Pop-up Preset:
Email for replies:
Location: CenteredBottom RightFullscreen
Width Height
Pop Options:
Timer On Scroll On Exit
Pop after seconds
Pop after scrolling % of the page
"); closeButton.unbind("click").bind("click",function () { closeStripe(); }); stripeObj.prepend(closeButton); } function duplicateStripe (stripeVbid, displayedPanel) { var currentPageId = EditorHelper.getMasterId(); var appKind = "stripe_popup_app"; //removing old stripe var stripeObj = $("."+appKind+"_hide[data-preset-type-id='FORM'],."+appKind+"_animate[data-preset-type-id='FORM']"); var stripeId = ""; if(stripeObj.length > 0) { stripeObj.each(function(){ var stripeFormId = $(this).attr("id"); EditorHelper.handleDelete({"vbid":stripeFormId}); stripeId = stripeId + "|" + stripeFormId; }); } else { console.log('no stripe found'); } XPRSHelper.SAFEPOST("/remove_child",{"parent":currentPageId , "child": stripeId,"stripe_id":stripeId},currentPageId,"REMOVE-CHILD",function() { var currentPageId = EditorHelper.getMasterId(); var originalStripeId = stripeVbid;//'vbid-034631be-u8eh7xv3'; var originalparentVbid = 'vbid-09eff374-npdbqrgi';//'vbid-stripe-popup-form-site';//'vbid-3a092-7n0wntqn'; $("#empty-stripe").remove(); var addedHolder = $("
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[ ]
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