more understanding about my life. Emotional freedom is priceless, you can get it through this course. It’s definitely worth it!

-Barbara, 35 years, Warsaw, Poland

As a 38-year-old man I couldn’t handle life at all. I was afraid to talk, afraid of attention, many people made fun of me and I felt so ashamed. Many times I have hidden in the corner of my dark room. I was not alive, I was a living dead… once upon a time. I started to work on myself with the help of Andrea’s techniques, Daily Problem Solving Program, released many of my big monsters. The meditations are just amazing! Now I am happy to go to party, smile at strangers on the street, initiate conversations and met my love in the subway. I am not afraid anymore. This is freedom… can’t express with words, how it feels to be alive… the technique REALLY does magic!

-Jacint, 38 years, Budapest, Hungary

I’m totally new in personal development and Andrea’s course is between the first things I tried. I don’t even know how I got to it, but she inspired me. I read about her life and what she’s been through and could relate to it a lot. So I tried the course. I don’t say that I took all the steps in the right order, didn’t even put much effort into it, but I create time regularly to listen to the meditations. As a result, I have a lot of energy, power, I am calm, people cannot pull me down, I am more resistant to stress. I feel like this course is truly healing my life and my soul. Oh, I should really take it more seriously, what results would I have then…

-Lisa, 25 years, New York, U.S.A.


I could charge this amount, because this technique saved my life!

For me it’s priceless!

…it changed my life forever…

What is your life worth of?

We spend money on clothes, junk food, useless stuff, that

end up in the trash…

but still we do…

Then we go to the doctor, take the pills, because of stress,

pain, poisons in our body…

Is that right?


The least that this program will help you with

only listening to a meditation daily, is that you’ll


Is that worth of a coffee?

If you use the audios and meditations every day just one…

Your MINDSET will change… therefor your LIFE starts to change in a positive way!

What if you start working on yourself???… OMG… what RESULTS would you achieve then…

What do you pay daily on coffee, cigarette, sweets or other ‘drugs’ to COMPENSATE the gap inside???

2$ a day? That makes 730$ a year…

3$ day? That makes 1,095$ a year…

5$ a day? That makes 1,825$ a year…

maybe more…

We waste so much money and don’t even think about it…

I have spent a lot on EDUCATION, because I knew, that I’m INVESTING into MYSELF.

I knew that I will succeed, I was restless!

I went ALL IN many times…

My most expensive training was 12,000$, and went to several ones worldwide…

Imagine I’ve spent tens of thousands on education and I am here…

You can do it much cheaper and faster!

Are you willing to start RIGHT AWAY?

What are the EXCUSES do you have?

Time? You don’t have 30-60 minutes a day? Are you tired???

Of course you are! Dealing with so much STRESS is almost impossible.

…and your system cannot hold on forever!

You don’t want to eliminate stress? Why?

What are you waiting for? Seriously?

You have quite a few DECADES to live yet… What is the BEST TIMING for you???

I share a SECRET with you:

THE TIME IS NOW or never!

When I went to my first training I paid 250 $ taking the risk to have 20 $ left to eat and live from till the end of the month…

I said YES, and that changed my life…

Here even the price is not an excuse right now, because it is:

47 $


After this I can’t believe that price is an excuse anymore…

If yes, then wish you good luck getting back to your problems…

I can’t do more to make you grow and transform! Sorry, need to be tough…


      But hope that one day, you’ll go for yourself, if not with me,

then with anybody else, because it’s worth it and I know that YOU CAN DO IT!




You WON!

made a GREAT DECISION to step towards your HAPPY LIFE!

With me, you spend 13 cents a day…



If you don’t like it, doesn’t work for you, then you get your money back

within 60 days from date of purchase!

Time to go for it!!!


In case of any questions please contact: andrea.a.andras@gmail.com   You questions will be processed and answered within 24 hours.

Register now and begin your course immediately


47 $

Are you ready to say yes, to creating the life beyond your dreams?

Warm up your muscles!

Great things are awaiting you!


Lots of love,


Register now and begin your course immediately


only for a limited amount of time!

Are you ready to say yes, to creating the life beyond your dreams?

Warm up your muscles!

Great things are awaiting you!

Lots of love,


PS: Still wondering why it is for you?

Sweep away the fears and concerns inside, they just kill the inner voice. Deep inside, you definitely feel, if it’s for you or not, if you can relate to me, my story, my technique, my life philosophy.

I would love to take your hand and hold it along the way, the rest is waiting for you!

I did most part of it on my own, that’s tough… I’m a winner!!!

I want to support your WIN too!

If you feel like coming, DECIDE. The more you wait, the more your ego will come up with excuses, I know, did the same with me.

The faster you act, the bigger the chance that you’ll succeed!

See you in the challenge!

It will be great fun!

In case of any questions please contact: andrea.a.andras@gmail.com   You questions will be processed and answered within 24 hours.

As an adolescent, I have struggled a lot, not having enough self-confidence. I was full of fear, anxiety, pain. I felt like a loser. Couldn’t have normal conversations with boys, especially with those that I liked. It was hard for me to talk, express my own opinion, sometimes I blocked my own knowledge. This had put its stamp on my performance at school. I felt lost and smaller than my problems. Joining Andrea’s course helped me to understand myself, my emotions and transform them.

I could gradually transform myself and love the outcome. Now it’s not a challenge even to ask a stranger for help, I am cheeky with boys, I am able to manage and release my fear, my performance at school boosted, even teachers ask me what happened to me!!! This is a great achievement for me. I am soo happy, can’t stop smiling! I use the techniques every day and the meditations, they are amazing…. Love it!

-Christine, 19 years, Budapest, Hungary

My trouble was continuous uncertainty. I have been the emotional trash bin for my friends, who used me, simply because I thought, that this is my purpose as a friend. Never really got anything in return, people used me all the time: men, friends, colleagues at work… I felt really helpless and never thought that I could change it until my friend showed me Andrea’s program. She literally taught me how to crawl out of this shit, as she calls it. I was in big shit…

Now I am happy to say NO to the things that pull me down, to say out loud my opinion, to have friends who appreciate me and I have more and more successful dates, so I finally am able to enjoy men’s company. I feel more and more confident and powerful. This crazy technique keeps me conscious. I always want to see what’s behind an as I get understanding I can let it go. It’s amazing! Thank you so much!

-Helga, 39 years, Prague, Czech Republic

I’m a therapist and studied together with Andrea a few years ago. We haven’t met for 3 years till one year ago. My jaw dropped when I saw her. She was not the same person I met a few years before. She became so confident, balanced, successful, happy, sexy… We talked and she showed me that everything she preaches, she lives by example. I felt that she has something special, more, than all those techniques we have learned together. I wanted that too, she is so inspiring… I started to learn from her, even though I went to dozens of courses, but still felt in the same trap. Now, I can finally do my mission to help others, because I feel like never before. I have power, I can get back to my inner balance whenever I have a problem, I simply shine. She is amazing and I am too…

-Rita, 42 years, Tata, Hungary



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In case of any questions please contact: andrea.a.andras@gmail.com   You questions will be processed and answered within 24 hours.


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