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Breakthrough Language Learning

Now you can learn how to speak, read and write any
foreign language - FAST - using a dazzling new range
of mind tricks and memory techniques.
It is often said that we only use 10% of our brain's
potential. This new course shows you how to unleash the
other 90% - with astonishing results!
The new Breakthrough Language Learning course
will teach you in a single weekend . . .

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New ways to improve your speaking ability in just a few days.

How to 'burn' hundreds of new words and phrases into your memory in one session and string them together to make yourself understood.

How to perfect your accent and talk like a native speaker using a simple 'brain training' technique.

A simple trick that can help a beginner keep a conversation going with a native speaker - even when you can't find the right words! This easy trick is highly effective as it 'forces' you to speak your target language!

How a clever language mind-map technique can help you to remember long lists of new vocabulary. This technique has been used for centuries but we have adapted it for language learning.

How to use 'alpha-brain rhythms' to subconsciously absorb a language. Just this one technique could dramatically accelerate your learning rate.

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Full version course PDF book and audio now only $35
Learn a language for nothing! FREE Confidential Report
shows you how to access 176 exclusive FREE language learning sites
run by schools, governments and cultural organisations. Get this
report FREE when you buy the Breakthrough Language Learning course.


An amazing technique for remembering grammar without using any conscious mental effort! This discovery - by an eminent language researcher, eliminates one of the most dreary aspects of learning a foreign language!

How to subconsciously 'scoop-up' hundreds of new words and phrases and retain them in your memory!

How to use your 'physical environment' as a way of remembering vocabulary. (It's worth buying the course just for this one technique!)

How to be a confident speaker and not get embarrassed when you make mistakes. These techniques are essential for beginners when speaking for the first time.

New ways to instantly recall the right words and phrases from your memory and use them in conversation.

The same techniques that Leonardo Da Vinci used to study Latin. You too could excel at learning languages without the aid of a teacher

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